INT - SimplyScripts


Written by

Sean Lander

Registered: Sean Lander



“Highlander Park”

Winston Way

Molong 2866 NSW



April 14, 2005.


Final Draft

int.tom’s bedroom. dawn

Dream, it is hazy around the edges but vivid. Tom is tied to the ground and can’t break free. There is a beautiful girl standing over him. She kneels over Tom and kisses him. There is another beautiful girl crying, tied to a chair. Then the girl stands up and pulls out a sword. She points it a Tom’s neck.


Now Tom, I’m going to ask you one last time, where is Bart?


I’ll never tell you, you bitch.

She swings the sword up. Then there is a gun shot. She drops the sword and it lands right next to Tom’s head. Then she falls on top of Tom. Tom looks up and sees Tom standing in the doorway. Then the girl looks up at Tom. She pulls out a dagger. She stabs it into his chest. There is another gun shot. She drops dead on top of Tom. Tom starts to black out. The other beautiful girl runs over to him. She is crying.

Girl 2

Tom, no……………

She kisses Tom.

He blacks out completely.

Room is dark. Phone rings.



Tom sits up in bed and fells his chest. There is nothing there. Tom looks to the bedside clock: 4AM. He shakes his head to clear the image, then feels for the mobile and picks up the laptop instead.



But the telephone still rings. Tom looks at the laptop, puts it down and picks up the mobile.



Yo, Yo is that Stunts & Dares office.

Deano (v.o)

Tom, Bart’s trying to steal the secret formula.


What? Hold on a minute, did I hear that right, Bart’s trying to steal the secret formula?

Deano (v.o)

Yeah, that’s right.


Oh, ok, just I thought that you said th-

Deano (v.o)

He hem.



Oh crap, he has, I’ll be right there!

He jumps out of bed in his pj’s and sprints out. A moment later he runs back in with the pajama top stuck over his head as he tries to pull it off.


First, let’s get change.

And he whacks into the wardrobe, making himself dizzy. ****

ext. Baton Rouge/opening credits. dawn

Flying over Baton Rouge skyline as music plays over credits.

- Verse 1

I was woken up at four in the mornin’

By the phone that was Callin’ my name

- Verse 2

I jumped out of bed

And almost knocked myself dead

It hurt, it hurt, it hurt

- Chorus

Cause Stunts & Dares have pulled me in

Now I don’t have that good old grin

I stuffed about, I messed it up

And now they’ve pulled me in

- Verse 3

They trained me well

And now I’m bad

And now there’s no Turnin back

- Verse 4

I like to have some fun when

I pull out my gun

And everybody loses their pants

- Chorus

Cause Stunts & Dares have pulled me in

Now I don’t have that good old grin

I stuffed about, I messed it up

And now they’ve pulled me in

- Verse 5

Now Bart has gone, and I was wrong

And now there’s nothing left to do

So now, I sit, and I wonder, why, Oh why

- Verse 6

You have gone

- 2 X Chorus

Cause Stunts & Dares have pulled me in

Now I don’t have that good old grin

I stuffed about, I messed it up

And now they’ve pulled me in!!!

Repeat x1.

The camera zooms into--


A foot chase through the street at peak hour.

Tom runs after Bart and rolls over the top of a car and gets away.


Bugger, lost him again

A woman of about 20 is walking down the street.

Tom runs up and taps her on the shoulder.


Have you seen a man about this tall?

(Hold hand at about Ryan’s height)


Why, yes I have. He ran past here about 5 minutes ago.

Tom runs off, stops and comes back.


Which way.



Tom runs off, heading east!


Oh he’s fast! Wrong way!



It’s quicker this way.

int.bart the brains

Bart is working on a secret formula.


I’m sure it will work this time. Then I’ll be able to lure Tom into a trap, and like I could be nice, I mean honestly.



Get to the point!

(Under breath)

Oh, brother!



Okay, okay. I mean that I’ll capture Tom and test my formula on him.

Music starts, fade out.


I’m a bad man, Yes a bad man and I’m that man that works for crime,

You’re that good boy; yes that good boy who likes to win all the time.


Grand Canyon.


Tom arrives. Tom is carrying a black bag. He sees something on the other side of the canyon. His partner walks up beside him.


Well Jack. This is the job, it’s what we want, and it’s what we work for.


Yeah, I’m sure it is.

Tom puts the black bag on the ground and opens it. He pulls out a harpoon gun. Tom aims it at the other side of the canyon. Then there is a noise and he stops.



What the—

Tom notices movement behind a tree, drops the harpoon gun and pulls out his gun in an instant, Jack does the same, but his ammo falls out.


Oh, my god.

Agent Oll steps out.

Agent Oll

Don’t worry, it’s only me.


Look Oll, we were about to go across the canyon and the--

AGent Oll

Don’t get anxious Tom; you’re not going across there, not on my life. Anyway, I have been told that there is a change of plans, you go down the easy way, not the harpoon way.


I wasn’t going to do it the harpoon way, I was going to abseil down.

Tom looks at Jack.


Shut up Jack.


Bu-- Bu--




Ok, we’ll do it you’re way.

Agent Oll

Good. All you’ve got to do is get your harness on, tie it over the side here and run down to the bottom.

Camera looks at Tom and Jack. They both have stunned expressions on their faces.

oll (cont’d)

Don’t look so worried, it’s only a--


250 foot drop!

Agent Oll

Exactly! What the hell do you mean?


Don’t worry, we’ll do it anyway.

They put their harnesses on and winch themselves down so they can get their footing. Jack is really excited, Tom is bored.



Woo, this is cool. Man that Agent is good sometimes, good looking to.

Tom’s rope starts to slip.







I knew this thing wouldn’t hold long.


Everything ok down there?

Tom looks up.


Damn it, you scared me. The rope is breaking.


Ok hold on, I’ll winch you up.


Ok. Winch away.

Tom comes up and stands on the platform. Then there is a gun shot.


Shit, hit the deck.

Oll drops to the ground.



Stay there.


Copy, keep on channel 3.

Tom nods. Tom pulls out his gun and starts to run.


Ah, Tom, Tom, get back here right now!!!


Tom runs up to a gate and stops. He presses the talk button on his radio.


Delta, Alfa, Romeo, Echo, six, two, niner, come in, do you copy, I need backup now. Repeat, I need backup now; we are under fire from Bart and need backup immediately. Over.


Copy, this is Delta, Alfa, Romeo, Echo, six, two, niner. Back up is on its way, repeat, backup is on its way. Over.


Copy that, over and out.

A gun shot. He looks to see Bart firing at him. Bart suddenly stops firing and ducks down.

There is the sound of a helicopter, tom looks up and sees a helicopter coming down. Tom turns to look at Bart again, but he is gone.

The helicopter lands and six navy soldiers jump out. The helicopter takes off. The soldiers line up next to Tom. Tom gives the signal to move forward. They all spread out and slowly move forward. There is a gun shot and they all drop to the ground. They all start crawling forward on their stomachs. Tom jumps up and starts running. The soldiers follow suit. Tom shoots one snipering from a tree. The soldiers are firing and taking out people all over the place. Tom gives the signal to seise fire. The soldiers stop firing. They all see a grenade land in front of them. They scatter and dive on the ground. The grenade blows up. They all climb to their feet. Tom sees Bart and starts running after him. Bart starts running. Tom fires and Bart dives to the ground. Bart climbs into some bushes and disappears. Tom searches the bushes but can’t find Bart. Tom hears a distant cry.


Tom, Tom.

Tom looks up.


Ah damn, Jack.

Tom gets up and runs off.


Tom comes running over and throws himself to the ground just on the edge of the cliff. Tom looks down to see Jack hanging there.


Jack, get up here now.

Jack can’t swing up, so Tom jumps off and grabs the bottom of his old rope and wraps his hand up in the rope. Then he grabs Jack’s harness and swings him up onto the platform.

The rope snaps altogether. Tom starts falling to the bottom of the canyon. He turns around and sees he is coming up on a ledge. Tom lands on the ledge.

Jack leans over the edge. Tom starts laughing and Jack follows soon after.

Then Jack leans over the edge a bit more and the platform breaks off. Tom jumps out and grabs him. Then the ground is flying up to them.

Tom reaches out and grabs the platform, he pulls them onto it. Then Tom jumps up and grabs the hand rail.

Tom lands on the ground and places the platform on the ground.

Then they both start laughing again.

They stop laughing.


Hey Jack, where’d Oll go?


She went to look for you.


Well then, let’s find a way out of here.

They both turn and walk off.


The rocks are just a big pile of rocks near the Grand Canyon.

A little puff of smoke covers the scene.


(Cries out)

It’s working! Finally, I’ve been trying to perfect it for 5 years. Look at that, a hole but it looks like a video, but it’s really a hole. When Tom picks it up it will change back and he will fall in, excellent, here he comes now.


Tom is walking towards Barts trap.


Strange, strange, I don’t understand why the hell Oll called me out and doesn’t even tell me why I have to come out at 4:00 o’clock in the morning, strange, strange? But of course, she also put me over the side of the canyon, yes; it was to save our lives, so we wouldn’t get hurt or killed, not like I need it, but I was supposed to stay down there.


Bart has an evil smile on his face.


Wow, this is amazing, his looking right at it. He’s going to pick it up to, almost, almost. DAMN! He walked straight past it. I knew it should have been chocolate.

ext.roller blade


New Zealand.

Tom doing up laces/buckles. Looks up to see Bart in the ring.


Man, this guy’s everywhere.

Tom gets in the ring and almost runs into a roller blader.

Roller bladder


Bart looks up to see Tom, and then skates off.


You’re not going to get away this time.

Starts to skate after him, almost catches him and then two of Bart’s associates skate across in front of him just as there is a cry.


Shut up Jack.

Tom turns around to see Jack stuck in the basketball hoop.

tom (cont’d)

Just leave him there.

Associate 1

Oh, we’re sorry.

Associate 2

Very damn sorry, not, er, only joking.


So you better be.

Tom sees Bart has gone.




Damn, thanks a lot.

Tom skates off towards people that are doing really cool tricks. There is a crunch as Jack falls and slides along the ground. People laughing.

ext.outside skate

Tom and Jack walk outside. Tom’s phone rings.



Oll (v.o)

Tom, three employees at movie world on the Gold Coast have been killed. All shot. The park has kept it quite. But that won’t keep. You and Jack have to go get the guy. Send Jack off somewhere else. A team will meet you. You have to look at the body and determine what happened and find out who it was.


Alright. What time does plane leave?


Eleven o’clock. When you get to Brisbane, they’ll be a chopper to take you to movie world.


K’ then, thanks.

Tom looks at his watch. It says 2.38. The speaker crackles to life.

speaker (v.o.)

This is you’re captain speaking. The time is 2.38. We are now beginning our descent into Brisbane. Please take you seats. Thankyou for travelling with QANTAS.

Tom and Jack walk down the steps of the 747 QANTAS plane and over to the chopper waiting. Tom and Jack climb in. The chopper takes off.

The chopper flies down and over movie world and lands inside the production lot. Tom and Jack get out and walk towards the entry.


Movie World.

Gold Coast.

Tom and Jack walk into Movie World and look around.


What do we do?

Tom shakes his head.


You’re hopeless mate, that way.

Tom points towards the Lethal Weapon roller coaster.

Tom walks off in the other direction.

Camera follows Jack. He walks into the Wild West area. He looks up and sees the Wild, Wild, West ride. He walks over and jumps on.

Tom turns around and walks back towards the production lot.

ext.production lot.building

Tom walks up to the door, opens it and walks in. Tom walks off down the hall.

Tom walks through the door and stops. There are 6 men standing in the room. Two for each body. Tom walks over to the closest one.


What have we got?


Three dead; all shot in the heart twice, and once in the head. Familiar, ain’t it Tom?

Tom nods.


Yeah, yeah I guess it is. Um, Deano, you know this style, this is the way Bart’s assassins kill, isn’t it?


Yep, but only the first three series.


Ok, so I’m looking for a guy in a black suit, grey shirt and a pink tie?

Deano nods.

Tom turns around and walks out. Then stops.


Oh, and Tom, one more thing, there’s only one of them.


How can you be so sure?


Because, there’s only two left in the world. One in Australia, and one in Japan. They can’t leave their own country. And this guy is wearing Bloodstones.

Tom makes a strange face and walks out.

ext.entrance to the wild, wild,

Tom walks through the entrance and sees Jack with his hands in the air screaming as the ride flies down a hill. Tom shakes his head and sits down on the seat.


Jack gets off and walks out.

ext.entrance to the wild, wild,

Tom doesn’t follow. Tom sees a man in a black suit, grey shit, pink tie and a pair of Bloodstones. The man starts to follow Jack. Tom follows him. The man pulls out a gun. Tom sees it but doesn’t do anything. They reach the main street. There are hundreds of people. The man lifts up the gun and aims it at Jack. Tom starts running. The man fires. People scream. Tom tackles him. They both go to the ground. Tom pulls out his gun and puts it to the man’s head.


Who do you work for and why where you trying to kill my friend.

The man points at where Jack was. Tom can’t see him anywhere. Tom stands up. Tom keeps the gun pointed at him.


Stay there.

Tom sees Jack lying on the ground. He runs over to Jack. Tom goes speak but is cut off by a sharp pain. Tom collapses on the ground beside Jack. Tom raises his head to see the guy running away. Tom shoots at he but misses. The guy disappears.

ext.main street

Tom sits up and looks at Jack.

Jack opens his eyes and looks up at Tom.



(Jack grabs his arm).

Solve the case.

Then he lays down dead.

Tom shuts Jack’s eyes.


Shit, someone call 000. Now!

Tom stands up and looks around. Tom sees the guy running off in the distance. Tom takes off after him. The crowd parts and lets Tom through then closes again.


Tom comes running in through the door. He looks down both ways of the corridor. He hears a door close down to his left. He turns left and runs towards the sound. He comes to a door saying “SOUND ROOM”. Then a short burst of machine gun fire sound. Tom burst through the door, gun up.


On the ground, I said on the ground, now.

They all drop to the ground. Then the fire goes again and Tom hits the deck. There are no impact sounds. Tom stands up and looks around. Tom see’s the assassin over by the far door. He is running along the wall. Tom takes off across the studio. Tom hits the door running and is hit by the butt of a gun as he come through. Tom drops holding a broken nose. Blood runs into his eyes and all down his face. The assassin points his gun at Tom’s head and cocks the gun. Then there is a gun shot and Tom shuts his eyes as the assassin’s blood sprays all over Tom. Tom opens his eyes in time to see the assassin drop forward. He lands on top of Tom. Tom pushes him off him. Tom looks over to see Deano lowering his gun as it is smoking.


Thanks mate, I owe you one.


