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FEMA’s Higher Education Program Bits and Pieces National Emergency Training Center, Emmitsburg, MD 17 August 2012Hi Ed Website (submitted today to webmaster for posting next week):EM Hi Ed Reports – August 10 College List – EM Programs – Masters - Metropolitan College of New York – Master of Public Administration Degree in Emergency and Disaster Management College List – EM Programs – Masters Certificate, Specialization, Track - Lynn University - Master of Science in Administration with Specialization in Emergency Planning and Graduate Level Certificate University of Denver University College – Masters in Security Management with Emergency Planning and Response Specialty and Grad Certificate College List – HS Programs – Masters Certificate, Specialization, Track – University of Denver University College – Masters in Security Management with Emergency Planning and Response Specialty and Grad Certificate College List – Distance Learning - Lynn University - Master of Science in Administration with Specialization in Emergency Planning and Graduate Level Certificate University of Denver University College – Masters in Security Management with Emergency Planning and Response Specialty and Grad Certificate All comments concerning website materials should be emailed to Barbara.Johnson3@fema.. 16th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference Update16th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference is scheduled for June 3-6, 2013. A call for papers/proposals will be posted to the HI Ed website conference section after the first of the year. College and University News: Hi Ed Statistical Update for August 3, 2012:Emergency Management Higher Education Programs – 25868 - Certificate, Diploma, Focus-Area, Minor in EM Collegiate Programs48 - Schools Offer Associate Degree Programs45 - Schools Offer Bachelor Degree Programs88 - Schools with Master-Level/Concentrations/Tracks/Specializations/Emphasis Areas/Degrees9 - Schools Offer Doctoral-Level Programs131 - U.S. Homeland Security/Defense and Terrorism Hi Ed Programs 16 - U.S. International Disaster Relief/Humanitarian Assistance Programs 31 - Public Health, Medical and Related Program 29 - Listing of Related Programs2012 DHS/FEMA Grant Guidance for Colleges and Universities All current grants information can be accessed at the following link: . Moreover, you may contact them directly with questions or comments using the contact information below: DHS/FEMA Grants Directorate Customer Service:E-mail: AskCSID@Telephone: 1-800-368-6498Training Announcement: E-390 - Integrating Emergency Management Education into Your Institution Course for Tribal Colleges and Universities and Historically Black Colleges and UniversitiesDear Private Sector Stakeholders: The Emergency Management Institute will hold two sessions of the E-390 – Integrating Emergency Management Education into Your Institution Course during August and September 2012 at the Emergency Management Institute/National Emergency Training Center in Emmitsburg, MD. The primary audiences include Department Chairs of Emergency Management-related disciplines such as sociology, geography, public administration, or psychology staff at Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) and Historically Black Colleges and Universities(HBCUs). ?The course topics include: Assist TCUs and HBCUs by providing information about Emergency Management curriculum Identify the benefits and resources available for integrating Emergency Management course offeringsCreate an action plan to be applied within each participant’s academic departmentDiscuss Emergency Management issues surrounding minority and minority-serving institutions of higher education Begin the process of identifying and overcoming institutional roadblocks to increasing their schools’ Emergency Management-related offeringsTraining DatesE-390 Course for HBCUs: September 27 – 28, 2012For more information regarding the E-390 Integrating Emergency Management Education Into Your Institution for TCUs and HBCUs, visit the EMI Training Updates section of the EMI website: ? . You may also contact Lillian Virgil the course manager via email with questions or comments: Lillian.virgil@fema.. ?????? UCLA Extension Department of Business, Management & Legal Programs? Homeland Security & Emergency Management (HSEM) Information Session Free Information SessionStart: 9/6/2012 6:00:00 PM End: 9/6/2012 8:00:00 PM Location: Downtown Figueroa Courtyard, 261 W. Figueroa St. Prepare to launch your career in this high-growth field! EVENT AGENDAExplore the benefits of UCLA Extension’s HSEM Certificate Learn from experts about opportunities in the HSEM field Take advantage of early pricing and sign up for fall courses WHO SHOULD ATTENDGovernment agency employees (federal, state, local) Private business managers in such areas as human resources, finance, project management, communications and facilities management Real estate and private property managers Military personnel transitioning into civilian careers Current college students or recent college graduates looking for socially satisfying careers Reservations are required so RSVP now!Call (310) 794-5470 or email to reserve your space or for more information.Doors open at 5:30pm. Structured event starts promptly at 6pm.