United Nations

|United Nations |CRPD/CSP/2012/CRP.1 | |

|[pic] |Convention on the Rights |Distr.: General |

| |of Persons with Disabilities |3 July 2012 |

| | | |

| | |Original: English/French |

Conference of States Parties to the Convention on

the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

New York, 12-14 September 2012

Item 3 of the provisional agenda*

Election of the members of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities under article 34 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Note by the Secretary-General

1. Article 34 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities provides for the establishment of a Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It also provides that members of the Committee shall be elected by secret ballot from a list of persons nominated by the States parties from among their nationals at meetings of the Conference of States parties and that the initial election shall be held no later than six months after the date of entry into force of the Convention.

2. In compliance with article 34, paragraph 6, of the Convention, the Secretary-General, in a note verbale dated 2 May 2012, invited the States parties to submit their nominations for the election of 9 members of the Committee not later than 2 July 2012. The Secretary-General has prepared the following list, in alphabetical order, of all persons nominated by 2 July 2012, indicating the States parties that had nominated them. Nominations received after this date will be issued in addenda to the present document.

|Candidate |Nominated by |

|Ms. Fatiha HADJ SALAH |Algeria |

|Mr. Shaikh Duaij Khalifa Bin Duaij AL KHALIFA |Bahrain |

|Ms. Maria Soledad CISTERNAS REYES |Chile |

|Mr. Alexander KELLMAN |El Salvador |

|Ms. Silvia Judith QUAN CHANG |Guatemala |

|Mr. Michel Archange PÉAN |Haiti |

|Mr. László Gábor LOVÁSZY |Hungary |

|Ms. Sudha KAUL |India |

|Mr. Mohammed AL-TARAWNEH |Jordan |

|Ms. Hatouma GAKOU DJIKINE |Mali |

|Mr. Coomara PYANEANDEE |Mauritius |

|Mr. Isaú Joaquim MENESES |Mozambique |

|Mr. Ahmad SALIH ALSAIF |Saudi Arabia |

|Ms. Sebenzile Joy Patricia MATSEBULA |South Africa |

|Ms. Ana PELAEZ NARVAEZ |Spain |

|Mr. Monthian BUNTAN |Thailand |

|Ms. Safak PAVEY |Turkey |

|Mr. Martin Mwesigwa BABU |Uganda |

|Ms. Diane MULLIGAN |United Kingdom |

3. The curricula vitae of the above candidates, as furnished by their Governments, are contained in the annex to the present document.


Curricula vitae of candidates

Fatiha HADJ SALAH (Algeria)

Name and first name: Fatiha Hadj-Salah

Date and place of birth: 27-05-1942 in Oran / Algeria

Working languages: French, Arabic

Current position/function:

Professor Head of Legal Medicine Department CHU Algiers - Associate Professor at the School for the Judiciary - Chair of the Scientific Council of the Faculty – Chair of the National Educational Committee of Legal Medicine – President of Algerian Society in Medical Science - Member of the Council of Administration of the Mediterranean Society of Forensic science.

Main professional activities:

Educational activities - Supervision of Medical Students Interns and Doctorates.

Educational background:

• Curriculum to study medicine

• Diplomas specialty forensic

• Diploma in Occupational Medicine specialty

• Certificate repair injury

• Certificate of Social Security

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:

Member Consultant to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Solidarity

Member with the CRPD 2010-2012

List of most recent publications in the field:

Scientific Meeting on Medical Law and Ethics. Participation in national and international conferences as part of continuing education

Shaikh Duaij Khalifa Bin Duaij AL KHALIFA (Bahraim)

Date of Birth: 1946

Marital Status: Married (2 Sons and 3 Daughters)

Lieutenant General (Retired)

Academic Achievements

Diploma in Police (1967)

Police Duties Course, UK (1969)

Criminal Investigation Course, UK (1975)

Traffic Management Course, USA (1981)

Traffic Management Course, Japan (1985)

Leadership Management Course, Egypt (1986)

Official positions in the Government:

• Advisor to the Ministry of Interior (Since 2007)

• Former Under-Secretary of Ministry of Interior (2004 – 2007)

• Former Director General of Traffic & Licensing (1988-2003)

• Started with Ministry of Interior from 1965 and held various high level positions in the ministry directorates such as General Directorate of CID, Special Security Force Directorate, Muharraq Public Security Directorate, General Directorate of Traffic & Licensing, General Directorate of Training & Guards etc.

• Also chaired and represented various Ministry’s Committees including a member of Centre for Transport & Studies in the University of Bahrain.

• Headed and represented the Kingdom of Bahrain in several security conferences and meetings around the world.

• Official positions in the Social Association

Official positions in the Social Association

• Advisor to MENA Regional Leadership Council – Special Olympics International (Since 2012)

• President of Special Olympics Bahrain (Since 1990)

• President of the National Institute for the Disabled, Bahrain (Since 1987)

• Chairman of Al Manar Parent Care - Isa Town (since 1999)

• President of MENA Regional Leadership Council – Special Olympics International (2008- 2012)

• Former Advisory Board Member of Special Olympics International (2004-2007)

• Former President of Gulf Disability Society (1999-2010)

• Former Member of GCC Organising Committee for the Sports of the Disabled (1998-2009)

• Former president of Bahrain Disabled Sports Federation (1986-2010)

Maria Soledad CISTERNAS REYES (Chile)

Name and first name: Cisternas Reyes, María Soledad

Date and place of birth: Santiago, Chile

Working languages: Spanish and English

Current position/function:

Vice - president of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, United Nations – Committee / CRPD.

Rapporteur for news Communication of the Optional Protocol to the CRPD.

Professor of Law and researcher. Director of different juridical and interdisciplinary projects.

Author of different publications and conferences at the national level and internationally.

Currently, participating in the creation of the Foundation "Dignitem" on the rights of persons with disabilities.

Main professional activities:

• Leader of legal and interdisciplinary research teams, for to influence legislation and public policy, including opinions specialized to the Parliament;

• Planner and organizer of academic extension activities for rights promotion, with active participation of civil society (Seminars, Expert round-table, workshops, etc.);

• Teaching for courses designed by her: “Vulnerable groups: an emerging human rights issue” and “Bio Law and human rights”;

• She teaches about, the CRPD, Education Inclusive, system international for promoting and protection of human rights, among others (Faculties: Law, Psychology, Education, Schools of special education, and public administration).

• Undergraduate and Postgraduate level in Chilean universities and also in Training Centres abroad;

• Management of audiovisual projects, in its substantive aspects, for the translation of Rights in accessible formats.

Educational background:

• Law degree (graduated with highest honours) from the Catholic University of Chile. Thesis: Multinational enterprises: international treatment and regulation. Awarded the title of Supreme Court attorney;

• Master in political science, Catholic University of Chile. Specialized field: Political institutions and processes. Thesis: Democracy and persons with disabilities. She graduated with distinctions.

