Almond - Allans Garden Centre Prospect

1 Almonds $27.95

Almonds require deep-well drained loamy soil, rich in lime and trace elements. We have found through comparisons over the years that the self pollinating varieties are easier to grow and will fruit earlier in Tasmania than most of the other groups. The variety we recommend is All In One, which produces an abundant amount of large sweet nuts, upright growth habit, smaller tree.

2 Apples $21.95-$29.95

Apples love a well-drained sunny site, prefer a  p.h. slightly alkaline and need to be pruned every year.

Akane – Very early, bright red apples, quite sharp in taste.

Brambley Seedling -  The best old English cooking apple, ideal for pies and juice.

Cox’s Orange Pippin- Early crisp eating apple, very firm flesh, striped orange over mottled green, Early March maturity.

Crimson Crisp – New variety released from Flemings Nursery , rich bright red skin, crisp eater, great taste. Mid Season

Crofton- Smallish firm flat fruit, dark red skin, pure white flesh, very sweet, good keeper. End of March maturity.

Golden Delicious- Medium to large sweet golden firm fruit, excellent for drying. One of the most popular eating apples. Mid March maturity.

Granny Smith- Medium to large bright green fruit, one of the best cooking apples, very firm flesh with quite a tang. Late March to early April maturity.

Gravenstein – One of the earliest eating apples, stripy orange over yellow.

Jonagold - Large very juicy fruit, striped red over gold, super sweet flavour, great for juicing, March maturity.

Jona Free- Medium round, pale cream flesh, bred for apple scab immunity, quite a good bearer, March maturity.

Jonathon – Good eating apple quite crisp, early to mid season,

Mutsu – Large golden yellow, coarse sweet flesh, highly resistant to rust, March maturity.

Pomme de Neige (Lady in the Snow) – Great old fashioned apple, small deep red fruit, pure white flesh, very heavy bearer, excellent flavour, very sweet flesh. April maturity.

Pink Lady – very crisp late bearer, pink blush over solid green, very good juicing and eating apple, sharp taste

Red Fuji- NaguFu  2 -  Similar to above. Good red overlay, very sweet firm flesh, good juicing apple, bears very well, late March maturity.

Royal Gala- Medium to long cone shaped fruit, bright red on exposed areas, creamy firm flesh, sweet, crisp and juicy, good bearer, keeps well, early March maturity. Very good eating apple

Sparton  - Crisp white flesh, very tasty, old favourite.

Sturmer Pippin- Very old cooking or sharp eating variety.


4 Dwarf Apples $24.95-39.95

These cultivars have been grafted onto a dwarf rootstock, this will limit the overall growth of the tree, the fruit is the normal size and the trees crop very well. Great space savers for a smaller yard.

Varieties available are: Cox’s Orange, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith and Red Fuji.

Old varieties of Apples we can source 20 + varieties of some of the first apples imported into Tasmania, please email or ring us for varieties and prices.

Cider Apples – $25.95

Self pollinating cider apples, Brown Snout and Yarlington Mill


6 Ballerina Apples -$ 49.95- $59.95

The best way to describe the growth habit of this group of apples is that they grow and look like a small telegraph pole. They are suited to large pots and can be planted into a feature garden. The yield is quite heavy for such a small tree

Ballerina Bolero – Similar in looks and taste to a Golden Delicious,

Ballerina Charlotte – Reddish over yellow, very tasty sweet apples,

Ballerina Flamenco – Greenish overlay, very heavy producer.

Ballerina Polka – Bright red, over green, firm sweet flesh.

Ballerina Waltz – The original and very similar to a red delicious.

1 Apricots $21.95ea - 34.95

Apricots are harder to grow in the cooler regions of the state. They require well-drained sunny sites, tolerates only light frosts.

Goldrich – Canadian variety, large fruit, tolerates the cold more than the others, needs to be pollinated with a Rival. Mid January to early February maturity. 25.95

Moorpark – Most popular eater, heavy bearer, smallish sweet fruit. Very juicy and will preserve well. Early January maturity.