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????DHS/FEMA Job Opportunities The DHS/FEMA Job Opportunities – August 7, 2012 Edition is enclosed for you to review and share with qualified candidates. It provides a snapshot of some of our current career opportunities and informational updates. Also, you can review more information regarding DHS and FEMA Career Opportunities by visiting and using the key terms “FEMA” and “DHS”. ?FEMA Opportunities: Fire Program Management Specialist, Close date: 8/20/12Deputy Director, FEMA External Affairs, Close date: 8/23/12DHS Opportunities: Human Resource Specialist, (TSA) Close date: 8/20/12Management and Program Analyst, (USCIS) Close date: 8/10/12Contract Specialist, (ICE), Close date: 12/13/12Job Announcement Application Tips:Review the job announcement carefully to review the work and educational requirements for each positionUpdate your resume to ?include your skills, knowledge and abilities that coincide with the job announcement requirementsSubmit application questions or comments about individual job announcements to the HR Professional identified on each job announcement Sign-up for email alerts to obtain updates regarding your application statusStudents: Review information regarding the new Pathways Program Internships, Recent Graduates and Presidential Management Fellows on at the following link: . DHS -FEMA Updates – Temporary FEMA Position Support FEMA in its Effort to Build a Stronger, More Resilient Nation Are you an employee of a state, local, or tribal government, institution of higher education, or a non-profit organization interested in lending your expertise to the Federal government in 2013 and then returning to your previous position? A temporary assignment has recently become available for individuals interested in working with states and local communities to prepare citizens for natural and man-made disasters. This year, FEMA is launching a national campaign to build and sustain disaster preparedness throughout the country, and is seeking expertise to assist this effort within the FEMA Regions. This posting is being made available through the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Mobility Program, which allows eligible applicants to work for the Federal government for up to one year and then return to their previous positions.? Salary is paid to your host agency or organization by the Federal Government.? Responsibilities include supporting drills and exercises that involve the public and non-government organizations, working with States and local communities to update preparedness messaging and communications to the public, helping grassroots preparedness programs to build more resilient communities, and engaging youth-serving, faith-based, private sector, disability advocacy, and other organizations in preparedness activities and programs.Additional information on the IPA program, including eligibility, can be found here: . Please note that while we are able to pay your salary, you will not be reimbursed for per diem or relocation expenses.? The goal of the Intergovernmental Personnel Act mobility program is to facilitate the movement of employees, for short periods of time, when this movement serves a sound public purpose. Mobility assignments may be used to achieve objectives such as:Strengthening the management capabilities of Federal agencies, State, local and Indian tribal governments, and other eligible organizations;Assisting the transfer and use of new technologies and approaches to solving governmental problems;Facilitating an effective means of involving state and local officials in developing and implementing Federal policies and programs; and,Providing program and developmental experience which will enhance the assignee's performance in his or her regular job.We are specifically looking for applicants from the following metropolitan area(s):? Boston, MA: robert.pesapane@ New York, NY: david.musick@ Philadelphia, PA: michael.hajdak@ Washington, DC: dante.randazzo@Atlanta, GA: candace.burrell@ Chicago, IL: mary.rhedin@ Kansas City, MO: thomas.morgan5@ Denver, CO: daniel.nyquist@???If you are eligible and interested in this opportunity, please contact the name associated with the city above.? Please submit your resume by August 15th.? Due to a high level of interest, we may not be able to reply to all applicants.? Selections will be made by September 4, 2012. 