PI - Krebshilfe

Appendix No. 4 - Number of all cancer patients and newly diagnosed cancer patients treated in the cancer center12Disease site (without pediatric tumors) according to the list of tumor localizations used in the analysis of the Robert Koch Institute ('Krebs in Deutschland; 2013) modified on the basis ofthe National Cancer Certification Program 2015ICD-10 CodeNumber of all cancer patients treated in the cancer center in 2018Number of cancer patients newly diagnosed in 2018A.Head and NeckStoma/PharynxC00-14LarynxC32Upper GI TractEsophagus C15Stomach C16IntestineC18-21Liver/Gall BladderLiver C22Gall BladderC23-24Pancreas C25Lung C33-34Malignant Melanoma C43Bone, Articular Cartilage, Connective and Soft TissueC40-41, C45-49Breast/DCISDuctal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS)D05BreastC50VulvaC51CervixC53UterusC54-55Ovary C56Prostate C61Testes C62Kidney C64Urinary BladderC67Central Nervous SystemC70-72*ThyroidC73Morbus HodgkinC81Non-Hodgkin LymphomasC82-85PlasmocytomaC90LeukemiasC91-95Other Hematological MalignanciesC86-88, C96TOTAL (A.)B.Others** (Examples):Other Malignant Neoplasms of the SkinC44Pediatric Tumors (Patients < 18 y.)***TOTAL (A. + B.)In case of a CCC Consortium, please show the numbers for the individual CCC sites as well as for the total consortium. Rearranging the table in landscape format is also possible.Column 1: Number of all cancer patients treated in the cancer center in 2018. Reflect the number of patients (in- and outpatients) coming to the cancer center, not the number of visits. A patient is to be counted for the year 2018, if he/she was treated for a principal diagnosis of cancer between 1 January and 31 December 2018. Do not include any patient more than once unless they have been treated for more than one malignancy in 2018. All patients should be counted regardless of whether they have a newly diagnosed cancer or have recurrent disease or newly appeared metastases and were referred to the cancer center for further evaluation and primary or secondary treatment. This category excludes consults (e.g., for service or second opinions), diagnoses at autopsy, and former patients admitted for rehabilitation purposes or treatment of some other conditions. It also excludes patient follow-up activities after treatment is completed.Column 2: Number of patients newly diagnosed in the cancer center or elsewhere in 2018, which were treated in the cancer center. Reflect the number of patients (in- and outpatients) coming to the cancer center, not the number of visits. Generally a patient is to be counted as 'newly diagnosed' for the year 2018, if the incidence date (according to the 'Recommendations for Coding Incidence Date' of the European Network of Cancer Registries - ENCR) was in 2018. Do not include any patient more than once unless he/she had more than one malignancy diagnosed in 2018. Do not include patients with recurrent disease. Definition of 'patients treated in the cancer center': therapy planning and the main part of the therapy take place in the cancer center. *Further CNS tumors which are requested within the 'National Cancer Certification Program' ('Erhebungsbogen Neuroonkologische Tumoren', Chapter 1.2.1; ICD-10: C75.1-3, D32, D33.3, D35.2-4; primary CNS lymphomas) can be listed under 'Others'.**Disease sites which are not listed above, can be indicated under 'Others', but must not be counted among 'Total' (A).***Pediatric tumors may only be listed here and must not be counted under 'Total' (A). ................

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