No worries Tom. How’s the nose.


Bloody sore, I tell you, can I get a med.


Yeah, sure. No worries.

Deano dials his phone.


Hey, can I get a medic into studio 4.

Deano hangs up the phone.


The, ah, the other thing is Jack, he took a hit, he’s dead.


Oh god, I’m sorry Tom, can I get you anything?

Tom shanks his head.


Nah thanks, I’m good mate. Let’s get this one out of here.

Tom gestures at the dead assassin.

Deano nods.

Tom and Deano grab him and lift him up. they carry him outside.

Tom is sitting on the back of the ambulance getting his nose attended to by a paramedic. She finishes up and packs up her things.


There you go. You alright Tom.

Jolts and raises his head.


Yeah, yeah thanks, I’m fine.

The med nods and walks off. Jack’s body come past. Tom stops them and unzips the bag.

Tom leans down close to Jack.


I’m sorry mate. This was one to many I guess. We had some good times though, like when you killed the last one, Dean. Damn that was a good shot. It’s all over now though. You were great to have around, even if you were a bit of a klutz. Oh well, good luck wherever you are now though. I’m sure we’ll meet soon. Bye mate.

Tom stands back as they wheel Jack off.

Camera fades out. day

Tom is sitting looking at Jack’s coffin. About thirty other people are sitting around the church. Jack’s family are saying some last words about him.

jack’s mother

As a young boy, Jack always used to live to pretend he was in battles and would die. And when he went to Dream world, he went on the small kid’s rollercoaster and pretended to fall out and die. And now his really dead.

She starts crying.

jack’s mother

I just want my little boy back. He didn’t deserve to die. He was just too young.

She keeps on talking while Tom goes into a flash scene.

Flash scene.

Tom is driving in a Porsche boxter s. Jack is on a Honda CRF250 bike beside him. Jack is swerving in and out of cars and trucks and giving people the finger. Tom leans out the car.


Jack, Jack stop it you idiot. Jack, god damn it Jack, stop it.

Flash scene changes to a dirt paddock. Jack, Tom and their old enemy, Dean, are standing in a triangle. The camera is looking down from above. Then it looks at Dean from Tom’s eyes. He puts his hands up in the air.


Tom, Tom my old friend, it’s time to, learn a little lesson, yes that’s it, a lesson. A lesson of life.

Camera looks from Dean’s eyes.


Dean, I’m don’t need to learn a lesson on life, I’m here to bring you in.

Dean pulls out his gun. Camera looks down at them again. Jack pulls out his gun and fires. The camera is suddenly on the bullet. It flies towards Dean. Camera changes to look from behind Tom and Jack. The bullet hits Dean and he slumps to the ground dead.

Flash scene ends.

Jack’s mother steps down and Tom gets up and walks up to the microphone.


Um, I don’t really have much to say, and I’m not good at speeches. But I remember when I first meet Jack. He was about 10 years old. He was a really enthusiastic boy, so I took him to see one of the biggest soccer matches ever, Australia .V. Brazil. When Australia won, I mean the look on his face, he was the most happiest boy alive, my spirit and heart were lifted and I was a changed person, and because of him, I fell like I will be in that seat looking at him for ever, at that massive grin on his face, the way he laughed, the way he looked at me after that game. The thing that I mean to say was that he was an inspiration to me, to all of us, and we should all keep a place for him right here. He didn’t deserve to die, but, it was God’s will, so, --, I guess that now, he’s in a better place. I’ll remember that face and that smile, for the rest of my life.

Tom places his hand on his heart as he walks down and back to his seat. There is applause.

int. general store. day

Tom is in the shop still in his funeral clothes. He has a basket and is putting food and drink in there. He starts walking to the counter when someone taps him on his back. He turns around.


AJ, George, James, how are you?

They all reply at the same time.

AJ, george, james


Tom buys his stuff and walks out, they all follow him.

Tom turns around.


Look guys, I’m sorry you lost your brother, but please stop following me.

A black ford stretch limousine pulls up.


Tom, we want to come and work at Stunt’s & Dares.

Tom turns around and is looking angry.


No, defiantly not. You’ll be killed.

(They look at him.)

Ok then. Hop in.

They all walk around and hop in.

Then Tom takes one last look out the window at Jack’s coffin. The there are a series of bangs as a 21 gun salute goes off for Jack.

The limo drives off.


AJ, George and James are all sitting in the limo across from Tom. They are all looking at him, but he is ignoring them. He is typing on his laptop. Then his mobile phone rings.

He pulls it out.


Yeah, you got the email? Good. Ok, um.

(Tom is typing fast and reading the screen).

Ok, I’ve got it. Alright, I’m on my way there. Oh, and I’ve got Jacks brothers here, they want to join the agency. Should I bring them in? Ok, but they have to stay in the car and watch.

Tom hangs up the phone. He looks up at them and they are all smiling at him.

Then the limo stops and Tom hops out. They all start to get out. Tom leans back in the car.


No. You’re staying here.

Tom walks over and walks into a servo. Then a minute later he walks back out with a guy hand cuffed. The guy is wearing a black suit, a grey shirt, a pink tie and Bloodstones. Then the guy breaks out of the hand cuffs and punches Tom in the chest. Tom pulls out his gun and shoots the guy in the legs. The guy falls over. Tom walks over to him and goes to grab him. The guy jumps up and starts running down the street. Tom starts running after him. Then James jumps out and hops in the front seat and starts driving off. The limo driver is watching them drive off. They skid out on the road and start catching up on Tom and the guy. Then they catch him and James swerves and hits the guy. The guy falls on the ground and Tom grabs him and sits him up on the footpath.

James jumps out and is puffing from shock.


Who the hell was that and what the hell was that about?

Tom is puffing as well.


That is the little shit that shot your brother.

Tom kicks him and he grunts and wakes up. Tom picks him up and puts him in the boot. Then Tom hops in the driver’s seat and James hops in the passenger’s seat. They drive off.

Tom, James, AJ and George are all standing in front of gate 5. They are loading there luggage into the luggage taker. They walk out onto the runway. They stop in front of a private jet.


This is the plane that will take you guys back to Baton Rouge-. There is something I have to tell you about Jack. Um, he trained from the age of 4, so he has been in the agency for 10 years. You guys will need training as well. So you will be working with me in about eight year’s time. Do you understand?

They all nod.


Ok then. I’m off, I’ve got some things to take care of out west, see ya’.

Tom starts walking off. Then turns around.


Tom. Thankyou for telling us the truth.

Tom smiles.


That’s no problem. Now, I’ve have to go to Orange and sort a couple of things out. But I’ll be back.

Then Tom turns around and walks off.

Tom climbs into the chopper, powers it up and flies off.

Camera comes zooming through the crowd dodging through all the crowd of people up to Tom. It stops suddenly.

Tom is walking towards the steps. He stops and looks around.


Where is he?

He walks forward and taps a girl on the shoulder.



She turns around.

Tom goes to speak but is cut off.


Dylan. What are you doing here?


Tom, I should ask you the same thing. You’ve been in Baton Rouge so long; I thought you’d forgotten about me.

Tom shakes his head.

Tom feels blood splat on his hand then turns around. He sees where the shot came from and pulls out his own guns. He starts shooting. The Assassin jumps off the window and lands on his feet.


Wow. His powers are stronger than mine.

A group of girls are standing in his path. They don’t move. They just stand there screaming. The Assassin takes aim with his gun. Then Tom jumps in the way just as he fires. The bullets hit Tom and Tom collapses, his guns fly away. The girls keep on screaming. He goes to fire again but is cut short by a bullet to the leg. He looks down at Tom and sees he’s still unconscious. He turns around and sees Dylan drop the gun. The assassin fires, then fall to the ground and Tom lifts up his head. He turns around to see Dylan lying on the ground with her hands lying on her stomach with blood seeping out of her stomach. Tom gets up and runs to her.

Tom grabs her around the waist and lifts her onto his knees. She lay’s there silently. With her eyes just open.


Oh no, Dylan, can you hear me. Dylan. Oh crap. I’ll have to do it. Please, everybody stand back. Here we go.

Gy, a sa, a hoda raha, Gy, a sa, a hoda raha.

English sub-titles

Give her part of my life.

Acinorev, Acinorev, nostaw amme, nostaw amme, nalyd, nalyd, rednal, naes, rednal naes.

English sub-titles

Use some of my sacred powers.

(Nothing happens.)

Oh no.

(Tom looks around then looks up at the roof of the tower.)

Yes. Der Tom, sunlight.

Tom runs up with Dylan in his arms and jumps up to the roof of the tower.

Tom pulls out his knife and cuts his hand a little. A drop of blood falls onto Dylan’s wound. She suddenly goes white. Tom shakes his head. He kisses her on the forehead then jumps off the tower and lands on his feet. He walks up to the Assassin and kicks him so hard in the ribs he flies up into the wall. He slides down the side. He wakes up and Tom smiles.


You killed her. And I think you plotted the murder of my partner, you maggot!!! Now I don’t know why and I really don’t give a damn. But you’re goin’ to pay for it. Now get up here and face me like a man. No, ok then, the hard way it is.

Tom goes to punch the assassin just as his mobile rings. He lowers his hand and pulls his mobile out of his pocket. He opens it up.


What the hell do you want?

oll (V.O)

Tom, you need to get back to Stunts & Dares now. We have a code 68.


Great, Code68. Give me eight hou--.

Tom goes flying back and drops the mobile on the ground.

Tom picks up the phone and points at the assassin.


I’ll deal with you later.

He gets up, turns around, runs up and jumps onto the top of the tower. He picks Dylan up and walks along the roof, jumps down and walks over to where Tom’s chopper is sitting. He places Dylan in the back and hops in the front seat. He powers it up and takes off.

int stunts &

Stunt’s & Dares.

Baton Rouge.

Tom comes crashing through the door leading to the roof with Dylan in his arms. He runs down thirty-five meters of steps and sprints into the hospital. He lays her down on the bed and a nurse comes running in. She picks up a bottle and squirts some liquid out onto Dylan’s wound. Tom turns and sees Oll. He walks out to her.


So, what’s the matter? Code 68, Meltdown. But I don’t see people rushing out everywhere.


You’re right. But something’s gone wrong with Bart’s attempt to destroy us. It’s a melt-up. Stunts and Dares is, well… growing bigger.


What? That’s not right. How’d it happen?


I don’t know. But, you better stop it right now, or else it’ll blow up and Baton Rouge will be up in smoke.


Ok then, I’ll get to work A.S.A.P, where do I go?


Roof! Move, Right now.

Tom jumps out of his chair. He starts running up the stairs. He starts to sweat badly.


Why the hell do I use up my powers when I heal?

He keeps on running and finally reaches the door. He opens it up to see that it’s pouring. He runs out and is soaked instantly. He sees the problem. It’s a missile is stuck in the roof. It is counting down. It is at 10:00.


How’s this hap—oh’ crap.

The missile is sticking into a giant power box and sparks are going everywhere. Tom runs over to the box. He reaches to close and is zapped. He is thrown back through the air and collapses. He gets back up and sees a switch. It reads.



Tom runs over and flicks it halfway in between the two. Tom then pulls off a covering on the missile and tears out a heap of wires. The time starts to speed up. It is at one minute to go when tom sees a wire still stuck in there he pulls it out and the timer stops. Tom slumps on the ground puffing hard. The camera fades out.

ext.old ***

Tom walks up an alley to an old warehouse. Phone rings. Tom pulls out the mobile and answers it.

oll (V.O)

That’s it. Go straight through that door. Back up is on the way.


Um, Oll, you still haven’t told me what’s here.


Ok, this is supposedly the warehouse where Bart fired the missile from and has been manipulating the formula.


Oll, make a mental note, remind me to look up the long word in that sentence when I get back, and don’t give me a thesaurus this time, you confused me last time and I still can’t tell them apart.

Oll laughs. Tom hangs up the phone. Tom looks behind him. The camera looks down from a window above him as if someone is looking out of the window.

Camera goes back to Tom.

Tom walks inside. He shuts the door and sees a bullet smash into the door. Tom turns around and ducks just as another bullet flies past his head.

Tom starts running and pulls out his gun and starts shooting.

Then Tom bursts through the door into a room where six big blokes are standing. Tom runs over and starts fighting them. Then one of them trips him over backwards and four of them jumps on top of him and pin him to the ground.

Then one of them walk over with a shotgun and hold it up to his head. He is about to pull the trigger when another kid bursts through the door. He points a gun at the guy that is holding a shotgun.


Put the gun down.

The guy does not put the gun down. He loads it.

The kid fires and hits the guy in the head. He drops the shot gun and it slides over to the kid. The kid picks it up. He takes aim. The other guy sneaks up behind him. The kid fires and his elbow hit’s the guy in the nose killing him instantly. The bullet hit one of the other guys. He fires again but nothing comes out.

(Slow motion). He pulls out an AK47 and starts firing. They hit the other two guys and they both fly back.

(Normal). He walks up to them and kicks one of them. They don’t move. He turns around and walks over to Tom. Tom is standing up. He looks at the kid as he puts his gun away.


Thanks. Mate, you’re good, what’s you’re name?


It’s John, and you’re Tom. You trained me about 5 years ago.

Tom looks at him. Then remembers.


John, john, yeah John, I remember you. You were about the top of your class, so they called me in to see if I could train you in any further techniques. And now, look at this. That’s what I taught you. I remember. So, I guess I taught you well.

John is about to speak but is cut off by a loud siren.


Shit! They know that we’re here. They’ve triggered the countdown alarm; we have 20 seconds to get out of here.

Tom shakes his head.

John points towards the door.


We won’t make it out that way in time. There’s only one way to go. Ready, go.

Tom and John both run and jump out the window. Tom lands on his feet but John lands on his stomach. John picks himself up and they both start running. Then the building explodes. Tom and John are thrown to the ground. Police sirens sound.

Tom and John jump up and run off.

int.stunts and

Tom is talking on the phone. He still has dust on him from the explosion.


Yes sir, I know that sir, look sir, yesterday I had I missile sticking out the top of my building, they confirmed it was launched from that building, I went there, they fired on us first, we returned fire then they blew the damn place up. Yes sir, sorry sir, never again sir.

Tom slams down the phone.


Son of a bitch.

Tom stands up, walks around the desk and out the door of his office. Tom walks down the stairs and over to a tech.


So, what have we got?

The tech presses some buttons on the computer.


It’s confirmed. Bart called from Baton Rouge. It’s at the harbour.


Alright. Baton Rouge Harbour. Gotcha’.

Tom turns around and walks out.

ext.Baton rouge

A chopper comes in and hovers about 3 meters above the ground and Tom jumps out. The chopper flies away. Tom starts to move away when he hears the sound of another chopper. Machine fire suddenly starts. The chopper also hovers about 3 meters above the ground. Oll jumps out of the chopper and she dives down beside Tom.

