Alien Vs Predator 2 - SimplyScripts

Alien Vs Predator 2

Written by: Cameron Mitchell Zacher

April 14, 2195

Somewhere in mid-Arizona-evening

Two friends that are 17 or so, Daniel and Alex, are driving on ATV’s down a dirt trail (30 seconds). Hunting rifles are strapped to the backs of their vehicles.


So, Alex, how did you like your first hunting trip?


Pretty good, but I wish the rest of the guys hadn’t left us out here.


Tell me about it…. Hey, can we stop for a sec? I have to take a leak.



The two stop their ATV’s and Daniel steps on to the ground. He goes into a nearby bush to pee. When he’s done he starts to turn around, but stops, sniffing the air.


Hey what’s wrong?


Do you smell that?


Smell what?


It’s some kind of animal. It must be. Or some bad stool.


I don’t smell anything, Dan. You’re just being ridiculous.


No I’m not! Listen, I’ve been hunting for over nine years, and for eight of those years I’ve learned to use all of my senses. Especially in this valley. The pumas here can get really aggressive. There’s your first lesson in hunting.


Fine, whatever.


No not fine, whatever! I’m not kidding! You could get seriously injured out here. Even die!

Alex: There’s nowhere to hide out here! We can see a cowger-

Daniel: Cougar.

Alex: Whatever! We can see anything from a mile away!


What about the cacti? Or boulders? Briars? Sometimes animals use the shadows too!


Fine, oh supreme hunter.


Damn straight! Now lets go check out that smell.

Alex gets off his ATV and grabs the two rifles.

He tosses one to Daniel, and cocks his.

Daniel does the same.

They walk off into the surrounding area. They walk around for a bit, Alex following Daniel, before finding the origin of the stench.

A huge hole has been put in the ground, not dug but burned, as if someone had pored some kind of concentrated acid on it.

Alex shudders.


What the hell is that?


It must be some kind of new trap. Fucking poachers! They’ll do anything it takes to get a kill. They take the sport out of hunting!


Daniel, don’t get so pissed off, it’s just a trap.


I know, but what I hate is how they just do anything and everything to get their kill. And when they do, the people who are actually doing it fair have to deal with it.

Alex: C’mon, lets get back to camp. It’ll be dark soon.


Yeah well tomorrow, we’re going to come out here and try and find these guys, all right?


Whatever you say.

The two go back to their ATV’s and drive off in silence.


As soon as they reach the camp, they notice something is wrong.

Hung up in the trees surrounding the area, large chunks of meat dangle from weak-looking lines, four in all.

As the two get close enough, Alex lets out another scream of terror.

The chunks of meat are actually bodies, mutilated beyond recognition. Their friends, people he had know all his life, skinned and decapitated. Spent cartridges and broken rifles litter the ground; one tent is crumpled and torn up. Human blood stains the ground, as well as a sticky, green substance.


Who the hell did this? WHO THE HELL DID THIS?!


Holy shit. We gotta get out of here! We’re all going to die!

Daniel and Alex get on their ATV’s and drive towards the road.

Alex falls off and hits his head on a rock.

Daniel stops and picks him up, putting Alex on his ATV.

As they get to the road, Daniel’s runs out of gas.

They get off and start running toward Whitman. A truck is driving buy. Daniel runs in front of it, waving his arms wildly. The truck comes to a stop, and the driver opens the passenger door.


Well hey son, what’s your name? Who’s that? What’s wrong with you two?


D-d-daniel. This-this is Alex. Can we hold off…on the story ‘till we get to town?




Thank you.

On the way, Alex falls into a deep sleep.

Doctors House-night

The town of Whitman is a rather small town, more like a village than anything. The population is around fifty, and everybody there can handle themselves with a firearm. There are five key settlements, the doctors house, gun-shop, the convenience store, the hotel, and for those that aren’t handy, the construction firm. The scene starts out with Fred talking to the doctor at his house.


So what’s wrong with Alex?


He has a mild concussion. He just needs a few days rest, and he should be okay.


What about the other boy?


He’s sleeping right now. He’s going to be fine.

A car pulls up. Two extremely worried people get out, presumably Daniels parents. (Heather and Billy) Heather’s eyes are darkened like she’ been crying. They go over to Fred and the doctor.


Oh Jesus is he going to be all right?


Your son is going to be fine.


What’s wrong with him?


Nothing at all.


So who are you?


Name’s Fred. Just out looking for my wife’s damned cat when I found him.


I’m so glad you were there. (Crying again)


No problem.


Where’s Alex?


He’s inside. Here, follow me.

The doctor takes Heather inside.


So are they your sons?


Daniel is. Alex is just staying here for the summer. He and Daniel have known each other since they were in diapers.


They looked terrified when I found them.


The doctor told me on the phone that Daniel said his friends all being dead. I hope that’s not true. They’ve all been good friends since they were at least ten years old.


That’s horrible that someone could kill four teenagers.


I know. (Shudders)

Just then, the door jerks open. Daniel comes out, followed closely by Heather. He storms up to Billy and Fred angrily.


Those fucking poachers!




There are some poachers out in the valley somewhere, and they’re making new kinds of cheap traps, and they killed Jacob, Tom, Jerry, and Chris! THEY SKINNED THEM ALIVE!!!


It’s ok Daniel. It’s ok.


No dad, you don’t get it. It’s not ok. There’s people out there, murderers, poachers, and they killed people I’ve known since I was a little kid! Tomorrow, I’m going to go out there and kill them!


I’m not going to let you go out there and confront murderers by yourself!


What are you going to do to stop me?


You’re just going to get yourself killed. I’ll tell you what, we’ll call the police from out of Helmsley, they can get here in three days, and they can handle this.


In the three days it takes them to get here, the bastards will already have left.


I’ll go with you.


No, nobody is going anywhere except back home!


Bill, you know him. You know how stubborn he is. And I’m damn sure that he is going to go back there, no matter what we say.


So we get some of guys with guns, and try to find these people.


You’re going too Bill.


I know, I know. But I don’t like it.


So I’ll call a few of the guys tonight, and you can go tomorrow in the morning.


Mom, it’s still pretty early, why can’t we go tonight?


Because, in the time it takes to get everybody out here, then to get to your camp, it will be very late!


Your mothers right Daniel. We can go tomorrow morning.




No buts Daniel! If we had our way, you wouldn’t even be going on this thing at all!



The doctor comes out of his house and walks calmly up to the group.


He’s waking up.