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:

*Responsibilities and tasks as member of the CRPD Committee (period 2009 - 2012);

• Currently, Vice - President of the CRPD Committee and Rapporteur for the Optional Protocol;

• Coordinator of the Working Group that developed the Committee’s “working methods”. Also, coordinated the Working Group on "Natural disasters and emergency situations" (CRPD, Article 11 - which functioned in the year 2010);

• Member of the Working Group on Legal Capacity of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD Article 12); Also, has contributed to the production of various documents of the Committee: Reporting Guidelines, Rules of procedure, First Declaration of the Committee and others on natural disasters and persons with disabilities, Information Note on the Optional Protocol;

• She attended the Conferences of States Parties to the CRPD, UN, NY, presenting the following issues: “Access to Justice and Legal Capacity of Persons with Disabilities” (2009) and "Right to Inclusive Education in the CRPD" (2010);

• Has represented the CRPD Committee, in the Inter-Committee Meeting of the human rights (July 2009, January and October 2011), UN, Geneva;

• Participation in the Human Rights Treaty Division Consultation, about the strengthening of these bodies, OHCHR, UN, April 2011, Bossey.

Other activities related:

Was a member of the Delegation of Chile, as independent expert, being its spokesperson in the work of the Ad-hoc Committee UN, which prepared the draft of the CDP;

Has provided training to judges, police, Prison Staff, Notaries, Diplomatic in Training, public officials and civil society on the different aspects of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in light of the CRPD;

Organized the so called "Movement D" (Observatory), with the participation of civil society organizations of persons with disabilities, of national rank, having as axis the CRPD. In this framework coordinated the work of civil society to push for ratification of the Convention and its Optional Protocol. Currently the Movement D, collaborates with the implementation aspects of the Convention in accordance to each type of disability;

Developed the work of co-writer and co-producer of the film trailer project - documentary "Six Women in America" that records the process of implementation of the CRPD, from the perspective of women and girls with disabilities;

• Incorporation of the CRPD in the argumentation of cases before the Courts of Justice;

• The coordinated the Human Rights Secretariat of ULAC. Has also collaborated in activities of RIADIS.

List of most recent publications in the field:

• “Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities/CRPD: Labor Approach”, Science and Technology Foundation FUCYT;

• “Contribution of the academic world to the implementation of the CRPD: statistics, data collection, strategies and key actors”, book on Disability and Human Rights published by the Universidad de los Andes, Colombia;

• “International legal obligations provided for in Article 12 of the CRPD to the States parties and their impact on domestic law”, National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina;

• "CRPD / CEDAW and the gender perspective", paper presented at MINREL, Chile;

• “Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: its impact on human rights”, Aequitas Foundation, Spanish Notaries, Spain:

• “International developments and paradigm shift about persons with disabilities: Challenges in the human rights approach for the XXI century”, Center for International Studies, Catholic University, Chile;

• “The Right to Education: Legal Framework and Justiciability, contributions of the CRPD”, Latin American Journal of Inclusive Education. Iberoamerican Network of Research on Change and Effective School, Coordination Central University, Chile;

• “Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities UN and its reach into the CEDDIS / OAS”. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina;

• “Political and public participation / CRPD”, under publication, in a specialist magazine;

• Currently, she is preparing material for a book on "Persons with Disabilities and Polyarchy (contemporary democracy)".

Alexander KELLMAN (El Salvador)

Name: Mar. Alexander Kellman

Profession: Lawyer and career diplomat

Date of Birth: June 13, 1966 (45 years old)

Birthplace: San Salvador, Republic of El Salvador

Marital status: Married

Working languages: Spanish, English, proficient in Braille

Cortical Visual Impairment due to brain injury (stroke) suffered in 1999

Academic Background

• Diploma in "Economics, Finance and International Business" by the Matías Romero Institute of Diplomatic Studies (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mexico, 1994-1995);

• Inter-American Course on International Migration, Organization of American States (OAS), International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Government of Argentina (Mar del Plata, Argentina, November, 1995);

• Bachelors Degree in Law, “Jose Simeon Canas”, Central American University (San Salvador, El Salvador, 1992);

• Studies at the University of Panama School of Communication (Panama, 1987).

Professional Experience.

• Head of the Disability and Human Rights Department, Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman (May 2011 to date);

• External Consultant on Human Rights issues, attached to the Legal Affairs and Human Rights Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador (August 2005 to May 2009);

• Deputy Ombudsman for Children and Youth rights, Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman (July 2001 to June 2002);

• General Counselor, Social and Cultural Affairs Unit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador (October 1999 to June 2001);

• Head of the Legal Affairs Department, pro bono, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador (February 2000);

• Assistant Director General for foreign policy, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador, (January 26, 1999 to February 2000);

• Minister Counselor in charge of the Sixth Committee (Legal Matters) and First Committee (Disarmament and International Security), Permanent Mission of El Salvador to the United Nations, New York (October 1997 to January 1999). Observing Representative to the International Law Commission and the Law Commission of the Sea, responsible also for monitoring the Ad-Hoc Group for Security Council reform and the preparatory committee for the establishment of the International Criminal Court;

• Desk Officer at the Department of Social Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador (March 1996 to October 1997), in charge of the portfolios of Immigration, Refugees, Culture of Peace Education, Indigenous groups, Vulnerable Groups, Human Rights (Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), UNESCO-related affairs, Natural Disaster Reduction and International Humanitarian Law;

• Head of the Social and Culture of Peace Section, Economic and Social Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador (January 1993 to February 1996);

• Legal counsellor and Delegate to the Human Rights Commission of El Salvador (March to September 1990);

• Other past mandates and assignments include also: Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Bureau and Standing Committee on Migrants, Member of International Humanitarian Law Board of El Salvador, Member of the Commission on the Child, Delegate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Advisor to the UNESCO National Commission, Deputy Representative to the Culture of Peace Programme National Coordinating Council (liaison officer to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Member of the drafting committee for the Refugee protection Act (El Salvador), member to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs drafting committee for the country reports to the Human Rights treaty body system.

Academic Experience

• Professor of Public International Law at the University of Sonsonate, Sonsonate, El Salvador (1996);

• Assistant Professor of Corporate and Labour Law, “Jose Simeon Canas” Central American University, San Salvador (1990).


• “The current problems of development”, San Salvador, January 1995;

• “Institutional factors influencing development”, San Salvador, February 1995;

• “Culture of Peace: Culture of Civility or New Social Contract?”, San Salvador, El Salvador, October 2000;

• “International Criminal Court: referee or punisher?”, New York, USA, November 1998;

• “Migrating: Right or decision?”, San Jose, Costa Rica, June 1996;

• “Self-determination of peoples”, San Salvador, El Salvador, September 1995;

• “Culture of Peace”, San Salvador, El Salvador, August 1994.

