Instruction Commentary Template


Respond to the prompts below (no more than 7 single-spaced pages, including prompts) by typing your responses within the brackets following each prompt. Do not delete or alter the prompts. Commentary pages exceeding the maximum will not be scored. You may insert no more than 2 additional pages of supporting documentation at the end of this file. These pages may include graphics, texts, or images that are not clearly visible in the video or a transcript for occasionally inaudible portions. These pages do not count toward your page total.

1. Which lesson or lessons are shown in the video clips? Identify the lesson(s) by lesson plan number.

[ Videos 1, 2, and 3 (academic language) show Lesson 19.2: Investigating Lava and New Landforms. Lesson 20: Viscosity and Volcano Types begins at the end of video 2. ]

2. Promoting a Positive Learning Environment

Refer to scenes in the video clips where you provided a positive learning environment.

a. How did you demonstrate mutual respect for, rapport with, and responsiveness to students with varied needs and backgrounds, and challenge students to engage in learning?

[Mutual respect between students and myself is demonstrated throughout videos 1 and 2. Throughout the videos I show respect for students by calling them by name. In tern, students can be heard calling me Ms. Hartmann. At minute 9:10 in video 1 students can be seen demonstrating respect when they make eye contact with me while explaining their predictions for the experiment. This is also shown at minute 1:19 in video 1. Eye contact is a norm in the classroom although not all of it was captured on video. I also show respect for students by thanking them for helping a classmate and contributing to the learning environment. This is shown in video 1 at minute1:22. Additionally, I demonstrate respect by taking students questions seriously and helping them find the answer in a non-threatening, low-risk way. Because of this, students are comfortable asking for help and expressing that they do not know what to do, as seen in video 1, minute1:47. Finally, mutual respect was demonstrated in video 2, minute 5:04 when they all responded quickly and directed their attention to the front of the room when asked.

Throughout the year the students and I have developed a good rapport. I am able to joke with students without being sarcastic, share some aspects of my life, and have meaningful conversations that are unrelated to academic work. This is evident in video 1, minutes 0:37 and 3:32 when I joke with students in a friendly way and in minute 7:05 in video 1 and 0:52 in video 2 when I have a brief conversation about computer updates with two students. Students can be seen smiling, indicating a positive relationship with me.

I responded to all students’ questions quickly and respectfully. Since all students have different needs, my responses to each student varied. In video 2 this is highlighted multiple times. At minute 2:18 I work with a student to understand how to calculate a rate. This student benefits from visuals, so I wrote out “cm/sec” on his paper. With small queues, he is able to figure out what to do. Additionally, video 2 shows different accommodations given to some students so they are able to complete the lab. This is highlighted at minute 0:08. This student is able to get most of his data online so that he is able to fully participate in synthesizing the data and later participating in the class discussion. In working one on one with students, I ask questions that challenge their thinking and give them an opportunity to express their views. This is shown when I ask students to make connections between our models and real volcanoes (video 3), to make predictions (video 1, minute 9:04, and to explain why or how to do things.

b. If relevant, describe what you did to ensure safety during the inquiry seen in the video clips.

[As seen on video 1, all students wore aprons, gloves, and goggles throughout their experiment. Goggles were worn in case any of the heated model magma splashed into students’ eyes. Although the model magmas were not toxic, they could irritate students with sensitivities. Students wearing glasses were not required to wear goggles. Students also wore gloves to avoid making any contact with the model magmas. Again, the model magma used was non-toxic, but could have contained irritants for some students.]

3. Engaging Students in Learning

Refer to examples from the video clips in your responses to the prompts.

a. Describe your strategies to elicit student expression of their understanding of the learning target(s) and why they are important. (Optional, if evidence is provided in the student self-reflections in the Assessment task; evidence may also be provided by responding to this prompt.)