2012 CEMHS Emergency Management (EM) and Homeland Security (HS) Education and Campus Preparedness Summit?Good afternoon CEMHS Colleagues,Just about time for an exciting new academic year to start! One of the first major events this year is the 2012 CEMHS Emergency Management (EM) and Homeland Security (HS) Education and Campus Preparedness Summit (9/24-9/26) at the California State University Chancellor’s Office. This Summit should be one of the largest such meetings on the West Coast. The draft agenda and event registration form were distributed last week (and also available on our blog). If you have an EM/HS (or closely related) education program you would like to showcase and present at the Summit to a national, state, and local audience, we have a few schedule slots open. (First come, first served) Please let me know if you are interested. In terms of the Summit and EM-HS education and campus preparedness discussion, there are several important themes worthy to mention. First, in EM-HS education, we are quickly reaching several significant milestones on the way to a more formalized and structured academic discipline. There have been tremendous strides in the way of academic standards, curriculum, and learning technology at all levels of EM-HS education (K-12 and Post-secondary). Progress has been made in EM-HS education, curriculum, and programs at the K-12, Associates, Bachelors, and Masters Degree levels (as well as in certificate programs). Also, there has been a stream of productive discussions on the development of national professional accreditation standards, related advisory boards, and a promulgating accreditation organization. These are some of the issues that will be discussed in greater detail in a variety of presentations, including the “Future of Emergency Management and Homeland Security Education” panel presentation.In terms of campus preparedness, there are a variety of interesting developments as well. As we may all be aware, the ability and opportunity for students to learn (and faculty to teach) in a perceived unsafe environment is reduced significantly. The learning environment clearly impacts the cognitive process, student learning, and faculty teaching outcomes. In other words, teaching and learning is not effective if we do not feel safe. Thus, we have seen a concerted and sustained effort to reduce campus threats and hazards and enhance the resiliency of our educational institutions through preparedness, continuity planning, and enhanced response capabilities (and in many other innovative ways). We are seeing campus preparedness continuing to develop as an exercise of critical infrastructure protection. So we will be looking into various facets and available tools to assist in campus preparedness and safety. There are many great opportunities to be found at the 2012 CEMHS, both in terms of EM-HS education and academics as well as campus preparedness issues. If there is anything you would like to see added to our agenda, please drop me a line so we can see how to fit it into an already ambitious agenda and schedule. Looking forward to seeing many of our colleagues there!Best Regards, KeithKeith Clement, Ph.D.Associate Professor, Department of CriminologyChair, University Undergraduate Curriculum CommitteeGraduate Coordinator,(CAS) Homeland Security ProgramCalifornia State University, FresnoPlanning Director, CSU Council for Emergency Management and Homeland Security (CEMHS) Management and Homeland Security News: Summer Weather. Check the FEMA website when preparing your home, car and work place for seasonal weather emergencies. Important information can be found at Contains information for your family and community in addition to fun aids when teaching children the essentials of emergency preparedness. DHS/FEMA Career Opportunities - July 2012 For information regarding the new federal Pathways Student Programs, visit ?or ?() for updates. Program – Transcript of August 8th Program Now Available -- FloodSmart Tools and ResourcesThe?text transcript?of the?August 8th program, "FloodSmart Tools and Resources for Emergency Managers," with program manager Andrew Eastman, is now available.??Please take a moment to rate this program for relevance and share your comments.???EIIP and Jacksonville State University are now partnering to offer CEUs for attending Webinars.? See for details.Is your organization interested in becoming an EIIP Partner??Click here to review our Mission, Vision, and Guiding Principles and access the Memorandum of Partnership.Save the Date: The National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health (NCDMPH) will be hosting Learning in Disaster Health: A Continuing Education Workshop on April 2-3, 2013 at the Georgetown University Hotel and Conference Center in Washington, DC. This workshop will provide an interdisciplinary academic forum with a specific focus on education and training in disaster health. This workshop will:1)????? Explore concepts of adult