Other Activities and Memberships

• Honorary member of the civil society group for the establishment of the International Criminal Court (San Salvador, El Salvador, July 2001);

• Member of the Latin American Council of Peace Research (1995-1996);

• Member (1991 to 1996) of the North San Salvador ROTARAC Club (Rotary International), serving as President (period 1995-1996), Treasurer, Secretary, as well as Director of Professional Development, Community Service and International Relations.

Silvia QUAN (Guatemala)

Name and first name: QUAN, Silvia

Date and place of birth: GUATEMALA, 25 January 1969.

Working languages: Spanish and English

Current position/function:

Since 2003 has been Director of the Disability Rights Advocacy Unit at the Guatemalan Ombudsman’s Office (NHRI); the main functions are advocacy and promotion of disability rights. Under this position, has also promoted mediation as a successful conflict resolution methodology in those cases where have been required to intervene. In her advocacy work she has paid particularly attention to and promoted civil society demands.

Main professional activities:

Professional work experiences includes: Academic and research work in Guatemala’s Universidad del Valle, social management in Guatemalan Foundation for Deaf-blind Children. She has also been researcher at the International Disability Rights Monitoring sponsored by Center for International Rehabilitation CIR(USA), and coordinator of the projects for research on disability and sexuality, and on gender and disability, both sponsored by the Guatemalan National Council for the Disabled (CONADI).

Educational background:

Pre-graduate degree in Mathematics, a graduate degree in Chemistry, Post-graduate degrees in Social Management and in Gender Studies, and a M.A. in Human Rights

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:

Played an important role in the UN Ad Hoc Committee which drafted the CRPD, serving as advisor to the Guatemalan delegation, and as member of the lobbying team representing the Inter-American Institute on Disability and Inclusive Development (IIDI). Has promoted and followed up on Guatemala’s ratification, and is currently monitoring the processes that the government has started to comply with the Convention’s provisions. Her role as advocate with a gender perspective has also been outstanding at regional and international levels; active collaborator of the Latin-American Network of Non-Governmental Organizations of Persons with Disabilities and their Families (RIADIS). Speaker in conferences throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, in North America and Europe. Was a member of the Boston-based Disability Rights Fund’s (DRF) Global Advisory Panel and Steering Committee (2008-2011).

List of most recent publications in the field:

The Penitentiary System and the Mental Health Hospital in Guatemala (); Guatemala: Leadership and Representation, a Challenge for the Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (); Mecanismos Nacionales de Monitoreo de la Convención Internacional sobre Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad: La experiencia de Guatemala ().

Michel Archange PÉAN (Haiti)

Name and first name: PÉAN, Michel Archange

Date and place of birth: 12 juin 1944 – Plaisance, HAITI

Working languages: Français – Anglais

Current position/function:

Coordinateur National de la Société Nationale d’Aide aux Aveugles (SHAA)

Main professional activities:

Secrétaire d’État à l’Intégration des Personnes Handicapées (Mai 2007-Mai 2011) Coordonateur de la Commission de l’Adaptation Scolaire et d’Appui Social (1991-2007); Coordonateur National Société Haïtienne d’aide aux aveugles (1987-à nos jours); Professeur de Littérature Française, Université Kiskeya, Haiti); Professeur de Français, Suffolk University (E.U.), 1982; Professeur de Français, Boston College University, 1978-1987.

Educational background:

Boston College (EU): Doctorat en lettres et Philologie (1985), spécialité: Littérature Française; Boston College (EU): Maîtrise en Littérature Française (1978); Suffolk University (USA): Licence en Lettres et Education (1976); Institut d’Etudes politiques: (Bordeaux, France) Certificat en Sciences Politiques (1969-1971).

Other Main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:

Dans le cadre du Conseil Caribéen des Aveugles (Carribean Council for the Blind ) et de Sight Savers International: une série de séminaires allant de 5 à 20 jours ont été suivis portant sur les thèmes suivants: Réadaptation à base communautaire des handicapés visuels, Intégration scolaire des enfants vivant avec une déficience visuelle, Prévention de la cécité: Projet vision 2020 de l’O.M.S., Techniques de Plaidoyer et structuration de groupe, Techniques de travail en équipe: University College of the Caribo, Gestion et Développement: Union Mondiale des aveugles , Projet de Développement institutionnel, Intervention précoce en matière de santé oculaire, Education intégrée: mode d’utilisation du matériel adapté à l’usage des élèves aveugles et malvoyants, Problématique des parents d’enfants handicapés visuels (1990-2003).

List of most recent publications in the field:

Pour un changement réel dans la vie des personnes handicapées en Haïti, (2002).

Intégration et Réintégration des Personnes Handicapées (œuvre collective) (1999).

Problématique des personnes handicapées en Haïti (œuvre collective), (1994).

La Cécité: un mal social (Article), 1989.

László Gábor LOVÁSZY (Hungary)

Name and first name: László Gábor LOVÁSZY

Date and place of birth: 11.04.1973, Budapest, Hungary

Working languages: English, Hungarian (fluent), international sign language, German (basic)

Current position/function:

2009 - Adviser to Ádám KÓSA, member of the European Parliament (acting president of the Disability Intergroup of European Parliament), Brussels;

2005 - Guest lecturer, Bárczi Gusztáv College of Special Education, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest.

Main professional activities:

2008 - 2009 Financial controller/lawyer Ministry of National Development and Economy, Budapest;

2005 - 2008 Civil servant, Social Inclusion Unit, Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, Budapest;

2005 National expert, European Commission, DG Research, Brussels;

2003 - 2005 Representative of Hungary in the Committee on Rehabilitation and Integration of People with Disabilities (CD-P-RR) of the Council of Europe, Council of Europe, Strasbourg;

2001 - 2005 Civil servant Disability Unit, Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, Budapest.

Educational background:

2009 Lawyer professional state exam, Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement, Budapest

2001 - 2007 Ph.D, University of Szeged, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Szeged, summa cum lade

2004 Diploma of European Affairs, Ecole Nationale d’Administration (France) in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Budapest

2002 - 2003 Diploma of ESL-program, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München

1995 - 2000 M.Sc. Law, University of Szeged, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Szeged

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:

2011 Draftsperson of Ádám Kósa MEP to the report on mobility and inclusion of people with disabilities and the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020

2009 - 2011 Member of the Board of the National Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Budapest, Hungary

2009 Professional and official proof-reader to the Hungarian edition of Human rights - YES! - Action and Advocacy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

2007 - 2008 Lecturer, Disability Studies, INFONIA Foundation in cooperation with the National Institution of Family and Social Policies and the Department of Measurement and Information Systems, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (VIK), Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)

2005 - 2008 Representative of the monitoring committees of Operative Programs (Human Resources and Transport) of the EU structural funds regarding social cohesion and inclusion

1996-2001 Member of the Youth Committee, the National Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Budapest