Rival – Canadian variety, very similar to Goldrich, needs to be pollinated with Goldrich. Mid January / early February maturity. 25.95

Tilton – Hardy late variety, smaller fruit, very sweet.

Trevatt – Large fruit, firm dryer flesh, lighter yellow skin, deep orange flesh.

Ideal eater, preserves and dries well, mid January maturity.

1 Cherries $25.95 - $39.95

Most cherries need pollination, however there have been some recent releases that fruit on their own and have large dark tasty fruit. The following are all self-fertile and we consider them to be the best for the home gardener.

Lapins – Dark large red fruit, very sweet, produces well, Early December maturity.

Royal Rainier – sweet white large fruit, upright habit, pollinates with Simone, Stella. 34.95

Stella – Large dark red fruit, self pollinating, one of the best.

Stella Compact – Large dark red fruit, heavy cropper, compact growth habit, great for smaller back yards, self pollinating early December maturity.

Simone – Large very sweet dark flesh, medium to late, very good cropper.

Sunburst – Dark red fruit, very large, good bearer, late December maturity.


3 Nectarines $21.95 - $34.95

Similar to peaches, the nectarine thrives in most areas of the state. The later bearing varieties are more suited to the colder areas. Nectarines do not require cross-pollination. A winter spray with White Oil and then followed up with a Copper spray in early August (bud swell) will help with leaf curl and aphids.

Arctic Rose – New variety from Flemings, very sweet round red fruit, white flesh, excellent bearer, mid to late February. $34.95

Fantasia – large yellow fleshed sweet nectarine. Good bearer, mid to late February maturity.

Flavourtop – large, yellow fleshed, sweet and juicy. Late February maturity.

Goldmine – Medium size, old favourite, white flesh, very sweet and tasty. Reliable cropper. Early February.

Queen Giant – Medium size, newer release, white flesh, very heavy bearer, good sweet fruit. The best of a new breed. Early February maturity. $34.95

Red Gold- Medium size, dark red over golden skin, yellow flesh, very juicy and sweet, heavy bearer, mid February.

4 Peaches $21.95 - $34.95

Peaches require the same soil types and conditions as Nectarines. A winter spray with White Oil and then followed up with a Copper spray in early August (bud swell) will help with leaf curl and aphids. Nectarines do not require cross pollination.

Anzac - Large fruit, very juicy white sweet flesh, the earliest freestone variety, good colour with a small stone. Mid December maturity.

Briggs Red May – Early freestone, yellowish flesh very sweet.

Daisy - Large fruit, Newer variety, very juicy freestone, blush red, heavy bearer, late January maturity. $34.95

Double Jewel - Medium sized, round freestone, red over a golden base, very juicy, good bearer, mid January maturity. $34.95

Golden Queen - Large clingstone, yellow skin and firm yellow flesh, very good eating and a great preserver. Late April maturity.

Okee Dokee - Flat square fruit, designed to fit into lunch boxes, very tasty yellow fleshed sweet flesh. $34.95

Red Haven - Large round red fruit, dark skin, tasty yellow flesh. Freestone and a heavy bearer. Mid January maturity.

Tasty Zee -  Medium size, attractive dark red skin colour, white flesh, juicy and firm, great eater and long keeping qualities. Early February maturity. $34.95

5 Pears $21.95 - $26.95

Pears need cross pollination, like apples, pears thrive in most areas of Tasmania. They require a slightly alkaline well-drained soil. A good helping of Dolomite Lime every Winter will help their vigour and disease resistance.

Beurre Bosc - Medium to large, russetted brown skin with a yellow ground colour. Long keeping variety, tasty sweet fruit, full flavour develops after 3-4 weeks of cool storage. March maturity. Pollinates with 20th Century, William bon Cretian, Winter Nellis.

