Section Quiz 16-4 - Central Dauphin School District

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Chapter 16


Section Quiz 16-4

DIRECTIONS: Matching Match the items in Column A with the items in Column B. Write the correct letters in the blanks. (10 points each)

Column A

Column B

1. general increase in prices 2. Southern spy 3. founded American Red Cross 4. Copperheads

A. Clara Barton B. Peace Democrats C. Rose O'Neal Greenhow D. bounties E. inflation

5. encouragement to enlist

DIRECTIONS: Multiple Choice In the blank at the left, write the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. (10 points each)

6. Which woman fought for the Confederacy at the First Battle of Bull Run?

A. Rose O'Neal Greenhow

C. Belle Boyd

B. Loretta Janeta Vel?zquez

D. Harriet Tubman

7. Who was the Southerner who established a hospital for soldiers in Richmond, Virginia?

A. Sally Tompkins

C. William Sheppard

B. Robert E. Lee

D. Clara Barton

8. The law that required men between certain ages to serve in the army for three years was the

A. corpus.

C. draft.

B. bounty.

D. habeas corpus.

9. Draft laws led to opposition. The worst disturbance took place in

A. Washington, D.C.

C. Charleston.

B. Richmond.

D. New York City.

10. To raise money for the war, the North printed

A. greenbacks.

C. handbills.

B. paper checks.

D. promissory notes.

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