2009 From Brussels to Budapest – on the implementation of EU legislation in Hungary (in cooperation with Erzsébet Földesi, vice president of European Disability Forum and Lajos Hegedűs, president of MEOSZ

2009 Legislation and administration of disability and rehabilitation policies in the EU and Hungary, University ELTE, Budapest (in cooperation with Professor György Könczei)

2008 Evaluation and criticism of UN Convention of the persons with disabilities in the point of view of rights to sign language (study of the Hungarian National Disability Council, Buda-pest) with Ádám Kósa, president of the National Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

2007 Disability studies (equal opportunities of people with disabilities; the evaluation of anti-discrimination legislation in the US and Europe; solutions, models and regulations of vocational rehabilitation and supported employment; history of disability movement);

2005 The status of sign languages in Europe, Nina Timmermans (ed.), as a national representative in the Committee on the Rehabilitation and Integration of People with disabilities (CD-P-RR)

List of most recent publications in the field:

Author of about 30 publications, papers, studies and a university textbook on disability; the latest one was published as a university textbook in 2009 on Legislation and administration of disability and rehabilitation policies in the EU and Hungary (ELTE University, Budapest) in cooperation with Professor György Könczei within the framework of Disability Studies in Hungary. A number of studies and papers have been published in the professional reviews Hungarian Labour Law (Munkaügyi Szemle), Economics and Law (Gazdaság és Jog) and EU Law (Európai Jog).

Formal support of the Hungarian NGOs for the candidate:

On 4 April 2012, the candidate for CRPD was supported unanimously by the largest disability NGOs in Hungary during an official hearing with NGOs in the Ministry of National Resources, Budapest. The next NGOs, who are also members of the Hungarian National Disability Council (OFT), the National Council of Disabled Persons' Organizations (FESZT) and the Hungarian Disability Caucus to the CRPD expressed formally their support for the candidate: Hungarian Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability (ÉFOÉSZ), Hungarian Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (SINOSZ), National Federation of Disabled Persons’ Association (MEOSZ), Hungarian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted (MVGYOSZ). The following NGOs also supported the candidate: National Autism Association (AOSZ), National Alliance of Protected Organizations (VSZOSZ), Hungarian Sport Federation for People with Special Needs (FONESZ), Foundation BLISS, CÉHálózat, Foundation Motiváció and Ability Park


Date and place of birth: 19 April 1945, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India

Working language: ENGLISH and HINDI

Current position/function:

1. Founder, Trustee and currently Vice Chairperson of Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy (IICP), Kolkata,. IICP, a premier National Training and Research Institute, was founded in April 1974 . The Institute has focused on bringing positive changes in the lives of all people with cerebral palsy and other neurological disabilities, through a range of policies and service provisions designed to enhance their individual skills and knowledge .

2. Mentor to ROSHNI, the first National Resource Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Assistive Technology set up at IICP in 2011

3. Member of the Central Co-ordination Committee of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Government of India.

4. She was appointed as Chairperson by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India , to formulate a New Disability Rights Bill based on the UNCRPD.

5. Member Working Group on Empowerment of persons with Disabilities for formulation of XII Five Year Plan from 13th May 2011

6. Member of the State Advisory Council Ministry of Education Govt. of West Bengal.

Main Professional Activities:


a. Under her guidance as Chairperson of the committee in formulating a New Disability Rights Bill based on the UNCRPD, the largest ever awareness exercise on disability related issues, was held in India. Proactive consultations from the disability sector were acknowledged and State Level Consultations, with the active support and participation of the Disability groups across the country, were held. The draft was submitted to the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment on 30th June 2011.

b. As Founder Trustee and former Executive Director of IICP from 1987 to 2010, Dr Kaul has been at the helm in guiding the organization in working towards this mission. Dr Kaul has led her organization for the past 37 years, first as Principal of the Centre for Special Education and then its Executive Director till 1987, and currently its Vice Chairperson. She is an ardent and passionate believer in the leadership of persons with disabilities and is committed to empowering the development of self advocates and activists.

IICP won the National Award from the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India for the Best Disability NGO in 2004.

She is providing training and employment opportunities for adults with severe learning disabilities and is continuously striving to enable social reforms that will lead to a more just and equitable society.

c. Member, Technical Advisory Group Mission Mode, Ministry of Welfare 1993.

d. Lecturer and Teaching Supervisor on Post graduate Diploma in Teaching Children with Neurological disorders RCI recognized course) from 1987 to date.

e. Member, General Council, Rehabilitation Council of India, 1994 –1997; 2000-.


a. Member of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC).ISAAC is a Non-Governmental Organization in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

b. She was appointed as its President of ISAAC from January 2007 to December 2009.Co-Chairperson Developing Countries, ISAAC, 1985 -1992. Has used her International experience in augmenting the growth of ISAAC in developing countries across the world.

Educational Qualifications:

Ph.D. (in Augmentative and Alternative Communication): Manchester Metropolitan University, 1999

M. Phil. : Centre for Clinical Communication Studies, City University, London, 1993

B. A. (Honours) English Literature : Miranda House, University of Delhi, 1964


1. Presidents Award, 1990 ISAAC ,Canada

2. ISAAC Fellow 2002, ISAAC, Canada

3. Padmashree , Government Of India, April 2010

Papers and Publications:

"The Able Disabled: India's investment". International Conference, Calcutta, November 1981.

"Education of the Disabled: an integrated approach". UNICEF Seminar, Calcutta, February 1988.

"Challenge of Special Education Needs: an approach to identification and assessment of the cerebral palsied in a community setting". International Special Education Congress, Cardiff, 30th July to 3rd August 1990.

"Building partnerships to create family focused community based services. Symposium on 'Early Intervention' Sydney - 17th June 1993.

"Whose conversation is it anyway?" Paper presented at an International conference on Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Disability and Human Rights, Kolkata, November 2002

The GupShupProgramme’ ISAAC Conference, Düsseldorf 2006

Kaul , Sudha et al (2003) ‘Working with Families to Implement Home Interventions: India. In Samuel L. Odom, Marci J. Hanson, James A. Blackman, and Sudha Kaul (eds) ‘Early Intervention Practices Around the World. Baltimore.Brookes Publishers.

Kaul, Sudha (1992) The Challenge of Special Educational Needs: An approach to identification and assessment of individuals with Cerebral Palsy in a community setting. In T. Cline (Ed) Assessment of special educational needs: International perspectives. Routledge (London).

Collier, Barbara and Kaul, Sudha. (1989) An introduction to augmentative communication. Communication Outlook, Vol. 10, No.4.

Kaul, Sudha (1989) Reaching Out. In Proceedings of First ISAAC Regional Conference, Spastics Society of Eastern India.

Kaul, Sudha (1998) ‘Cerebral Palsy’. In Disability: A Parent’s Guide. Ed. AnjanaJha, Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy.

