Role of 2nd Vice President

[Pages:10]Possible Constitution Change: Role of the ISTA 2nd VicePresident


? The ISTA 2nd Vice-President is the only member of the ECOM not elected to the position by the ISTA Membership.

? This is because the 2nd Vice-President is nominated by the country which is to host the next ISTA Congress, and joins the ECOM as the Congress organiser and liaison person between the ECOM and host country.

The 2nd Vice-President has three prime responsibilities

1. The organisation of, and ultimate responsibility for, the next ISTA Congress in his/her country

2. As an ISTA Officer (i.e. President, 1st VicePresident, 2nd Vice-President), involvement in the day to day management of the Association, assisting the other Officers and Secretary General with difficult issues, and representing the association internationally when required

3. Becoming President of the Association if the President or the 1st Vice-President are unable to continue with their positions.

? The importance of the first of these responsibilities (i.e. organisation of the next ISTA Congress) and therefore the need for direct involvement with the ECOM is obvious and must continue.

? The involvement of the 2nd Vice-President with the other two responsibilities has been the subject of discussion within the ECOM for the following reasons:

1. Increasingly, the 2nd Vice-President has not previously been a member of the ECOM, and may not have had direct involvement with seed testing. This places him/her in a difficult and challenging situation, because as an ISTA Officer, he/she is called upon to help make important decisions with limited background information about the Associati on and how it operates. The ability of the 2nd Vice-President to contribute to ECOM meetings can also be constrained for the same reason.


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