Cut to shot of Alex. As Heather, Fred, Daniel, Billy, and the doctor come into the room, he starts to sit up, rubbing his head. Heather gently pushes him back down.


Lie down child.


I’m fine. I’m fine.


He still has a minor concussion, but other than that, he is going to be okay.


How you feeling buddy?


My head hurts a little.


I’m so glad that you’re all right. Your parents would have killed me! (Laughs softly, no one else does)


Hey doctor-




Hey Chet, can we use your phone?


For what?

Daniel wants to get those men back.


You guys are going after them?




Well I’m coming too.


You are not!


You can’t stop me!


You have to stay in bed for at least three more days.


No. I want to do this!


You cant. You just cant.


Don’t worry Alex. We’ll get ‘em. You really do need to stay in bed.


If you wont listen to us, then listen to your best friend, who would never do what’s not best for you, for anyone!




Hey, stay here. Get some sleep. Okay?


All right fine.

Cut to shot of Billy’s truck pulling up in front of the high school.

Billy and Heather get out and go into the building.

Cut to shot of a science lab. A man and a woman are in there, looking at some kind of lizard. It is a chestburster. It is dead.

The woman (Katie) opens it up with a scalpel. The tool gets hot and Katie drops it. Nothing melts. The man (Stewart) pulls her back.

Billy and Heather walk into the room.


Hey, Stew, Kate.








What are you guys doing?


We were coming back from Helmsley when we saw this thing on the side of the road. So, being biologists, we took it.


Any idea as to what the hell it is?


Not a clue.


We think that it’s some kind of lizard.


It does seem like that doesn’t it?




What? What is it Stew?


Look at this. You see there? If you press here (presses a spot on its stomach) this happens. (The alien’s mouth opens, and an inner jaw shoots out then goes back in) You know what this means right?


We discovered something. We can name it! We could be on the Discovery Channel.

Several teenagers begin to file in.


We should leave now. Good luck.







Billy and Heather leave the room

Three days earlier

Jupiter’s orbit

A ship floats in stasis. This is a predator ship.

Cut to a large room inside. The room is empty, save a stone dais in the far right corner and eight circular panels spaced evenly around the room. Zoom in on the dais. As it fills the screen, a single, red /-| symbol appears. As it does, cut to shot of the room. The eight circular panels open. Jets of steam erupt from each one. Three cylindrical pods, connected at the back, begin to rise from each hole.

Cut to room with dais on far left corner. Pods are further up than the last room.

Cut to room with dais on near right corner. Pods are further up than the last room.

Cut to room with dais on near left corner. Pods finish rising.

Cut away to shot of the ship. It still hangs in stasis, but after three seconds, it begins to awaken. Lights power on, engines start up, and it begins to hum.

Cut to view of another larger room. 96 small pedestals fill the area, each one bearing a mask, four strange throwing disks, a spear, a suit of body armor and mesh underlay, a gauntlet, and a strange cannon that looks as if it shoots some kind of liquid, such as lava, or plasma. The spears and masks look decorated, some more than others, as if by rank.

On the other side of the room, the door opens.

Cut to shot of one of the pedestals. Two scaly hands, reptilian and almost webbed, grab the mask and pull it away with a hissing sound from the pedestal. There are more hissing sounds from off-screen.

The two hands then grab the gauntlet.

Cut to shot of the creature’s wrist. The hands begin to fasten the gauntlet securely to the arm.

When it’s on, two blades whisk out with a solid shink.

The creature shoves the blades into the already scarred pedestal, putting a small scratch on it. The blades return to inside the gauntlet, as if the creature is satisfied with the test.

Cut to creature’s shoulder. The cannon is set there, and attached to some kind of machinery. It swivels for a second, then stops, again, tested.

Cut to creature’s bare torso. The mesh is strapped on, then after reaching off-screen, the armor. The monster reaches at the pedestal once again, and takes the throwing discs.

Cut to waist. The thing attaches some kind of belt, and then clips five pouches and the discs to it.

Finally the spear is selected.

The creature presses a button on the handle, and two extensions shoot out with a woosh.

Cut to room with nothing save another stone dais in the center. No holes, no pods, just the dais. But this dais is nine feet long, three feet tall, and two feet wide.

A \^> symbol appears on the side, also red. Cut to view of dais top. It begins to slide forwards.

View of dais. Jets of steam rise from the top.

A six-foot long box slides out of the bottom.

As the steam dissipates, a roar emits from an unseen source inside the dais. It is a blood curling, deep, loud noise. The noise echoes throughout the room.

View of the box. It has no lid. Inside is a red cape, a highly decorated mask, a six-foot long spear, open, and highly decorated, two highly decorated throwing discs, a gauntlet, and a shoulder cannon.

Some kind of futuristic keypad. One of the hands presses a series of buttons, and five red symbols appear on the small screen above it.

Cut to yet another large room. There is a xenomorph queen in this room, frozen and stuck to an egg-sack. The egg-sack is attached to some kind of machinery and leads to a five by five-metal platform. Gasses are sprayed into the room, and eventually the queen thaws. The machinery starts sparking, and the queen screams.

She begins to lay eggs onto the platform. A mechanical arm moves the end of the egg-sack around to deposit the eggs on the platform evenly.

When it is full, walls made of the same metal come out of the platform and turn it into a High-Tec crate.

After this is done, the crate is set onto a conveyor belt, and carried off to a separate room. This happens fifteen more times, and then stops. Each time an egg is laid, the queen shrieks. When all of the crates are gone, the queen is frozen again.

Cut to shot of large round pod descending towards Earth. It is made of the same metal as the crates. It travels faster than light. Close in as it reaches the atmosphere. It plummets through, on fire, and crashes into the ground.

It is in a large cave in the mountains. The pod and crates vaporize on impact. Just three hundred seventy-five eggs remain.

Cut to shot of sun going down.

Cut back to eggs.

A truck pulls up to the base of the cliff. Six men and two women get out, holding meteorologist and seismology equipment.

One of the women points up at the new-formed hole in the rock.

The group puts down their science equipment, and puts on climbing gear. They begin to climb up.

The last man reaches the top.

One of the men shines a flashlight down the dark cave.

When the beam comes across the eggs, he gasps. Eight of them are opening.

The scientists stare in awe and wonder.

Then, tiny face-huggers leap out of the open eggs, and latch on to the scientists.

Shot of the sun coming up.

The scientists are all awake, and the face-huggers lie dead on the rock beside them.

One of the women starts screaming.