Mohammed AL-TARAWNEH (Jordan)

Name and first name: Mohammed AL-TARAWNEH

Date and place of birth: 17 March 1960, Jordan

Working languages: English, Arabic

Current position/function:

Managing Partner at Cross Borders Development Consultants (CBDC)

Advisor to the Mayor of Amman, Jordan on Human Rights

Current member and founder chairperson of the UNCRPD committee

Main professional activities:

I provide consultation on human rights issues, especially the rights of persons with disabilities, with special regard to accessibility.

I promote the UNCRPD at national levels, setting national disability strategies and action plans for nations that adopt or plan to adopt the CRPD.

I also work on promoting democracy and governance with special focus on youth and gender integration, especially in participation in the political process.

Assessment and feasibility studies for cities in regard to architectural barriers to accessibility and promoting universal design concepts.

Educational background:

B.S., Civil Engineering

M.A., Peace Diplomacy and International Development

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:

I provide technical support to member countries on several issues such as monitoring and implementation at the national level, setting up national disability strategies and action plans.

I promote the importance of accessibility towards the implementation of the CRPD articles, especially Article 9.

I encourage awareness-raising initiatives in member states of the CRPD with special focus on children with disabilities, women & girls with disabilities, and refugees & vulnerable groups with disabilities.

I work at the local and regional level to promote all forms of accessibility, including ICT and universal design concepts.

Ms. Hatouma GAKOU (Mali)

Name: Ms. Djikiné Hatouma GAKOU

Date and place of birth: 22 August 1958 to Goumbou Circle NARA MALI

Language (s) of work .French.

Current position/function:

Married with four (4) children, physically disabled, Social Administrator Project Manager at Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries. President of the Malian Union of Associations of Disabled Women, Vice President of the Malian Federation of Associations of Disabled Persons, the West African Federation of Disabled Persons and the Pan African Association of People with Disabilities. Member of the African Network of Women with Disabilities

Main professional activities:

Project development and fundraising to finance the activities of the Malian Union of Associations and Committees Women with disabilities.

Plea for recognition and enforcement of disability rights and their implementation: accessibility to buildings and public buildings, information, work, health etc.

Extension and dissemination of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Development of projects of income generation for women with disabilities. Training of trainers modules on "disability, representations and perceptions of disability" Event organization for the prevention and reproductive health of women with disabilities on the occasion of the commemoration days of March 8, the Pan-African Women on July 31 and December 3 Day of Disabled Persons.


• 2010: Master of Social Sciences

• 1991: of Arts Degree in Management of Posts and Telecommunications

• 1985: Deug in Economics

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body the applicant: (10 lines)

August 2006: Participation in the development and adoption of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at the United Nations in New York.-2007: Focal Point in West Africa for the dissemination and popularization of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - Organization of several workshops on disability and gender based violence - 2008: Participation in the strategic plan of the African network of Disabled Women in Cape Town, South Africa-2003: Development of module on the representations and concepts of disability-1997: Participation in the International Forum on Women with Disabilities in Bethesda and Washington in 2004 to the day of disabled people-founding President of the first association of women with disabilities in 1994 and 1999 of the Union of Women with Disabilities-1997seminaire of West Africa in Burkina. Attendance at general meetings of PAFOD, the WAFOD and FEMAPH-1994

List of recent publications of the candidate in this field: (5 lines)

• 2011: The right of women with disabilities and protection against sexual violence

• 2003: Training module on perceptions and concepts of disability

• 2000: A Guide to the care of disabled women in reproductive health

• 1999: "Walk like the other" Work of Heart Foundation Sharing

Coomara PYANEANDEE (Mauritius)

Name and first name: PYANEANDEE COOMARA

Date and Place of Birth: 22 June 1968

Working languages: English and French

Current position/function:

Blind Barrister-at-law and Chairman of the Lois Lagesse Trust Fund for the Blind

Main professional activities:

Practising Lawyer in the Courts of Mauritius

Other Main Activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the Treaty Body concerned

(i) Human Rights Lawyer in the field of disability

(ii) Assist and advise DPO’s, NGO’s and Government Bodies to implement policies and measures to improve the socio-economic status of persons with disabilities

(iii) Advocate for disability representation in Government and Non-Governmental Organisations

(iv) Assist DPO’s in campaigning for the implementation of UNCRPD

(v) Served as Consultant to the Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Reform Institutions in:

(a) The elaboration of the National Policy Paper and Plan of Action on Disability;

(b) drafting of the Initial Mauritius State Report on UNCRPD.

(vi) Served as Mayor of the Town of Curepipe (2009)

(vii) Barrister-Counsellor for “Education Mauritius” (2001)

(viii) Was General Manager of Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board

(1996 -2000)

(ix) Was Chairman of Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board (2005-2007)

Educational Background

1. LLB University of London 1993

2. LLM University of London 1995

List of most recent publication in the field

Author of: “Employment Guide on Benefits for Business: How and Why to recruit Persons with Disabilities”


Date and place of birth: 07th January 1962, Manica - Mozambique

Working languages: Portuguese and English

Current position/function: (5 lines maximum)

• Adviser to the Minister of Woman and Social Welfare for disability issues,

• Lecturer of Urban Sociology at ISCTEM (Higher Institute of Sciences and Technology of Mozambique in Maputo,

• Honorary Chairperson of National Association for the Blind and Partially Sighted of Mozambique (ACAMO),

• Member of Writers Association (AEMO) and of Musicians Associations (AMMO)

Main professional activities:

• 1988-1999 – GTZ/PDD consultant and researcher for Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) – Center for African Studies – Study on 1st municipality elections,

• 1992 – Consultancy Commissioned by UNICEF on post-war planning for rural development,

• 1994-2004 – Member of Parliament and of Parliament’s Social Affairs, Gender and Environment Committee (HIV and AIDS Focal Point),

• 2004 – 2009 Member of Standing Committee of the Parliament (Chairperson of Parliament HIV and AIDS Committee),

• 2005 – Coordinator for the study on Community Based rehabilitation – Ministry of Woman and Social Welfare, 2005 – to present - Lecturer of Urban Sociology at ISCTEM (Higher Institute of –sciences and Technology of Mozambique),

• 2008 – 2009 – Funder Committee Member of Zambeze University in charge of public relations and cooperation.

Educational background:

• 1990 – Degree in Sociology (Honors), University Nova Lisboa, Portugal

• 2005 – Post graduate in Social Science, University Nova Lisboa – Portugal,

• 2011 – PhD in sociology, University of Lisboa, Portugal.