Tom looks at Oll.


What the hell are you doing? You’re going to get shot.


The president sent me to help you.

Oll pulls out a gun. Tom gives a signal to go around left. They split and run low until they get to the water. Tom jumps into the water. Oll jumps in after him. She struggles to swim a bit so she holds onto Tom. Tom swims about 100 meters and helps Oll climb up the ladder. Tom follows her up. There are boxes of fish everywhere. There is a shot and a fish blows up, then there is another shot. (Slow-Motion). A bullet comes flying down straight towards Oll. Tom runs over and dives in front of Oll. The bullet hits Tom in the heart. (Normal). Tom hits the ground with blood streaming all over his chest. Tom is moaning on the ground. Oll shoots a couple of times at the source then dives down beside Tom and sits his head on her leg. Oll moves Tom’s hand and she puts her hand on there. Oll pulls out her phone and presses 156743. The phone beeps and she puts it away. Tom falls unconscious and Oll starts to worry. She kisses him on the head, stands up and starts firing at the enemy. Then the chopper lands and they grab Tom and put him in the chopper. Oll climbs in as well.

INT.Stunts & Dares

Tom and Oll walk in. One of Tom’s arms is slung over Oll’s shoulder. She takes him into the hospital. The doctor gives him some water. He drinks it and his wound closes up. He gets up and walks out into the search room.


Have you found the offi--?

Interrupted by a phone call.



Trace this. Hello, Tom speaking.


Hi Tom, how you feeling? You’ll need to be in LA in 3 weeks if you want to save all those movie stars.

Phone beeps as Bart hangs up.


Where’d that come from?

Office worker

1106, Tire St, Baton Rouge.


I’ll take the chopper.

Tom turns to walk out but collapses. Oll runs over to him.


Tom, you can’t go, send John instead.


Ok, get John over to me, double time.

John runs up and drops to his knees beside Tom.


John, get over to Barts office, find out what is going on.

John runs up the stairs and out onto the roof.

Tom sits up. Tom hugs Oll.


Thanks for saving my life Tom, you really are great.

Tom laughs, but it is weak.


I’ve never felt so much pain Francy. I thought that I was stabbed and shot a thousand times in one second. I really thought I was going to die. Francy, I love you, you’re like a mother to me, or a sister that I never had. I really do love you.


I love you to Tom, I love you to.

EXT.City Street.later.Day

They arrive outside 1106, Tire St.


Well this place looks a bit unlikely.

Captain Whosywhatsit

What do you mean by unlikely?


Never mind.

(Whosywhatsit opens his mouth to speak, but John cuts him off)


I said never mind.

Captain nods.


Now shut the hell up about whatever you were about to say. All right. Thankyou.


Alright, alright, I get ya.

They all pull out their guns and run inside to see that it’s just a normal office building.



Damn, Bart the loser just used phony phone call.

Desk clerk

Bart is on level 20, room 6C

Captain Whosywhatsit




Nice work Whosywhatsit.

int.level 20, room

Bart is working and he gets a call.

Desk clerk (V.O.)

5 black looking agents on the way up.


Thanks Kera.

Bart runs over to a secret hatch, opens it and jumps in.

John runs inside with the other agents.


Crap, his gone.

Then John sees something unusual on the table, he walks over and turns it around. Suddenly John gets a horror fide look across his face. Then he hears the ticking.







Get out of here.


(Slow mow) They all start running just as it explodes and the last 3 agents are sucked in by the blast.

(Normal) John and Whosywhatsit run through the lobby.



Get out of here.

She starts running. John grabs them both and dives out the door.

John starts digging up the rubble looking for the 3 agents.


I’m sorry John, they’re gone.

They fly off in the chopper.

Then the agents all break free of the rubble. Then they see the chopper has gone and start walking off.

Then all the cops start rushing to the scene.

Back in the chopper. John is sitting there hardly breathing.


I saw them die.

Flash scene.







Get out of here.


(Slow mow) They all start running just as it explodes and the last 3 agents are sucked in by the blast. (Normal) John then stops and turns around looks.

(Slow mow) John starts running towards there.



He starts running again and Whosywhatsit grabs him and pulls him away.

(Normal) Flash scene ends.


I couldn’t save them. I wish I was like Tom. Death is starting to happen to me now.

Whosywhatsit looks at John sadly and nods.


So do I John, so do I.

EXT.old industrial area.Baton


He got away again guys; it’s not going to happen again, is it.

Agents all together

No Sir.


Good then, men, fall out.

They all walk out and then one suddenly falls down. Tom looks around. He drops to the ground. The others follow. Tom gives them a signal and they all turn around and start crawling towards the closest building. Then Tom stands up and about fifty machine guns sound. Tom jumps up and across the volcano. He pulls out his guns and starts dropping and firing at the people. He hits them all and lands in a crouching position. He looks around and sees about six snipers around the area. He dives behind a rock where they can’t get him. He pulls a two-way walkie-talkie and calls.


Oll, Oll, come in, I’m screwed, and I’m stuck in the train park, at the old industrial centre with at least six snipers aimed at me. I’ve sent the agents back to the city centre. Send in the SADAF.

oll (V.O)

Ok, they’ll be there in three minutes, hold off the snipers until then.

Tom pockets the two-way. He pulls out his Berettas. He stands up and fires in two directions four times. Then two roll down the hill. Tom jumps up in the air. (Slow mow). Tom spins around vertically three times then fires in another two directions twice. Then tom lands behind the rock again. (Normal). Two rolls down the hill. Then Tom looks up again and there is still two up there, then he sees another ten take the others places.

Tom slumps behind the rock and sighs.


Shit, I’m really screwed.

He sighs again. Then he hears a chopper sound. He looks up and a helicopter is coming down. On the side it says, STUNTS AND DARES ATTACK FORCE.


Finally. The SADAF.

They land and all jump behind rocks.



Mate, you guys took your time.



Thanks Tom, it’s good to work with you again.

The chopper takes off.


Crikey John, you’re the captain of the SADAF.

John nods.

Then Tom and John give the men signals and they start running, aiming and firing at the snipers.


Two snipers are in the same place. One of the snipers fires at John. He misses.


Shit, I missed; these new guns Bart gave us are a real bitch.

sniper 2

Less’ spappin’, and more cappin’!

The sniper waves it off.

John is running when machine guns start to fire. He ducks behind a rock a reloads. Then he jumps up again and starts firing. (Slow-Motion). John is still firing. Then all the people around him start to get shot and are all falling down and dying. Everyone is dead except for Tom, but he can’t be seen. Then John gets shot. Then John gets shot again, then again. He falls to his knees. He gets shot one last time and falls on his stomach. Then he hears Tom scream as he runs out and shoots all the snipers. (Normal). He runs over John.


John, John, can you hear me. Come on mate, stay with me. Oll, get the chopper back here, everyone’s down, John’s just hanging on. We need to get him to the hospital.


Ok, it’s on the way, one minute.

Tom slaps John and he stirs a bit.

Tom stands up.


Bart, you son of a bitch, get your ass down here. Bart, please, I need your help.

Then the chopper comes over and lands. Tom picks John up and places him in the chopper. It starts to take off. He steps on the landing rails and grabs onto the handle. The chopper takes off.

They emerge from the train park. Bart is standing there. Tom salutes him. The chopper flies off. ****

ext.stunts &

Tom is sitting at his desk working on his computer.

The door opens. Tom looks up.

John hobbles in on crutches.

Tom stands up.


John, mate, how are you? Sit down. It’s good that your back, but I’ve been told that you’re going to die.

John looks at Tom.


Tom no, put the gun away, please, Noooooooooo…………….

Tom fires and John falls out the window. Tom starts laughing. People are screaming.

Bart walks in and shakes Tom’s hand.

Bart then pulls out two grenades and throws them out the broken window. They blow up.

John sits up in the hospital. He looks beside him and Tom is asleep on the chair. There is a bit of paper in Tom’s hand.

John picks up the paper and opens it. It says,

Tom, I’m sorry to give you this news, but John is not going to survive. We have taken off the life support. In the morning we will be taking him away to the morgue. Sorry.

John looks up.

He shakes Tom. Tom wakes up and grunts. The he falls off his chair.


We’ve got to get out of here, or else I’m six feet under.

Tom nods and points at the window.

John slides out of bed and struggles a bit, and then walks over to the window.


I’ve got to stay here and cover for you. Go straight back to the office and stay in my office until I get back.

John nods. He climbs out the window and runs off into the darkness.

Tom walks over a sits back down. He shakes his head and goes back to sleep.

ext.LA beach.dAY


Well this assignment didn’t turn out like I hoped it would, but anyway, I still got to kick some ass. The only problem is that Bart’s still out there somewhere and I’m going to f-.

Bart pours expensive Champain.


No I’m not, I’m right here.


Oh well, I guess I caught him after all.


Well done, but it isn’t over yet.


Not yet, I haven’t, I’ve still got to catch him.


Oh crap!

Tom starts chasing after Bart up the beach.

Ext.LA city street.Night

Tom’s wondering up the street muttering to him self.


Where the hell could he be?!! (Repeat over and over)

Tom turns around to see a piece of wood flying through the air. Tom ducks and then stands back up. He looks around for it but can’t see it anywhere. Then Tom fells a sharp pain in the back of his head, grabs it and pulls it out.



He fells nails sticking out of the wood. Then they get pulled back out of his hands and Bart takes aim again. Bart swings and Tom turns around and breaks the wood on his arm. Bart drops it, turns around and runs.


Yeah, that’d be right, run you pussy.

Camera zooms out to High angle SHOT to see Tom falls over from exhaustion. He falls asleep.


A crowd of people are standing around Tom as he comes back around.

la lawyer

No, his gone.

Tom wakes up.


Gone, what the hell do you mean gone!!!

la lawyer

He’s alive.


Of course I’m alive loser; I wasn’t anything else in this life.

la lawyer

But you were just dead; you had nail holes in the back of your head


Oh that, I was just asleep.

Tom then runs off.

la lawyer

Wow, he runs fast for a little fella’.


Bart is sitting at a computer. The assassin is lying on the bed. The assassin gets up and walks over to Bart.

the assassin

Is the formula ready yet?

Bart looks up at him. Bart nods.


Go. Um, set it off at Rodeo Drive. It should take out most of Hollywood.

The assassin nods. He starts walking to the door when Bart stops him.


Oh and Mike, be careful.

Mike turns around and walks out.

Mike walks out of a clothes shop. He looks either way down the street. He turns left down the street.

Tom comes up the street from the right. He sees mike walk out of the clothes shop. Tom walks in there.


Tom walks up to the counter.


Excuse me; did you see a boy come in here?


Yeh, he went in the change room on the right.

Tom nods and walks to the change room. The door is locked. Tom knocks but there is no answer. He looks under the door but there is no one there. He slides under the door and sees the door is wired. He sees the bomb. There is 30.00 minutes left.


Um lady, call 911, we’ve got a bomb that’s set to go off in 30.00 minutes.

Phone buttons in the background.

ext.outside clothes

SWAT pulls up.

Tom is just about to cut a random wire. SWAT knock on the door.

swat leader

Tom, what coloured wires do you have?


Ah, red, blue, green, yellow, pink, orange and black.

swat leader

Ok, cut the pink wire.

(Tom cuts it, nothing happens)

Has it stoped?


No, we need to get it out of here; do ya have a bomb trailer outside?

swat leader

Yeh, it’s standing by, I’ll get it for you, double time.


Copy that. Captain, one more thing, don’t open the door, it’s all wired to it.

swat leader

Ok, just cut all the wires.

Tom cuts them, nothing happens. Tom opens the door. Tom picks up the bomb. He sprints to the door. The trailer is on the other side of the street. The timer say’s 1:00 minute. Tom runs across the street and throws it in there. He shut the door. The trailer starts to turn red and spark.


Holy shit, its super heating the metal. Um?

The metal starts to crack.

swat leader

Shit, Tom, its cracking.


I can see that. Oh shit, take cover!

Everyone runs behind a large, brick and steel building. The trailer starts to shake and paint starts to fall off. They all run behind a building. A little girl tugs on Tom’s shoulder.

little girl

Mister, my big sister is still in that clothes shop.

Tom nods. Tom starts to get up.

swat leader

No Tom, there’s not enough time.


I have 20 seconds.

Tom runs off.


There is a girl in the corner. Tom runs in. tom waves at the girl to come with him. The girl shakes her head. Tom walks over to her and sits down beside her. Tom looks at his watch. It says 0.05 seconds to go. The girl wraps her arms around Tom. Tom does the same.


The bomb says that there is 2 seconds left. It shakes then blows up.

The bomb explodes. The ground shakes. Then it stops shaking. There is a clatter. The Swat leader stands up. The trailer is in pieces all over the ground.


They let go of each other.


What’s you’re name?


Paris, Paris Hilton.

Tom’s eyes widen.


Paris Hilton, as in Hotel Hilton Paris.

Paris nods.



paris hilton

Thanks for saving my life.

Tom shrugs.


What are you doing this Saturday, at 4.00 o’clock? How about arvo tea?


Nothing. Where are we going? Is this a date?


Yep, how about at my place.


Sounds good. I’ve got to go now, see what happened.

Tom walks out from shop and walks over to what’s left of the trailer. Tom turns and faces the Swat Leader.


Get me a coke, a meat pie and a phone, I’m Callin’ Baton Rouge for back up.

Camera fades out with Garth Brook’s “Callin’ Baton Rouge”.

ext.Barts house.Baton

4 months later.

Bart is working on another project.


Yes, it’s working; finally, I’ve been trying to perfect it for seven years, no-

Unknown (v.o)

Hold on, isn’t this familiar, this happened at the beginin’ of the film.


Yes, but this is different, this is the ultimate, um, um, oh yeah, thing.

unknown (v.o)

(Half laughing)

The ultimate thing.


Yes, the ultimate thing.

unknown (v.o)

But if Tom’s dead, what’s the point of still trying to get him.


Fine then, it’s a time machine. I want to go back to the past and see if I can prevent him ever being created.

unknown (v.o)

That’s nice isn’t it? Crazy bastard.


Hell Yeh, what did you sa--

Tom bursts through the door with machine guns in each hand.

low angle shot.


Where’s Bart?!!!


Tom, you’re alive.


Yeah, I’m alive, no thanks to you.




Shut up. You crazy bastard.

Unknown (v.o)

That’s exactly what I said; no one ever listens to what I say.


Blah, blah, blah. Shut up. Who are you any way?

unknown (v.o)

Who me, I don’t know, I was just told to say this.

Tom raises the machine guns.


Tom no, don’t do it.