She rips off her shirt. A tiny bulge can be seen in her stomach. As we watch, the bulge quickly gets bigger. With one final scream from the woman, a chestburster rips out of the scientist. Fade to black.

Fade in to shot of eight chestbursters feeding on the scientists.

The city of Helmsley. Aliens are attacking it. They carry away most people to the eggs, and kill the remaining humans.

One man blows an alien’s head off with a shotgun. Fade to black.

Fade in to montage of deserted city. Bodies are everywhere. Broken windows and doors are in abundance. Human blood stains the ground. Three dead aliens. Fade to black.

Fade in to the predator ship. Two smaller ships appear beside it.

Alien drones growing, mutating.

April 15, 2195

Daniel’s house-morning

Daniel is outside, shooting cans with a rifle. A truck pulls up. Sarah gets out and walks over to him.


(Shoots can, hits) Hey Sarah.


Hey. Is that your rifle?


No. I lost mine last night.


Yeah I heard about what happened.


(Shoots two cans, hits both)




(Shoots can, hits) Anyway, what’s goin’ on with you? (Shoots can, hits)


Nothing’ much. Just wonderin’ if there was anything I could do.


(Shoots can, hits) Nothing more than I can do myself.


Give me that! (Sarah takes the rifle from him, shoots a can, hits it, and gives the gun back to Daniel)




Arrogant son of a bitch…

Sarah walks inside. Daniel shoots at one more can, missing, and then follows.

Heather is in the kitchen making lunches.

Billy is trying to call someone. He fails, and hangs up.


Where is everybody? I’ve tried everyone I know. They can’t all be out.


Maybe there’s something wrong? Oh by the way, here’s your rifle.


Thanks. What could be wrong there? The weather’s decent, police force is active, hell, even the civilians are on the lookout for those criminals. I called your uncle yesterday. He told me so.


Maybe it’s the mountains.


Naw, they’ve never caused any interference before.


Why hello Sarah. How’s your mom doing?


She’s still trying to cook. (Shudders)


She has got to be the worst cook ever!


I don’t know, Daniel pretty much has that down.

Billy: He can’t even make sausages.


So sad.




Yeah well, I get the meat here in the first place, so shut up about it.


You know, your not that good.


I’m better than you.


I should take off my belt.


Try it. I dare you.


You’re damn lucky you almost died yesterday.


Very funny, Dad.

Alex walks into the room, disheveled, looking like he just rolled out of bed. His head is wrapped in bandages. He is wearing a pair of boxers and a ripped T-shirt.


Hi honey, there’s some left over pancakes from this morning if you want some.


(Grumbles incoherently)


Hey Alex.


(Face flushes bright red) Sarah! Hi. I’m uhh, uhhh. (Leaves the room hurriedly, everyone laughs but Daniel)


Oh c’mon Daniel, you know that was funny!


No not really.


(Rolls her eyes)


I thought it was funny.


(Glares at Billy)

Someone knocks on the door.

Billy gets up and answers it.

It’s Fred. He has five other men with him.

One of them has a large case. Billy lets them in.

The new arrivals, Billy, Fred, and Daniel go into the basement. Heather starts to follow, but Sarah stops her.


Who are those men? What’s going on?


They’re going to see if they can find those murderers. You best steer clear of them.


But those were my friends too. Why can’t I help?


Can you shoot a gun?


Probably better than you can.


Then by all means, join them! Go on now!

Sarah and Heather go into the basement.


So only the town troopers came?

Trooper # 1

Sorry Bill. Nobody else would.

The troopers set his case on the table and open it. Inside are two rifles and a revolver.

Trooper # 3

Who needs one?


I do. I left mine on the road yesterday.

Trooper # 3

Which one you want?


Give me one of the rifles.

Trooper # 3 reaches into the case, pulls out a rifle, and hands it to Daniel.


Now this is what I’m talkin’ about!


Give me the pistol.

Trooper # 3

I don’t think it’s safe enough for ya’ girl.


I can handle myself with a pistol! I can hit a can at ninety yards!


It’s true. The girl’s good.


Yeah. I am.


(Mutters) not as good as me.


What’s that son?


Nothing Mom.


It had best be nothing.

Trooper # 1

So where’d the killings happen?


I’ll take you there. We can take my truck.


Mine’s bigger. We can all fit.

Trooper # 1

We are taking mine.


I’ll fix you all supper when you get back.


We’ll be back before dark.


See you then.

Trooper # 3 picks up the case and everyone leaves the room.


A truck pulls up and stops. Trooper # 1 is driving. Next Fred’s truck comes to a stop. He and Trooper # 2 are the only ones in it. Trooper # 1 leans out his window.

Trooper # 1

Now remember, you two get to Helmsley and alert the police. Then come straight back. Clear?

Trooper # 2



Don’t say that.

Trooper # 2

(Driving away) say what?


(Mock imitation) Crystal.

Trooper # 1

Stupid sons of bitches.

Trooper # 4


Trooper # 1

Okay everybody, pile out! Daniel, lead the way.


It should be right down this way.


Be careful now.

Everyone cocks their weapons and follows Daniel to the campsite.


The bodies have been ripped off their lines, and now are being fed on by various scavengers.

Billy and Trooper # 4 vomit.

Daniel almost does too.

A vulture eats one of the bodies’ chest. Daniel shoots it, scaring off the rest of the feeders.

Trooper # 1 mumbles something about Moscow.

Trooper # 1

Okay, we can do a-

Trooper # 3

(Points) what’s that?

A thick plume of smoke rises in a canyon to the west.


(Shakily wipes his mouth) It seems like I a good place to start.

Trooper # 4


Cut to shot of lip of canyon. Trooper # 5 and Daniel crest it first.

Trooper # 5

(Slowly, in awe) Holy shit.

Three predator ships sit in the canyon. Shimmers of air move around the entire area.


Maybe it’s C.I.A.

Trooper # 1

No, definitely not American. Maybe Russian?


We’re not at war with them anymore! Get a grip.

Trooper # 1

(Mumbles) maybe not publicly. But I was there.

Suddenly, a shimmer of air shoots through Trooper # 1’s back. A spear appears. Trooper # 1 slides off.

Sarah and Daniel point their guns in the center of the main shimmer and empty their clips into it. Fluorescent green blood splatters all over them both, especially Daniel.

The shimmer falls off the cliff. Daniel and Sarah look down, a smug look on Daniel’s face, a terrified look on Sarah’s.

As they watch, the blur gets up and shoots a ball of blue fire at them.