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned: (10 lines maximum)

• 1991 – 2009 – Director – National Institute for Visual Impaired,

• 1991 – Paper on Leadership – inter-provincial workshop – ADEMO (Associationb for the Disability People of Mozambique – Beira,

• 1995 – 2001 – Founding member and +st President of ACAMO (National Association for the Blind and Partially Sghted People of Mozambique),

• 1999-2000- Consultancy for INAS (National Institute for Social Welfare) on Causes and Stragies on Begging,

• 2006 – Paper presented at the African Union Commission Special Summit on Hiv and AIDS, TB and Malaria on the Strenghtening of linkage between Parliament and Civil Society Organizations,

• 2001-2002 – Consultancy for the Community Development Program commissioned by the National Institute on Social Welfare,

• 2010 – 2011 -Consulted for UNAIDS, on parliamentary HIV training Program,

List of most recent publications in the field: (5 lines)

• 2009 – Legislating on HIV and AIDS: a challenge between tradition and modernity and the absurd and logical,

• 2009 – Parliamentary Oversight and the HIV and AIDS Pandemic: The case of Mozambique, Social Exclusion and Social Policies: the case of Maputo and Beira municipalities (PhD thesis)

Ahmad S. ALSAIF (Saudi Arabia)

Name: Ahmad S. Alsaif

Date and place of birth: 5/8/1961, Buraiydah, Saudi Arabia

I am a disabled person, (a wheelchair user)

Email: ahmright@

Mobile no. 00966 503802882

Working languages: Arabic and English

Current position and professional activities:

• Member of Saudi Human Rights Commission Council;

• Director of the Rights of Persons with Disability Unit in Saudi Arabia;

• Member of the legal committee at Saudi Human Rights Commission;

• Member of propagation of the human rights culture committee.

Educational background:

• Doctor of Law (PhD), Newcastle Law School, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK (2008). The thesis was entitled : (The Rights of persons with disability and discrimination, a comparative study);

• Master in Law (LLM US Legal Studies), (Honors), School of Law, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA (2003);

• High Diploma in Laws (leading to master’s degree), Institute of General Administration, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (1988);

• (BA) in Sharia (Islamic Law), Al-Imam University, Saudi Arabia (1986).

Intellectual interests:

Human rights theory, comparative disability rights and discrimination studies.

Main activities in the field of the rights of persons with disability:

• Specialized writer in the field of rights of persons with disability in some newspapers and magazines;

• Professional trainer for the convention on the rights of persons with disability;

• Participant Member of Islamic World Disability Council;

• Member of Saudi Disability Association (Mobility);

• Member of American Persons with Disabilities Association (APDA);

• Member of British Association of legal and Social Philosophy (ALSP).

List of most recent publication in the field of disability rights issues:

• The Rights of Persons with Disability and Discrimination (a comparative study);

• Disability and International Law;

• Philosophy of Disabled as a Human;

• The Rights of Disability and Disabling of Right;

• The Rights of patients;

• How Saudi Arabia and some Arab countries disability regulations comply with international convention on rights of persons with disability, (a critical study).

Prizes and Awards:

• (Ideal Student), Al-Imam University, Saudi Arabia (1985);

• Hauberk and Certificate of Scholarly Accomplishment, Case Western University, Cleveland, OH, USA (2003);

• Certificate of Achievement (Academic Performance), FSF School, Washington DC, USA. (2001).

Sebenzile Joy Patricia MATSEBULA (SOUTH AFRICA)

Date and place of birth: 23rd September 1957, South Africa

Working languages: English

Current position/function: Director

Main professional activities:

• Provided leadership and contributed to the development and negotiations for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

• Member of the UN Ad Hoc Committee for the development and negotiation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

• Provide leadership, advisory and consultancy role to various United Nations organs on mainstreaming disability and the promotion of rights of persons with disabilities

• Evaluated the 1st African Decade of Persons with Disabilities (1999 – 2009) for the African Union and presented the findings at the 2nd AU Conference of Ministers for Social Development (CAMSD2), Khartoum, Sudan in 2010.

• Developed a Strategy to Influence the Protocol for Persons with Disabilities of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights for the African Union

• Contributed to the conceptualization and development of the program of the African Decade of Disabled Persons with Disabilities

• Board member of the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities

• Vice President for Africa of Rehabilitation International which has observed status at the United Nations

• Develop advocacy programs for human rights for persons with disabilities

• Develop policies, programs and strategies to mainstream disability

• Developed programs to promote the respect of human rights of persons with disabilities

• Conducted research to inform development of policies to mainstream disability and uphold human rights of persons with disabilities

• Trained and provided capacity building in the education and understanding of disability as a human rights construct and the paradigm shift from the medical to the social model

Educational background:

PhD (Incomplete) University of Saskatoon, Canada - 1994

MSc Pennsylvania State University, USA - 1984

BSc University of Botswana and Swaziland - 1981

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:

• Promoted integration of disability and people with disabilities as Director in the Presidency of South Africa; as head of the Office on the status of Disabled Persons.

• Participated in development consulting on human rights and social justice issues.

• 1986 to date - Active member of the disability movement

• Chairs the Disability Workshop Development Enterprise and the Disability Empowerment Concerns Holding Company

• Board member of Action on Disability and Development, Centre for Alternative and Augmentative Communication, Cheshire Homes South Africa, South African Development Trust for Disabled People.

List of most recent publications in the field:

• Government of South Africa: Investigation into Braille production needs and Braille policy matters in SA, 2012

• Government of South Africa: Audit of Residential Facilities for Disabled People in South Africa, 2012

• Local Government of South Africa: Development of a Plan of Action for the Disability Advocacy Campaign for the 2011 Local Government Elections

• Mining Qualifications Authority of South Africa: Development of a Disability Toolkit for Mining Sector in South Africa, 2011

• East Africa Regional AIDS Training Network Technical Reviews for Research reports on Disabled People and HIV/AIDS in East Africa, 2011

• UN - WHO World Report on Disability and Rehabilitation, 2011

• United States Agency for International Development: Extension of physical and social rehabilitation services for civilian war disabled and other people with disabilities in East Africa, 2010

• African Union: Evaluation of the 1st African Decade of Persons with disabilities, 2010

• United Nations Populations Fund -UNFPA-WHO: Guidelines on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Persons with Disabilities for the United Nations Populations Fund -UNFPA-WHO, 2008

• Global Partnership for Disability & Development and the World Bank: Women with disabilities in Development, 2008

• British Overseas Development Fund: Policy audit of disability inclusive policies in Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia and Swaziland, 2008

• Danish Organizations of Overseas Development: A comparative study of political approaches to strengthen the rights of persons with disabilities and foster their participation in all aspects of society, 2008

• Secretariat of the African Decade of Disabled Persons: Disabled Women’s Development Program & Development of the Africa Network of Disabled Women, 2006


Name and first name: Peláez Narváez, Ana

Date and place of birth: 12th October 1966, Zafra, Extremadura, Spain

Working languages: Spanish, English and French

Current position/function:

• Spanish National Organization of the Blind (ONCE) International Relations Director

• Executive Vice-President of the ONCE Foundation for Latin America (FOAL)

• Member of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) from its creation (from 3rd November 2008 to 31st December 2012)

Main professional activities:

• Chairwoman of the Committee of Representatives of Persons with Disabilities (CERMI) and CERMI Commissioner for Gender Affairs.

