CAB - Kentucky

|MARS & Administrative Services Agency Contacts |


| | | | | | |DESIGN | | | |

|To make changes to this contact list, please contact Larry Clarke by email or phone 502-564-9666 ext. 129 (or toll- free 877-973-HELP). |

|10 |General Assembly |Joe Fiala |Peggy Hyland, Bill Phelps, Jim|Holly Harrod |Joe Fiala |Joe Fiala, Bill Phelps |Joe Fiala, Bill Phelps |Jim Swain |Roy Collins |

| | | |Swain | | | | | | |

|10 |Legislative Research Commission |Joe Fiala |Peggy Hyland, Bill Phelps, Jim|Holly Harrod |Joe Fiala |Joe Fiala, Bill Phelps |Joe Fiala, Bill Phelps |Jim Swain |Roy Collins |

| | | |Swain | | | | | | |

|20 |Judicial Form Retirement System |Donna Stockton-Early |Donna Stockton-Early |Donna Stockton-Early |Donna Early |Donna Stockton-Early |Donna Stockton-Early |Donna Stockton-Early |Donna Stockton-Early |

|20 |Judiciary/AOC |Laura Stammel |Laura Stammel |Angela Morford |Angela Morford |Laura Stammel |Angela Morford |Don Ballard |NA |

|30 |Revenue: Office of the Secretary |Annie Hill-Pointer |Annie Hill-Pointer & Celia |Bonnie Sinninger |Bonnie Walton |Bryan Leake |Revenue: Janis Stewart |Donna Manning - network |Daryl Hyatt |

| | | |Dunlap | | | | |services; Ann French | |

| | | | | | | | |Thomas -- systems | |

| | | | | | | | |analyst | |

|30 |Revenue: Office of the PVA's |Annie Hill-Pointer |Annie Hill-Pointer & Celia |Bonnie Sinninger |Bonnie Walton |Bryan Leake |Revenue: Janis Stewart |Donna Manning - network |Daryl Hyatt |

| | | |Dunlap | | | | |services; Ann French | |

| | | | | | | | |Thomas -- systems | |

| | | | | | | | |analyst | |

|30 |Revenue: Property Valuation |Annie Hill-Pointer |Annie Hill-Pointer & Celia |Bonnie Sinninger |Bonnie Walton | Bryan Leake |Revenue: Janis Stewart |Donna Manning - network |Daryl Hyatt |

| | | |Dunlap | | | | |services; Ann French | |

| | | | | | | | |Thomas -- systems | |

| | | | | | | | |analyst | |

|30 |Revenue: Tax Administration |Annie Hill-Pointer |Annie Hill-Pointer & Celia |Bonnie Sinninger |Bonnie Walton |Bryan Leake |Revenue: Janis Stewart |Donna Manning - network |Daryl Hyatt |

| | | |Dunlap | | | | |services; Ann French | |

| | | | | | | | |Thomas -- systems | |

| | | | | | | | |analyst | |

|30 |Revenue: Information Technology |Annie Hill-Pointer |Annie Hill-Pointer & Celia |Bonnie Sinninger |Bonnie Walton |Bryan Leake |Revenue: Janis Stewart |Donna Manning - network |Daryl Hyatt |

| | | |Dunlap | | | | |services; Ann French | |

| | | | | | | | |Thomas -- systems | |

| | | | | | | | |analyst | |

|30 |Revenue: Legal Services |Annie Hill-Pointer |Annie Hill-Pointer & Celia |Bonnie Sinninger |Bonnie Walton |Bryan Leake |Revenue: Janis Stewart |Donna Manning - network |Daryl Hyatt |

| | | |Dunlap | | | | |services; Ann French | |

| | | | | | | | |Thomas -- systems | |

| | | | | | | | |analyst | |

|31 |Unified Prosecutorial System |Kim Furnish |Kim Furnish |Kim Furnish |Kim Furnish |Kim Furnish |Kim Furnish |Kim Furnish & Gina Carey|Kim Furnish |

|31 |Agriculture |Charlene Galyon |Charlene Galyon |Charlene Galyon |Charlene Galyon |Pat Carter & |Pat Carter |Scott Willett |Harold Nally |

| | | | | | |Brian Dinning | | | |

|31 |Attorney General |Cindy James | |Malea Vincent |Cindy James |Cindy James | | | |

|31 |Auditor of Public Accounts |Stephanie Robey | |Elizabeth Lowe |Bryan Lykins |Stephanie Robey | | | |

|31 |Election Finance Registry |Tbd |Tbd |Tbd |Sarah Jackson |Tbd |Tbd |Tbd |Tbd |

|31 |Governor's Office |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Don Speer and |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Ellen Nolan |LaChele Taylor & Deniese |Betsy Nowland-Curry |Randy Refalo |LaChele Taylor |

| | | |Ed Ross | | |Pyles | | | |

|31 |Department of Veterans Affairs |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Don Speer and |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Ellen Nolan |LaChele Taylor & Deniese |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Randy Refalo |LaChele Taylor |

| | | |Ed Ross | | |Pyles | | | |

|31 |Commission on Military Affairs |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Don Speer and |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Ellen Nolan |LaChele Taylor & Deniese |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Randy Refalo |LaChele Taylor |

| | | |Ed Ross | | |Pyles | | | |

|31 |Lieutenant Governor's Office |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Don Speer and |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Ellen Nolan |LaChele Taylor & Deniese |Betsy Nowland-Curry |Randy Refalo |LaChele Taylor |

| | | |Ed Ross | | |Pyles | | | |

|31 |Military Affairs |Hubert Payton |Larry Barker |Mary Elizabeth Ashcraft |Charles Flynn |Larry Barker |Rick Flynn |Millissa Mohr |Angela Skelton |