It hits Trooper # 5 in the chest.

The rest of the group runs toward the road.

A throwing star appears out of nowhere and decapitates Trooper # 3.

Trooper # 4 running. She bumps into a blur in the air.

The blur flashes, and a predator is revealed.

Two knives slide out of the gauntlet on its wrist.

Trooper # 4 looks in horror and screams, just before the monster rips her throat out.

Billy, Daniel, and Sarah running. They hear Trooper # 4’s scream.

The three get to the road and hurriedly jump into the truck.

Billy drives away, speeding and swerving.


What the fuck was that thing?! We emptied a rifle and pistol into it, it fell off a cliff, and the motherfucker still got up! What the fuck was that thing!?

April 18, 2195

Almost to Helmsley-afternoon

Shot of truck driving past. Cut to inside. Trooper # 2 and Fred sit inside.

Trooper # 2

Can we listen to the radio now that we get reception?



Trooper # 2

Why not?


Because it’s broken.

Trooper # 2

(Groans) what about the CD player?



Trooper # 2

Cassette player?



Trooper # 2

Well what do you have that’s not broken?


Ignition, pedals.

Trooper # 2

Never mind then.

They both laugh.


The first thing they notice is the stench. Then the bodies. One body holds a shotgun in his cold hands. A xenomorph lies in front of him. It’s blood burns holes in the dirt. Fred and Trooper # 2 throw up.

Suddenly, an alien leaps up on the hood.

Fred slams to a stop. The creature breaks the windshield.

Fred reaches over into the glove box, pulls out a loaded handgun, and empties the clip into the beast. It’s blood sprays everywhere, burning Trooper # 2’s face. He screams in agony, but suddenly stops. He is dead.

A second monster, than a third, comes around the corner.

They leap at Fred.

A shimmer in the air intercepts one.

The monster uncloaks. It’s mask bears no lightening bolt mark. It has a spear in one hand. It begins to fight the xenomorph with it.

The third alien jumps into the seat next to Fred.

He hurriedly and shakily opens the door, falling out of the truck, landing on his bottom. He loads the gun.

The alien leaps out at Fred.

Fred kicks out with both of his feet, pinning the door closed. He shakily aims the gun, firing six times. The alien shrieks, and acid blood seeps into the door, into Fred’s shoe. He yelps in pain.

The alien throws itself against the door. It opens it once, but isn’t ready for it and pulls back for another strike. Fred shuts it again.

He empties the gun into the alien. It screams. It convulses wildly in the truck. The truck shakes. Fred screams and rips off his shoes, throwing them aside. The alien stops moving.

Fred slowly gets up. He stares at the truck for a second, and then runs off.

The monsters fighting. Both alien and predator are bleeding. The alien’s tail whips forward, catching the predator’s spear and throwing it away like a rag. The predator brings its wrist blades out, and stabs the alien in the side.

The tail comes forward again. This time, the predator catches it and throws the alien into a wall.

The alien crashes through into the building.

The alien leaps out from behind the wall and tackles the predator. The two roll around in the dusty road, the predator stabbing the alien repeatedly.

The acidic blood spills onto the predator’s equipment, doing little more than scarring it. The predator throws the alien off of it. The alien’s rod shoots out of its mouth. The predator slices it off with its blades.

Gray matter flies everywhere. T

The tail comes forward yet again, this time catching the predator in the leg, leaving a gaping hole pouring bright green blood. The predator staggers back.

It jumps for its spear. The alien gets there first and whips the predator across the chest. The predator pulls out a spear gun and shoots at the alien.

He hits the alien in the chest, pinning it to the ground.

The predator retrieves his spear, and kills the alien. The predator roars.

April 15, 2195

Daniel’s house-afternoon

The trooper’s truck pulls up.

Billy, Daniel, and Sarah get out and run into the house, breathing heavily.

As soon as they’re inside, Billy bolts the door and Daniel pushes the couch in front of it.

Sarah points her gun at the door, waiting for the predators to come through.

Heather and Alex come into the room with concerned looks. Alex is dressed and showered.


What happened? Where are the troopers?


Are you guys okay?


They…they were killed.


All of…them.


Honey, pack up…your…things…we're getting the hell outta here! Sarah, call your parents. They’re coming too.


I can…do that.


I’ll go get the food from the tornado shelter.


No, I’d better do that.


(Flashes a wry smile) okay.

Sarah goes to the phone and dials, while Billy goes outside.

He goes into a cellar and comes running out screaming.

Shot of the cellar. It is full of Drone aliens. Six eggs fill up the corner. The drones do nothing. One of the eggs hatches.

Billy runs to the shed around the side of the house and comes out with a pipe bomb.

He lights it, and throws it in the cellar.

Daniel, Heather, Alex, and Sarah come running out.

The bomb explodes. Billy woops in joy.

As he turns around, a facehugger attaches itself to his head.


Dad! (Runs to Billy)


Oh my god Bill! (Runs to Billy)

Sarah and Alex

HOLY SHIT! (Run to Billy)

Daniel pulls out a pocketknife and pricks the facehugger.

Acid blood burns onto Billy’s shoulder. His muffled screams get even louder.


Oh shit I’m so sorry!

Daniel throws his melted knife to the side.


C’mon lets get him to the doctor.

Daniel and Alex load Billy into the back seat.

Alex then goes to sit on the porch with Sarah to wait for her parents.

Daniel and Heather get in the truck and drive away.


I hope he’s going to be okay.


He will be. He’s tough.


Oh yeah I’m sure he will but I’m still kind of worried.


I am too. Poor Daniel. He just lost most of his friends. And if he loses Billy…

Sarah and Alex huddle up together.

Doctor’s house-afternoon

Daniel and Chet carry Billy into the house.

Daniel and Heather sitting on a couch. Heather is hugging Daniel crying. Daniel is on the verge of tears.

The doctor comes out. Billy follows him, no facehugger attached.

Heather runs over and hugs him.

Daniel manages a weak smile.


Oh Bill! (Crying on his shoulder)


I knew you’d be all right Dad.


He’s actually perfect. I can’t find any evidence of any sickness or severe physical injury.


That’s good.


Yeah. So is it all right if I keep him for the night? Just to be sure.


No I’d rather not. We’re going out of town. You should come. There are monsters out there.


It’s true.


(Laughs) Maybe I need to keep you all here for the night.


We aren’t crazy!


Well, if the boogeyman comes to get him, you call me. Ok?


