Class Party - Education Bureau

|Debriefing Class Party |

(Teachers’ Reference)

1. Class Party

□ Preparation before class

Before the Class Party,

• have the classroom decorated so as to create a happy atmosphere

• ask students to bring to school a self-addressed envelope with postage on it


|You all have come across some new faces and new things during these few weeks. For examples, you got to know your classmates, |

|you studied the school history, and you made assessment of the school surroundings. We also worked together to establish our |

|Class Committee, and by doing so we know more about our rights and duties, and the importance of participating actively in class|

|activities. Today’s party is the fruit of the our collective effort. |

| |

|During this learning process, you may have experienced happy times and frustrating moments, successes and failures. However, |

|with all of your active participation and hard work, today we are so excited to be here to celebrate our good work. I wish you |

|every happiness in your new life as a secondary school student, and hope you will remain happy and positive in meeting the new |

|challenges. |

| |

|New start, New expectations |

|At the beginning of the school term, you invited your family members, primary school teachers and classmates to write down their|

|expectations about your secondary school life. Now, I ask every one of you to write down your own expectations about secondary |

|school life [Appendix “My expectations”]. The expectations are the promises and goals you make and set for yourself in the |

|coming six months. Put them into the envelope and hand it to me. After the first examination, I will mail it back to you. When |

|you get it back, please reflect and see if your expectations, promises and objectives have been fulfilled. |

2. Follow-up activity:

□ Preparation before class

When the results of the first examination have been released, mailed the envelopes back to the students. Arrange a class period for a following-up discussion when all have received their envelopes.

□ Sharing, Reflecting, and Looking ahead

Ask students to share if their expectations have been fulfilled. Guide them to reflect on the experience during this half-year’s time and see what have helped or prevented them from realizing their goals. Then, ask them to write down their new expectations of the next term, and encourage them to learn from their own and their classmates’ experience so as to succeed in meeting the new expectations.


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