Comice - Very old variety juicy yellow flesh, mottled yellow skin, good cropper, mid March maturity. Pollinates with William bon Cretian, Winter Nellis.

Josephine-– Smallish, yellowish brown, very soft and juicy, good eater, Late March maturity. Pollinates with Packhams Triumph, Winter Nellis.

Packhams Triumph - Medium to large, oblong to ovate, pale lemon skin, sweet white flesh, firm and very juicy. Moderate cropper, excellent keeper, mid March maturity. Pollinates well with Josephine and Winter Nellis.

William bon Cretian - Medium to large, ovate, pale green skin, ripening to a clear attractive yellow. Sweet soft flesh, ideal desert pear. Great for juicing and stewing. Early February maturity. Pollinates with Beurre boisc, 20th Century, Winter Nellis.

Winter Cole - Small to medium size, pale green turning pale yellow, hard until just ripe. Light russet on skin, consistent cropper, good flavour. Keeps very well, late April maturity. Pollinates with William bon Cretian, Beurre Bosc.

Winter Nellis -  Small to medium, obovate uneven shape, brown russetted with a green ground colour, firm yellowish white flesh, juicy smooth texture. Excellent keeper. Pollinates with Packhams Triumph, Josephine.

Asian Pears (Nashi) $23.95- 27.95

Asian pears are round in shape and can be speckled brown with white spots or pale green all over. Asian pears need cross pollination and are easy to grow. All varieties produce very well. Ideal espalier.

Kosui – Medium size, oblate shape, golden brown over a light green/yellow base. Crisp juicy white flesh. Late February maturity.

Nijiseiki (20th Century) -  The most popular variety, crops extremely well, looks like a smaller golden delicious  apple, very heavy bearer, juicy and sweet. Mid February maturity.

Shinsui – Similar to 20th century but more golden brown in appearance and larger, early February maturity.

All will pollinate each other.

6 European Plums $21.95ea – 24.95

Plums are divided into two groups. European and Japanese. All plums need cross – pollination. Plums are hardy and will grow in most areas of Tasmania.

Angelina Burdett – Large oval, purple, sweet yellow flesh, great for drying and eating. Early February maturity. Pollinates with Coe’s Golden Drop, Green Gage.

Coe’s Golden Drop – Similar to above but round in shape, Yellow skin, the same maturity date. Pollinates with Green Gage, Coe’s Golden Drop.

Green Gage – Medium round. Old time favourite, good eating, bottling, drying, stewing. Very sweet flesh, late January maturity. Pollinates with Coe’s Golden Drop and Gage.

President – Large oval, deep purple skin, sweet yellow flesh, develops good flavour if allowed to ripen on the tree. Late February maturity.

2 Japanese Plums $21.95ea - 24.95

Mariposa – (Blood Plum) Medium to large, very dark skin, blood red flesh. Fine textured flesh. Semi-freestone. Heavy cropper, late January maturity.

Santa Rosa – Medium, round, bright red skin, sweet yellow flesh with a tinge of pink under the skin. Good pollinator, early January maturity.

Satsuma – Small to medium, mottled dark red skin, very dark flesh, slight tang, very good eater, stewing and makes great sauce. Early January maturity.

3 Prunes $21.95ea – 24.95

Prune plums are similar to European plums and need to cross-pollinated with each other or a green gage.

d’Agen – Small, oval, dark red to dark blue skin, yellow dry flesh ideal for drying Late February maturity. Pollinates with Robe De Sargeant, Green Gage.

Robe de Sargaent – Medium, oval dark purple blue, yellow flesh, very sweet, great for drying, heavy bearer, pollinates with d’Agen  and Green Gage, Late February maturity.

Stanley – Similar to above, medium size, bluish green skin, yellow flesh, dries very well, pollinates with any other prune of Green Gage.

4 Multi Grafted Trees

Great space savers, ideal for giving you an extended season with different varieties of fruit on the one tree.