Well how do you explain this then? (Holds up facehugger)


Well it’s just some kind of crab. Never been discovered. Probably thought Bill was a shell. (Laughs)


Well fuck you then. We are leaving.

As the three get in the truck, the doctors laughter is heard inside his house.

Daniel’s house-afternoon

Bills truck pulls in. Sarah’s parents are already there. Her dad is milling around out front. As they pull up, her dad approaches the truck. Alex, Sarah, and her mom are in the truck.

Sarah’s dad

So what’s going on here?


You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.

Sarah’s dad

Sarah says that there are monsters out there. What is going on here?



Sarah’s dad

We aren’t coming. I always thought you were a little crazy. Alex. Get out of my truck.


You guys need to come.


If you stay, those things will come and kill every last one of you. Every. Last. One.

Alex gets out of Sarah’s truck with a “bye Sarah” and gets into Billy’s truck.


At least let her come with us.

Sarah’s dad

I don’t like the way you people influence her life.


She’s a crazy redneck anyway!


I’m sorry. Goodbye everyone!







Sarah’s dad



She is not leaving!


Let her go son. There’ll be plenty more people out there.

Sarah’s parents drive away.

Sarah. As her dad drives, she sits silent.

Her mom tells her she never wants Sarah to see them again, Sarah just nods.

They get to their ranch on the outskirts of town and get out of the truck.

When they do, an alien jumps from the shadows and rips into Sarah’s dad.

The remaining women scream.

Sarah pulls out her pistol and shoots the Alien three times. Its tail comes forward and impales her mom.

Sarah empties the rest of the clip on it.

The alien falls dead.

A second alien jumps from out the window and lands in a crouch. Sarah stands paralyzed in fear.

The rod shoots out of its mouth.

A predator shows up.

It runs at the alien, brandishing its spear.

The predator sticks the spear into the alien’s stomach.

The alien screams. It scratches at the predator, undoing the body armor.

The predator stands unarmored as the alien shoves its tail into the predator, killing it.

Billy, Heather, Daniel, and Alex are on the Highway. Billy is driving.

Billy: My stomach hurts.


It’s probably just indigestion from your recent scare. You’ll be fine.


It really-

Billy starts screaming. Everyone looks at him in alarm. He pulls up his shirt, revealing a growing, expanding lump.

Billy jerks side to side.

Shot of truck spinning out of control.

Back to Billy. A chest burster rips out of his stomach, screeching.

Heather faints.

Daniel and Alex vomit.

The chest burster climbs out of Billy and jumps out the window. The glass breaking makes it bleed.

Its blood burns holes in the door.

It screams and is run over, destroying the tire.

Daniel’s house-evening

Daniel, Heather, and Alex just sit there, eyes dried out from crying so much. Heather moans once.


I can’t believe he’s gone. He’s really, really, gone.


(Sniffs) I’m going to call somebody who can help.

April 19, 2195

On approach to Whitman-dawn

A drop ship flies past, branded with a yellow WY logo. Zoom out. Three gun ships fly, as well as 2 more drop ships. They all set down at Daniels house. Marines get out of the drop and gun ships, and a very important looking man in a suit tips his sunglasses as he departs the first drop ship. Daniel and Alex walk out to meet him. A marine gets out. He has the insignia of a captain.


Hello, my name is Mr.Yutani. And this is Captain-

Captain Hicks

Hicks. Captain Dwayne Hicks Jr.

Mr.Yutani, Daniel, Heather, Hicks and Alex are sitting inside.


So these things are here?






So, captain-


Call me Hicks. Please.


Okay, so Hicks, you’ve seen these bastards before?


My father did, a few years ago. He left and nobody ever saw him again. Or any of his men. The planet was blown up. That damn Ripley woman! She was responsible for his death. She is in company prison, soon to be dead.


So how may people have they killed?


I don't know six, maybe seven.


The Colonial Marines can handle this.


But Daniel said that there was more than one ship.


There were three.


My marines are that good. They are human kind’s primary fighting force



Approaching target-morning

A squad of marines runs on the ground toward the destination. Hicks leads them. The troop transport is full, and the gunships are on their way. The ground squad is equipped with heavy artillery. As they line up on the ridge, the gun ships open fire on the canyon floor. Then the artillery starts up. After the initial volleys, the drop ship lands. The Colonial Marines get out and start shooting. They carry pulse rifles. Cut to the ground battle. The marines are getting slaughtered. There is only one gunship left, and of the one hundred marines that had come, only thirty-two remain. Cut to Captain Hicks. He has a sniper rifle. A predator comes running at him with a spear. He kills it. He throws a grenade at another one. He shoots another one in the head, and then kills two more with a grenade. He uses the last of his ammo on his sixth kill. Twelve marines remain, three in the canyon, nine on the ridge. The three in the canyon are fighting like cornered animals. But finally, they die, and the predators turn their attention to the guys up on the ridge. Six of those guys are killed before the other three turn tail and run. The predators don’t give chase. One of the ships takes off after the gunship. A loud noise happens, and the gun ship explodes. A predator wears a red cape, an elaborate mask, is around nine feet tall, and his dreadlocks are longer. His mask bears a lightening-bolt mark. He roars.

The gun shop in Whitman-night

A man walks in (Frank) The clerk (John) watches him and the other costumer.


Hey John.




Just browsing?


No, I actually need something powerful. A shotgun or something.


I’ve got just the thing right here (hands him a shotgun)


Yeah this’ll work. (Laughs)

The other costumer makes a gurgling noise, and falls over, his throat cut by a predator. The predator comes over to Frank, who loads the shotgun, and pulls out its spear. John pulls a revolver from under the desk. Frank shoots the predator twice before he is impaled. John shoots it three times before death. An alien breaks in through the cellar. It collides with the predator, sending them both behind the counter. The alien slams the predator against a gun rack. The predator roars, and the alien’s rod comes out of its face. Green gore splatters everywhere.

Show Chet at home. A noise is heard outside. He picks up a pistol to investigate. What he sees almost gives him a heart attack. Fifteen predators and thirty aliens are brawling. It used to be twenty predators, but five have been facehugged. They lay on the ground, motionless. Six aliens are dead. An alien impales a predator through the back with its tail. A predator shoots an alien with a speargun. A throwing disc whirls through the air, cutting an alien neatly in half. A predator rips his spear out of an alien’s side. An alien screeches. It is answered with a roar. Wrist blades are sunk deep into the head of an alien. A predator is clawed to death. More roaring and screeching. A predator gets five aliens with his shoulder cannon. A predator takes a long knife and shoves it into an alien’s spine. A rod shoots out of the alien’s mouth into a predator’s mask. An alien rips off a predator’s mask. The predator kills it, but the acid blood kills the predator. Another disc comes from one of the predators, and it kills an alien. The battle is over, with one predator left alive. The doctor shoots him, but the predator shoots Chet with a net gun. The doctor is sliced up.