learning in the context of disaster health2)????? Highlight the implications of the latest research and practice for disaster health learning and performance and identify key areas for future research3)????? Present a unique opportunity for collaboration among disaster health, human resource development and adult education professionals4)????? Identify potential solutions for maximizing learning in a resource constrained environmentFor information on continuing education credits, registering, submitting posters, or speaker presentations, please visit or follow @NCDMPH on Twitter.Additional questions can be directed to Kelly Harrison at (240) 833-4431 or Received from: Greta E. Marlatt; email: or Updated Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports:Stormwater Permits: Status of EPA’s Regulatory Program. 97-290Congressional Liaison Offices of Selected Federal Agencies. 98-446Small Business Size Standards: A Historical Analysis of Contemporary Issues. R40860Federalism Issues in Surface Transportation Policy: Past and Present. R40431The Global Climate Change Initiative (GCCI): Budget Authority and Request, FY2010-FY2013. R41845The 2001 and 2003 Bush Tax Cuts and Deficit Reduction. R42020The 2001 and 2003 Bush Tax Cuts and Deficit Reduction. R42020Federal Laws Relating to Cybersecurity: Discussion of Proposed Revisions. R42114Cybersecurity: Selected Legal Issues. R42409 Department of Homeland Security: FY2013 Appropriations. R42644Climate Change and Existing Law: A Survey of Legal Issues Past, Present, and Future. R42613Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education: A Primer. R42624Global Security Contingency Fund (GSCF): Summary and Issue Overview. R42641Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education: A Primer. R42642The First Responder Network and Next-Generation Communications for Public Safety: Issues for Congress. R42543Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)The Economy of the Olympics Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)Operational Templates and Guidance for EMS Mass Incident Deployment National Academies PressDisaster Resilience: A National Imperative Post-Incident Recovery Considerations of the Health Care Service Delivery Infrastructure: Workshop Summary Weather Services for the Nation: Becoming Second to None White HouseFact Sheet on the National Strategy for Biosurveillance National Strategy for Biosurveillance Newsletters/Periodicals/Bookstore: American Journal of Disaster Medicine?What exactly is disaster medicine?Even to practitioners, the discipline's definition can be fuzzy and somewhat confusing. If it appeared in dictionaries (which it doesn't yet), it would look like med.i.cine (di zas' tor med'i sin) n 1. the study and collaborative application of the professional skills of diverse medical and public health specialties to provide "crisis management" (altered standards of care) in mass casualty incidents 2. not the same as conventional medical care 3. requires a fundamental change in the approach to the care of patients in order to achieve the objective of providing the "greatest good for the greatest number of patients 4. requires knowledge of the fundamentals of disaster management, specific injury patterns commonly encountered in disasters and the ability to work as part of a multi-organizational response teamIndependent and strictly peer-reviewed, guided by a internationally recognized editorial review board and accepted for inclusion in the National Library of Medicine's prestigious PUBMED database, American Journal of Disaster Medicine is designed for those of us who will find ourselves on the frontlines of a major disaster. It offers practical, real time guidance as we seek to combine emergency medical and trauma skills with crisis management and new forms of triage in the effort to save lives.List of Abstracts from the most recent issue: Decontamination and management of human remains following incidents of hazardous chemical release Optimal emergency personnel allocation after a natural disaster The use of volunteer interpreters during the 2012 Haiti earthquake: lessons learned from the USNS COMFORT Operation Unified Response Haiti Bioterrorism and disaster preparedness among medical supplies Global responsibility in mass casualty events: The Israeli experience in Japan Medical papyri show the effects of the Santorini eruption heavily influenced the development of ancient medicine To subscribe to the American Journal of Disaster Medicine at About the PublisherAt Weston Medical Publishing, our mission is simple: to provide the highest quality professional journals and we take great pride in our company, our commitment to customer service and in the journals we publish.CEMR Network Broadcast: HYPERLINK "" feel free to invite other EM professionals, researchers, professors, or others that you think would be interested in participating in the CEMR