• Member of the Executive Committee and Board of the European Disability Forum (EDF) and chair of its Women's Committee.

• Representative of the EDF to the European Women's Lobby (EWL), forming part of Directors. From this position, she represents the EWL in the European Commission´s High Level Group on Disability.

• In 2011 she was named expert for the European Co-ordination Forum for the Council of Europe Disability Action Plan (CAHPAH) 2006-2015

Educational background:

• Science of Education and Psychology Degrees at Seville University.

• Master´s Degree in Special Needs for People with Disabilities and PhD courses at the University of Salamanca.

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:

• Public hearings, meetings and conferences:

• Speaker at a parallel event on Disability, international development and cooperation policies and the Millennium Development Goals during the 4th Conference of States Parties to the CRPD (New York 2011)

• Speaker at the United Nations International Human Rights Day (Geneva 2010)

• Speech on Inclusion and the Right to Education at the 3rd Conference of States Parties to the CRPD (New York 2010)

• Speech to the European Parliament Disability Intergroup on Gender Violence against Women with Disabilities (Brussels 2010)

• Special Commission of the Spanish Senate on the study of National Adoption and other related matters (Madrid 2010)

List of most recent publications in the field:

• Gender Equality Plan for Disability Third Sector Organisations (CERMI, 2011)

• Motherhood and Disability (CERMI, 2009)

• Recognizing the Rights of Women and Girls with Disabilities: An Added Value for Tomorrow´s Society (CERMI/EDF, 2008)

• Comprehensive Action Plan for Women with Disabilities 2005-2008 (CERMI, 2005)

• For Equality, United in Diversity (CERMI, 2005).

Monthian BUNTAN (Thailand)

Name and first name: Monthian BUNTAN

Date and place of birth: 2 May 1965, Phrae Province, Thailand

Working languages: Thai / English

Current position/function:

2008-present: Member of the Senate, Royal Thai Government

2002-present: Executive Committee Member, Foundation of Asia Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD Foundation) under Royal Patronage, and Asia Pacific Development Center on Disability

1999-present: Founder/Coordinator, Daisy Thailand

1999-present: Founder/Secretary General, Thai Blind Peoples’ Foundation & Vice Chair, Thai National Institute for the Blind

1993-present: Freelance Academic Advisor/former Deputy Director, Ratchasuda College, Mahidol University, Thailand

Main activities:

2011-present: Chairman, Local Organizing Committee, World Blind Union/ICEVI General Assembly 2012 in Bangkok – November 2012

2004-2012: President, Thailand Association of the Blind

2003-2006: Thai Government Representative to Ad Hoc Committee: CRPD

2001-2005: Member, Disability Advisory Committee to Thai Prime Minister

2000-2002: Member, Thai National Broadcasting Commission Search Committee.

Educational background:

1993: Master of Arts in Music Theory/Composition (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN USA)

1990: Bachelor of Arts with Honors in Music (St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN USA)

1988: Bachelor of Arts in English and Philosophy (Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand)

Other main activities:

Human Rights Activist

Political and Social Activist

Disability Policy Advocate

ICT Accessibility Policy Advocate

My life focus has been and continues to be working alongside disability rights groups and movements in Thailand and around the world, from grassroots to global level.

In Thailand, I actively participated in drafting Thai disability laws, including the Persons with Disabilities Empowerment Act B.E. 2550 (2007) and the Education Act for Persons with Disabilities B.E. 2551 (2008), ensuring consistency with CRPD principles. Since becoming a member of the Thai Senate my work has included participating actively in drafting amendments to existing laws, to ensure they are disability friendly. Of the 40 amendments to legislation proposed, to date close to 20 have been adopted.

Recent Publications:

Most recent writing has been centered on keynote speeches, presentations and short articles, a selection as listed below:

16.05.12: “ICT Accessibility: one of the Core Components to ensure ICT for Sustainable and Inclusive Development”, presented at the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) Asia Pacific Regional Forum on ICT for Sustainable and Inclusive Development held UNESCAP Bangkok Thailand

14.03.12: Opening Address to the UNESCAP Regional Preparatory Meeting for the High Level Intergovernmental Meeting on Final Review of the Implementation of the Asia and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 2003-2012, Bangkok Thailand

3.02.12: Address on behalf of the Thailand Delegation to the 50th Session of UN Commission for Social Development, New York USA

21.06.11: “Basic Principles to Ensure ICT Accessibility for All and Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)”, delivered at ITU Asia Pacific Regional Forum on Digital Inclusion for All, Singapore

12.04.11: “Accessible Tourism: A Strategic Example of CRPD Implementation”, delivered at International Conference on Accessible Tourism Taipei, Taiwan

4.03.11: “International Cooperation in Developing Countries: Let’s Make It More Disability-Inclusive”, delivered at Opening Ceremony UNESCAP Social Development Committee Meeting

Safak PAVEY (Turkey)

Name and first name: Pavey, Safak

Date and place of birth: 10 July 1976, Ankara, Turkey

Working languages: Turkish, English, French, Italian, basic level German, Farsi and international sign

Current position/function: Member of Turkish Parliament, Deputy of Istanbul

Main professional activities:

Member of Turkey-EU Accession Committee and Joint Parliamentary Committee Member of Euro-Med Parliamentary Assembly for the Mediterranean Union, and Sub-Committee on Energy, Water and Environment Member and Vice-Chair of Turkish Parliamentary Friendship Groups with South Korea and Norway.

Educational background: Bsc. in International Relations and the EU Studies, Msc. & post grad studies in "Minority Rights, Nationalism & Ethnicity", London School of Economics, UK Art, media and film studies, Art & Film School, Switzerland Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned: Safak is the former Secretary to the CRPD Committee at the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (2010 - 2011), Former member of the UN Interagency Support Group for CRPD (2007 - 2011), Former member of the UN High-level Task Force on "Accessibility" (2010- 2011), Former member of the UNHCR human resources and refugee /IDP protection task forces on disability (2007 - 2010).

During her work as a UN staff between 2003 and 2011, Safak provided trainings for State parties to the CRPD as well as promoting further accession and ratification by States, campaigned across the UN and civil society platforms to promote the CRPD principles, led ‘accessibility / inclusive design’ projects and worked particularly on developing UN disability-related policies on displacement, humanitarian aid and human resources. She left her position at the United Nations and was elected as Deputy of Istanbul at 2011 elections in Turkey. She has become the first disabled female member of the Turkish Parliament.

Recently, she has been honoured with the “2011-The Outstanding Young Person of the World Award” by JCI (Junior Chamber International) and the 2012 ‘International Woman of Courage Award’ by the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and First Lady Michelle Obama.