Tom starts firing everywhere. Bottles of toxic start to explode and a funny smell starts to fill the room.


Oh Bart, what’s that smell?

Bart shakes his head.


That’s high radiation, it’ll kill us all.

unknown (v.o)

Even me?


Of course it won’t kill you, what do you think loser?

Bart suddenly turns around and starts running.


Oh no you don’t.

Tom runs after Bart and tackles him, grabs him and runs it outside. Tom dumps Bart and collapses.

Bart wakes up. Bart stands up and kicks Tom in the stomach. Tom coughs and spits up blood.

Bart kneels down beside Tom. Bart pulls out a needle and administers it to Tom’s arm. Bart stands up and runs off.

ext.Baton Rouge side street.dead end.night

Tom runs into a side street and comes to a dead end. Tom tries to jump up on top of the building. Then Tom hears a voice.


Hi Tom, trying to get over that wall.

Tom turns around to see Bart holding a hand held computer.


What’s that for?


You remember how you had a needle hole in your arm?




It’s a tracking device.

Tom pulls out his gun and points it at Bart.


How do I remove it?


Give up this pointless hunt for me, and I’ll remove it for you.


Bullshit, you’re a liar. I’ll never hand myself, or Oll, or any of Stunt’s and Dares over to you.

Then Tom turns around and runs up the wall, does a back flip and lands on the other side of Bart.



Bart pockets the hand held computer and runs up to Tom. They start street fighting. Then Tom hits Bart flying through the air. Then all his assassins run out and start fighting Tom. One punches him and he flies back into the wall. Then they all run over and all pile on top of him. He rolls over and punches, they all go flying up in the air. He stands up and looks around. He jumps through the air and lands on the other side of them all. Then he starts running away. olimpic

Tom gets off the train at the station to see that there’s hardly anybody there. Tom pulls out the mobile and calls Stunts & Dares.


Are you sure this is the place, because there’s a Rugby game on. And Bart hates all sports, remember?

oll (V.O.)

Defiantly, now in the suitcase there should be an ear piece, take it out and put in you ear. You’ll be able to speak to us and we’ll be able to speak to you.

Tom puts the mobile away and drops the briefcase. He starts walking and sees Bart. He starts to chase after him when he hears a bang from behind. (Slow mow) Tom gets hit in the back and flies forward in to Bart.


Why won’t you die? God damn.


(Struggling for breath)

You loser, I’m going to kill you once and for all!!!

They look up and see that they’re flying towards a hotdog stand.

tom & bart


They both crash into a hotdog stand and Bart falls unconscious.

Tom stands up. Tom pulls out his mobile. Tom dials 000.


Help, there’s a man having a seizure, at Sydney Olympic Park, just outside the east entrance of Telstra Stadium.

Bart is shaking like mad; people come rushing over to him.

crowd member 1

Oh my god, his having a seizure.


The ambo’s are on their way.

The man nods. Tom turns around and walks off.


Wait, aren’t you going to wait for him?

Tom keeps walking.

Bart wakes up to see Tom sitting beside him. Tom has a big grin on his face.


What happened? Tom, what happened?


You had a seizure.

A doctor walks in.


Tom, can I speak to you outside, please?


Yeah, sure.

Tom stands up and follows the doctor out.

int.doctors office.night

The doctor and Tom walk in. The doctor sits down. The doctor gestures for Tom to sit down. Tom sits down.


Tom. Bart seizure didn’t happen by accident. Bart has got a newly discovered disease, newly discovered in him, it’s a disease he’s had since he was a kid. Now, it’s not fatal, yet. But if Bart gets slammed into anything hard enough, he will die. What the disease seems to be doing is severing the little cords in his brain. Many geniuses have been slammed by things and have had seizures. Because only 1 out of every 100 people is a genius, it affects only 1 out of every 100 people. Do you understand?

Tom nods.


Tom, I don’t think you do. Tom, Bart is going to die, in about seven years, Bart will be dead. He is going to die a very slow and painful death. In about 3 years, he will start experiencing bad migraines. Then you will know it has started.


Oh my god. Oh god, oh god no. I need to a drink.


Yes, yes, by all means, go.

Tom stands and walks out.

int.barts hospital room.night

Tom walks in with a can of coke in his hand. Tom places the can on Bart’s bedside table. And sits down.


Bart, if you can hear me, I’ll be ready for you, one month from now, Baton Rouge Plaza.

Tom stands up, turns around and walks out.


Tom is sitting in a plane talking on a phone.


Francy, did you get all of that conversation with the doctor?

oll (v.o)

Yeah, I’m glad you didn’t tell him though. We’ll just leave him be for about a month then meet him.


Alright, I’ve got you. I’ll see you in a few hours.

Tom hangs up the phone and sits back in the chair to watch the movie on the screen in front of him.

int.stunts & dares

One month later.

Tom is sitting in his office when Oll walks into the office.


Hey Oll.

Oll looks surprised.


Tom, what’s the matter?


Matter, I’m still thinking about what that doctor said; only seven years, he’s going to die when he’s 24.

Oll shakes her head.


Don’t worry about it, I’m sure he’ll pull through, but that’s beside the point, we have a new agent today. She’s going to be your new partner.

Tom’s looks up slowly.


Yippy, when do I get to meet her?


Right now. Anjelina!!!

(Slow mow) She walks into the office.


She’s a kid. Another damned kid, she better not die as well. Nice to meet you. Excuse me Oll, but I need to ask her a few questions.


Alright then.

Oll walks out and down the stairs. The camera follows.


Hey guys, do you think it will happen?

The camera returns to Tom’s office. With a swish of his hand, the door shuts.


Now then first things first, can I call you Angie? Good. How old are you?




All right then.

(Shuffles papers)

Ok then, let’s go.

They both walk out of the office.


Tom pulls out a suitcase.


Now, the main rule is, when I’m around, you take orders from me, unless otherwise. (He opens up the suitcase). This is an earpiece. We’re able to communicate to each other and to Stunts & Dares. Just put it into your ear and talk.

Tom helps her get it in, and then she grabs his hand and moves around next to him.


First things first Tom, you listen to me.

Tom starts laughing. The limo driver laughs to.


Shut up.

Tom then puts up the black screen.


Let’s go.

They both put on their Sunni’s and step out.

ext.Baton Rouge

They walk in and look around.


Bart’s was last sighted here. Let’s sit down. Do you like me?

(Angie nods)

Wow, that’s a first. Good, because I think you’re really good looking.

Tom pulls out a laptop from his suitcase.


From my data, Bart was last sighted 1 mile east of here. That was 1 hour ago. So that me--.


Tom what’s the matter?


Don’t worry, I’ll cheer up now.


Ok then, let’s go do it.


I’m a bit young for that.


You made a joke. 10 points to Tom.

Tom smiles,


Ok, you’ve got me, I’m cheered up. Let’s go.


Bart’s sitting there watching out the front door.


Now I’m really going to get Tom. Fishing wire is so good. He’ll come along and chop his legs off.

Dust starts to fall to the ground and Bart looks up to see Tom and Angie standing on the roof.


Tom, and who the hell’s this?


Hi, I’m Tom, and this is my new partner.


New partner, oh yi, yi.

Bart faints.

Tom jumps down next to Bart.


Oh god, please don’t be having a seizure. Oh, thank god.

(Tom pulls a needle out of his pocket. Then sees Angie has a worried look on her face)

Don’t worry; it’s only to make sure he doesn’t have another seizure.

Tom gives Bart the needle. Tom picks him up and walks off.

There is a yell as someone trips over the fishing wire.

Tom and Angie look at each other.

int.stunts & dares

Tom and Angie walk into Stunts & Dares with Bart still unconscious.


Here he is folks, the Bart. (Under breath) Why the hell do I have to bring him in here? Just go up and wait in my office Angie. Now then, where the hell’s Oll? Get him in a room so he can’t escape.

Tom walks up to his office and shuts the door. He sits down and opens up a folder. He starts reading then he looks up to see Angie isn’t there. He shakes his head and keeps on reading.

Int.ground floor


What the hell?

office worker

It’s Bart.

Everybody stars at Bart in shock.


Get him in a cell.

int.Room.Stunts and

Bart is sitting at a table. Oll walks in.


Ok Bart, why do you always try to kill us? No answer, ok, we’ll try a different question. Who do you work for?

Bart gets up and walks around to Oll. He tackles her off her chair. He lands on top of here and starts trying to punch her. Guards burst in and drag him away.


Because bitches like you always turn me down.

Oll looks at him. Camera fades out.

int.tom’s office

The office shakes. Oll bursts through the door. Tom is already standing.


What the hell was that?

(The building shakes again)

Crap, we’ve got to get out of here.

Tom makes for the door. Oll puts her hand up and stops him.


Hold your horses; it was just a malfunction in the cell oxygen tank, men are working on it right now.

Tom move towards Oll.


Francy, what happened here.

Oll tries to cover up the bruising.


No, no, no, no, no. Let me look at it.

Tom reaches up and puts a finger on Oll’s left cheek. Oll winces and tries to move away. Tom places his other hand on her right cheek.


Francy, please don’t move.

The bruising on her cheek disappears. Oll starts to collapse but Tom catches her. Tom picks her up and carries her over and places her on his chair. Oll opens her eyes and stands up. She looks at Tom.


How’d I get here Tom?

Tom smiles and shakes his head. He turns and walks out. Oll follows.

Int.ground floor

The camera looking up at Tom’s office.

Tom walks out; Oll follows a couple of seconds later. Tom leads Oll down the stairs and over to the video room.


Damn, it was Bart; look at his cell, his gone. Any casualties?

Oll shakes her head.

Angie walks in.

Tom pulls out his mobile and rings the government.


Put me through to the security minister.

clerk (V.O.)

Yes sir.


Get a team over here right now to fix up the cell oxygen tank so no one can escape. And I want you to turn on all the cameras in the country. We’ve got to get Bart, call me when you’ve found him.

minister (V.O.)

Sure Tom, they’re on there way.

Tom and Angie run out.

Tom and Angie are in the chopper with Tom flying.


Can ya’ see him yet.


(Watching the ground)

No, not yet, hold on, I see him. His running east towards the railway line. No, stop, his gotten into a truck.

Bart breaks through the railway crossing barrier and a train just misses the trailer.


Here, take control, get over the truck, I’m going to jump.

Angie gets right over head of it.


Please be careful Tom. It’s a 100 foot drop. Oh, and Tom, good luck.

Angie blows him a kiss and Tom nods and smiles. Tom points to his ear and Angie nods. Tom jumps. (Camera follows). Tom lands on top of the trailer. Tom stands up and starts running towards the cab. Bart hits the brakes and Tom flies forward. Tom lands on the cab and falls through the roof. Bart turns his head and pulls out a machine gun and shoots Tom. Then Bart throws Tom out of the truck.


Angie sees Tom fall out of the truck and brings the chopper down to land in the middle of the road. She jumps out and runs over to him and starts crying. Then Tom wakes up. Angie opens her eyes and stops crying. Tom shakes his head.


Tom, you’re alright.

Then she grabs him, kisses and hugs him.


Tom and Angie walk into the apartment and they both look around.


When was the last time you were here?

Tom looks at her.


Never, to be honest.

Angie looks at Tom, shocked.

Tom puts the boxes down and walks into another room. The camera stays with Angie. She looks around then walks outside onto the balcony, overlooking the Baton Rouge harbor. Tom walks out.


Nice view ain’t it.

Angie jumps and nearly falls off the edge.


God Tom, ya’ scared me.

Tom laughs. Then Tom hands Angie a box.


Angie, we’ve known each other for a few weeks now, and, I just want to give you this as a wel……come gift, go on, open it.

Angie opens it and sees a $6000 ring.


Tom, how did you afford it?



I can afford anything on my salary.


Tom, do you give rings to all you’re partners?


Let me put it this way, if you’re the first girl partner I’ve had, what do you think?


Ok then. I’m honoured.


Thanks beautiful.

Angie smiles. Tom and Angie walk into another room.

int.tom’s bedroom.night ***

Tom’s Apartment.

Two Weeks Later.

Tom is lying in bed asleep. The camera zooms into his face and into a dream.

John is sitting in a pub with a drugo. The drugo gives John some weed to smoke. He smokes it and becomes stoned. He walks outside.

He is stumbling down the street. The one of Bart’s assassins steps out. John stops.

She pulls out a gun. She aims it at him and fires. Then there is a scream as Tom jumps out and takes the bullet. He has a sword. The assassin steps out of the shadows. Tom sees it is a girl. (Emma Wood). She pulls out a sword. She throws it at Tom. He jumps and it misses him. Then there is a cry. Tom turns around and sees the sword sticking out of John. Blood starts streaming out of John’s mouth.

Tom pulls out his gun he turns around and starts shooting at the girl. She turns around and runs off.

The camera is looking at Tom. He is sweating and moaning. Angie comes running in. She jumps on the bed and shakes Tom. Tom wakes up and sits up.

Angie is looking worried.

Tom looks at her.


I just relived the death of my best friend. John. He is in the hall of hero’s. He saved my life once. I returned the favour. But I couldn’t do it again. About a year ago now.

Angie puts her hand on Tom’s face.


Tom, don’t worry about it. What’s the big deal anyway?


The girl, I mean the murderer. I had another dream the other night. I was in Washington, at HQ there. And I swear that I was working with her.

(Tom laughs and shakes his head. Angie lies down beside him).

It’s nothing to worry about. It’s just a hunch.

Angie laughs.


You’re right Tom, nothing to worry about. Nothing at all.

Tom kisses Angie on the cheek. Tom closes his eyes. Angie does the same. Tom opens up his eyes and sits up again. Angie opens here eyes.


What now?


I had a dream about you, before I met you. I think I’m a psy-, phis, no, I mean I’m a psycho.


That I can believe.

Tom laughs.


Just because you’re smart, and sexy and beautiful, and sexy, doesn’t mean you need to make fun of me.

Angie laughs.


You’re such a sweet talker Tom, and that’s why I love you.

Tom smiles at her. She puts her arms around him and hugs him. Tom lies back down. Angie rolls over and kisses him. They mouth to each other. ‘Night’. They go to sleep. ****


Mike and Natalie are standing in the bedroom.


Mike, everything is going ahead as planed. Tom is having the dreams. It’s only a matter of time before we can get to him. We need to get rid of Angie, and then he’s as good as dead.

Mike smiles.


You’re forgetting something Natalie. We can only die if we are holding a detonator or a remote control. So we need to set up something so he can become vulnerable, like have a detonator or something.

Natalie shakes her head.


No, Tom’s to smart for that.

Mike laughs.


No sexy, hell no. you’re to smart for that.

She smiles. Then kisses Mike. They kiss for 5 seconds.