Network. If you have any suggestions or comments regarding the CEMR Network, please feel free to post on the CEMR Network profile wall or send us an email.Please feel free to invite other EM professionals, researchers, professors, or others that you think would be interested in participating in the CEMR Network. If you have any suggestions or comments regarding the CEMR Network, please feel free to post on the CEMR Network profile wall or send us an email.CEMR Network UpdatesPlease feel free to share your special announcements with the CEMR Network community.CEMR Network Active Membership Exceeds 1,000 in 45 CountriesThe CEMR Network is pleased to announce that our active members have reached over 1,000 originating from 45 countries around the world. These active members join over 2,500 inquired members who share an audience that reaches tens of thousands of emergency management practitioners and researchers that serve as an audience for the network. We welcome all of our members and partners to a site that promotes the open collaboration and networking of esteemed professionals worldwide.CEMR Network Partners with the Black Emergency Managers AssociationThe CEMR Network is honored to partner with the Black Emergency Managers Association (BEMA). BEMA provides information, networking, professional development opportunities to African-American emergency managers. Their mission is to advance the emergency management and homeland security profession within African-American communities. Please join us in welcoming BEMA to the CEMR Network!CEMR to Launch Course Module on Community Hazard Risk Assessment Methodologies Last month, the CEMR published its Community Hazard Risk Assessment Methodologies: A Study of Practical Challenges and Methodological Solutions for THIRA [read the full study and findings here] . Because of the positive response from our membership as well as our fellow practitioners and researchers, the CEMR will take the recommendations of a few of our members and develop an interactive, online course module that can be used as an informational piece for practitioners or utilized by professors for the next generation of emergency managers. The CEMR anticipates that this learning module will be available in the next week. We look forward to sharing this with the CEMR Network community.Learn More About Past CEMR ContributionsCommunity Hazard Risk Assessment Methodologies: A Study of Practical Challenges and Methodological Solutions for THIRA Ten Years After 9/11: National Survey of Public Safety ProfessionalsCEMR Inaugural Annual ReportAnd Many More ContributionsVisit the CEMR Network Broadcast ArchivesVisit the library archives of past CEMR Network Broadcasts. Gain access to it by clicking here.CEMR Network Member Special AnnouncementsShare Your Research Efforts and ContributionsFeel free to share it with the growing number of CEMR Network members. Simply email your request at inquiry@cem-. We will share your announcement in the weekly CEMR Network Update Broadcast and a special announcement on the CEMR Network. The following are announcements that other members requested to be shared:Do you have a study that you would like to announce, request participation in, or promote your contributions to advancing the profession? Feel free to share it with the growing number of CEMR Network members. Simply email your request at inquiry@cem-. We will share your announcement in the weekly CEMR Network Update Broadcast and a special announcement on the CEMR Network.If you would like to broadcast an announcement to the CEMR Network, please let us know at inqury@cem-.New York City Citizen Corps Council News: The NYC Citizen Corps Council News is an excellent source for emergency preparedness information.? This robust weekly newsletter for organizations includes information about:??NYC Citizen Corps Council InitiativesSave the Date - National Preparedness Month Kick-Off - September 6, 2012Spread the Word - NYC Citizen Corps Council News (For Nonprofit and Community Organizations)Additional NYC Citizen Corps Council ResourcesWebsite:? citizencorpsTumblr: nyccitizencorpscouncil.WebinarWebinar - Google Maps Reveal the Bigger Picture in Emergency Response - August 23, 2012Conferences/Workshops Event - Schenectady County Remembers - August 29, 2012Training - Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP): Preparing the States - September 25 - 26, 2012Training - Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) - September, October, 2012Training - Disaster Chaplain Training - October 3 - 4, 2012ResourcesGet Involved - NYC OEM - Communications and New Media SpecialistNews - Disaster Drove Down Japan's Lifespan Along With RecoveryNews - Residents Flood Bay Area Hospitals After FireResource - PIMCO Foundation WebsiteResource - Helping Families Cope with Violence and DisasterResource - Weather Services for the Nation: Becoming Second to NoneResource - International Day for Disaster Reduction (October 13, 2012)RFP - Disaster Health Information Outreach and Collaboration ProjectUpcoming Meeting DatesSpecial Needs Task Force – TBDVolunteer Task Force - Late Fall / Early Winter 2012Quarterly Meeting - TBDVOAD Meeting - September 19 ???????????????????Organizations wishing to subscribe should contact Justin Land, Community Outreach Coordinator–NYC Office of Emergency Management at citizencorps@oem..Black Emergency Managers Association (BEMA) MISSION: Provide information, networking, professional development opportunities to African-American emergency managers. To advance the emergency management and homeland security profession within African-American communities. To assist and ensure African-American and minority community involvement in all phases of emergency management to include grant opportunities, training, preparedness, etc. with emphasis on the long-term recovery of the community. To provide mentoring opportunities to high school and college level students so that these individuals will return with skills for their communities. BEMA is an 'all inclusive' association and does not exclude any individual, organization, or entity that adheres to our primary mission & vision.To join send an email to BlackEmergManagersAssociation@ Emergency Management Solutions is a free monthly newsletter written by Lucien G. Canton, CEM. It is intended to share ideas, tips and tricks that will help improve your emergency programs. August 2012 Issue: Chevron Refinery Fire: A case study in crisis management Video: Richmond Rage Professional Development – FEMA Higher Education Program website Life Balance – Bringing balance in the work of an emergency manager From the Bookshelf: Top Secret America: The rise of the new American security state by Washington Post reporters Dana Priest and William ArkinSpeaking Engagements To subscribe to the newsletter or to view the current issue . Natural Hazards Center – DR 592—August 9, 2012Not Just in India’s Back Yard: Failure to Invest in Infrastructure Also Plagues U.S. 2) Island Living: Urban Heat Effects Often Overlooked in Climate Change Plans3) Dammed if You Do or Dammed if You Don’t? Beavers Can Help Mitigate Floods… Or Cause Them4) PERISHIP Winners: Up and Coming Hazards Scholars Call Outs: Calls for Abstracts, Papers, Proposals, and More Call for Participation - Annual Geoscience Congressional Visits Day, American Geological Institute, Deadline: August 31, 2011 Call for Abstracts - Public Health Preparedness SummitPublic Health Preparedness Summit Planning CommitteeDeadline: August 31, 2012Call for Application - Emergency Response Leadership ScholarshipsYvorra Leadership Development FoundationDeadline: October 1, 2012 Some New Web Resources Red Cross Hurricane AppGreat Southeast ShakeoutStep Up: 2012 International Day for Disaster ReductionFEMA Flat Stanley and Flat StellaWeather Services for the Nation: Becoming Second to None Conferences, Training, and Events August 15 and September 21, 2012Seminars on Disaster ResilienceU.S. Green Building Council Mississippi ChapterGulfport, MississippiSeptember 23-27, 2012Emergency Preparedness & Hazmat Response ConferenceCity of Baltimore Local Emergency Planning CommitteeBaltimore, MarylandSeptember 24-25, 2012Barrier Based Risk Management Network EventCGE Risk Management SolutionsAmsterdam, The NetherlandsOctober 10-12, 2012First Biennial Conference for Risk ReductionAfrican Center for Disaster Studies at North-West UniversityPotchefstroom, South AfricaOctober 24-26, 2012Advances in Hurricane Engineering ConferenceAmerican Society of Civil EngineersMiami, FloridaNovember 7-8, 2012Fourth International Conference on Geo-Information Technology for Natural Disaster ManagementGeoinformatics Center of the Asian Institute of TechnologyColombo, Sri LankaJobs, Jobs, JobsPlanning and Preparedness ManagerPortland Bureau of Emergency ManagementDirector of Risk ManagementClark CollegeAssistant/Associate Professor of SociologySam Houston State UniversityDirector of Emergency ManagementMassachusetts Port AuthorityAssociate Project Manager, Wildland Fire OperationsNational Fire Protection AssociationSeismic/Earthquake EngineerPaul C. Rizzo AssociatesContributions of jobs, conferences, and other content to this newsletter can be sent to Please include “for Disaster Research” in the subject line.To subscribe, visit or e-mail the Natural Hazards Center Web site to read the Disaster Research News and past editions of the Observer.Emergency Management Magazine – Management is the award-winning, all-hazards publication of record for emergency management, public safety and homeland security stakeholders charged to protect our communities, critical infrastructure and the security of our nation.List of Abstracts from the May/June 2012 issue:Recovery: Non-profit organization Rebuild JoplinInternational Partners The EventSyndromic Surveillance 