Cut to shot of handyman’s house. Smitty enters. He looks around and finds a cut up piece of meat on the ground. After close examination, he realizes that its not meat, it’s the handyman! A scuttling noise comes from somewhere in the shadows. Smitty turns and sees nothing. Another noise from the right. Smitty turns toward it, just in time to catch a drone leaping at his face.

Cut to shot of hotel and convenience store, next door to each other. An alien and predator fight outside. The predator picks the alien up by the head and throws it into the convenience store window. Three gunshots and a scream are heard inside. The alien jumps out of the building, bleeding from one gunshot wound. It begins to charge at the predator. The predator aims his shoulder cannon at the alien and fires. The alien’s head explodes, spraying acid all over the predator’s armor, doing almost nothing. With a hiss of gas, the predator takes off its mask. We see it from behind. It bears no mark on the mask. The predator walks up to the alien and rips off a finger. It takes out a decorated knife and slits its own hand open. The florescent green blood spills on its palm. It takes a finger from the other hand and dips it in the blood, making a lightening bolt mark on its forehead. It takes the alien finger and perfectly traces the mark on its head. It repeats the design on the mask. It puts its mask on. Pan around to the front.

Cut to a shot of a runway. A plane is taking off. Cut to shot of inside. It contains all the remaining survivors of Whitman. The plane takes off. As it is flying through the air, a little dot appears ahead of it. A red beam hits the plane.


What the fuck is that?


I don’t know, but it sure as hell is getting hot in here.

Cut to shot of Katie and Stewart. They have a predator mask and shoulder cannon. They are examining them. Cut to shot of outside of plane. The red beam is sitting on the front of the plane, and then the plane explodes. Cut to shot of predator ship. The red beam disappears inside a turret. The ship flies away.

Daniel’s house-night

Daniel, Alex, Heather, the three surviving marines, and Mr.Yutani sit in the front room. Heathers eyes are red and puffy.


These guys are the only survivors?


Captain Hicks did not properly brief me on the situation.

Marine 2

That’s bullshit and you know it! You know that he didn’t know that much about these things!


He knew more than the rest of us in this room combined.

Marine 3

He’s right.


Those marines were our last hope.


We have to get out of here. We’ll take the drop ship. We can bomb the shit out of this place when we’re gone.


Wait a minute! These things have a potential dollar value with Weyland-Yutani Corporation.


No. More people are going to die if we don’t leave. We obviously can’t beat them. Not even me.


I’ll call Sarah.

Alex gets up and goes to the phone. After a few seconds, he hangs up and comes back into the room.


Nobody’s answering. I’m going to go over there. Can I take your truck Daniel?


Sure. I’ll come with you. Can someone come with us?


Yeah, I’m come.


Thanks. C’mon lets go.

Daniel, Alex, and Hicks walk out the door.


You bastard. You knew about this all along. You knew that these creatures existed, and you didn’t warn anyone about them. You bastard.


Yes, we did know about these creatures. And we did not tell anyone about them. But who would believe us anyway?



Marine 2

I say we grease this rat-fuck-son of a bitch! (Stands up and puts his gun in Yutani's face)


If you do, you have to drive out of here. I’m the only one left alive who knows how to fly a drop ship. And it’s a hell of a long way to walk with those creatures hounding you.

Marine 2

(Pulls his gun away)

Mr.Yutani’s cell phone starts ringing. He goes outside to answer it. Cut to shot of him talking on it.


Uhhu. Yeah. I got you. Whatever! (Hangs up)

Daniel pulls up at Sarah’s house. He and Alex get out and Alex runs over to Sarah’s body. He falls to his knees in front of her and starts to cry. Cut to shot of Daniel. Tears stream silently down his cheeks as he looks around.


C’mon Alex. Let’s go.


Fuck you!


These things could come back at any time and kill us too.


I don’t care!


We have to leave. Now.


You have no idea what this is like!


In the past few days, I lost friends, my dad, and one of my best friends! NOW GO TO HELL!


Look, Daniel, I’m sorry, all right. I just…need some time. Okay?


Five minutes. Hurry.






For a proper burial.


Thirty then. I’ll…I’ll help you.


Thank you. I’ll get the shovels.

Alex goes around the back and comes back a few seconds later with three shovels. He tosses one to Daniel and one to Hicks. They catch them and begin to gather up the remains. Once this is completed, the trio begins to dig. Cut to shot of three lumps of dirt. A cross made out of sticks pokes out of each grave. Daniel, Alex, and Hicks stand near the graves. Hicks and Daniel have taken their hats off. Cut to shot of them driving away. When they get to the flaming remains of Daniels house, Daniel and Alex get out and run to it. Daniel stops and bends down to pick something up. It’s a finger. And it has a wedding ring on it. His mom’s wedding ring. Daniel bursts into tears.


No! No this isn’t real! Nooooo!

Hicks walks solemnly over to them. He pats Daniel on the shoulder.


We’re going to Helmsley. Maybe we can get help there.


Lets go.


I’ll drive.

The three go to the back of the troop transport. They get out three pulse rifles, a flame-thrower, six grenade belts, three Colonial Marine standard issue pistols, a shotgun, a smart gun, a crate of protein bars, six canteens, a crate of freeze-dried meals, twelve jugs of water, a box of cigarettes, a matchbook, a lighter, twenty-five flares, six flashlights, a rocket launcher, thirty-five ammo cases, and ten gas cans. They carry all this in trips to the truck. Once it was loaded, they set off.

April 21, 2195

On approach to Helmsley-night

The truck drives by. Cut to shot of inside. Daniel’s eyes are red and puffy. Alex is nibbling on a protein bar. And Hicks is sound asleep. Alex is driving. Daniel shakes Hicks, waking him up.


(Points at alien hive on cliff) What the hell is that?


I don’t know.


(Stops truck)

Hicks: Lets check it out.