List of most recent publications in the field:

• Disability rights related legislative work & Parliamentary speeches at the Turkish Grand National Assembly

• "Inclusive Design Briefing", Monocle Magazine

• "Article 33 of the CRPD and the Paris Principles", Ankara Bar Association

• "Emergencies and Disabilities" papers and speeches, "European Business Conference on Inclusive Design" and "Include" Seminars, Norwegian Design Council & UK Royal College of Arts

• "In-house (dis)ability", Forced Migration Review

• "The protection of older persons and persons with disabilities", UNHCR Excom Standing Committee

Martin MWESIGWA BABU (Uganda)

Name: Mwesigwa Babu

First Name: Martin

Date of Birth: 12 March 1973

Marital Status: Widower

Occupation: Social Worker

Current Job: Programme Manager National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU)

Level of Education:

• Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences (BA SS Hons)

• Makerere University Kampala – Uganda

Other Training:

• Inclusive Communication for Disability, September, 2006 – Swaziland;

• Training in Communication for Advocacy, organized by Healthlink Worldwide, Nazareth, Ethiopia 20 – 26 August 2005;

• Training in Leadership for Development, The Coady Institute Canada Antigonish;

• Training of IT Trainers’ Course – Happy Computers, United kingdom;

• Microsoft Certificate in Trainer of MS Applications – Happy Computers UK;

• Training as Functional Adult Literacy Trainer – Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development – Government of Uganda.

Other engagements:

• Consultant – Integrating Disability in World Vision Area Development Programme, Sierra Leone, May 2008;

• Co-Trainer for Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau staff in skills on Communication for Advocacy undertaken by Healthlink Worldwide – UK, August 2007;

• Conference Consultant, Sudan National Women’s Convention, Grand Imperial Hotel – 5 – 11 March 2002;

• Design Consultant, Domestic Relations Bill Fact Cards – Uganda Women’s Network 2002;

• Consultant Trainer, Skills for Southern Sudan, New Sudan – Rumbek, Nairobi 2001 –2002;

• Coordinator, Global Youth Health Teleconference, Youths & HIV/AIDS, Global Distance Learning Centre – Uganda Management Institute (UMI), 2001.

Papers/Articles Authored

• Inclusion of PWDs in the Millennium Development Goals is a Prerequisite – Paper presented to an EU organised Conference in Slovakia, May 2007;

• Child Protection Concerns for Children with Disabilities – Paper presented to parliamentary Social Affairs Committee, , Dec 2007- Hotel Equatorial;

• The Case for mainstreaming PWDs in the National HIV/AIDS Agenda –Paper presented to the Partnership Committee of Uganda AIDS Commission, 8th Sept. 2006 – At UAC Boardroom;

• Understanding Disability and Integration PWDs in Traditional Health Care Systems in Uganda, Workshop organized by THETA – 22nd March 2006, Kampala;

• Role of Health Professional in mainstreaming Disability into HIV/AIDS Support and Care Initiatives In Uganda, Workshop organized by HOSPICE Uganda, March 2006, Mukono;

• ‘The Forgotten Tribe – PWDs and HIV/AIDS’, 21 –22 March 2005, Munyonyo Kampala;

• ‘The Uganda we want based on the Common Good of all – PWD Perspective’ – 6 – 7 October 2005, Hotel Africana.

Responsibilities (Official & Social):

• Steering Committee Member – Africa Decade Campaign on Disability & HIV 2008 -2018;

• Representative of Civil Society Inter-Constituency Coordination Committee (CICC) to the National HIV/AIDS Partnership Committee, Uganda AIDS Commission;

• Executive Committee member representing East African Region on the Pan African Youth Action Against HIV/AIDS Organization;

• Executive Committee member, Uganda Child Rights NGO Network. (UCRNN);

• Secretary for Disability Affairs, Local Government Council I Committee, Nsambya Kirombe Village;

• Parent of four children.

Life Goal: Making Disability Dignified and Visible to All.

Personal Contacts:

Address: National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU)

P. O. Box 8567, Kampala Uganda

Email: babukatesti@

Official Tel: +256 414 540179

Cell: +256 772 602002 or +256 706 302002

Diane MULLIGAN (United Kingdom)

Name and first name: MULLIGAN, Diane (OBE)

Date and place of birth: 04-10-1966, Barnstaple, UK

Working languages: English, Indonesian

Current position/function:

Coordinator of International Advocacy and Alliances for Inclusive Development with CBM.

Member of the UK’s Equality and Human Rights Commission statutory Disability Committee

Member of Equality 2025, independent advice to the UK government on disability issues.

Co-chair of UN Task Group with the International Disability and Development Consortium

Member of the Task Force on Accessibility for the Human Rights Council.

Main professional activities:

Coordinating international advocacy work on inclusive development to realise the rights of persons with disabilities worldwide.

Building the capacity and training staff on the depth and breadth of the Convention and its potential impact on policy, legislation and practical application.

Empowering organisations on processes of implementation and monitoring and reporting of

The Convention e.g. disabled people’s organisations, NGOs, national human rights institutions and government officials in developing countries.

Working with the UK’s NHRI providing comparative analysis and expert input (including NHRI CRPD parallel report), and working through the European working group of NHRIs.

Providing support and information on what the CRPD means for disabled people.

Educational background:

B.A (Hons.) Women’s Studies – First Class - Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

MSc. Science and Technology Policy, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex.

Currently a guest lecturer on disability and international development at both University College London and at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:

Diane was selected through an open and transparent process and is experienced in advocacy, familiar with the CRPD and advised more than 20 States on disability and human rights.

She is co-chair of the UN Task Group with the International Disability and Development Consortium, specializing in CRPD implementation in developing countries. She works with Missions to draft and propose Resolutions to include people with disabilities in emerging agreements that reinforce existing architecture such as the Convention,

She has been an advisor to the Royal Association for Disability and Rights Leadership Project building the capacity of future disabled leaders. She chaired the British Overseas NGOs in Development Disability and Development Group, lobbying and supporting the inclusion of people with disabilities in the UK’s aid programmes.

List of most recent publications in the field:

Miles, S. Fefoame, G. Mulligan, D. Haque, Z. (forthcoming) Education for diversity: the role of networking in resisting disabled people’s marginalisation in Bangladesh.

Wickenden, M. Mulligan, D. Fefoame, G. Katende, P. (in press) An INGO’s participatory practice informing the CBR guidelines: Ghanaian and Ugandan experiences. African Journal of Disability.

Mulligan, D. Enfield, S. & Stubbs, S. (2011) Simple Steps to Social Inclusion, Sightsavers Guidance Manual.

Mulligan, D. & Martin, V. (2010) Sightsavers, Disabilityand Social Inclusion: Questions and Answers, Sightsavers Briefing.

Mulligan, D. & Barclay, H. (2009) Tackling violence against women – lessons for efforts to tackle other forms of targeted violence, Safer Communities, Pier Professional, Hove.

Mulligan, D. & Gooding, K. (2009) The Millennium Development Goals and People with Disabilities, Sightsavers Policy Briefing.

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