2.0 For more information, contact 800-940-6039 or Journal of Emergency Management Journal of Emergency Management is a professional, bi-monthly journal with a simple but urgent goal: to better equip all those responsible for emergency preparedness and response to deal effectively with everything from acts of terror, fires, floods, and weather emergencies to gas explosions and catastrophic accidents on land, in the air, or at sea.With a well-focused game plan carried out by an unbeatable team of emergency preparedness and response experts, Journal of Emergency Management is already being hailed as long overdue and a "must have" for anyone responsible for the safety and well-being of both personnel and property.List of Abstracts from the May/June 2012 issue:Social vulnerability: An emergency managers' planning tool Garrett Dolan, PhD; Dmitry Messen, PhDMay/June 2012; pages 161-169Psychological functioning of tsunami affected people with disabilities: Impact of age Sujata Satapathy, BA, MA, BEd, MPhil, PhD; Sekar Kasi, BA, MA, PhDMay/June 2012; pages 171-183Factors influencing the decision to evacuate or shelter in place: Follow-up of Hurricane KatrinaJoanne C. Langan, PhD, RN, CNE; Kara M. Christopher, MS, MPHMay/June 2012; pages 185-195A federal compulsory vaccination planMichael Ulrich, BS, JDMay/June 2012; pages 197-202Systematically using agricultural and animal demographic data in animal health emergency managementHeather A. Allen, PhD, MPA; Kiana Moore, MSMay/June 2012; pages 203-210The strategic role of Hawaii in disaster coordination in the Asia-PacificRoss Prizzia, PhDMay/June 2012; pages 211-227Drive-thru influenza immunization: Fifteen years of experienceRuth M. Carrico, PhD, RN, FSHEA, CIC; W. Paul McKinney, MD, FACP; Nicholas Adam Watson, JD; Timothy Wiemken, PhD, MPH, CIC; John Myers, PhD, MSPHMay/June 2012; pages 228-232For JEM subscription information: Center for Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security (CIP/HS)The CIP Report is a monthly, electronic newsletter for professionals in industry, government, and academia who have an interest in critical infrastructure protection (CIP). The newsletter provides the latest information about CIP including emerging legislation, government initiatives and leaders, and academic endeavors. All versions of The CIP Report are available in The CIP Report Archive with a complete listing of all volumes of The CIP Report organized by date and topic.The Center for Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security (CIP/HS), originally called the CIP Project, is located in the George Mason University School of Law.? The Center received initial funding in 2002 and enjoyed subsequent renewal through the current fiscal year.? Executive management of the grant is through The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).? As the project expanded, on-going activities were leveraged to generate new funding that matured the project scope to address unexplored areas of critical infrastructure protection.? By 2004, the CIP Project grant had evolved into a family of projects under the overall umbrella of the Center for Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security (CIP/HS), featuring core research (NIST-funded) and contracted research projects.? Additional funding sources include, but are not limited to, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Battelle, and SANDIA National Laboratories.THE CIP REPORT, CENTER FOR INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION AND HOMELAND SECURITY, VOLUME 11 NUMBER 1This month’s issue of The CIP Report highlights the Transportation Sector, focusing specifically on surface transportation.Truck Renting and Leasing Industry’s Proactive Approach to Security Engagement of Minority Communities in Campaign Awareness (EMCAPS)TC-NTSCOE Case Studies Provide Valuable Lessons Redefining Regional Risk in the 21st Century U.S. Buses: Are They Safe and Should We Care? Effects of the 2005 London Bombings on Surface Transportation Security Fatigue Risk Surface Transportation: Legislation For more information and to subscribe to the CIP/HS Report: Global Risk Forum – GRF Davos, Switzerland: The Global Risk Forum GRF Davos is an international organization based in Davos, Switzerland and aims, through its various activities, at serving as a Center of Excellence in knowledge and know-how exchange, transfer and application.The combination of the world’s growing population with expanding urbanization and globalization has greatly aggravated the risk potential to all communities and nations. Climate change will dramatically worsen the situation. GRF Davos wants to address the variety of risks that face communities, from natural hazards to technical and biological risks, from pandemics to terrorism – all across different political institutions, national and international organisations, countries and business sectors.GRF