2 way apple – Red Delicious and Golden Delicious $39.95

2 way apple – Golden Delicious and Granny Smith $39.95

2 way apple – Golden Delicious and Cox’s Orange Pippin $39.95

2 way apple – Pink Lady and Granny Smith $39.95

2 way apple – Gala and Granny Smith $39.95

3 way pear –   Beuree Bosc, Packams Triumph and William bon Cretien $59.95

3 way apple – Gala, Red Fuji and Pink Lady $59.95

3 way apple – Granny Smith, Red and Golden Delicious $59.95

3 way apple – Granny Smith, Jonathon and Golden Delicious $59.95

3 way apple – Akane, Red Fuji and Golden Delicious $59.95

Novelty and new releases trees.

Plum/Apricot Cross – Pluot -  New to Australia in 2001, this tree has been introduced from Europe, it has all the best qualities of an apricot and a Japanese plum in one delicious package. Needs to be cross-pollinated with another plum. $34.95

Nectarine Arctic Rose – New Release for 2002, this is part of the Zee Range of trees,  the fruit of the Arctic rose can be eaten while still firm and are a taste sensation. Self-Pollinating. $34.95

Peacharine – The peacharine is a cross between a freestone peach and a freestone nectarine. The fruit is large with a shiny thin skin showing orange to red colour. The flesh is firm, sweet and yellow. Self-pollinating. $29.95

Miniature Necatrine Nectazee – True miniature, this tree will only grow to 1 metre high. The fruit is similar to a goldmine Nectarine. Sweet white fleshed freestone. They grow well in pots and can produce 50 or more fruit after 3 years. Self pollinating $49.95 – 59.95

Miniature peach pixzee – True miniature Peach, same height as the mini Nect. Flesh is white like Anzac and Freestone. Self pollinating $49.95-59.95

5 Figs - 24.95-59.95

Black Genoa -  Large, long conical, greenish purple skin colour, light red flesh. Very juicy, a good variety for this climate. Used for jam, eating fresh off the tree. Bears two crops per year. Early summer and late autumn.

Brown Turkey - Large conical, brown skin with a slight golden ground colour, pink flesh, full rich flavour, self fertile, will bear two crops a year.

Preston Prolific - Large rounded, conical, brownish yellow, amber flesh, very good flavour, will bear two crops per year.

White Adriatic - Large, conical, yellowish green skin with a pink flesh, good flavour, self fertile, bear two crops per year.

White Genoa - Large conical , pale green skin with a reddish pink flesh, bears twice a year.

1 Hazelnuts $27.95- 34.95

Hazelnuts produce male and female flowers on the same bush/tree at the end of Winter. They will produce more if two or more Hazelnuts are planted close together.

American White -  Medium sized nut, light brown skin colour, very tasty, heavy bearer. Maturity for all hazelnuts is mid March to early May.

Barcelona - Similar to Cosford in size and flavour.

Cosford -  Medium sized nuts with a light brown thin shell, good quality, heavy bearer.

Wandliss Pride - Similar to American White

2 Mulberry $69.95

Black English - Considered to be the hardiest, most prolific bearer for a cold climate. Best variety for Wine, Jam and eating. Will grow slowly to form a small tree with a rounded crown shape. Self pollinating.

3 Quince $21.95 - $24.95

Quinces are old favourites, either for making jams or jellies. Quinces have a delightful aromatic fruit, pear shaped, extremely hardy and will tolerate most soils.

Champion – Large golden yellow pear shaped fruit.  Mild flavour, mid April maturity.

Smyrna -  Very large, pear shaped, pale yellow when ripe, tender and juicy, sweet when cooked, heavy cropper.  Mid April maturity.

Persimmon $44.95 - $69.95

These handsome trees produce not only delicious fruity but carry some of the best Autumn tones with their foliage.  The persimmon is also known as Kaki.  There are two distinct types, astringent and non- astringent.   The non- astringent can be picked off the tree when ripe and eaten straight away, where as the astringent has to be picked and ripened until nearly rotten before being eaten.  We prefer to sell the non- astringent varieties.