It goes down, one week form now. Location is New Orleans. I’ll tell Bart.

They kiss again.

Fade out.

ext.a pitt

Tom comes running around the corner and past the camera. The next second two cars come screaming around the corner. A Ferrari Spider 360 FI and an Aston Martin V12 Vanquish. Tom races around into an ally way. The cars handbrake around the corner. The camera zooms into the Aston as it comes around the corner. It hits the wall, spins out and rolls into a power pole. The power pole falls on top of it and it blows up. (Big explosion)

The camera goes back to Tom as he jumps up over the gates. The Ferrari breaks through the gates and Tom falls on top of it. Tom rolls off the back and rolls a few times. Then the Ferrari hits the brakes and zooms back in reverse. Tom spins around straight and grabs onto the bottom of the car. The car comes to a halt. The driver steps out and looks around the back. He can’t see Tom anywhere. He hops back in the car. He hears a sound coming from the side of the car. He looks out to see Tom standing beside the window. Tom jumps into the car and the driver pulls out a gun and shoots at Tom five times. Tom dodges them all and they hit the wall of a building. The driver floors the car. Tom punches the driver so hard that he flies right out the door. The car starts spinning out of control. Tom struggles to get into the drivers seat. He finally sits down to drive.


Cool, I’ve got a 360 Spider, and even better. I can see every thing.

Then Tom pulls the car into control.


Alright, got it

Tom drives off.

Tom walks in with a big grin on his face and the keys in his hand. Angie is loading some guns. Angie turns around to look at him.


I’ve got a 360 Spider.

Angie looks at Tom.


Good, we can get to New Orleans tomorrow.




What do you mean why? It’s my birthday, remember?


Oh sh…ure. Of course.

Angie smiles at Tom.

Tom smiles back.


New Orleans.

Bart walks out of a shop and looks up to see Tom and Angie. He starts walking towards them at a quick pace and at the last minute, Tom and Angie walk off into the crowd.


Don’t look now, but Bart’s following us.

Bart calls his assassins out and everybody screams.

Tom and Angie fall to the ground just before all the shops in the area explode.

Tom winces.


Ok! Hold on, I’ve got an idea.

Tom stands up.


There you go Bart, you’ve caught me.

All the assassins get ready to fire but Bart stops them.


What’s wrong Bart, afraid?


Nothings wrong Tom. Why are you just standing there?

Then Tom jumps. (Slow-mo). Tom spins around and puts his legs up in front of him. He starts to fire and hits all the assassins. (Normal). They all fall down dead. Then Tom kicks Bart. He falls to the ground.


That’s why. Wreck my girlfriend’s birthday.


Oh my god Tom, you’ve killed Bart.



Yeah, I wish. He’s a hard one to kill.

Then Tom grabs Bart and they walk off, then Tom hear a noise and turns around, the assassin steps out and shoots at Tom. Tom gives Angie the signal to get every one away from here. Then Tom and the Assassin start running at each other. They reach each other and the assassin punches at Tom, but Tom jumps, does a back flip and lands ten metres away. Then Tom runs up and punches at the assassins head, the assassin grabs Tom’s hand and holds it there. Then Tom punches at his kidneys, but the assassin grabs that hand as well, then the assassin leans up to Tom’s ear.


Didn’t they ever tell you, I’m your brother Tom, my name is, Mike.

Camera zooms out to see Tom with a look of disgust. Then Tom head butts the assassin and breaks his nose. He falls over unconscious.

Then Tom sees the murderer.


You, you bitch. I’ll kill you, right now.


No Tom, I’m going to kill you.

Tom pulls out his gun. Natalie does the same.

Tom fires off 3 shots. Each one hits her. She falls over.

Then Tom turns around and runs off.

The camera looks down on Natalie. She stirs but doesn’t wake up.


Langley, Virginia.

Three Hours Later.

Tom and Angie walk into the CIA.


This is it Angie, the CIA, Central Intelligence Agency.


The CIA, there’s no such thing.

Tom shakes his head and they walk inside. They enter the Minister of defence and security’s office.


Sir, here’s Bart.

The Minister swings his chair around and Tom sees who it is.


Dad, oh my god, Dad, I can’t believe it’s you, I thought—


Ah Tom, Tom.


Not now Angie, Dad, I thought you were dead.


God damn it Tom.


Hi Tom, who’s the girl?


Tom, I thought you said you didn’t have any parents.


I didn’t think I did until now, I thought they were dead, by the way, his names Gorge. Angie’s my partner.


Oh, let’s go to Stunts & Dares then. We’ve got to get Bart back there; my men have fixed up the oxygen tank.

They grab Bart and walk out.

int.stunts &

They walk in and see Oll working and leave her alone.


What about Mum?

Angie straightens up.


Your mother’s dead son, she was eaten by a T-rex back Sixty billion BC.

Tom drops to the ground shaking.


Why didn’t you tell me?

Angie walks over to Tom and sits down beside him.


I’m shocked too Tom, but you know, Bart’s built a time machine, we can go back and stop it ever happening.

Tom shakes his head.


We can’t, it’ll change every thing.




Because, she could have more kids and they could destroy every thing.


So, was the only reason Tom didn’t do that is because he was first; he took the time to understand? I made it up. Really I made it up.


Unless, we could go back, prevent it from happening, but if she had more, we could take them to my lab and--.


And turn them into bloody science projects.

Tom nods.


Dad’s right, we have to let her go, it’s a thing of the past.

Then Tom pulls out a gun and shoots Bart with a tranquilizer.


Come on guys, let’s go.

They pick Bart up and walk out.


They all walk in and then down to the science lab.


Man, this is weird.

They wonder around for a bit then Angie screams. They all come rushing over to her.


What’s the mat- oh my god.

Then Tom gets there and sees it.



Wow, I haven’t seen one of them in years, you remember that son, that used to be--.

Tom cuts in.


My Teddy!

Then Tom smashes the glass and picks up the bear.




Angie starts laughing.




Snuggles, what’s so wrong with it.



Starts laughing her head off.


Shut up.

She stands up and stops laughing.



Sir yes sir.

Tom steps up to her.


Two words, SHUT UP.

Angie stands there.



Well, what are you standing around for, keep looking, not you Angie, you’re comin’ with me. Angie, I was three years old, ok, you understand.

Angie and Tom start walking when they hear a strange sound. They walk over to investigate it and see a computer on, Tom touches the computer and then Tom and Angie are sucked in. Tom drops his bear.

Gorge hears it and comes rushing over and is sucked in.


Tom and Angie come flying out and land on the ground in a heap. They get up and run off. Then Gorge comes flying through. Then he runs off. Bart steps out from behind a tree.


Ah crap, I missed them.


Think again loser.

Then Tom hears a gun shot.


Now I’m really going to hit it where it hurts.

Then there’s a scream and Angie falls to the ground.


You bastard, you put a bullet in her, now I’m going to put one in you.

Then Tom shoots but the gun clicks to show it’s out of bullets.


Oh crap.

Tom sprints away from Bart. Then he runs over to the time machine and travels back 2 minutes. Tom comes flying out, does a summersault and looks up to see Angie and him. Then Tom starts running and dives across and gets the bullet into his back. (As Tom dives across, there is a blur, then replay with tom going at normal speed but everything slow motion except the bullet) He gets up and runs back to the time machine and sets it up to go forward 1 minute. He touches it but he doesn’t go through, he touches it again and again.


Oh crap.

He runs back out and sneaks over to himself and drags him into the bushes.


Tom, you’re alright.

She hugs him and feels the cut. Tom flinches.


I got shot. Obviously I’m alright. Come on; let’s explore a bit, shall we.

They wonder off to look around and Gorge comes flying through the air. He lands with a thud, Tom and Angie stop walking and listen, and then they keep on walking. Camera goes to Gorge.

Camera goes back to Tom and Angie. They wonder around looking for 2 minutes. (Animal noises in back ground).The ground starts to shake. Then a T-rex comes running out and Tom sees a woman. Then Angie and the woman run past them. Tom grabs its tail and swings it around and let’s go of it.


Ah!!!! Oh!!!!

The camera follows the T-rex and it lands on the time machine. Camera goes back to Tom and Angie, and Woman.


Let’s go to the time machine.

They walk off.

They come out where the time machine is and see it isn’t there; instead, the T-rex is there.


Oh damn.


Oh crap.


Oh boy.


Oh shit.

Then Tom picks up the t-rex and throws it away.

The camera follows it and it lands on top of some cave men.

all cavemen


The camera goes back to them.


Teri, oh my god, you’re alive.

They run up to each other and hug.


Come on guys, let’s go, I’ve set it all up.

They all touch the screen and are sucked through back to the present.

ext.snowy MOUNTAIN.DAY ***

International Junior Trail Bike Championships.

South Island.

New Zealand.

Mike comes snow boarding down the mountain. Then Tom jumps out of a helicopter, parachutes down, drops from the parachute about three meters above the snow line, lands and starts snowboarding down behind Mike. Then the parachute lands where Tom landed. Mike stops at the bottom of the mountain. He looks up. Tom comes flying down the mountain.

Then we see a motorbike race about to start. Mike runs over and jumps onto a Honda CRF250. Then Tom stops and gets out of his holds just as the race starts. Tom then jumps onto and Honda CRF230. He takes off after them.

Camera goes to Mike.

Mike is swerving in and out of people. Then he comes up to Todd Ryan. Mike tries to overtake Todd. Todd swerves in front of Mike. Then they come up to the step up. Todd jumps and tries to pull off a flip. He comes off his bike and lands face first in the snow. He gets up and throws his helmet off in annoyance. There is no one else there, so he hops back on his bike and takes off again.

Camera goes to Tom.

Tom is in front of everyone. He comes up to the step up and pulls out his gun and fires at Mike as he pulls off a superman seat grab barrel roll. He lands and keeps on going. Then they come up to some icy cold water and Tom goes through it with no problem. Then all but one of them stack in the water. He keeps on going and catches up to Tom. Tom kicks out but misses the rider. Then Tom reads Jesse Fay on his shirt. Tom gives him the thumbs up. The Tom hits the front brakes and does a one eighty and kicks out. Jesse ducks and misses getting hit. Tom spins back around and leaves Jesse behind.

Camera goes to Mike.

Mike is about to stop but sees the finish line. Then Todd overtakes Mike. Then Mike sees a jump. He jumps and pulls off a no hander and lands with no hands. The Tom comes up behind him. Tom does a jump a coat hangers Mike off his bike. Tom lands and stacks it. Tom rolls and pulls out his guns. He walks up to Mike and puts his guns up. Then he hears a bike. The next second Jesse flies over the jump. Tom looks up and then dives out of the way just in time. Jesse lands right where Tom was standing and flies over the finish line. Then Todd and Jesse both skid up to Mike and stop. They both take off their helmets.


What the hell just happened?

He looks up but sees Tom is gone. He looks back down at Mike again. They both hop off their bikes. Mike suddenly wakes up. He jumps up onto his feet.


Get away from me, touch me and I’ll kill you.

Then Mike hops on his bike and drives off.

Todd and Jesse look at each other. Then hop on their bikes and drive off to the finish line again. ****


Tom’s Apartment.

Baton Rouge.

Tom is sitting on the lounge with his arm around Angie. They are watching TV.

TV anouncer

And in sport, the International Junior Trail Bike Championships were held today. The winner being Todd Ryan and coming in second was Jesse Fay.

The TV is showing them being presented with money and medals.

tv anouncer

And also with the Championships, two unknown riders…

Tom looks at Angie.


Guess who?


Um… you!

Tom smiles then laughs. Then Angie laughs.

tv anouncer

A reward has been offered for the capture of these two unknown riders. They are believed to be very dangerous, so please proceed with caution.

Tom looks at Angie again.

Angie looks worried.


The agency can smooth this over. I’m shore it’s just the cops.

They turn back to the tv. Camera fades out.

int.stunt’s and

Tom runs through the doors, up and into his office.


Tom runs through the door and stops. Oll and Angie are sitting on his desk looking at him. Tom is holding a letter in his hand.


Angie, Francis, get dressed up, we’re going to L.A.


Why Tom?


My Bentley has just arrived and Paris Hilton has just invited me to her movie Premier. She also said that we could stay at her place.


How do you know her Tom?


Do be jealous, I saved her life once.

Oll smiles.


Meet me in half an hour out the front.

ext.front of Stunt’s and

Angie and Oll walk outside dressed up beautifully. Tom is leaning on the Spider in a pair of blue jeans, a R.M Williams shirt, R.M Williams tie, Cuban boots and a black Akubra Bronco. Angie is wearing a blue skirt and blue long sleeved, off the shoulders top (the colour of her eyes) and black leather high heels. Oll is wearing the same as Angie. Tom walks around and gets in the middle seat. Oll gets in the drivers seat and Angie gets in the passenger’s seat. They drive off.

Tom, Angie and Oll walk down the ramp and outside.


Paris Hilton is standing beside her Hummer. She looks up and sees Tom, Angie and Oll walking towards her. Tom is carrying a suitcase. Tom, Angie and Oll stop in front of Paris. Tom and Paris hug each other and French kiss.


Hey Tom, how are you?


I’m great, how about you?


I’m good. So this is Angie and Francis?

They shake hands in turn.

While they shake hands, Tom puts the suit case in the back of the Hummer.


Alright then, now that you’re all acquainted, let’s go.

Paris gets in the drivers seat, Angie and Oll get in the back and Tom sits in the front seat. The hummer drives off.

The hummer turns onto the main road.


So where are you guys going?


The Bentley dealership in Long Beach.


So you guys are staying at my place tonight, after the movie.


Yeah. Um, do you remember that dinner that we had after the bombing on Rodeo Drive?

(Paris Nods)

Well I thought about what happened after that arvo tea, when we went to the Garth Brooks Concert. I still can’t believe that you got me on stage and backstage.


Well guess what Tom? Garth is going to be at the Movie Premier.

Tom picks up his Akubra and puts it on.


Well I guess that I dressed for the right occasion.

Paris, Angie and Oll all laugh.

ext.long beach

The hummer pulls up at the Bentley dealership. Tom, Paris, Angie and Oll all get out. They walk into the dealer ship.

int.long beach bentley

Tom and Oll walk over to the desk. They sit down. A man walks over and Tom and Oll stand up again.


Hi, my name is Steve.


G’day, my name is Tom, and this is my sister Francis.


Nice to meet you.


Now Tom, you’re here to pick up your Bentley Continental GT.


Good on ya mate. You got it in one.

Steve pulls some papers out of a draw.


Ok Tom. Um the car’s $238,000.00 US. How would you like to pay for it? We do take cash.

Tom stands up and takes out his wallet.


There you go mate. No problem.