[ Evidence is provided in self-reflections in the Assessment task ]

b. Explain how your instruction engaged students during a scientific inquiry in

0. using data and science concepts to construct an evidence-based explanation of a real-world phenomenon during a scientific inquiry

0. explaining how data and relevant science concepts support their claims

[ In Lesson 19.2 students investigate the concept of viscosity. By observing the behaviors of different model magmas and calculating the rates for the model magmas, students begin to uncover the role of viscosity in volcanoes. This knowledge is built upon so that students understand how volcanoes are formed. Students can be seen using data and their observations as evidence for how different volcanoes behave throughout video 1. To help students construct their explanations, I asked questions that push students to make connections to the real world. For example, in video 1, minute 0:56, I ask students what their toothpaste magma would represent if it were real magma. Video 3 also shows these comparisons. When I ask what volcano the model magma could belong to, the student answers, “shield.” To get him to expand his answer and use some of the observations he had made, I ask him to expand his answer. His expanded answer makes connections between what was being discovered and the bigger picture of volcanoes. I also led the class in a discussion of their results and implications for how volcanoes behave. Although this is not shown in the videos, further evidence of this can be found in the assessment task.

In video 2 I pull the class back from independent work to a full class review of their lab. In the full class discussion I have students explain how their data supports their claims of which model magma was the most and least viscous. The beginning of this conversation is shown in video 2, minute 8:28. Students first explain what they found based on their data and then describe how they were able to analyze their data. From here, they begin to make real world connections (not shown on video)]

c. Describe how your instruction linked students’ prior academic learning and personal, cultural, and community assets with new learning.

[ My instruction linked students’ prior academic learning with new concepts that can be applied to their environment. The lab allowed students to explore the concept of viscosity. This concept was then applied to what they already knew about volcanoes from their visit to Mt. St. Helens. Once students had thoroughly explored the concept of viscosity and applied it to what they already knew, students were able to understand more about the volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest and make hypotheses as to what kind of rocks made up the volcanoes, how explosive they are, and what consistency of magma is most likely present under the surface. Connection to prior knowledge can be seen in video 1, minute 0:56. The student responding to my questions connects the toothpaste model magma to dome building activities at Mt. St. Helens. Students can also be seen making connections to what they already know about magma and types of volcanoes in video 3. The students in video 3 make connections to what they know about magma, and density, and then hypothesize about what kind of volcano they believe their magma would form.]

4. Deepening Student Learning during Instruction

Refer to examples from the video clips in your explanations.

a. Explain how you elicited and built on student responses to promote thinking and develop understandings of science concepts, scientific practices and inquiry, and the phenomenon being investigated.

[ Student responses were elicited throughout video 1, 2, and 3. When asked questions about what they were observing, students generally would give a thorough answer. I then asked a follow up question so that students would have to think more critically and deepen their answer. This is clearly shown in video 3. Some of the questions I asked probed students to think about the scientific process in their inquiry activity. Generally started by asking a question focusing on recall, then move towards questions that required a higher level of thinking. This type of questioning is shown in video 1, minute 0:02. This is also shown at minute 2:00. The students I was working with were able to better understand scientific procedures and work together with some prompts to understand what and how to record their data. Students are able to assess what they are doing and consciously make adjustments to their procedure as necessary. With minimal prompting, students are able to fully explore their ideas about viscosity, magma, and volcanoes.]

b. Explain how you facilitated your students’ organization and analysis of data (i.e., looking for patterns, identifying outliers, and/or exploring similarities and differences in findings) during a scientific inquiry.

[ Each student was provided with a data sheet at the beginning of the laboratory investigation. The data sheet had a graphic organizer to help students keep track of their table’s data. On the back, was a class data sheet. On day two (video 2), students filled out the class data sheet and calculated the average rate for each model magma. To assist students’ organization, I provided all of the basic data, and some of the averages, but not the rates. At the beginning of class, we discussed how to find a rate and what a rate is.

Video 2 shows part of the independent work time after discussing rates. While students were working, I circulated around the classroom helping students stay organized, calculate rates, and analyze their data. Many students needed help keeping their data organized so they could effectively analyze it. I worked one on one with a student to help him keep his data organized in video 2, minute 0:02. To help him focus on where he needs to write in his numbers. Another group of students receives similar help at minute 4:22 in video 2. More discussion of data analysis occurs at the end of video 2 (minute 5:28) when the class ranks the model magmas from least viscous to most viscous.