Fuyu – Japanese variety, medium sized fruit, very sweet, flattish shape.  Self  pollinating, rich green foliage which turns a striking orange to red in the Autumn.

Saruga – Very similar to above but with a better tree shape and larger fruit.

Pomegranate $29.95-$65.00

Ben Hur – Largest fruit up to 1.5 kg, beautiful rich red skin colour, easy to grow, will tolerate cold nights, 2.5-3m ht. 59.95

Wonderful – Medium sized fruit.  Round red with a leathery appearance, a red jelly like coating covers the seeds.  Used for juice, jam or jelly.  Pretty, red flowers in spring.  Late April to early May maturity


Olives $19-95 - $150 Standards 75.00-250.00

One of the most desirable trees to plant in your garden.  Olives make a great tub specimen as well as being a productive tree in the orchard.  Being an evergreen the olive enhances the garden with its wispy silvery gray green foliage.  Olives prefer light soil and plenty of sun.

Kalamata – Great tasting fruit, large, green turning black, very oily, heavy producer.  Not as hardy in frosty areas as the Manzanillo.

Manzanillo – Large fruit, green turning to black, great in this climate, wonderful Mediterranean tub specimen.

Citrus $39.95 - $85.00. Also some Citrus (Lemons, Limes, Oranges) now available on a dwarf stock.

Cumquat Calamondin – Excellent tub specimen, heavy bearer of small round fruit ideal for brandy liquor and jam.  Comes in both green and variegated leaf.

Cumquat Nagami – This fruit can be eaten whole as the rind or skin becomes as sweet as the fruit.  Slower growing than the other varieties.  Makes a great potted plant.

Grapefruit Wheeny – The best suited variety for Tasmania.  Large fruit, needs frost protection, all citrus respond to a feed with Epsom salts in early September.

Lemon Eureka – Smooth, thornless branches, needs a sunny frost free spot.  Thin skinned and very juicy.  This variety is best for coastal areas.

Lemon Lisbon -   Large fruit, inclined to be a bit thick skinned, very thorny but very hardy.  True lemon taste and shape.

Lemon Meyer – The most popular lemon to grow in a tub or in the garden.  Smaller sweet fruit, great producer all year round.

Lemonade -  Cross between a Grapefruit and a Lemon, round small fruit ideal for drinks, needs mild frost protection for the first and second winter.

Lime Tahitian – Hardy popular variety needs mild frost protection, ideal for cooking and drinks.

Lime Kaffir -  The leaves on this tree are used extensively in Asian cooking, very aromatic leaved tree with large thorns.  Needs frost protection.

Limequat – Lime/Cumquat cross, very heavy producer, interesting tub specimen.

Mandarin Japanese Seedless – Great variety, has been proven to produce over two hundred fruit in its third year, best variety for Tasmania.

Orange Valencia Seedless – Large juicy fruit, needs frost protection, in Winter.  Likes well drained fertilized soil.

Seedling Spanish Chestnut $29.95

Grafted Chestnuts $69.95 ea please ask about available varieties

Grafted Walnuts $69.95 ea None available this year

The advantage of having a grafted as opposed to a seedling Walnut is that the grafted Walnuts will bear within two years whereas the seedling could take up to 12 years to bear fruit.  Walnuts require well drained rich soil, some of the new grafted varieties only grow to three metres in height making them ideal for the home garden.

Fernette, smaller growing tree, large nuts, the most popular choice for a backyard.

Franquette – Large tree and good fruit, good quality not, sweet flavour.

Tehama – Large Tree, good sized nut, sweet, very heavy bearer

Vina – Large nut, very productive, large tree.

