St.Francis’ Primary School Daily Learning Plan

Class: Primary 4B Teacher: Miss Gilhooley Date: Wednesday 13th January 2020Check-in Message:Good Morning boys and girls! Happy Wednesday. How are you feeling today? Try to tell someone at home what zone of regulation you are in this morning. Remember to try and explain why you have chosen this zone. Well done for all your hard work so far. I hope you have been enjoying our tasks! Thank you for sharing some of it with me on twitter. I am so pleased to see lots of you reading lots of new books on myON and answering lots of questions on Sumdog! I am so proud of your brilliant work. Today we will begin again with some number of the day work and then move on to some literacy tasks before finishing with some PE. Also, try your best to make some time for silent reading today, why not find a cosy space at home to read a new book on MYON. I would leave to see your creative cosy space! Today we have started our virtual classroom! On there you will find links to resources and useful websites along with a morning challenge to complete. We will also be looking at making our kindness tree continue to grow and we will begin our class novel, The Creekers! I will be uploading a new chapter for you to listen to each week. Our classroom will be updated daily with a short check in message and for you to see your new morning challenge! I will also be posting helpful links which I have referred to in our plans. There are some extra tasks too – but please don’t worry if you can manage to do everything. Just try your best! This is just an extra to go along with our daily plans! Hopefully this will be a fun way to access our learning together! You can access this by following the link . I will also be posting this on my twitter page. Have a brilliant day! Miss Gilhooley ?Curricular AreaLearning Intention Learning ActivitiesToolkit resourcesOnline resourcesNumeracy1. Number of the Day2. Multiplication56748228174001. L.I – to be able to carry out a variety of calculations on a numbers.2. L.I – to be able to create a multiplication picture.1. Complete the number of the day challenges which are posted on my twitter page. This will be by 9am. 2. Create and design a multiplication flower or wheel to show your times table facts. Focus – 3 times table and 4 to challenge yourself.Core – 6 and 9 times tablesChallenge – 7 and 8 tables 1524030734000130492527851500Here is an example of a multiplication flower:Remember to use lots of bright colours to decorate it. JotterLiteracy 1.Grammar15557513589000 LI: to be able to correct mistakes in a sentence. Now its your turn to be the teacher! Complete the “be the teacher” task on the P4 Literacy Learning Grid on our website. Complete this task in your jotter. Fast Finisher:Try to think of your own sentences which are missing important punctuation like capital letters and full stops. Can you give them to someone else at home to try and solve?Jotter P4 Literacy Learning Grid – to be able to read with fluency and expression.Spend 20minutes doing some silent reading on myON or a book you have at home. Are there any words in your book that you don’t know the meaning of? Use the online dictionary to find out the meaning of the words and write these down in your jotter. You could challenge yourself further and try to put these words in alphabetical order. MYON Dictionary are our active schools time with Lauren. We have enjoyed getting outside and being active. This is so important for both our physical and mental health. Why not try to go for a short walk around your local area today with your family. If you can’t go for a walk why not try to do some exercise at home. Which activity did you choose?After your walk or exercise tell an adult how it made you feel? What did you enjoy and why? Formative Assessment Strategy: 2 stars and a wish Green for growth & Tickled Pink ................

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