PA_NonLeg - European Parliament

European Parliament2019-2024<Commission>{TRAN}Committee on Transport and Tourism</Commission><RefProc>2019/2076(DEC)</RefProc><Date>{22/01/2020}22.1.2020</Date><TitreType>OPINION</TitreType><CommissionResp>of the Committee on Transport and Tourism</CommissionResp><CommissionInt>for the Committee on Budgetary Control</CommissionInt><Titre>on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) for the financial year 2018</Titre><DocRef>(2019/2076(DEC))</DocRef>Rapporteur for opinion: <Depute>Maria Grapini</Depute>PA_NonLegSUGGESTIONSThe Committee on Transport and Tourism calls on the Committee on Budgetary Control, as the committee responsible, to incorporate the following suggestions into its motion for a resolution:1.Welcomes the finding of the Court of Auditors that the transactions underlying the accounts of the European Maritime Safety Agency ('the Agency') for the 2018 financial year are legal and regular in all material respects;2.Notes that the Agency executed EUR 81 million in commitment appropriations representing 99,02% of the total budget of the year (EUR 81,8 million), and EUR 72,1 million in payment appropriations (93,47% of EUR 77,1 million) when taking into account C1 funds and automatic carry-over (C8); notes that the cancellation of payment appropriations equalled 6,55% and the Agency therefore did not meet the target set by the Commission (less than 5% cancellation); 3.Notes that the delay in the Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) operations linked to European cooperation on coast guard functions due to technical challenges and continuing difficulties to obtain the permits to fly from national authorities led to a budget amendment reducing EU subsidy and return of EUR 6 million in payment appropriations to the Commission; notes that this reduction proved insufficient due to further delays caused by technical problems and bad weather, leading to lower consumption of payment appropriations; shares the recommendation of the Administrative Board that the Agency should address the risk resulting from the Permits to Fly issue towards full budget execution; 4.Welcomes the Agency’s direct support to Members States environmental enforcement efforts in implementing environmental legislation, as well as the EMSA RPAS services assisting in maritime surveillance operations such as maritime pollution and emissions monitoring; believes that with further resources the Agency can play an important role in supporting Member States in mitigating shipping-related environmental risks and in improving the sustainability of the maritime sector;5.Appreciates that the Agency is only in its second full year of operations following the extension of the mandate at the end of 2016 and that some of the factors that led to budgetary modifications were not known at the time of the drafting of the 2018 budget; notes that the Agency had to carry out budgetary modifications to cater for salary increases due to the correction coefficient for Portugal; 6.Welcomes the fact that the Agency works together with the European Fisheries Control Agency and the European Border and Coast Guard Agency; 7.Notes with satisfaction that the Agency is testing High Altitude Pseudo-Satellites (HAPS), and welcomes the fact that in this way the gap between satellites and drones is being filled;8.Welcomes the Agency's efforts to make operational services, analyses, specialist knowledge and the best possible technical support available in the context of Commission and Member State projects and to users in the maritime transport sector;9.Calls on the Agency to exploit to the full and if necessary adapt the operational possibilities offered by drones, HAPS and satellites; emphasises the multi-functional nature of the systems, covering the spectrum from rescue at sea to early detection and monitoring of maritime pollution and the vital efforts to combat illegal activities, such as drug trafficking, people smuggling and unlicensed fishing;10.Notes that the Administrative board of the Agency has adopted in November 2018 a new Internal Control Framework based on the 2017 Commission framework; 11.Welcomes the fact that in 2018 the Internal Audit Service of the Commission and the European Court of Auditors (ECA) did not issue any critical recommendations or observations that could lead to a reservation in the annual declaration of assurance; 12.Notes that, at the beginning of 2018, the Agency has expanded the scope of the Visits & Inspections Quality Management System (V&I QMS) to include the maritime security inspections and the horizontal analysis process; welcomes that the annual verification audit of the enlarged QMS was successfully performed by TUV Rheinland Portugal without any non-conformity;13.Notes that no case of conflict of interest was reported in 2018; notes that, in accordance with the Risk Management Policy, the risk register was updated in 2018, and that this update did not result in any critical risks that could lead to a formal reservation to the Authorising Officer’s annual declaration of assurance; notes further that none of the risks previously identified materialised in 2018;14.Appreciates that the Agency has introduced appropriate control mechanisms on payments in the Agency contracts;15.Notes that the results of the fifth benchmarking exercise regarding the staff are similar to those of 2017 with 20,20% (20,42% in 2017) of the jobs dedicated to administrative support of coordination, 71,65% (72,08%) to operational tasks and 8,15% (7,50%) to neutral tasks; 16.Proposes that Parliament grants the Executive Director of the Agency discharge in respect of the implementation of the Agency's budget for the financial year RMATION ON ADOPTION IN COMMITTEE ASKED FOR OPINIONDate adopted21.1.2020Result of final vote+:–:0:4270Members present for the final voteScott Ainslie, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, David Bull, Marco Campomenosi, Ciarán Cuffe, Johan Danielsson, Andor Deli, Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg, Ismail Ertug, Gheorghe Falc?, Giuseppe Ferrandino, S?ren Gade, Isabel García Mu?oz, Jens Gieseke, Kate?ina Kone?ná, Elena Kountoura, Julie Lechanteux, Bogus?aw Liberadzki, Peter Lundgren, Beno?t Lutgen, El?bieta Katarzyna ?ukacijewska, Marian-Jean Marinescu, Tilly Metz, Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar, June Alison Mummery, Caroline Nagtegaal, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Philippe Olivier, Dominique Riquet, Vera Tax, Barbara Thaler, Petar Vitanov, Elissavet Vozemberg-Vrionidi, Lucia Vuolo, Roberts Zīle, Kosma Z?otowskiSubstitutes present for the final voteClotilde Armand, Leila Chaibi, Angel Dzhambazki, Markus Ferber, Maria Grapini, Pierre Karleskind, Andrey Novakov, Catherine Rowett, Henna VirkkunenSubstitutes under Rule 209(7) present for the final voteTiziana Beghin, Elena Lizzi, Juozas Olekas, Tsvetelina PenkovaFINAL VOTE BY ROLL CALL IN COMMITTEE ASKED FOR OPINION42+ECRAngel Dzhambazki, Peter Lundgren, Roberts Zīle, Kosma Z?otowskiGUE/NGLLeila Chaibi, Kate?ina Kone?ná, Elena KountouraNITiziana BeghinPPEAndor Deli, Gheorghe Falc?, Markus Ferber, Jens Gieseke, El?bieta Katarzyna ?ukacijewska, Beno?t Lutgen, Marian-Jean Marinescu, Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar, Andrey Novakov, Barbara Thaler, Henna Virkkunen, Elissavet Vozemberg-VrionidiRENEWClotilde Armand, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, S?ren Gade, Pierre Karleskind, Caroline Nagtegaal, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Dominique RiquetS&DJohan Danielsson, Ismail Ertug, Giuseppe Ferrandino, Isabel García Mu?oz, Maria Grapini, Bogus?aw Liberadzki, Juozas Olekas, Tsvetelina Penkova, Vera Tax, Petar VitanovVERTS/ALEScott Ainslie, Ciarán Cuffe, Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg, Tilly Metz, Catherine Rowett7-IDMarco Campomenosi, Julie Lechanteux, Elena Lizzi, Philippe Olivier, Lucia VuoloNIDavid Bull, June Alison Mummery00Key to symbols:+:in favour-:against0:abstention ................

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