Tom hands Steve the cash. Steve hands Tom the keys. Tom and Oll stand up, shake hands with Steve and walk off. Tom, Angie, Oll and Paris all walk outside.

ext.long beach bentley

The Bentley is parked next to the Hummer. Tom walks around to the Drivers seat and hops in. he starts it a revs it heaps. Angie gets in beside him. Tom’s hand is on the gearstick. Angie puts her hand on top of Tom’s. Tom drives off, the Hummer follows. hiltons

The Hummer drives up through the gate. The Bentley drives in after it. The Hummer stops outside the house, the Bentley stops behind it. hiltons

Paris, Tom, Angie and Oll walk in. Paris stops in the foyer. Tom is staring around. Paris looks at Tom.


Tom, people would think that you’ve never been here.

Tom laughs.


It still amazes me looking at this place.

They walk off.

Tom is sitting at the bench, talking on the phone and drinking a coke.


Deano mate, you’d better be right. Now are you sure about it.

Angie looks at Tom nervously. Tom smiles at her.


Alright, thanks mate, yeah, thanks. See ya.

Tom hangs up and walks over to the girls.

Tom sits down next to Angie.


What’s going on Tom?


Bart and his phoney’s are out of the country, making a deal or something like that. So we’re clear for the next couple of days. We’ve been cleared for a week hear, so if you don’t mind, we’d like to stay around, visit some places.

Paris smiles.


No problem Tom. Stay as long as you like.


Thanks Paris.

Oll’s phone rings.

Oll pulls it out and looks at the screen.

Oll looks at the others.


Sorry, I’ve got to take this.

(Opens the phone)

Hey little bro, how are you?

Oll walks out of the room.

Tom looks at Paris.


So Paris, how have things been? Any boyfriends beat you, anyone tried to rob you.

Tom punches the palm of his hand.

Paris and Angie laugh.

Oll walks back in.


What time does it start?

They all look at Oll.


Seven o’clock. Half an hour.

Tom picks up his car keys.


Let’s go then.

They all walk out.

int.tom’s bentley.night

Tom and Paris are driving in the car. Tom stops the car.


So I just drive straight up, stop in front of the red carpet and they’ll just open the doors for me?


Yep, then I’ll introduce you as you get out, then Francy and Angie. You smile for the camera, answer two questions only, and then walk in.

Tom starts nodding.


Alright then, let’s do it.

Tom stops the car. There is screaming in the background. Paris gets out of the car, tom sits there. Tom then climbs out of the car.


Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honour to introduce a great friend and the savour of Los Angles, Tom Bush.

(Louder screaming. Tom is waving.)

And Tom’s girlfriend and work partner, Angie Thomas. And Tom’s closet and oldest friend, and work partner, Francis Oll.

Everyone cheers. Tom puts his arm around Angie’s waist; they both wave and follow Paris in. Oll follows to. Then Garth Brooks gets out of a limo, waves and walks in.

Paris walks into the foyer, closely followed by Tom, Angie and then Oll.

The door opens up again and cheering echo’s through the foyer. Garth Brooks walks through the doors. Garth sees Paris and walks up to her.


Paris, how are you?


I’m great Garth, how are you?


I’m cool, very cool.

Tom walks to Garth.


Garth, how are you mate?


Tom, I’m good, I see your doing well for yourself to, nice Bentley out the front, nice Akubra and R.M Williams if I’m not mistaken.


Damn straight Garth, nothing else.

Bell rings.


That’s it; we better go in if you don’t want to get mugged by a crowd in their thousands.

Tom’s eyes widen.


Yeah, yeah, that’s a good idea.

Tom, Angie, Oll, Paris, Garth and the other actors from the film walk into the theatre.


The lights dim and the screen comes to life. Some advertisements come on. Then the trailers start.

Tom, Angie, Oll, Paris and Garth walk up the stairs and into the second row from the back. They all sit down.

The film starts. Tom is looking around and sees a person with a bulky jacket and a strange point sticking out of it.

Tom leans across to Oll.


Oll, one o’clock, possible weapon under the jacket. Safety off?


Affirmative. Angie, safety off. All units, possible weapon bearer first row, seat three, report.

unit 1 (V.O)

One, copy.

unit 2 (V.O)

Two, copy.

unit 3 (V.O)

Three, copy.

unit 4 (V.O)

Four, copy.


Safety off.

Tom takes off his Akubra and hands it to Garth.


Garth, hold this, I’ll be back soon.

Tom walks off, gun in hand. Garth just looks after him.

Tom walks down past the suspect. There is a click of a gun being cocked. Tom drops just as a shot flies over his head.

No screaming erupts.


Shit, all units, the suspect has a silencer, repeat, suspect has a silencer.

Tom suddenly spins around. There is a whoosh and Tom receives a shot to the shoulder and a shot to the arm.

Tom drops and lays still.

Tom rolls over onto his back. The suspect looks down at him. The suspect raises his gun. There is a bang and the suspect gets thrown to the ground.

Oll comes running up to Tom and drops down in front of him.


Tom, are you ok?

Tom nods.


Yeah, sure.

Oll puts her hand to her ear.


We have a man down, repeat, we have a man down. Suspect eliminated.

Oll walks over to the suspect. Oll rolls the suspect over. Oll reaches into the suspects inside pocket and pulls out a piece of paper. Oll walks over to Tom.


Tom, take a look at this.

Oll hands Tom the piece of paper.

Tom opens the piece of paper.


Tonight, seven fifteen. Take her out. Two to the chest, one to the head. Make sure it gets done this time. Bart. Oh shit, you know what this means, don’t you. S & D has an insider.


It would have to be in D.C. they were the ones who told us that Bart was out of the country.


Uh-ha. Well, I tell you what, I ain’t handling this case. Have L.A handle it.


Ok. Are you sure you’re alright?


Yeah, I promise, I’m fine. When we get back to Paris’ I’ll fix myself up.

Tom looks back down at the note again. Tom notices something on the back of the note and turns it over. More is written on the back.


The other one is in the projection house. Oh shit.

Tom jumps up.


Get down, everybody, get down.

There is a smashing sound of glass breaking.

A gun is cocked.


Get down, now.

Tom raises his gun and fires it at the projection house. There is a yell.

Tom fires another shot.

The dead mans head hits the glass and smears blood on the window.

Screaming erupts and people start running everywhere.

Tom runs and blocks the exit.

Everybody stop screaming and running.


Ladies and gentlemen. Tonight’s shooting was no coincidence. Now, you are to walk out this door and you are not to say anything to anyone. If you do, you will be loc--.

Beep, beep, beep.


What’s that? Oh shit. Bomb, everybody run, it’s a bomb. Go, go, go.

All the people start running. Tom jumps up and grabs onto the railing just before he is trampled.

The crowd disappears.

Tom drops down and runs up the stairs.


We have a bomb. Angie, Francy, get out now, we’ll handle this. Go now.

Angie runs out. Oll just stands there. Angie comes back in.


Francy, come on, we have to go, now. Please Francy.

Oll turns to go.

Tom grabs her arm.


Take care of her, please Francy.

Tom nods at Angie.

Oll nods and runs off.

Tom turns back to the other S & D units.


Ok, have we located it yet?

unit 1

Yes sir, but it’s in the wall.



unit 1

Yes sir, we’re not sure how much time we have, but at a guess, two minutes.


Ok, ok, out, move now. Get out.

Tom and the four units run down the stairs and out of the building.

Tom and the four units arrive outside and stop.

Tom turns to unit 1.


What type of bomb is it?

unit 1

I can’t say, but get everybody in a two mile radius to move.

Tom shakes his head.


It’s to late for that, let’s just try and get all these people away.

Tom and the four units split up.

Camera follows unit 1. Unit 1 pulls out a megaphone.

unit 1

Everybody move as far away as possible, please move on foot, not in your vehicles.

Hear Tom and the other three units in the background doing the same.

Everybody starts running.

Camera goes to Angie, Paris, Garth and Oll.

Angie and Oll are leading the way to there hummer. Oll turns to Paris.


Do you know a back way?

Paris nods.

Paris, Angie, Oll and Garth all climbs into the hummer. And drive off.

Camera to Tom.

Tom is running through the street to his Bentley. Tom reaches it and unlocks it.

Tom climbs in and starts the engine.

Tom jams it into reverse and drives into and alley. Tom sees a hummer at the other end of the alley. The hummer goes around the corner. Tom spins the Bentley around and jams it into 1st. tom takes off after the hummer.

Split screen, three parts. One the theatre, two the hummer, three the Bentley.

From Tom’s view, we can see the hummer; Tom is gaining on the hummer, from the hummer we are sitting on the dashboard, looking back at Angie, Oll, Garth and Paris. We can see Tom’s Bentley catching up in the background. From the theatre, the camera goes inside to the bomb, which is under a seat. It says 00:05, 00:04, 00:03, 00:03, 00:02.

Theatre camera disappears and leaves the Bentley and the Hummer cameras.

Looking through Tom’s view, we see the review mirror, in the mirror, we see the theatre explode. Through the hummer, we still see it as it was, then we see the theatre explode. (Big Explosion).

int.Stunt’s and dares truck.night

The four units are sitting in the truck. The truck is travelling away. They are cheering. The camera turns and we see sitting at the front of the truck, Bart, sitting smugly with a smile on his face.


Well-done men. Where did you put the bomb?

unit 1

We gave it to the hit man in the projection box. He planted it there.


Good, and what of Tom?

unit 1

Last we saw, he was running back into the building to check for anyone still in there. He’s bound to be dead.


Excellent. Let’s have a celebration. Driver.


Yes sir.

Bart climbs into the front seat.


Is Tom still alive?


Affirmative sir.



Bart climbs back into the back.


Congratulations unit 1.

unit 1


Cut off by Bart shooting him in the chest three times.

Bart aims the gun at unit 2.


Anyone want to revise unit 1’s statement?

unit 4

Last we saw of Tom sir, he was running for his car.


Thankyou 4.

Bart lowers his gun.


Get rid of 1.

Unit 3 and 4 pick up unit 1 and throw him out the back.

3 and 4 sit back down.


I don’t tolerate lies or mistakes. You have one week.

The truck drives on. hiltons place.night

The Hummer drives up the front drive. The Bentley follows.

The Hummer and the Bentley park.

Tom, Angie, Oll, Paris and Garth climb out and walk inside. hiltons place.night

Paris, Tom, Angie, Oll and Garth walk into the house. Garth is still holding Tom’s Akubra.

Tom walks off up the stairs and into the bathroom. Tom shuts the door and slides down the wall.

There is a knock at the door and Oll comes in. Oll sits down next to Tom. Oll puts her hand on Tom’s leg.


You okay buddy?

Tom nods.


You want something for the arm?

Tom nods.

Oll stands up and walks over to the cabinet. Oll opens up the cabinet and pulls out some bandages. Oll walks back to Tom and drops down in front of Tom.

Tom undoes his tie, and takes off his shirt. There is a bullet hole in Tom’s shoulder and arm.

Oll opens a bandage and puts it over Tom’s wounds.

Oll picks up the rubbish and puts it in the bin.

Oll turns around and drops back down in front of Tom.

Oll starts leaning towards Tom and is about to kiss Tom when Tom puts his hand to Oll’s mouth and stops Oll from kissing Tom.


But I love you Tom.

Tom nods.


I know, and I love you to. Just, I love Angie to and I’m going out with her. I’m really, really sorry Francy. Maybe if Angie and I break up. But not before then. You’ve had four years to get with me. I’m so sorry.

Oll moves toward Tom and hugs him. They hold each other for 10 seconds.

Tom and Oll break apart. Tom and Oll stand up and look at each other and get closer. Oll closes her eyes. Tom pecks Oll on the lips and walks out pulling his shirt on.

Oll just looks after him with tears rolling down her face.

Tom comes walking into the kitchen with his shirt undone. There are blood stains on the shoulder and arm.

Angie jumps up and runs over to Tom. Angie pulls Tom’s shirt down. Tom tries to push it back up but Angie keeps it held down.


Ah Tom, you should really see a doctor.


I’ve already seen one, she said I’ll live.


Ha, ha, very funny. Are you sure you’re alright?

Tom nods.


Yes, I’m sure. Owe, don’t poke it.

Paris gets up and walks to the fridge.


Anyone one want a drink?


Yeah sure, I’ll have a beer. Thanks Paris.

Paris hands the beer to Garth.


Just a coke thanks.

Paris hands the coke to Angie.


Tom, you want anything?


Nah thanks.

Tom is scratching at the bench.


Hey, has anyone seen Francy?


I’m going for a walk. Outside.

Tom gets up and leaves.


How we take him to my concert tomorrow?


Yeh. That might work. I don’t know what’s the matter with him. I’ve never seen him like this. I hope he doesn’t blame himself for wrecking you’re Premier Paris.


He shouldn’t. It wasn’t his fault, and I don’t think anyone was hurt. I mean, he cares so much about everyone, as if he’d die for them.


He just about did for Francy.


Really, when?


Ages ago. Before I even knew of him. I mean, everyone had heard of Tom. He’s Legendary. Tom founded the company with navy commander Chris Lebenzon 25 years ago.

Garth whistles.


Wow, and he’s lasted this long.


Yep, but he got hit by an A23 sniper rifle bullet. They’re about 16mm. that’s one big assed bullet.


Tell me about it.

Angie stands up.


I’m going to bed. See you in the morning.


Night. I’m off to. See ya’.


Are you sure you want to stay here. It’s a bit squished in the guest room.


Yeh sure, I’m fine. Night.


Yep, see you in the morning.

Garth walks out.

int.oll’s room.night

Oll sitting on the bed, not crying, but she has tears running down her face.

The door opens and Tom walks in. tom sits on the bed beside Oll.


Do you want to go for a walk outside?

Oll nods.

Tom and Oll stand up and walk out.

int.angie’s room.night

Angie looks out the window and sees Tom and Oll walk out and sit under a tree.

ext. paris’ garden.night

Tom and Oll are sitting under the tree.

Tom and Oll are holding hands. Oll still has tears running down her face.


I’m really sorry Francy.

Tom and Oll sit quietly for five seconds.


It’s not your fault Tom, you’re right, I should have asked before Angie came into our lives.

int.garth’s room.night

Garth is playing with his guitar. Garth starts playing a long intro into “If Tomorrow Never Comes”.’ garden.night


I’m just worried, if tomorrow never comes. Then I’ll never see you again. Or if you get killed, I couldn’t live with myself, knowing that I sent you there.


Don’t worry, as Garth says.


Sometimes late at night, I lie awake and watch her sleeping, she’s lost in peaceful dreams so I turn out the lights, and lay there in the dark.

Tom stops talking as Garth takes over and sing “If Tomorrow Never Comes”.

Oll leans her head on Tom’s shoulder. Tom puts his arm around Oll.

int.garth’s room.night

Garth is playing his guitar.

