I AM MORDRED - Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools


Guided Reading

Name __________________________________________

Answer the following questions with accuracy. Be sure to include page number references with specific quotes to support your answer. Also complete your answers on another piece of paper

Book One – The White Shadow

Chapter 1

1. What shocking piece of information is revealed at the start of the novel?

2. What is the story that fishmother tells Tad about his “birth”?

3. What is a coracle?

4. Who found the coracle?

5. What had the fisher couple lost prior to finding Tad?

6. Who is king at this point in British history?

7. Describe a typical day for Tad (what would he eat, drink, do, etc.).

9. Describe what the lady on the horse looks like.

10. What is a fay?

11. What do the fishmother and Tad learn from the sorceress?

12. Where does the sorceress say that she will take Mordred?

13. What does Nyneve ask Mordred as they ride along, and what does he say to her in response?

14. Why does Nyneve hush Mordred when he asks who his father is?

15. Describe the forest that Nyneve and Mordred ride through.

16. What is the first magic Nyneve performs in front of Mordred?

17. What did Nyneve and Mordred eat for dinner in the forest?

18. What sight does Nyneve tell Mordred to always remember?

19. What is an omen?

20. What reality hits Mordred at the end of chapter one?

Chapter 2

1. Who does Mordred think his father is at the beginning of Chapter 2?

2. Describe Lothian.

3. How does Mordred describe his mother?

4. Why does Nyneve leave Mordred in his fisher clothing when she takes him to meet Morgause?

5. How is Morgause related to Arthur?

6. What does the mark behind Mordred’s ear represent?

7. Describe King Lothe.

8. What shocking statement does King Lothe deliver after meeting Mordred?

9. What is the past relationship between King Arthur and King Lothe?

10. Before Mordred arrived, who was next in line to become king?

11. How many siblings does Mordred have?

12. What parting gift does Nyneve give to Mordred to make her leaving seem not as scary?

13. What does Mordred name his gift?

14. What was Mordred’s life like at Lothian? Give examples from the text.

15. What is foreshadowed in the comment that Mordred is “close bred”?

16. Who came to visit Lothian the second summer that Mordred stayed there?

17. Describe Morgan le Fay.

18. Compare and contrast Morgan and Morgause.

19. What does Mordred learn about Nyneve and himself while listening in on the conversation between Morgause, Morgan, and Lothe?

20. When Garet hurts Gull and Mordred attacks him, what startling blow is delivered by Garet in his anger?

Chapter 3

1. What does Mordred see when he looks into Gull’s eyes after his confrontation with Garet?

2. “. . . but if our blessed King was my father and he had tried to kill me, I hated him. I hated him. With a black flame burning in my heart I hated him.” Explain why Mordred feels this way and if you believe that he is justified.

3. Describe why Mordred panics as he rides through the woods on his own.

4. “In that instant I knew that they were in some sense one and the same, Gull and Nyneve. I knew it the way I knew my name was Mordred.” Explain what these lines mean.

5. How does Mordred’s talk with Nyneve make him feel (better or worse)? Why?

6. On page 34, we learn some family information concerning King Arthur and his sisters. Sketch a family tree using the details given in the text.

7. Why does Nyneve say that it is hard to be a woman?

8. What does Mordred’s name mean?

9. Describe the magical power Nyneve has that she reveals to Mordred while they converse in the woods.

10. What confession does Mordred make to Nyneve at the end of the chapter? How is this important in the plot development of the story?

Chapter 4

1. What demand does Mordred make of the pool?

2. In what season was it before Mordred returned to this place to make the demands?

3. How did King Lothe react to Mordred stealing the horse earlier in the chapter 3?

4. In what ways is Mordred’s life a little better at this point?

5. In what was is his life a little worse?

6. What description does Mordred give to describe his memories of the visions? (Hint: it is a simile!)

7. As he remembers Nyneve’s words, what caution does she give him regarding Merlin? What is it he should understand about Merlin?

