Great Plains Dynamics - Interface Overview

Great Plains Shortcuts

A powerful tool for working quickly with Great Plains Dynamics is the Shortcuts menu. Use the shortcut bar to create, organize and modify shortcuts. You can organize shortcuts to the windows, reports, macros, applications and web sites you frequently use while working in Great Plains. You’ll access your shortcuts through the shortcut bar, a vertical list on the left side of the main window.


Important Shortcuts Menu Buttons

There are a few items in the Shortcuts menu that you will not need to use. Therefore, to keep this document as short as possible, a few of these items will be omitted. If you absolutely must know what these buttons are for, feel free to consult the Help button for detailed descriptions of all the items in the Shortcuts menu.

|[pic] |Help button |

| |Launches the Shortcuts menu help file for Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics. |

|[pic] |Hide button |

| |This button hides the Shortcuts menu. To get it back, just click the Shortcuts button on the main toolbar. This |

| |button is described above. |

|[pic] |Add button |

| |Allows you to add additional shortcuts to the menu. You can add other Great Plains windows, SmartList Favorites, |

| |macros, web pages, folders and even create shortcuts to launch other software programs. |

|[pic] |View button |

| |Using the View menu, you can modify the appearance of shortcuts. Choose Large Icons to display the shortcuts in a |

| |large format. Choose Small Icons to reduce the size of shortcuts listed on the shortcut bar. |

|[pic] |Startup button |

| |Shortcuts you move into this folder will automatically launch when you log in to Great Plains. For example, if the |

| |majority of your work in Great Plains involves order entry, then the primary order entry window can be loaded into |

| |the Startup folder. |

Organizing shortcuts into folders

You can organize shortcuts by grouping them into folders on the shortcut bar. For example, you may want to group shortcuts for a series of tasks in the same folder, or put shortcuts for the same type of files in one folder.

To create a new folder:

1. Choose the Add button. When the menu appears, choose Folder.

2. A folder will appear with the default name New Folder.

3. Enter a name for the folder.

|[pic] |Two folders or shortcuts with the same name can’t be created at the same level of the shortcut bar. If an existing item has the |

| |same name as the one you want to create, the new item will appear with a number after the name. |

To add a shortcut to a folder:

You can add a shortcut to a folder in the following ways:

• Drag an existing shortcut onto an existing folder.

• Drag the application or file you are using over the folder on shortcut bar.

• Select the folder with your mouse before you add a new shortcut.

Creating shortcuts to Great Plains windows

The most common type of shortcut you’ll create is a shortcut to a window or windows within Great Plains. You also can add shortcuts of multiple Great Plains windows at one time and group them in a shortcut folder.

To create a shortcut to the current Great Plains window:

1. Open the window you want to add a shortcut for.

2. Choose the Add button located under the Shortcuts heading. When the menu appears, choose Current Window.

|[pic] |If Current Window is dimmed, the window is not available to have a shortcut created for it. |

To create shortcuts to several Great Plains windows:

1. Choose the Add button located under the Shortcuts heading. When the menu appears, choose Other Window.

2. The Add Window Shortcut window appears. If a window is currently open, it will be the default entry in the Window field.

3. Enter a name for the shortcut in the Name window. The name can be up to 79 characters long and will appear in the shortcut bar.

4. From the Available Windows list, locate and select the window you want to create a shortcut for.

5. Choose Add to create a shortcut to the window.

6. To add additional shortcuts in the same shortcut folder, repeat steps 3 through 5 for each window you want to create a shortcut for.

7. Choose Done to close the Add Window Shortcut window.

Creating a shortcut to a SmartList favorite

You can quickly access the information stored in your Great Plains data that you regularly refer to during your tasks by adding shortcuts to SmartList favorites. For information on creating a SmartList Favorite, please see the “SmartList” document.

To create a shortcut to a SmartList favorite:

1. Choose the Add button located under the Shortcuts heading. When the menu appears, choose SmartList Favorite.

1. The Add SmartList Favorite Shortcut window appears. See right.

1. Select the shortcut and accept or enter a name for the SmartList favorite in the Name field. The name can be up to 79 characters long and will appear in the shortcut bar.

1. From the list of available SmartList Favorites arranged in a tree structure, locate and select the favorite you want to create a shortcut for. The favorite will appear in the SmartList favorite field.

1. Choose Add to create a shortcut to the favorite.

1. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each SmartList favorite you want to create a shortcut for.

1. Choose Done to close the Add SmartList Favorite Shortcut window.

|[pic] |13831 South West 59th Street |Voice: (786) 423-9287 |

| |Suite 100 |Fax: (305) 675-4694 |

| |Miami, Florida 33183 |Email: info@ |



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