Deacon John P. Gaulin

2017 Christmas EveCycle BThe Secret FormulaDecember 24, 2017Is 9:1-6Ti 2:11-14Lk 2:1-14So, I spent the last two days in NYC, Massapequa Park, Long Island specifically, participating in the wake and funeral Mass for my boss’ daughter. Amanda was a 32 year old mother of a beautiful 18 month old son, Luke, and married to Jimmy, a really wonderful man and FBI agentI share this with you because through that short – though long – two days, I learned so much about faith, hope, love…. and Christmas, and I’m not sure if I want or need to share the story with you… but here goesAmanda’s disease has some fancy name, but by any name, it was brain cancer.It seems to have been triggered by her pregnancyAnd so for the past 2 years or so, she went through surgeries and therapiesAs you can imagine, her time with baby Luke was preciously short, as her disease affected her intellectual capabilitiesLast Tuesday, she lost the battleAnd so the trip to NYCIn many ways, this journey was like some storybook experience. I met so many characters – from Uber drivers to the young priest – who will no doubt someday be a bishop – to Amanda’s family, her husband and his family, and of course, Luke I could tell you about all of the events and all of the people, but I won’t… But allow me to share just a few…Obviously, this was a powerfully sad time:A new dad loses his wifeA young boy loses his momParents burying their childAnd while they certainly had their moments, the whole scene had an underlying theme of joyThe power of Amanda’s life filled the funeral home, as person after person told beautiful stories of their experience with herAt the wake, Amanda’s brother-in-law read the eulogy that her husband Jimmy had written, but was understandably unable to deliver It told their story, but woven throughout it was the message of hopeIt was clear that the pieces of his life had been shattered and scattered, but it was equally clear that with the support of family and friends… he’d pick those pieces up, reassemble them and continue forwardNot a dry eye in the placeAt the funeral Mass, Fr Greg gave a beautiful homily – elegantly connecting the wood of the manger, filled with hope, to the wood of the cross – which is for us the most powerful symbol of hope that we haveHe called life after Adam and Eve ‘a mess’ and proclaimed that things like Amanda’s death cannot be explained outside the context of Original SinWe are imperfect people, living in an imperfect world and ugliness is everywhereIf not for the hope of the manger and the cross, we would be immersed in despairAs I reflected on his homily during my seven hour, delay-laden wait at JFK airport, I realized something that I now refer to as the Secret FormulaMessiness (be it pain, suffering, loss or tragedy – messes of any kind) + Hope = JoyAnd then it hit me… this is the meaning of ChristmasThe first Christmas was mess: New baby coming, strange town, no place to stayI think that qualifies as a messThe trial, passion and execution of the most innocent man that ever lived That was a messBut Christ did not preach about ‘messes’ so much as how to get beyond themPick up your cross (aka “the mess”) and follow MeYour sins are forgiven. Go in peace and sin no moreToday you will be with Me in Paradise If we miss the HOPE, we miss the point!Sure, LIFE has its messy times – with pain, sadness, tragedyBut how strong is your HOPE?Strong Hope transforms the messOne more quick story…Luis is a Hispanic Uber driver, who does not speak English very well. When I told him I was going to St Rose of Lima church for the funeral, his whole face lit up as he said, “Catholica!”Then he showed me the rosary he wore around his neckHe went on to tell me that he used to be a drug dealer, drink excessively and was a womanizerThen he came down with serious digestive issuesHe prayed to Jesus for help, as his situation was extremely painfulAnd yeah, he made the promise: No more drug selling, no more alcohol, no more women… if only he would be healedAnd he was; and he didAnd while the skeptical among us might doubt his resolve, you be convinced had you seen the passion with which he was proclaiming his faith, his gratefulness for his healing and his commitment to keep those promisesYou only pray with that much passion if you have HOPE Please God, let us all have the depth of HOPE that Luis shared with me yesterdayMessiness + HOPE = JoyDuring his homily, Father Greg shared a story about one of his brother priests who also lost a sister to cancer. As they discussed her death, his friend said to him, “Greg, I can’t wait to see her again!” – HOPE that leads to JOYAmanda’s family left the funeral Mass with a Hope-filled confidence – albeit woven with sadness – that this was not the endSo, my request of you this day is two-fold:During this special season, let the people you love know you love them. Let go of any difficulties and realize how precious life – and the time we spend with loved ones – is, and…Please don’t let the trappings of Christmas blind you to the gift that is HOPE.Life is a mess; HOPE is the antidoteFrom the manger to cross, the life of Jesus is all about bringing HOPEMay we embrace it and share it with one another, today and alwaysMerry Christmas ................

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