8. What question did Nyneve pose to Mordred that he cannot answer?

9. What is it that Nyneve wants Mordred to believe about fate by posing this question?

10. When he asks the pool to show his father again, who or what does Mordred see?

11. Describe the vision he sees.

12. What magical thing occurs on page 42?

13. According to Nyneve, from whom does Mordred get his talent for Scrying?

14. Nyneve tells Mordred he needs a ___________ to scry King Arthur.

15. When Mordred touches the water, what happens?

16. What message and words of wisdom does Nyneve communicate to him?

17. What are your feelings about Mordred at this point in the story? Why?

18. Why does Mordred never call Queen Morgause “mother”?

19. What request does he make of her?

20. How does she respond to his request?

21. How did Queen Morgause hurt Mordred deeply?

22. Why does Mordred want so badly to see his father?

23. Who came to visit again after the harvest?

24. How does she treat Mordred during dinner?

25. Why is Mordred so nervous when Morgan le Fay tries to befriend Gull?

26. Why is Gull so important to Mordred? (two reasons)

27. What question does Morgan pose to Mordred?

28. Why do you think she is asking this question? What might be her motive?

29. How does Morgan le Fay react when she finds out that Mordred wants to scry?

30. How does her reaction make Mordred feel?

31. According to Morgan le Fay, why was Morgause afraid for Mordred to scry? Do you think that she is right? Why or why not?

32. What does Mordred see when he scries?

33. What stops him from seeing his father’s face?

34. What does Mordred compare his beating heart to?

35. What does Mordred come to believe about Morgan le Fay and why she taught him to scry?

36. What gift or package does she leave him the next morning?

37. What dreams does Mordred dream? Be specific. Explain the dreams.

38. How do these dreams and thoughts warm Mordred in these long, dark, cold winter months?

39. What does Mordred hope will happen if and when he meets his father?

40. What simile does he use to describe the depth of his hopes at the end of the chapter? What does he mean by this?

BOOK TWO – The White Stag

Chapter 5

1. Mordred describes Camelot in the first paragraph of the chapter. Summarize the description below.

2. Why did it take Mordred and his caravan a month to reach Camelot?

3. Who led them through the Forest Perilous?

4. How old is Mordred at this point in the story?

5. What are Mordred’s expectations as he rides into Camelot?

6. When he arrives, it is May Day. Describe what he sees as the nobles pass by him.

7. What self-doubts plague Mordred as he thinks about facing his father?

8. Why is Nyneve’s husband’s name, and what does he look like?

9. What does Mordred realize about Nyneve after seeing her for the first time in four years?

10. Why is Nyneve at the gates of Camelot?

11. Mordred notices that the falcon that stays with Pelleas is small but after looking at it, Mordred realizes it could do what?

12. What uncanny feeling does Mordred have as he looks from Gull to the falcon?

13. How does Mordred feel about receiving only one of two guardians from Nyneve?

14. Why is Mordred unable to meet his father his first day at Camelot?

15. What answer to Nyneve give when Mordred asks what King Arthur thinks about the meeting?

16. How does Nyneve predict Arthur will act when he meets Mordred?

17. What childish thing does Mordred say to Nyneve? What is his motivation in saying it?

18. Why does Pelleas grow angry at Mordred?

19. Who fostered Nyneve as an adolescent?

20. What two reasons does Nyneve give for Merlin laying “his mischief on her”?

21. What did Sir Outelake attempt to do to Nyneve?

22. Who did Arthur send to save Nyneve?

23. What does Nyneve decide after she is rescued from her attacker?

24. When Nyneve points out Queen Guinevere to Mordred, why does Mordred mistake Lancelot for King Arthur?

25. Why do you think Nyneve does not smile when she says Lancelot’s name?

26. Compare the difference between how Mordred’s brothers treated him before with how they treat him now at Camelot.

27. Why would Gawain and Garet not be all that concerned about never returning to Lothian?

28. Why do the boys panic when Mordred calls Arthur his father?

29. What does Gawain ask Mordred to promise?

30. Does Mordred make the promise? If so, does he mean it?

31. What does Mordred want more than anything else?

32. What will happen tomorrow?

Chapter 6

1. What does Mordred wear to meet his father?

2. Summarize what you think the harper’s song is foreshadowing.

3. What information is given about the raven that sits on the harper’s shoulders?

4. Do you think the raven was speaking to Mordred when it squawked, “Branded! Branded! Redhanded!” Why or why not?

5. Give a vivid description of King Arthur

6. “Mordred, well come.” What irony does Mordred see in his father offering this greeting to him?

7. What does Arthur offer to Mordred?

8. What is his reason for offering this gift?

9. What compliment does Arthur bestow on Gawain?

10. What does Arthur notice about Gull?

11. Why is it a boon if Arthur touches Gull?

12. What request does the bold maidservant make of Mordred?

13. What happens he utters his name?

14. When Mordred passes someone and they are pleasant to him, what fear does he have?

15. What gift does Arthur offer to Mordred?

16. “You have done the deed, and you must bear the punishment.” Arthur’s gaze wanders over to Mordred as he says this. Why?