|31 |Kentucky Retirement Systems |Joe Hutchison |Glenn Valley |Donna Beckley |Joe Hutchinson |Joe Hutchison |Joe Hutchison |Lauren Stewart |Kathy Hamilton |

|31 |Local Government |Jim Reynolds |Jim Reynolds |Ramona Newman |Jim Reynolds |Jim Reynolds |Ramona Newman |Jeff Miracle |Gene Pelosi |

|31 |Secretary of State |Rebecca Feland |Rebecca Feland |Rebecca Feland |Rebecca Feland |Rebecca Feland |Rebecca Feland |Rebecca Feland |Rebecca Feland |

|31 |Board of Nursing Home |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |

| |Administrators | | | | | | | | |

|31 |Board of Medical Licensure |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Branda Knopp |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |

|31 |Board of Nursing |Bernadette Sutherland & |Bernadette Sutherland |Bernadette Sutherland |Bernadette |Bernadette Sutherland |Bernadette Sutherland |Bernadette Sutherland |Bernadette Sutherland |

| | |Ellen Nolan* | | |Sutherland | | | | |

|31 |Board of Opthalmic Dispensers |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |

|31 |Board of Optometric Examiners |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Connie Calvert |Connie Calvert |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |

|31 |Board of Professional Art |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |

| |Therapists | | | | | | | | |

|31 |Board of Occupational Therapy |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |

|31 |Board of Respiratory Care |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |

| |Practitioners | | | | | | | | |

|31 |Board of Marriage & Family |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |

| |Therapists | | | | | | | | |

|31 |Personnel Board |Ellen Nolan* & Kathy |Kathy Hulette |Kathy Hulette |Kathy Hulette |Kathy Hulette |Kathy Hulette |Kathy Hulette |Kathy Hulette |

| | |Hulette | | | | | | | |

|31 |Board of Pharmacy |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Michael Mone |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |

|31 |Board of Physical Therapy |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Becky Klush |Becky Klusch |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |

|31 |Board of Podiatry |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |

|31 |Real Estate Appraisers Board |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Mary Zagle |Mary Zagale |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |

|31 |Board of Regis Prof |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Billie Robinson |Billie Robinson |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |

| |Engineers/Surveyors | | | | | | | | |

|31 |Board of Speech Pathology & |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |

| |Audiology | | | | | | | | |

|31 |Board of Veterinary Examiners |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |

|31 |Athletic Commission |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |

|31 |School Facilities Construction |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Don Speer and |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Ellen Nolan |LaChele Taylor & Deniese |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Randy Refalo |LaChele Taylor |

| |Commission | |Ed Ross | | |Pyles | | | |

|31 |Executive Branch Ethics Commission |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Don Speer and |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Finance: Ellen |LaChele Taylor & Deniese |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Randy Refalo |LaChele Taylor |

| | | |Ed Ross | |Nolan |Pyles | | | |

|31 |Human Rights Commission |Alfred Adams & Anna Adams|Alfred Adams & Anna Adams |Anna Adams |Allen Coffey |Alfred Adams & Anna Adams|Alfred Adams & Anna Adams |Alfred Adams & Anna |Alfred Adams & Anna Adams |

| | | | | | | | |Adams | |

|31 |Board of Geologists |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |

|31 |Real Estate Commission |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |

|31 |Commission On Women |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Don Speer and |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Finance: Ellen |LaChele Taylor & Deniese |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Randy Refalo |LaChele Taylor |

| | | |Ed Ross | |Nolan |Pyles | | | |

|31 |Council on Postsecondary Education|CPE: Pat Sawyer | |Pat Sawyer |Pat Sawyer |Dennis Taulbee |Pat Sawyer | | |

|31 |Governor's Office for Policy & |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Don Speer and |Janet Rivers |John Hicks |LaChele Taylor |Finance: Ellen Nolan |Diana Hudson |LaChele Taylor |

| |Management | |Ed Ross | | |(B. Hintze) | | | |

|31 |County Services |Finance: Marie |Finance: Marie Bramblett*** |Finance: Marie |**** |NA |Finance: Marie Bramblett*** |Finance: Marie |NA |

| | |Bramblett*** | |Bramblett*** | | | |Bramblett*** | |

|31 |Treasury |Eugene Harrell |Eugene Harrell |Eugene Harrell |Eugene Harrell |Eugene Harrell |Eugene Harrell |Eugene Harrell |Eugene Harrell |

|31 |Board of Accountancy |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Janet McWilliams |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |

|31 |Board of Auctioneers |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Donna Sims |Donna Sims |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |

|31 |Board of Barbering |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Bill Maggard |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |

|31 |Board of Chiropractic Examiners |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Beverly White |Beverly White |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |

|31 |Board of Professional Counselors |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |

| |Board of Alcohol & Drug Counselors |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |

|31 | | | | | | | | | |

|31 |Board of Dentistry |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Diana Bailey |Diana Bailey |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |

|31 |Board of Dieticians & Nutrionists |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |

|31 |Board of Elections |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Fielding Hodgkin |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |

|31 |Bd of Embalmers & Funeral Home |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Emma Lou Hartlage |**** |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |

| |Directors | | | | | | | | |

|31 |Board of Exam & Reg of Landscape |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Jane Gardner |Jane Gardner |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |

| |Architects | | | | | | | | |

|31 |Board of Exam & Registration of |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Debbie Tune |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |

| |Architects | | | | | | | | |

|31 |Board of Psychologists |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |

|31 |Board of Social Workers |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |

|31 |Board of Hairdressers & |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Dena Moore |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |Ellen Nolan* |

| |Cosmetologists | | | | | | | | |

|31 |Board of Hearing Instrument |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |Judy Gould* |

| |Specialists | | | | | | | | |

|31 |County Fees (pop ................

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