They get out of the truck and go around to the back. Hicks refills the canteens, Alex stuffs pouches full of protein bars, and Daniel distributes weapons and ammo. Alex has two pulse rifles, a pistol, two grenade belts, ten flares, two flashlights, three pouches full of protein bars, a shotgun, and two canteens. Daniel has the smart gun, a pistol, two flashlights, eight flares, the rocket launcher, two canteens, two grenade belts, and three pouches full of protein bars. Hicks has a pulse rifle, the flamethrower, two grenade belts, two canteens, three pouches full of protein bars, seven flares, two flashlights, a pistol, the cigarettes, the matchbook, and the lighter. They all have the appropriate amount of ammunition. The trio begins the steep climb towards the hive. Daniel, hearing a crunch to the side of the cliff, strays off. He sees a cloaked predator, yells, and runs toward it. Daniel aims the smart gun and sprays in the direction of the hunter. It roars and leaps thirty feet in the air. Daniel stops firing. Pan down to Daniel’s chest. A triangle of red dots center on his heart. Daniel leaps to the side just as the predator fires. A ball of blue fire slams into the ground where Daniel was. Daniel sprays again at the predator, and it rolls away. Two discs come flying at Daniel. He sprays with the smart gun, knocking them to the ground. Daniel looks around franticly, firing full auto with the smart gun in the direction of where the predator was last. Suddenly he is lifted up off the ground from behind and thrown forward, dropping his gun. He gets up and runs toward the cliff face. The predator grabs him by the neck and lifts him up. The predator uncloaks. Its mask is on. The mask has a lightening bolt on it. Daniel rips off the predator’s mask. It roars. Shot of predators face.



Daniel spits in the predator’s face. It roars and punches Daniel. His nose collapses in a shower of blood and bone. Daniel screams. Tears stream down his face. The predator squeezes his neck. Daniel starts to choke, pounding on the predator’s hand and kicking at its codpiece. A sickening crack is heard from Daniels shoe, and he screams even louder. Hicks and Alex run up. Hicks flames the predator, who drops Daniel and turns toward the new opponents. Alex yells ‘Sarah!’ and opens fire with both pulse rifles. The predator roars and aims the shoulder cannon at Alex. Daniel kicks at the predator’s leg with his unharmed foot. That, combined with the bullets from Alex’s weapons knocks the creature’s shot out wide. The predator’s wrist blades come out and stab down at Daniel, who moves his head to the side. The wrist blades chop off Daniel’s right ear, then jab into the cliff face, stuck. Daniel screams harder. He draws his pistol and shoots the predator six times in the stomach. Hicks, his weapon empty, drops it and pulls out grenade. He pulls the pin and runs over to the predator. The shoulder cannon aims for Hicks. The predator roars. As it does this, Hicks shoves the grenade into its open mouth and forces it down. The predator kicks him away. A loud crack is heard from Hicks’ chest. He groans in pain and tries to get up. The predator explodes from the inside. Green blood and purple organs spray everywhere. Daniel and Hicks are soaked. Alex gets some on him too, but not as much as Daniel and Hicks. Daniel is also burnt. He moans. Alex reloads his guns. A ball of blue plasma shoots from somewhere behind him, singing off some of his hair. He dives to the ground and comes up shooting at the cloaked predator. It is hanging on the cliff face. Alex launches two grenades at it, one from each pulse rifle. A disc chops one of them in half, blowing it up and destroying the disc. The predator uncloaks. Cut to shot of wrist panel. It is disfigured. Bullets pierce the body armor, and little spots of green blood shoot out of the predator. It falls down to the ground. The predator tries to get up, but Alex empties his guns into its head. He drops his guns and sinks to the ground, panting. A blast of plasma hits him in the shoulder. He flies spinning into the air. Alex moans. Hicks looks around for the predator. Cut to the predator’s P.O.V. It is in heat vision. Three triangles center on one of the forms. Cut to Hicks. He rolls out of the way of the blast, shooting at where it came from. The predator roars from behind him. Hicks whirls around, firing at the shimmer in the air he sees. It leaps away, and Hicks loses sight of it. He backs up into the cliff face, and bumps into the creature. It knocks him away. Hicks, his weapon by the predator, pulls out his pistol. He fires twice at the three red dots now on his forehead, firing at their source. The predator roars in pain, and the plasma hits a cactus behind Daniel. Daniel picks the smart gun up off the ground and fires it at the predator, hitting it twice. The predator roars and jumps away. Hicks empties the clip into it, bringing it to the ground. The predator, with its dying breath, activates its bomb. Hicks realizes what it is, grabs the smart gun, and smashes the wrist computer. The bomb is deactivated. Twenty aliens come out of the hive.


Jesus Christ! What the fuck are those?

A little computer comes down from Hicks’ helmet. Cut to his P.O.V. It locks on to the aliens with the smart gun. The gun fires. Ten of the aliens are down. One reaches Hicks. It claws deep gouges in his body armor, tearing at his skin. He shoots it, spraying acid blood all over his armor. He throws it off. He screams in pain. He shoots six more aliens with the smart gun, and then Daniel and Alex finish them off, Daniel with his pistol, Alex with his pulse rifle. Daniel slowly gets up from against the cliff and walks over to one of them.