17. Even though Arthur is all generosity, what one gift does Mordred desire that Arthur has not given?

18. Why is Nyneve paler than usual? What troubles her so?

19. Where has Pelleas gone?

20. What does Nyneve say about the grail?

21. What has Mordred noticed about Gawain and Pelleas?

22. Describe Sir Pellinore.

23. What is interesting about Nyneve’s reaction to Pellinore?

24. What does Pellinore have hanging from his horse as he rides into Camelot?

Chapter 7

1. What action does Garet and Gawain feel must be taken at the beginning of the chapter?

2. What had Pellinore done with Lothe’s head when Mordred asks for it?

3. Who all does Gawain lump together as murderers?

4. What awful reality does Gawain hint at concerning babies?

5. What is Nyneve doing in the garden?

6. What nasty chain of events does Nyneve predict?

7. What disturbing news does Mordred learn of Gawain?

8. What does Nyneve tell Mordred she did to the last knight who seized her?

9. How did Nyneve keep other potential attackers away after this?

10. What did Nyneve learn from Merlin?

11. Why did Merlin teach her this?

12. Why does the fact that Merlin could have taught Nyneve how to prophesy upset Mordred?

13. Why does Nyneve want to go home?

14. This is the first time Mordred is called a coward. How does he feel about it?

15. What was Mordred’s job in the killing of Pellinore?

16. Where does Mordred move to?

17. Why is Mordred not so sure if he wants to join the Round Table?

18. What happens to Gull at the end of the chapter?

19. How does this comfort Mordred?

20. Arthur comes to visit Mordred, and what bold statement does Mordred make when Arthur tries to console him about King Lothe?

21. Why does Arthur protest?

22. Mordred goes through a dark time at the end of the chapter. Describe his emotions.

23. Describe the vision he has at the end of the chapter.

Book Three – The White Falcon

Chapter 8

1. Why does Mordred tell Arthur he wants to go on the quest?

2. Where is Mordred heading as he leaves Camelot?

3. Why is it strange that Mordred loves the sea?

4. Why is Mordred happy that he is able to love the sea?

5. What word does Mordred grow accustomed to hearing?

6. How does he earn his reputation?

7. Why doesn’t this bother him?

8. Where does Mordred travel to when he arrives at the sea?

9. Why do you think that he wanted to go to this place?

10. What does Mordred find out when he arrives?

11. How did the fisher mother die?

12. What old favorite is Mordred able to eat with his fisher father and Kip?

13. What does he discover is his fisher mother’s name?

14. What question is Mordred burning to ask his fisher father?

15. What does he learn in his answer?

16. What does Mordred see in his armor?

17. What does she want from him?

18. Where is Mordred going next?

Chapter 9

1. Who does Mordred meet on his way to Morgan le Fay’s home? What does she want?

2. Who rescues Mordred when he is attacked? What does he say to Mordred?

3. Describe the scene with the old crone. What do you think this signifies?

4. What gift does Mordred give to Morgan upon arriving?

5. Describe Morgana.

6. Why is it more pleasant to dine in the bedchamber than in the common room?

7. Morgan shares some juicy gossip with Mordred. What is it?

8. Why does Mordred stop pitying Morgause?

9. How has the gossip changed Morgause?

10. What will Gawain and Garet do now?

11. What rare talent does Morgan possess?

12. Summarize the lesson in fate that Morgan gives to Mordred.

13. How is Merlin’s foresight making more sense to Mordred?

14. Mordred is really scared of Morgan by the end of this chapter. Why?

15. What promise does Morgan make to Mordred?

Chapter 10

1. What does Mordred plan to do at the beginning of the chapter?

2. What happens as he tries to do this?

3. How does he plan to get out of this awful entrapment?

4. Describe his escape.

5. How is Mordred afraid of dying once he exits the castle?

6. Mordred resolves himself to go back to Nyneve. Why?

7. How does Mordred get supplies for his trip?

8. Why does Mordred have to kill Sir Dalbert?

9. How does this experience make him feel?

10. What inconvenience does Dalbert cause even though he is dead for Mordred?

BOOK THREE – The White Falcon

Chapter 11

1. Who does Mordred meet as he travels to find Nyneve?

2. What name does Mordred tell Lynette to call him? Why do you think he decides to say this?

3. Where is Lynette traveling to?

4. How is this ironic?

5. Where has Morgause traveled to and why?

6. Why doesn’t Mordred decide to stay with Lynette?

7. What does Avalon look like? Why does this surprise Mordred?

8. What strange thing makes Mordred think this is the land of the young?

9. Describe the mood of Avalon.

10. Who has returned to Nyneve? What might this signify?

11. What does Nyneve think has happened to Pelleas?

12. Mordred finds out why Palleas hates Gawain. What happened between the two of them?

13. What does the white stag represent?

14. What does the baying of the hounds represent?

15. Mordred asks Nyneve why Morgan le Fay wants Arthur dead. What is Nyneve’s answer?

16. Why won’t Arthur title Morgan? Why does this anger Nyneve?

17. What advice does Nyneve give Mordred concerning what he should do before leaving Avalon?

18. Nyneve is surprised that Mordred has taken up his sword again after meeting with the fish father. What does she say she thought he might do instead?

