05 Internal Treasury - briefing template - June 2019

right0DO NOT DELETE THIS BOXThe Secretary must be given at least 48 hours to consider briefs, if this cannot be met you must add a” Reason for delay” in the Timeframe section explaining why you are not able to provide the Secretary with more time to consider the brief. Your brief will not be submitted to the Secretary without this information. 00DO NOT DELETE THIS BOXThe Secretary must be given at least 48 hours to consider briefs, if this cannot be met you must add a” Reason for delay” in the Timeframe section explaining why you are not able to provide the Secretary with more time to consider the brief. Your brief will not be submitted to the Secretary without this information. Internal Treasury Choose an item. - (Insert Title of Brief) Issue: Summarise the issue succinctly.Analysis: Summarise the conclusions using one or at most two sentences, totalling no more than four lines. Include the key points supporting a decision or defending it from criticism.(Select one priority, delete the others. if there is no critical date you can remove the Priority section)Priority 1 – Urgent and ImportantPriority 2 – Important, Not Urgent Priority 3 – Urgent, Low ImportancePriority 4 – Low Importance, Not Urgent Timeframe(delete this section if not relevant)Critical date: Click here to enter a date.Reason for critical date: Include the reason for this critical date and any consequences if the date is not met. Reason for delay: Include the reason why the brief could not be provided to the Secretary earlier to provide him with more time to consider the brief. Recommendations and actionsReference the Final Approver of the brief: Secretary / Deputy Secretary / Executive Director / Director, include name and position title (except for the Secretary).Start each recommendation with the bolded word(s) ‘Approve, ‘Agree’, ‘Note’ or ‘Sign’.Ensure that attachments requiring signature are listed in the List of Attachments section and mentioned in the Recommendations section as (Attachment X)Example: That the Secretary:Notes the content of this brief; and Signs the attached letter (Attachment A). ApprovalsDateTreasury ContactInsert name, position, (02) 9228 xxxxFinal Approver/ Deputy SecretaryChoose an item.Click here to enter a date.Secretary’s Comments (Secretary to insert any relevant information, comments or advice for Treasury) Key reasons Capture each reason in analytical headings and use short paragraphsThe reasons supporting your recommendation should flow from the analysis above. The headings capturing each reason must be under one line so they can be read at a glance.Write short paragraphs mostly between two to four lines and never longer than five. Write in plain English by preferring simple words, short sentences and the active voice.Focus on the content needed to make a decisionThink about the following questions when writing a brief:What is the current and future impact, is it financial and how is that calculated?Can numbers or graphs better support the recommendation?Is a proposal consistent with Treasury policy or have some other authority (e.g.: Government policy, Cabinet or ERC authority?Is a comparison with other jurisdictions relevant?What has been done in similar situations in the past?Are there alternative options with better fiscal or economic impacts?What are the opposing views the Executive needs to be aware of or address?Highlight the Financial Impact Carefully consider the financial impact of a proposal across the parameters set out in the table below.If there is no financial impact, please delete the table and write in bold: “No financial impact”.In some cases it will be compelling to show the impact if the proposal is supported. In others you might show the impact if the proposal is opposed. Decide on this case by case.Financial Impact ($000)2016-172017-182018-192019-20Four yearsBudget Result (-ve worsens)Operating ResultNet LendingControl Limits (+ve increases)Net Cost of ServicesCapital Expenditure (CEAL)Labour Expense CapAppropriations (+ve increases)Consolidated Fund RecurrentConsolidated Fund CapitalNet lending attempts to determine an “underlying” Budget result that shows the impact on the Government’s borrowing requirements. In the main, the Net Lending impact is:Operating Result Impact Add:Associated Depreciation Impact Add:Associated Asset sales and other movements in non-financial assets Deduct:Asset Acquisitions (Capital Expenditure) = Net Lending Impact (-ve number implies a worsening or an increase in borrowings)However, Net Lending will also be impacted in scenarios where assets are acquired through finance leases or assets are granted to external entities. Please contact FRS if you require further guidance in determining the Net Lending impact of a measure or initiative.Consultations undertaken in preparing this brief (delete if not relevant)Identify internal and external stakeholders consulted.Is Media/Communications consulting required? Has this been undertaken?Person consultedIssueName (Title or Division)Include brief description of issues discussed and any relevant comment or approval Include Treasury and external agency consultationList of Attachments (delete if not relevant)Attachment ATitle (ensure the title matches the document name in Objective)Attachment BTitle (example: Letter to Minister Hazzard) ................

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