Chinese Gooseberries $17.95 - $29.95

Kiwi Fruit – Popular climbing plant, needs a male and female plant to provide fruit.  One male will service up to 7 female plants.  High in Vitamin C the Kiwi fruit is ideal to be eaten fresh, make into jam, juice and even wine.  Easy to grow and will tolerate light frost.

Strawberries 8.95 -10.95 per bundle of 10Available mid May-Sept.

Alinta – Sweetest fruit, good producer, only sold as a potted single plant.

Aroma- Large sweet fruit, takes the cold well, popular variety grown commercially in Victoria, sold in bundles of 10 n/a this year

Red Gauntlet – Still the best home garden variety, large sweet fruit, great first year cropper, cut back hard in Winter only leaving a few leaves, this variety will crop consistently for 3 years, then it pays to replace with new certified virus free plants, not the old runners. Sold in bundles of 10

Tioga – Medium sized fruit, good second year cropper. Smaller sweeter fruit than Red Gauntlet. Sold in bundles of 10 n/a this year

Raspberry Canes – Chilliwak, Chilcotin, Heritage, Lloyd George, Willamette all sold in bundles of 10.

Asparagus, Berries, Currants, Gooseberries, Grapes, Rhubarb all available from June

A full range of Black, red and white currants are available through winter. Berries vary from year to year the most consistent being Blueberries which crop and grow well in Tasmania.

Blueberries – We carry 5 – 6 varieties of high bush American style blue berries, the difference between them is not much, all carry heavy crops after 3 years, grow up to 2m. in height and love acidic well drained soil. Blue berries have little to no pests and will perform in very cold windy conditions. We stock throughout the year Blueberries in 140mm and 200mm pots and we can sell in bulk lots to growers.

Goji Berry – New age berry, found to have more anti oxidants than most other fruit and berries, easy to grow, will tolerate up to -10, easy to grow, will start to produce well after 3 years

Gooseberry – June/July is the right time to plant these old time favourites. Call and enquire about varieties.

Grapes – We sell over 25 varieties of grapes, a mixture of both wine and eating, please enquire about varieties.

Kiwi Berry – Rapid growing climber, produces shiny English gooseberry sized fruit, when cut in half they resemble chinese gooseberries. Great for eating and jam. Doesn’t need a pollinator

|Almond | |QTY | | |QTY |Hazelnuts | |QTY |

|All in one |27.95 | |European Plums | | |American White |27.95 | |

|Apples | | |Angelina Burdett |21.95 | |Barcelona |27.95 | |

|Akane |21.95 | |Coe’s Golden Drop |21.95 | |Cosford |27.95 | |

|Brambley Seedling |21.95 | |Coe’s Golden Gage |21.95 | |Wandliss Pride |27.95 | |

|Cox’ orange Pippin |21.95 | |Green Gage |21.95 | |Mulberry | | |

|Crofton |21.95 | |President |21.95 | |Black English |59.95 | |

|Gala |21.95 | | | | | | | |

|Golden Delicious |21.95 | | | | |Quince | | |

|Granny Smith |21.95 | |Japanese Plums | | |Champion |21.95 | |

|Jonagold |21.95 | |Mariposa |21.95 | |Smyrna |21.95 | |

|Jona Free |25.95 | |Santa Rosa |21.95 | | | | |

|Mutsu |21.95 | |Satsuma |21.95 | |Persimmon | | |

|Pink Lady2 |21.95 | | | | |Fuyu 200mm pots from |39.95 | |

|Pomme de Neige |21.95 | |Prunes | | |Saruga 200mm pots from |39.95 | |

|Red Fuji | | |D’Agen |21.95 | | | | |

|Dwarf Apples from |24.95 | |Robe de Sargeant |21.95 | |Pomegranite | | |

|Apricots | | |Stanley |21.95 | |Wonderful 200mm pots |29.95 | |

|Goldrich |25.95 | | | | |Ben Hur |59.95 | |

|Moorpark |21.95 | |Multi Grafted Trees | | |Olives | | |

|Rival |25.95 | |2 way apple Red/ Gold |39.95 | |Kalamata 200mm pots from |24.95 | |