19. What is Mordred’s response to Nyneve’s comments?

20. What must he do to converse with Lady Water?

Chapter 12

1. Who helps Mordred prepare for his “sleep”?

2. Why is this an awkward moment for Mordred?

3. How long does it take Mordred to fall asleep?

4. Describe what Mordred sees as he spies on the Lady of the Lake for the first time?

5. What is her name?

6. What request does Mordred make of the Lady of the Lake?

7. What does Mordred understand without the Lady saying anything?

8. What is the answer to his request?

9. What one wish does Nyneve have about her relationship with Palleas?

10. What is interesting about her sorcery powers and her wish?

11. What resolution does Mordred come to as he rides to Tintagel?

12. Who does Mordred enter the castle with? Does he know who they are?

13. Who does it turn out to be?

14. Why do you think they are there?

15. What action makes Mordred uncomfortable as his brothers dismount from their horses?

16. Who does Mordred see while dining that makes him more uncomfortable?

17. Where do Gawain, Garet, and Mordred go after supper? How are their motivations different?

18. How does Lynette and Mordred’s relationship change instantly at this moment, and what happens that causes it?

19. What do Gawain and Garet do?

20. How do Mordred’s plans change after this?

21. Who is Mordred going to search for now that his plans are ruined?

Chapter 13

1. Mordred hears the sound of a harp as he journeys. This isn’t the first time that he has heard this. What might this signify?

2. What does Mordred decide to do?

3. Describe the garden Mordred finds in the wildwood.

4. Describe who or what is playing the harp music.

5. What does Mordred feel bad for the hawk?

6. What does Mordred decide to do?

7. Why does he think there will be punishment for what he does?

8. What does Mordred think his quest might be now?

9. How has Mordred’s mood changed when he wakes up the next morning? What does this foreshadow?

10. Describe what happens to Gull and Nyneve.

11. How does this once again change Mordred’s outlook?

12. How does Mordred bury Gull?

13. What does Mordred realize he has done in freeing the hawk?

14. Who speaks to him at this moment?

15. Describe the vision Merlin shows to Mordred.

BOOK FOUR – The Raven

Chapter 14

1. Where is Mordred at the beginning of the chapter?

2. What request does he make of his father?

3. What does Arthur do and say to Mordred?

4. What do you think Arthur was about to say before he stopped himself?

5. What can’t Arthur heal Guinevere and Mordred?

6. How does Mordred feel towards his brothers now?

7. How does Sir Torre comfort Mordred?

8. How about Gawain?

9. Who returns at this point in the story?

10. Who gives Mordred a solution to his problems?

11. How does Mordred’s vision of the Grail differ from Palleas’ experience with the Grail?

12. What does Palleas feel left him as he stood by the Grail?

13. Why does Mordred seek out the blind harper?

14. What does Mordred want to do?

15. Who does he decide he trusts completely?

16. What day is it when Mordred seeks out Arthur?

17. Mordred finds out why Arthur leaves and goes off alone on May Day. Why is it?

18. What good news does Mordred get from his father concerning the awful deed Arthur committed when Mordred was a baby?

19. What fear does Arthur have when Mordred asks him for his boon?

20. What does Arthur ask instead?

Chapter 15

1. Who attends the ceremony?

2. Explain what Mordred must do to prepare for the ceremony?

3. What form does his soul take?

4. What happens right before Arthur is able to accept his soul?

5. Describe Mordred’s feelings as he and Arthur walk back to Camelot in the dark.

6. Where does Mordred move to at the end of the chapter?

7. How has the relationship with the puppies changed?

8. Why do you think it is?


1. What starts the great battle at the end of the novel?

2. Describe the despair that Arthur feels.

3. Who challenges whom? Arthur or Mordred?

4. Why do you think the author doesn’t allow Arthur to die from the mortal wound?

5. What happens after Mordred pulls the lance through him farther?

6. What surprising twist happens?

7. Who is with Arthur caring for his wounds?

8. What else is with Arthur, and what does Arthur finally say to him?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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