
Kentucky Independent Developmental Specialists & Foster / Adoptive Parent Association


These by-laws of the Kentucky Independent Developmental Specialists & Foster/Adoptive Parent Association, having been reviewed and revised, and having been accepted by the membership on April 22, 2017 are now the current by-laws of the Kentucky Independent Developmental Specialists & Foster/Adoptive Parent Association and make all previous versions null and void.


1. To unite as a more effective group to advocate for children who are at risk and for those in out-of-home care.

2. recommend, encourage, and actively engage in the formulation and changes of policy which will promote action to meet the needs of these children and foster and adoptive parents.

2. develop training for foster and adoptive parents and agency staff.

3. To increase public awareness of the foster and adoptive care programs and encourage recruitment and retention of foster parents by promoting a positive image of foster and adoptive parents.


Article I: Name

The name of the Corporation/Association shall be Kentucky Independent Developmental Specialists & Foster/Adoptive Parent Association, herein called the Association.

ARTICLE II: Membership

A. Individual Member: Individual members will have voting rights. No individual dues will be charged.

B. Chapter Member: Chapter membership may be conveyed to an association or organization of foster and adoptive parents. Annual dues shall be $35.00.

C. Supporting Organizational Member: Supporting organizational membership shall be available to all wishing to support the purposes and efforts of the Association. Annual dues shall be $50.00.

D. Lifetime Honorary Member: Honorary membership may be awarded from time to time by the Association. The benefit of this membership includes auditing meetings and receiving mailings. This membership does not include voting rights.

ARTICLE III: Board of Directors

Section 1: The authority of the Association shall be vested in the Board of Directors, who shall be responsible for the management and property of the Association. No one shall be elected to the Board who is not a member in good standing with the Association. It is the responsibility of the individual board member to alert the KIDS & FAPA president if/when an investigation of their home is substantiated and be prepared to resign their elected or appointed position on the board of directors.

(The Board of Directors shall consist of the following members:)

A. All elected officers of the State Association

B. Regional Representatives: Each of the Four (4) regions may have two ???? voting representatives on the Board of Directors. If the region is not represented the Foster/Adoptive Parent Association may fill the slot by a local election.

C. Chairpersons of the Association’s standing committees.

D. A DCBS central office liaison will have voting privileges.

E. Advisor to the President. The president, following his/her election, may select a person to be their advisor for the length of the term or terms

F. Advisory Board: The president will select five (5) regional representatives from the board members to act as an advisory board to the entire Board of Directors.

Section 2: Standing Committee

A. The Board of Directors shall establish such standing committees as deemed necessary to further the goals of the Association and carry out the objectives of the Board in performing its duties.

B. Establishment of such standing committees shall be on a motion, seconded and carried by a majority of the Board.

Section 3: Ad Hoc Committee

The president shall establish such Ad Hoc Committees as deemed necessary to further the goals of this Association.

Section 4: Duties of the Board of Directors shall include:

A. Elect a member of the Board to fill any unexpired or vacant office.

B. To interpret and enforce the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation of the by-laws of the Association.

C. To promote, by attitude and action, constructive social action needed to bring about changes and improvements in child welfare systems and in legislation pertaining to all families and children.

D. To provide a vehicle for communication among foster/adoptive parents, local foster/adoptive care associations, child welfare systems agencies, and community partners.

E. To cooperate with other organizations which have similar objectives in whole or in part to those of this Association.

F. To formulate such rules and regulations as are, in the opinion of the Board, essential to the interests and objectives of the Association.

G. The Board of Directors shall hold its regular membership meetings on the fourth Saturday of January, April, July, and October. Any notice of change in time or place shall be mailed by the posted on the Webpage and Facebook not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting.

Section 5: Quorum

No less than one-half (1/2) of the Board members must be present to constitute a quorum.

Section 6: Meeting Rules

All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER (Revised).

ARTICLE IV: Board of Directors

Section 1: Enumeration and Qualification

A. The elected officers of the Association shall be:

1. President

2. Vice President


4.Recording Secretary

5.Corresponding Secretary

B. Each officer must be a state agency foster or adoptive parent and a member of the Association in good standing for one (1) year prior to the election. They must be considered ACTIVE by attending a minimum of two Association meetings in the year prior to the election.