Davos reflects with its three pillars, the Risk Academy, the International Disaster and Risk Conferences (IDRC) and Workshops and the Platform for Networks, the necessity to create interaction and involvement between all key players, from line ministries and disaster, risk and safety management authorities to academic institutions, the private sector and the media.More information and to sign up for email go to MedSchool Emergency Preparedness“MedSchool Emergency Preparedness () is a non-commercial website that provides links to information and free resources for those conducting emergency planning for medical schools. The site is organized around an alphabetical list of topics that may be of interest to MedSchool Emergency Planners. Each page of the site contains some basic information, lists of free resources, links for additional information, and some excerpts from key documents and reports. Where relevant, a "What's New" section highlights key topics – for instance, under the topic Mass Casualty Incidents/Medical Surge, there is a reference to the 2012 Eight Priority Capabilities; and there are references for Healthcare Coalitions. ??Depending on how they are configured, Medical Schools may have some unique planning considerations. ?Emergency preparedness?programs for?Medical Schools?generally?need to integrate the preparedness activities?that are typically done at?hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers / clinics, institutions of higher education, research centers, business operations, and organizations with complex information systems capability / security requirements.?Medical schools may also have to address preparedness in regard to bio-containment, particularly if there is a?Bio-safety?Level 1,2,3 or 4 laboratory on campus.?This would include response plans for exposures at the laboratory and in the field. Campuses often have equipment that contains radiological materials. The medical school may be part of a state higher education system,?or part of a consortium.?Medical schools may have unique issues to deal with such as a high vulnerability to different types of natural hazards, or the?presence of a prison hospital.??Construction projects on campus may require additional emergency planning, for instance, in coastal areas subject to hurricanes, activities may include an emergency preparedness orientation for contractors, requirements that their safety/emergency management staff complete some level of ICS training, and either integration into the school’s incident command, or establishment of a liaison relationship. With students on campus, active shooter preparedness programs that engage students and include them in exercises are required in some states and are a best practice. . . .Mike Mastrangelo directs institutional preparedness for the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston and is compiling the site. The site will include information based on learning from Hurricane Ike, and improvement plan elements that focus on response and recovery. While the site is in a rudimentary form now, it does contain some information that may be of use to emergency / continuity planning practitioners. Mike hopes to build additional topics into the site and welcomes recommendations from other Medical School practitioners. ?Recommendations can be sent to mikemastrangelo100@ .”Ricardo A. Alvarez, Vulnerability Assessment & Mitigation for an insightful overview of the 2012 hurricane season. Disaster Bookstore – Emergency Management Books and Related Products A new online bookstore, featuring high-quality, low-cost books on emergency and risk management, hazards, and disasters, as well as related products, such as disaster time line charts. This site is the successor to the bookstore operated by the Public Entity Risk Institute (PERI). As such, it is the exclusive seller of the book Emergency Management: The American Experience, 1900-2005 and a number of other PERI-sponsored products.A major clearance sale is going on, which means all books are very inexpensive. We look forward to your patronage, and we welcome comments and suggestions.Visit the bookstore online today at !Notes from the Hi Ed Program:We are accepting news and events to be placed in our “Bits and Pieces” reports each week. Let us know what emergency management or homeland security activities are happening at your college, university, and state or local emergency management office. Thank you and have a philosophical weekend, Barbara Barbara L. JohnsonHigher Education Program AssistantFEMA/EMI/NETCDepartment of Homeland Security16825 S. Seton Avenue, K016Emmitsburg, MD 21727 Ph: (301) 447-1452Barbara.Johnson3@fema. “FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.”FEMA and the EMI Higher Education Program do not endorse any non-government Web sites, companies or applications. ................

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