|Trevatt |21.95 | |2 way apple Gold/Granny Smith |39.95 | |Manzanillo 200mm pots from |24.95 | |

|Tilton |21.95 | |2 way apple Golden Del/cox’s Orange Pip |39.95 | | | | |

|Cherries | | |2 way apple Pink Lady/Granny Smith |39.95 | |Citrus | | |

|Lapins |24.95 | |2 way apple Gala/Granny Smith |39.95 | |Cumquat Calamondin |49.00 | |

|Simone |24.95 | | | | |Cumquat Nagami |49.00 | |

| | | | | | |Grapefruit Wheeny |49.95 | |

|Stella |24.95 | |3 way pear B Bosc Packhams Tri./W bon. |59.95 | |Lemon Eureka |49.95 | |

|Stella compact |24.95 | | | | |Lemon Lisbon |49.95 | |

|Royal Rainier |34.95 | | | | |Lemon Meyer |49.95 | |

|Nectarines | | |3 way apple Red Fuji/Gala/Pink Lady |59.95 | |Lemonade |49.95 | |

|Artic Rose |34.95 | | | | |Lime Tahitian |49.95 | |

|Fantasia |21.95 | |3 way pear Beurre Bosc/William./Packham. |59.95 | |Lime Kaffir |49.95 | |

|Flavourtop |21.95 | | | | |Lime Quat |49.95 | |

|Goldmine |21.95 | | | | |Mandarin Japanese Seedless |49.95 | |

|Queen Giant |34.95 | | | | |Orange Valencia |49.95 | |

|Red Gold |21.95 | | | | | | | |

|Peaches | | | | | | | | |

|Anzac |21.95 | |Novelty Trees | | | | | |

|Briggs Red May |21.95 | |Plum/ Apricot Pluot |34.95 | | | | |

|Daisy |34.95 | |Nectarine Artic Rose |34.95 | | | | |

|Double Jewel |34.95 | |Peacharine |29.95 | | | | |

|Golden Queen |21.95 | |Miniature Nectarine |59.95 | |Strawberries | | |

|Red Haven |21.95 | |Miniature Peach |59.95 | |Red Gauntlet per 10 from |8.95 | |

|Tasty Zee |34.95 | |Ballerina apple Bolero bare root |59.95 | | | | |

| | | |Ballerina apple Charlotte bare root |59.95 | | | | |

|Pears | | |Ballerina apple Flaminco bare root |59.95 | |Chinese Gooseberries | | |

|Beurre Bosc |21.95 | |Ballerina apple Polka bare root |59.95 | |Female |29.95 | |

|Comice |21.95 | |Ballerina apple Waltz bare root |59.95 | |Male |29.95 | |

|Josephine |21.95 | |New Miniature Cherry Black bare root |59.95 | |Smaller sized plants |19.95 | |

|Packhams Triumph |21.95 | |New Miniature Cherry White bare root |59.95 | |Raspberries | | |

|William bon Cretian |21.95 | |New Miniature Apple Pink Lady bare root |59.95 | |Chilcotin per 10 priced from |17.95 | |

|Winter Cole |21.95 | | | | |Chilliwak per 10 priced from |17.95 | |

|Winter Nellis |21.95 | |Figs | | |Lloyd George per 10 priced from |15.95 | |

| | | |Black Genoa |24.95 | | | | |

|Asian Pears | | |Brown Turkey |24.95 | | | | |

|Kosui |23.95 | | | | |Grapes | | |

|Nijisseiki |23.95 | |Blueberries 10.95/19.95 | | |12 varieties from 10.95 |8.98 | |

|Shinsui |23.95 | |Blue Crop |14.95 | |Currants | | |

| | | |Blue Rose |14.95 | |Red priced from |8.95 | |

| | | |Brigetta |14.95 | |Black priced from |8.95 | |

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