Section 2: Duties of the Officers

Each outgoing officer must forward all records to the incoming officer prior to or on the last day in office. If an officer misses three (3) unexcused consecutive meetings, his office shall be considered vacant.

A. The president shall be the chief executive officer whose duties and responsibilities include:

1. Preside at all regular, special, or called meetings of the Board.

2. Be responsible for the general management and supervision of the affairs and operations of the Association.

3. Have the authority to appoint the chair persons of all standing committees and ad hoc committees as needed by the Association.

4. Be a member ex-officio of all committees.

5. With the elected treasurer, sign all contracts on obligations authorized by the Board of Directors.

6. Cast the deciding vote in the event of any tie.

7. Officially and publicly represent the Association.

8. Maintain a time line which identifies the events and obligations of the president two (2) years in advance.

9. Perform such other duties as provided by these by-laws or as commonly pertain to the office of president.

10. Select an individual to act as his/her adviser during his/her term of office.

B. First Vice President

1. In the absence of the president, preside at all meetings normally chaired by the president.

2. Assume the office of the president should the office be vacated during a term.

3. Perform such other duties as provided by these by-laws or as commonly pertain to the office of first vice president.

1. In the absence of the president and the first vice president, preside at all meetings normally chaired by these officers.

2. Assume the office of the first vice president should the office be vacated during a term.

3. Perform such other duties as provided by these by-laws or as commonly pertain to office of second vice president.

D. Recording Secretary

1. Keep all records and minutes of all meetings.

2. Submit a copy of the minutes to the president and others that he/she designates.

3. Perform such other duties as provided by these by-laws or as commonly pertain to the office of recording secretary.

E. Corresponding Secretary

1. Compose all communications as directed by the president and/or Board of Directors.

2. Keep a record of all correspondence sent and received.

3. Perform such other duties as provided by these by-laws or as commonly pertain to the office of corresponding secretary.

F. Treasurer

1. Be responsible for collecting and safeguarding all the funds of the Association.

2. Be responsible for all disbursement of funds as authorized by the Board of Directors.

3. Submit all financial records to the Board of Directors for audit on call.

4. Be properly bonded at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

5. Perform such other duties as provided by these by-laws or as commonly pertain to the office of treasurer.

6. Present an itemized Treasurer’s Report at each meeting.

Section 3: Nomination and Election

A. Election of Association officers shall be held by the October meeting of odd numbered years.

B. Election Process

1. Each office shall be announced as available for nominations.

2. A nominating committee will be appointed at the January meeting odd numbered years starting in 2017.

3. Nominations must be made by the close of the July meeting.

4. Nominees must be state agency foster or adoptive parents and members in good standing of the Association for one (1) year or more and must be considered ACTIVE in the Association by attending at least two meetings in the prior year.

5. Nominations will be brought to the floor at April and July membership meetings. Nominations will be voted on at the October membership meeting. Each person that is nominated must be present at the October meeting to have their names remain on the ballot.

6. A member desiring to vote in elections MUST be considered ACTIVE in the Association by having attended at least two meeting in the year prior to the election.

ARTICLE V: Amendments to By-Laws

Section 1

A. Amendments or revisions to by-laws will be brought before the Board for approval.

B. Notification will be made to membership of intention to amend or revise the by-laws at either a quarterly meeting or written notice shall be provided to members no less than thirty (30) days prior to the membership meeting where voting will take place.

C. Amendments or revisions shall be ratified by a simple majority vote of Association members present at the membership meeting.


Section 1: The Association shall be self-governing, nonprofit, nonpartisan, and nonsectarian and shall not discriminate against any person based sex, race, creed, religion, national origin, or disability.

Section 2: The Association shall solicit and receive funds for the accomplishment and furtherance of the goals of this Association.

Section 3: The Association shall not engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are contrary to law or to the primary purpose for which this Association was formed.

Section 4: The fiscal year of the Association shall be January 1 to December 31.

Section 5: The Board will generate an annual budget three (3) months prior to the end of the fiscal year.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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