Paris is sitting at the bench eating a sandwich and drinking a coke. Paris looks around her kitchen. Paris gets up and walks out.

int.angie’s room.night

Angie is still looking down at Tom and Oll. Angie has tears running down her face. Angie turns around and walks out.

int.garhs room.night

Garth stands up and looks out the window, still playing his guitar and singing, then walks out.


Paris is about to walk up the stairs when Angie and Garth come down. Angie walks up to Paris.


Tom and Francy are outside.

Paris nods and Garth, Paris and Angie walk out.’ garden.night

Tom looks around as Angie, Paris and Garth walk over and sit down. Garth is still singing.

Tom looks around at them all and smiles. Tom grabs hold of Angie’s hand and they hold.




Garth continues playing as the screen fades out.

Tom walks into the kitchen. Everybody is already sitting at the table except Garth.


Where’s Garth.


He went to set up for his concert today.

Tom looks stunned.


Concert, oh, I wish I could go.

Angie and Paris look at each other and smile.


You are.

Tom just about falls off his chair.


I am, awesome. Are any of you guys going?


Yep, we all are.


Cool. So what time is it?


12 noon. We’ve got to leave in one hour.


Alright. So what’s for breakfast?

Tom walks through the gates and sees Garth standing on the stage talking to a guy. The guy walks off and Garth turns around. Garth sees Tom and walks down the stares and over to Tom.


Hey Tom.

Tom looks behind him.

Angie, Oll and Paris aren’t there.


They fooled you well didn’t they? You want to sing with me today?

Tom is stunned.


Hell yes, of course. So what am I singing?

Garth starts walking back towards the stage.


That Summer and The Dance. If that’s ok?

Tom nods.


The Dance is my Favourite song, so, yes. When do I sing them?


They’re the first two songs.


Cool. Can I play the guitar in that Summer?


If you know the cords, sure.


Oh, I do, that’s cool.

Garth walks backstage and Tom follows.

Garth hands Tom and Electric/Acoustic Guitar.

Tom holds it.


Awesome. Thanks Garth.


Put the guitar down, and I’ll introduce you to the band members.

Tom puts the guitar down and follows Garth.

The last of the crowd walks in.

Garth walks out on stage playing the opening to “That Summer”. Huge cheers erupt. The rest of the band is already on stage and they are playing. Tom then walks out on stage playing.


I went to work with her that summer, two teenage kids so far from home; she was a lonely widowed woman, hell bent to make it on her home.


We were a thousand miles from nowhere, wheat fields as far as I could see, both needin’ somethin’ from each other, not knowing yet what that might be.


‘till she came to me one evening, hot cup of coffee and a smile, in a dress that I was certain, she hadn’t worn in quite a will. There was a difference in her laughter, there was a softness in her eye’s and on the air there was a hunger, even a boy could recognise.

tom and garth

She had a need to feel the thunder, to chase the lightning from the skies, to watch the storm with all its wonder, raging in her lovers eyes; she had to ride the heat of passion, like a comet burnin’ bright, rushing head long in the wind, out where only dreams had been burnin’ both ends of the night

Tom starts walking out the runway.


That summer wind was all around them, nothin’ between us but the night, and when I told her that I never, she softly whispered that’ alright, and then I watched her hands of leather, turn to velvet in a touch, there’s never been another summer, that I have ever learned so much.

Tom stops, turns around and runs back as the chorus starts.

garth and tom

We had a need to feel the thunder, to chase the lightning from the skies, to watch the storm with all its wonder, raging in each others eyes; we had to ride the heat of passion, (Tom; come on Garth) like a comet burnin’ bright, rushing head long in the wind, out where only dreams had been burnin’ both ends of the night.

Garth walks forward to the front of the stage as Tom moves back into the rest of the band. Tom and Garth then move back into the middle of the stage together.

As Garth sings, he moves down the right wing.


I often think about that summer, the sweat the moonlight and the lace, I have rarely held another, when I haven’t seen her face.

As Tom sings, he moves over and joins Garth.


And every time I pass a wheat field, watch it dancing with the wind, although I know it isn’t real; I just can’t help but feel her hungry arms again.

Tom does a flip over Garth and lands just as Garth runs back to the centre. Tom follows.


She had a need to feel the thunder, to chase the lightning from the skies, to watch the storm with all its wonder, raging in her lovers eyes; she had to ride the heat of passion, like a comet burnin’ bright, rushing head long in the wind, out where only dreams had been burnin’ both ends of the night


Rushing head long in the wind


Out where only dreams had been

tom and garth

Burnin’ both ends of the night

Song finishes.

Everyone is cheering. Tom is laughing and Garth comes over and shakes hands with him.

Garth turns to the crowd.


Good afternoon, good afternoon. What an opening, don’t cha think? Wow. What a crowd. Now, you might be wondering who this kid is.

Tom goes and hides behind the drummer. Garth hands his guitar to a stagehand. Garth turns around and looks for Tom.


Oh come on Tom, you just performed in front of them.

Tom stands up and walks out. Tom hands his guitar to a stagehand.


Country music fan’s, it is my great pleasure to introduce, my great friend, Tum Bush, ladies and gentlemen, give it up for him.

The crowd cheers.

Garth walks over the piano. Tom stays at the front.


This is one of my favourites; it’s called The Dance.

Garth starts plying “The Dance”.

Tom waves at some people in the audience. Tom smiles as the music starts.


Looking back, on the memory of, the dance we shared, beneath the stars above

Tom turns away from the crowd and walks towards the piano.


For a moment, all the world was right, how could I have known, that you’d ever say goodbye. And now, glad I didn’t know, the way it all would end, the way it all would go

Tom is leaning on the piano.


Our lives, are better left to chance, I couldn’t miss the pain, but I’d a have to miss the dance. Holding you, I held everything, for a moment, wasn’t I a king. If I’d only know, how the key would fall, and who’s to say, you know, I might have changed it all. And now, I’m glad I didn’t know, the way it all would end, the way it all would go, our lives, are better left to chance, I couldn’t miss the pain, but I’d a have to miss, the dance.


It’s my life, it’s better left to chance, I couldn’t miss the pain, but I’d a have to miss, the dance.

The song ends and the crowd yells and cheers.

Tom waves.


Thankyou L.A.

Tom runs off stage.

Angie is waiting off the stage. Tom runs out and picks her up and twirls her around.


That song went out to you.

Tom kisses Angie.


You were amazing. I didn’t know you could sing or play the guitar.


Garth walks out the back. People congratulate him as he goes past.

Tom and Angie are sitting on a lounge talking as Garth comes around.

Tom looks up and sees Garth. Tom stands up.


Thanks so much for that. Mate, you were awesome.

Tom and Garth shake hands.


So were you Tom, you are a good singer. The band thought you were great. So did I. I’d have you sing more, but, you’re a busy kid.

Tom shrugs.


I’d do it again.

Tom’s phone rings.

Tom pulls it out and looks at the phone.


Just let me take this, will you.

Tom walks off.

Garth goes and sits down next to Angie.


You’re lucky to know him, I tell you that.

Angie smiles.


I know. I’d hate to lose him.

Garth nods as Tom comes back.


Angie, I just got a call, they want us all back at Baton Rouge.



Angie stands up.

Garth stands up to.


Thanks again Garth.

Tom shakes Garth’s hand.


Thr honour is all mine. I’ll see you later.


You to Garth. By.

Tom and Angie walk off.

Garth laughs and shakes his head.

Tom pulls out his phone and presses a button.


Yeah, he Francy, it’s me. Thanks, look, you need to get to the car, they need us back at Baton Rouge. Alright, see you in a few minutes. Yeah, I’ll meet you at the gate.

Tom climbs in his Bentley, Angie climbs in the passenger seat.

Tom starts it up and drives to the gates. Oll is standing there. Tom stops and Oll climbs in.


So, what’s the matter?


Don’t know. They just want us back there.

The Bentley drives off.

int.night club

Tom walks into the night club and sits down at the bar. A waitress comes over to him and goes to speak but Tom pulls out his wallet and shows his ID.


What’ll it be?


Ah, just a Coke thanks.

The waitress hands Tom the Coke. Tom turns around to sees who he’s looking for. He gets up and walks over to table number 18. He sits down. The woman that he sat down with is wearing and Black leather coat with leather pants and top. She has her hair cut short.


You called me off holiday. I just got back.


Have you got the money?


Yeah, but first, show me the machinery.

The woman reaches down and picks up a bag. She puts it on the table and opens it up. Tom looks in side to see silver hand guns, grenades and machine guns and plastic explosive, 200 pieces in total.


Are all 200 in there?


Yeah, now my money.


There’s all $20,000. Thanks Sophie.

The woman hands him the bag.

Tom gets up and walks out with the bag.

Still drinking his Coke.

He walks out side and hears a gun shot.

The bottle smashes into a million pieces.

Tom looks around and sees Mike.




Yeah, me!

Tom pulls out a machine gun and fires at Mike. Then he turns around and runs towards the hill in the distance.

He reaches the hill and stands at the top of it. He turns around and sees about 200 assassins lead by Mike.


Oh Damn.

(Slow motion) Tom pulls out some grenades and throws them at the army; they explode and take out about 20 assassins. Then Tom pulls out two machine guns and starts firing them. Tom takes out about 140 of them. The final 40 all come up and start to form a circle around him. Then an assassin comes in to face him. All the other assassins start clapping there hands together slowly then they start to speed up slowly and chanting.


Huh, hah, huh, hah……

Continues over.

The stand up assassin walks up to Tom. The stand up assassin goes to punch Tom, but Tom is too quick. Tom punches the stand up assassin on the nose and he falls over dead.

All the assassins look at Tom in complete anger.

Then they all attack him except for Mike. (Slow mow). Tom jumps 10 meters up into the air and does a triple back flip, lands and rolls for 2 meters. Then stands up and pulls out his car keys. He presses a button and the Bentley comes driving up the hill so fast that it could take off. It knocks down about 30 assassins. It stops next to Tom. Tom grabs the bag and throws it in the passengers’ seat. He jumps in and floors it.

The camera stays with all the assassins. They all look at Mike. Then turn around and walk off in different directions. ***

Tom screams around the corner and up the street in his Spider. He has been driving all night so he looks a bit worn out. He also has a large cut down his right cheek. Tom zooms past a shop and looks in the window.


Hey, she looks familiar.

Tom stops, does a u-turn and comes flying back. He skids to a stop just outside the shop. He gets out of the car and walks into the shop.


Come with me, I have someone you might want to meet.

She walks out and hops in. Tom does a burnout and throttles it.


Who are you?


You’ll know soon enough. Hold on!

Tom floors it.

Then there is a siren.

Tom turns around.


Shit, we’re being followed. Hold on.

Tom handbrakes it perfectly around a side street and six hummers follow him around. Then there is machine gun fire.

Tom pushes the girl’s head down.


Here, drive.

The girl hops into the driver’s seat.

Tom stands up a pulls out his guns.

He fires at four of them. They all blow up.

(Big explosion.)

Tom reaches into the back and pulls out a machine gun.

He fires and one of the cars looses control.

Then he fires again and the other one rolls.

Tom puts the machine gun in the back and hops in the drives seat.

Tom pulls a hand-brake and parks beside the rolled hummer. He looks at the number plate.


Shit, shit. Shit, it’s ASIO. Bloody hell.


What’s ASIO?


Australian Security Intelligence Organization.

Then Tom drives off. Tom pulls into a side street. He goes to the end and stops.


Follow me.

They walk in and Tom knocks five times. The door is opened and they walk in.

Tom walks in looking annoyed. The girl walks in behind him.


We were followed, Six hummers. It was ASIO, the bustards. Some one wants my blood.

The Teri sees the girl.


Hello Kim.


Mum, dad.

Tom’s face turns into shock.


See Tom, I told you that you had a sister.


Hold on, I know this movie. It’s Star Wars, ain’t it?


Tom, please.

Tom shakes his head and groans. Tom starts to walk off.


Tom is that you? Last time I saw you, you were only 3. And I was 8.

Kim giggles.

Tom turns around.


Yeah, well you may be 5 years older that me, but I’ve turned out way cooler and everything else that you.

Tom laughs and walks off. The camera stays with the others. They start talking to Kim.

The camera turns to Tom.


Losers, ‘see Tom, I told you that you had a sister’. Parents!

Tom starts up his car and drives off.


Damn parents; reckon that Kim is so much better.

Tom turns a corner and a truck is driving strait towards him. He swerves at the last minute. He misses the truck and keeps on driving.


Hey loser, watch where you’re driving.

Tom turns another corner. He drives off.

Tom walks in with Angie’s hand in his.


Tom, what were you two up to?




Oh my god, his at that age, just leave him alone.

Tom walks over with Angie and sits down on the lounge.

The door slams open and Mike charges in and stares at Tom.


Tom, we have to go now, or else Bart will be here and he will try and kill you all before turning on yo--.

In a flash, Tom jumps up and punches Mike in the gut; he flies back and hits the wall.

Mike looks up and his mouth is bleeding.


What the hell was that for, I’m on your side!


Sorry, I’m just still annoyed with what happened to mum.

Kim walks in.




Kim, how are you, I haven’t seen you in ages.


That’s it, you’re dead.

Tom gets up and starts running away from Kim.

Tom walks back in, followed by Kim; Tom is covered in pink paint.


God she’s a good shot. With pink.

Angie looks up at Mike.


We better get going.

Tom, Mike, Angie and Kim run over to the Spider. Kim climbs in the back and Angie sits in the front. Tom puts the bag of weapons in the boot. Then changes his cloak and then sits in the drivers’ seat.


Tom, Mike, Angie and Kim drive into the garage and Tom parks the car. They climb out; Tom grabs the bag of weapons and walks in. They enter the building to see nothing there.

Then they hear a clatter, they turn around. Tom gives them all a group of weapons each, and then Tom gives Kim the symbol to go around left, Angie to go around right and Mike to follow Tom straight on.

Camera follows Kim. Then they come out at a fork turn, they all go down the far left one. Then they come out and hear a machine. They walk up to it and see Bart. They all go round to the right and come out behind the machine.

Tom jumps up on top of the machine and sees that no one is there. Tom jumps down and signals Kim to come around. They walk over to the door and sneak inside. Then they see Bart.

Tom walks over to Bart who is standing beside rail. It is a 500 foot drop onto a sharp spike. Bart steps away and Tom walks over to the rails. Then a machine gun sounds and Kim drops the machine gun to the floor. Tom looks over to Bart and stares at him.


You know Tom, we could have been great together, but you had to go off and join that stupid Stunt and Dares.

Tom climbs up and sits on the railing.


Yeah. You know Bart, you’re right.


Do you really think law can pay?