I also asked for students to engage with their data throughout the lab activity. Having students informally compare their data causes them continually make connections to prior knowledge. This can be seen on video 1, minute 3:!5 and video 1, minute 5:13.]

5. Analyzing Teaching

Refer to examples from the video clips in your responses to the prompts.

a. What changes would you make to your instruction—for the whole class and/or for students who need greater support or challenge—to better support student learning of the central focus (e.g., missed opportunities)?

Consider the variety of learners in your class who may require different strategies/support (such as students with IEPs or 504 plans, English language learners, struggling readers, underperforming students or those with gaps in academic knowledge, and/or gifted students).

[ I would change my instruction slightly during the lab activity. While I asked effective questions to most students and was able ascertain more than if students understood the basic principles of viscosity, not all students had the opportunity to think deeply about how viscosity related to our unit on volcanoes while working on the lab. By facilitating deeper thought during the lab, students would be able to engage with the material in a variety of ways in short succession. Additionally, I would wait 6 to 8 seconds longer at each table group. This wait time would allow for students to more fully process the questions and directions given to them and allow them to ask any follow up questions before I had moved onto another table.

There were a few missed opportunities during day two of our lab. First, moving some students to a different table so that the students having more difficulty understanding the concepts of viscosity and rates could be group in ability groups. This way I could spend more time with that group of students walking through each step slowly. This would allow for those students to have a smaller group where they could ask more questions and practice more with additional support. It would also allow me to alter my instructional technique to better fit those students. In video 2 (0:07 and 2:09), there are two students who struggle more to understand rates. Instead of spending a short time with them individually, it would have been more beneficial to those students to work in a group where they could have more support.

I also would have liked to take advantage of the full class discussion to carefully look at the results of heated magma versus room temperature magma as well as the sand versus no sand magma trials. I could have easily expanded this discussion in video 2 at minute 9:37. This would have deepened students’ knowledge of the properties of matter as well as played a role in helping students understand why different types of magma cool to form different rocks and volcano types.]

b. Why do you think these changes would improve student learning? Support your explanation with evidence of student learning AND principles from theory and/or research.

[ By asking a wide variety of questions to all students, I would have a better idea of what areas of information needed to be further explained. It would also give students the opportunity to slowly stretch their thinking and allow them to have a deeper understanding of the subject. In addition to asking questions that are primarily recall questions, questions that require a higher level of thinking, push students to make connections and synthesize new information with prior knowledge. This will not only lead to a better understanding of the subject matter, but students will be more likely to remember the information because they made additional connections to other content.

An increase in wait time is beneficial for student learning because it allows for students gather their thoughts before thinking and to fully explain their thought process before a teacher reacts. This also allows for them to catch their own mistakes. In addition to the benefits to an individual student, it benefits the class because with additional wait time, all members of the class are able to formulate an answer before someone is called on. This way more than the quick thinking students are able to participate. Wait time has also been linked to increased academic achievement in elementary through high school.

By grouping students by ability within the class for specific activities can be beneficial for those students. Because for the majority of the class students are grouped heterogeneously, the occasional ability grouping allows for the teacher to focus on specific skills some students need but the rest of the class already has. This would have been very beneficial for the students who did not fully understand how to compute a rate and what it means. Ability grouping would have allowed me to spend more time with those students and break down the steps to calculate a rate into manageable pieces. By breaking down and repeating the steps to solve the problem, these students would be more likely to understand and retain that knowledge. An increased understanding of rates would also lead to an increased understanding of viscosity.

When talking with the class about their results there was a missed opportunity to talk about the effect of heat and sand on their model magmas. Had I addressed this for the class, I would have made more connections to different subjects. By increasing the connections between what the students experienced and their prior knowledge, it is more likely that students would understand and remember the information we uncovered in class. ]


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