Well it does, and well. But does crime really pay.

Bart shoots at Tom. Tom swings back over the edge. Bart runs over and stares looking successful. Camera looks up from the spike as Tom holds on where Bart can’t see him.

Then just before Bart pulls out his gun again, the camera zooms up to Angie and Kim holding their guns.

The camera zooms down to Tom down underneath the platform. Tom starts to go forward towards a hole in the wall. He gets up to it and turns on his flashlight.

The camera flashes back up to Bart, Angie and Kim.


Turn around with your hands up.

Bart turns around with his hands up. Then he flicks his thumb. A bit of plastic falls to the ground.


Um, Kim, we’ve gotta’ get out of here, that’s a grenade.

They all turn around and run out of the room just as it explodes.


Tom is crawling along the tunnel when he feels a shudder. Then he looks around and sees fire shooting down the tunnel. Tom starts moving as fast as he can. Then he suddenly falls down a large hole and into and big pool of oil.


Oh shit, oil!

The fire starts to shoot down the hole and towards Tom. He flicks his flashlight on and sees another tunnel leading to a pool of water. He gets up and starts sprinting towards the water but is slowed down by the oil. The fire catches up to Tom and sets fire to his back. It finally overtakes him and his whole body catches on fire. He finally feels that he has made it to the water and dives into it. The fire flies over him. He gets up just when the fire finishes going over head. He starts to walk towards the hole and goes into it.

Camera is sitting on the roof as Bart climbs up the ladder. His white lab coat is parched and smoking out big puffs of black smoke. His hair is sticking up everywhere and his shirt and pants are black. He climbs up and sits down rubbing his face. Then there is a clatter and Kim, Angie and Mike jump up on top of the roof.


Well done Bart, you survived the blast.


Angie, look out.

Angie just stands there. Then Kim jumps in front and is knocked off the roof.


Well, it’s just down to the two of us, now.

Angie shakes her head.


You’re wrong Bart, very wrong.

Then Angie runs up to Bart and they start to fight. Angie grabs Bart’s arm and twists it around over his head. (Slow-mow). Then Bart spins around and punches Angie in the face. Blood flies out of her mouth. Mike starts running towards Bart. Camera freezes.


Cut to Tom walking through the tunnel. He turns around and you can see the last turn where he came from but you can’t see the place where the water was. He wanders along for a couple of minutes then hears a clatter. He stumbles and looks up. Then he sees a blurred shape. He starts running towards it then it disappears. He picks up his pace a bit and runs right past the place where it was. He comes up to a door. He punches it but it doesn’t even make a dent. He punches it harder but just hurts his hand. Then he punches it as hard as he can. You hear a snap and Tom grabs his hand in pain.

Tom stumbles over and collapses on the ground. The camera looks up at the door and you see a small dent in the door, then Tom gets up and looks at his wrist, he turns it a bit then nods. He opens the door, steps through and walks on.

Mike runs up and punches Bart and he flies off the edge of the roof. He jumps down after him. He stares up looking horrified.


Mike? What are you doing?


Something that I should have done a long time ago.

Mike pulls out his gun. Bart gets a sudden wave of horror running across his face. He points behind Mike.

Mike turns around and sees Tom. Tom walks up and stands beside Mike. Angie looks over from lying on the ground. Tom takes a sip of coke from a coke can and takes a bite out of a mars bar.


Well Tom, you found your way out of my little maze. How did you do it?

Tom walks up to the limp body of Kim, picks her up and shakes her. She opens her eyes, sits up and looks around. She goes to speak but Tom stops her.

The Tom takes a deep breath and starts explaining.

Goes to flash scene.

tom (V.O)

Well I came up to the door and broke my wrist.

Back to them on the ground.

Angie and Kim flinch.

Bart and Mike just stand there.

Back to flash scene.

tom (V.O)

Then I opened it and found I was in the lab. I wandered around and found the time-machine. So I destroyed it.

Back to them on the ground.

Bart’s face turns to anger.

Back to flash scene.

tom (V.O)

Then I walked up and out of the lab and found myself in the kitchen. I looked around a bit and grabbed a can of coke and some mars bars. Then I walked outside and saw the ladder. So I climbed up it and walked over and saw you two fighting on the ground. So I jumped down and saw you had the balls scared off you. And that pretty much brings us up to date.

The words are said over the flash scene.

Tom stumbles over and collapses on the ground. The camera looks up at the door and you see a small dent in the wall, then Tom stands up and looks at his wrist, turns it a bit then nods. He opens up the door and peers through. He steps through the door and walks on.

Tom walks through the door into the lab. He wanders around a bit and finds the time-machine. He takes a step backwards and fires at it. He destroys it and walks on. He walks out of the lab and up into the kitchen. Then he walks over to the fridge and grabs a can of coke and a few mars bars. Then he walks out side and sees the ladder. He climbs up it and see Mike and Bart fighting down on the ground. Tom jumps down and Bart sees him. A look of terror comes over his face. Then Mike turns around.

Flash scene ends.


Bart, I’m going to do something that will probably get me fired.

Angie slaps Tom so hard that he gets knocked to the ground. Tom stands up again.


No Angie, I known what I’m doing, he killed a lot of my partners, but Jack, oh yeah, I remember every word is said at his funeral. Um, I don’t really have much to say, and I’m not good at speeches. But I remember when I first meet Jack. He was about 10 years old. He was a really enthusiastic boy, so I took him to see one of the biggest soccer matches ever, Australia .V. Brazil. When Australia won, I mean the look on his face, he was the most happiest boy alive, my spirit and heart were lifted and I was a changed person, and because of him, I fell like I will be in that seat looking at him for ever, at that massive grin on his face, the way he laughed, the way he looked at me after that game. The thing I that I mean to say was that he was an inspiration to me, to all of us, and we should all keep a place for him right here. He didn’t deserve to die, but, it was God’s will, so, --, I guess that now, he’s in a better place. I’ll remember that face and that smile, for the rest of my life. I said this to his mothers face, I couldn’t save him. So, getting along with things. If I let you go you must promise me something. You will go and do community service for five years. When five years is up. I’ll find you.

Bart just stands there.


Bart, take this offer, it’s only five years, after that, I don’t know, you’ll get paid a million dollars a day. But if you try to harm anyone one, or harm them. I will know, and I’ll be there in two seconds. So go, now, or the other option is I’ll kill you right now. Either way, I win.

Tom loads his gun and takes aim. Then Bart turns around and walks off.

int.stunts and

Tom is sitting in the president’s office.


Tom, you know what’s going to happen. Get you stuff and leave, now. Tom, you will be back, something will happen. I’m sorry, but rules say you must leave, now. Bye Tom.

int.toms office

Tom picks up his stuff and walks out of the office.

Outside everybody is clapping. Tom starts getting tears in his eyes from happiness.

Then Angie runs up to him.


I’m going to miss you Tom.

They kiss. Camera fades out

Tom walks down the alley where his car is parked. Mike is standing beside the car Tom pops the boot and puts the puts his stuff in there.

Tom is about to hop in when he hears a sound he looks up as 20 ninjas land in front of him. Tom and Mike slowly walk forward. Then the ninjas form a circle around them. 1 minute of karate and Tom and Mike have taken out half of them.


Ya know Tom, I’m glad I work for you.

Another minute and all but one are down. He pulls off his mask.

Mike starts forward. Tom puts his hand on Mikes arm.


Not now, I’m in enough trouble already. Just get in the car.

They walk around and hop in the car. Tom gives Bart the finger. Mike follows suit. The tom mouths, ‘You’re going down motherfucker’. Then Tom starts up the car. Tom revs it.

Tom floors it. Bart dives out of the way. Tom handbrakes out onto the street and drives off.

Int.stunts &

Stunts & Dares.

Washington D.C.


Two years later.

Tom is sitting down at a desk with two girls.

They are all looking through some paperwork.


Holy cow, I still can’t believe that I was called back to work in D.C with the two most famous and most beautiful girls in all of Stunt’s and Dares. Cate and Emma Wood. Man, I’m glad Angie can’t see me now.

Tom puts his feet up on the desk.


Tom, have I told you look really hot for someone who is billions of years old.


Yeah, same with Mike.

Tom smiles wickedly.

Then Cate moves around next to him.

She kisses him.

Then Mike walks back in.

Mike sits down.


Hey Mike. Come over here.

Mike moves around.

Emma kisses Mike as well.

Tom smiles again.


This is going to be a hell of a time.

Tom looks at his watch.


Ok it’s time to go.

Tom, Cate, Emma and Mike all walk out.

ext.outside the white

It is snowing, so all four of them are rugged up in heavy coats.

A comm. unit beside the gate buzz’s and then a voice comes through.


You are cleared for entry. Please proceed to the front door.

Tom looks at the girls and Mike. They smile back.

int.white house

A guard leads them up to the president’s office.


They enter the office and the president looks up. He motions for the guards to leave.

He stands up.

president morgan

Hi, please, sit down.

(They sit down).

Now the reason I’ve called you all here is because you are the best. Tom, I called you back because you are the one who knows the most about him, and we all know about Baton Rouge two years ago.

Tom interrupts.


Him, what do you mean by him?! Sir.

Morgan laughs.

President morgan

Tom, please don’t call me sir, and you’ll find out. Now, getting back to the point, Bart is back at it and he is based in D.C.

Tom starts to look mad.

He stands up.


What, that’s it, I’ll kill him!

Where is he?! I’ll kill him!

Cate grabs his arm softly.


Tom, sit down, please?

Tom looks at her and smiles, she smiles back.

Tom sits down.

president morgan

Now that Tom’s calmed down, I’ll finish, you’ll be working with a civilian.

They all exchange glances.


Sorry president Morgan, but who is the civilian?

president Morgan

My teenage daughter, Carla.

Tom laughs.

president morgan

Yes Tom?


Nothing sir, just working with three girls is too much, two is fine, I can handle that, but three, I don’t know.

President Morgan laughs.

president morgan

Tom, you’ve got Mike here, and don’t you want to see Angie again, and Kim?

Tom gets a strange look.

Tom stands as he is saying the line.


How the hell did you know about Angie, sir?

Morgan laughs again.

president morgan

Tom, I’ve already told you, please do not call me sir, and I’m the president of the United States. I know pretty much everything. So do you want to see Angie or stay with these two?

Tom looks confused.


Preferably, ah, um……

Tom sighs.

The president presses a button.

president morgan

Ready to meet her, then?

They look at each other and nod.

Then the door behind them opens and a beautiful blond of about 18 walks in. Tom looks at her as if he’d been stunned.

She smiles at Tom and sits in the seat next to him.

Morgan gives a little cough.

They all face him.

president morgan

This is Carla. So, are you all ready to go?

Carla stands up.


I’m just wondering if I’ve got it all correct. You’re Tom.

(Tom nods).

You’re Cate.

(Cate nods).

You’re Emma.

(Emma nods).

And you’re Mike.

(Mike nods).

Ok, let’s go.

They all stand up. Tom shakes hands with Morgan.

They turn around and walk out.

ext.outside the gates of the white

Tom, Cate, Emma, Mike and Carla are waiting for the limo to pick them up. Tom pulls out his car keys and presses a button. Then his Bentley drives up and stops beside him.

He walks around to the driver’s door and opens it up then pushes the seat forward. Carla walks around and hops in the back. Emma hops in the back on the other side and climbs in next to her. Cate looks over the top as Tom climbs in. Tom sees Cate doesn’t hop in, so he climbs back out.


What’s the matter?

She looks at him.


Wouldn’t it look a little more real if I where to drive? I don’t know.

Tom sighs and walks around to the other side.

Tom hands the keys to Cate.

She walks around and hops in.

They drive off.

int.stunts &

Stunt’s & Dares.

Baton Rouge.


Same Time.

Angie is sitting in Tom’s old office. All her stuff has been moved in there. Oll knocks on the door and enters. Angie is playing with her ring Tom gave her. She still looks sad. Oll sits down on the other side of the desk.

Angie looks up and smiles.


Hey Francy.


Come on Angie, it’s been two years now.

(Angie looks at Oll suspiciously).

Ok, if it makes you feel any better, Tom is back in Stunt’s & Dares, but it’s at the Washington D.C base.

Angie just about jumps through the roof.

She starts walking around packing up stuff.


I need you to organise a plane to D.C to leave immediately so I can meet up with Tom.

Angie looks up at Oll.

Oll gives her a sad look.

angie (cont’d)

What, what’s happened Oll, His not dead is he, he can’t be dead.

Oll shakes her head.


I’m sorry Angie, but his dating another girl now, you know Cate and Emma Wood.

(Angie nods).

His going out with Cate. I’m so sorry Angie.

Angie’s face turns from shock to anger.

She starts walking out.



Angie, wait, there’s a plane that is due out in three hours, from the New Orleans airport.

Angie smiles at Oll. She walks back in and gives Oll a hug.


I’m going to miss working here Frances, I really will.

They break apart.



Bye Francy, I’ll miss you, I promise I’ll get him back for what his done.

At that, Angie turns around and walks out.

Camera rises up and sees her walking up the street.

The camera fades out and into credits.

1st song, “Have I Told You Lately”. By Van Morrison.

Have I told you lately that I love you

Have I told you there’s no-one above you

Fill my heart with gladness

Take away my sadness

Ease my troubles, that’s what you do.

Oh the morning sun in all its glory

Greets the day with hope and comfort too

And you fill my heart with laughter

You can make it better

Ease my troubles,

That’s what you do.

There’s a love that’s divine

And it’s yours and it’s mine

Like the sun at the end,

The end of the day

We should give thanks and pray to the one.

Have I told you lately that I love you?

Have I told you there’s no-one above you

Fill my heart with gladness

Take away my sadness

Ease my troubles, that’s what you do.

There’s a love that’s divine

And it’s yours and it’s mine

And it shines like the sun

At the end,

The end of the day

We should give thanks and pray

To the one.

2nd song, “Most People I know think that I’m Crazy.”

Most People I know think that I’m crazy,

And, I know at times, I act a little hazy

But if that’s my way, perhaps you should know it

And in every way, help me to show it

Oh yeah, yeah

For most of my life, I lived an illusion

Yes, the cheerio game, has called me confusion

But, slowly in time, I learnt that I’m crazy

Till all that I need, they call me the guardian

Oh, yeah, yeah

And that’s why

Most people I know think that I’m crazy

And, I know at times, I act a little hazy

But if that’s my way,

Try listening to Bart

And in every way, help me to prove it

Oh yeah, yeah

Most People I know think that I’m crazy,

And, I know at times, I act a little hazy

But if that’s my way, perhaps you should know it

And in every way, help me to show it

Most People I know think that I’m crazy

Most People I know (repeat X2)

Most People I know think that I’m crazy



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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