April 20, 2195

The Hive-night

The elder predator is alone when he reaches the entrance. He had left three others down on the ground. His shoulder cannon is actively searching for targets. He has his spear in one hand, and a throwing disc in the other. He hears a clicking sound. Aliens come at him on all surfaces of the hive. He throws the disc at them, killing two. The shoulder cannon kills ten before they reach him. He kills the last three easily with his spear. He continues down the tunnel, pausing only to retrieve the disc. He runs into two more aliens, killing them with his shoulder cannon. Thirty aliens come running out of the shadows. The predator shoots six with his shoulder cannon, one with his spear gun, and kills six with his four discs. He demolishes the all but one of them with his spear. The last alien tackles the predator, knocking the spear aside. The predator’s wrist blades come out, and gut the alien. The predator grabs his spear, and then walks into a large chamber. At the other side of the room, a queen sits upon an egg sack. She is guarded by a praetorian. It stands silent, as if waiting for the right moment to strike. Five predaliens climb out of hidden holes in the room. The elder predator shoots one twice in the head with his cannon, killing it. He uses his net gun to pin one to the wall, taking it out of the action for a while. He shoots another one with his spear gun, hurting it and discarding the empty weapon. The three predaliens reach him. He whips out his spear and blocks a tail flying at him. The tail sticks to the spear, throwing it aside. The elder has two gauntlets, and wrist blades come out of both. The predator spins around in a 360` circle, tearing apart the predalien that had gotten out of the net and was sneaking around behind him. One of the predaliens slashed its claws over the elder’s mask, putting deep claw marks in it. The elder shoves his wrist blades deep into a predaliens chest, and rips them out from the side, gutting the predalien. One of the predaliens shoots the rod out of its mouth. The predator grabs it and holds it still. He stabs the other predalien in the head, holding it at bay as well. With a sharp, jerking motion of his left hand, the predator rips out the predaliens rod, throwing the rest of the beast to the ground. It screams in agony. The predator rips the other gauntlet from the other predalien and uses all four blades to decapitate it. He goes and picks up his spear, walks calmly over to the remaining predalien, and puts it out of its misery. The praetorian charges. Two discs whirl out of the predator’s hands and rip into the praetorians arm and chest. When the praetorian reaches the elder, it swings its tail at him. The predator deflects the blow with his spear, and then stabs at the head. Acid blood pours out of the newly acquired wound. The praetorian screams. It claws at the predator, gouging his armor. The predators left wrist blades stick into its hand. The predator stabs his spear forward into the praetorians leg; the spear sticks, quivering, in the praetorians thigh. It screams. The tail shoots forward again, stabbing into the elder predators midsection, not deeply. The predator cuts the tail in half with his wrist blades. Two more praetorians come in from behind the predator. One claws at his leg, tearing off a large chunk in the back. The second praetorian claws at his forearm, tearing off one of the gauntlets. The predator rips his spear out of the first praetorian’s leg and shoves it into its neck. Acid blood sprays everywhere, including the holes in the predator’s armor. The elder roars in pain. He pulls the spear out and spins around. Bright green blood pours freely from his wounds. Two discs fly into each praetorian. They both scream. One of them whips its tail forward into the predator’s chest. He sits impaled upon it for a few seconds, and then is thrown aside. Six shots from his shoulder cannon kill one of the praetorians. The second takes two shots, wounding it, and reaches the predator. The predator chops off three of the praetorians fingers. It screams. The elder stabs it again and again and again with his wrist blades. The praetorian staggers back, and the predator activates his bomb. When two of the rectangles show no symbols anymore, the praetorian steps on the predator’s arm, breaking bone and computer alike. The detonation is canceled. The predator roars. The praetorian steps on the shoulder cannon. The predator elder stabs the praetorian twice with the wrist blades, and then shoots it with the net gun. The praetorian is flung back and stuck against the wall. The predator shakily gets to his feet, falls, then finally gets up. He limps over to his spear, then to the praetorian, flailing in the net, screaming. The elder stabs it in the neck, then the chest. It stops flailing. The predator collapses. He gets up after a few seconds and limps over to the queen. He notices the dozens of eggs behind her. Cut to elder’s POV. Everything is red, except for a large electric blue form, the queen, and several smaller ones, the eggs. The predator stabs the queen in the chest. She roars in pain and slowly detaches herself from the egg sack. She runs at the predator, screaming. He roars. She impales him with her tail. He roars again and stabs her in the head. She screams and shakes him. He rips the spear out and stabs her again. She screams and throws him against a wall. He tries to stand, but fails. She stalks over to him, stands there and roars. He roars. She steps on his head.

April 21, 2195

The Hive (8:00 pm)

Daniel, Alex, and the marine reach the entrance. They cock their weapons. Alex lights a flare. His two weapons, as well as Hicks’, are taped together. An alien jumps out of a small side passage. Hicks flames it. The trio continues down the tunnel. They pass many alien bodies.


What the fuck came through here?


I don’t know, but it sure was one tough son of a bitch.

They walk into a large chamber. The bodies of five predaliens and two praetorians litter the ground. A third praetorian is pinned to the wall by a net. It is also dead. Alex lights another flare and drops it. He lights six more and throws them around the room. Bright green blood is spilt all over the room. The mutilated body of a predator lies over to the side. All the dead aliens have slash marks and/or burns on them. The predator looks like he was important in life. The remains of a red cape cling to his back. His mask is elaborately decorated, as are his weapons and what is left of his armor. Daniel sees the eggs.


What are those?


They look like eggs or something.


That seems about right. (Throws a grenade belt at them) GET DOWN!

Three of the eggs hatch, and just as the facehuggers leap out, the belt detonates, catching them in the blast. After the explosion, Alex lies on the ground, moaning. Daniel and Hicks run to his side. Daniel flips him over.

Daniel: He’s badly burned!

Slime drips onto Hicks’ head. He looks up just as the queen grabs him. Hicks sprays with the Pulse Rifle, ripping into the queen. Acid blood sprays all over Hicks. He screams in pain and falls to the ground. The queen drops to the ground noisily. She screams. Daniel picks up the smart gun and shoots her continuously. She screams in pain and chases him. He drops the empty smart gun and picks up Alex’s pulse rifles. He runs out into the tunnel (1 minute chase scene), shooting the queen. She screams and runs after him. Daniel runs out of ammo on one pulse rifle and uses the other. When he gets to the entrance, he is already out on that one too. He had left his grenade belts in the chamber with Alex. He shot the grenades out of the pulse rifles. The queen screamed again. Daniel dropped the pulse rifle and drew his pistol. The bullets didn’t even pierce the queen’s chitinous skeleton. Daniel dropped the empty gun and ran for the edge. The queen is thirty feet away. Daniel thought desperately for a solution. He groans. The queen is twenty feet away. Daniel pulls the rocket launcher and loads it. The queen is ten feet away. Daniel fires. The queen explodes and the splash damage from the rocket sends Daniel flying over the edge.

Six hours later

Daniel wakes up. He is laying in a large clump of bushes. Most of his clothes have been burnt or cut away. He groans in pain. Tears stream down his face. Daniel gets up slowly and collapses back in the bushes. He rolls onto the dirt. He tries to get up two more times before succeeding. He stumbles on the way to the cliff. He starts to climb.


Hang on Alex! I’m coming! Don’t worry buddy! I’m coming for you!

Daniel climbs over the top of the ridge. Most of it had been blown or burnt away. He staggered over to the entrance of the hive. Daniel starts to limp his way down the tunnel. Cut to shot of Daniel returning to the queen’s chamber. He hobbles quickly over to Alex’s still form. When he gets there, he falls to his knees. Tears continue to stream down his face, harder than they did when he woke up. Alex is not breathing. Some of the skin on the left side of his face has been burned away. He lies in a pool of his own blood. Daniel staggers away. Cut to shot of him reaching the edge of the ridge. He falls over. He tries to crawl over to throw himself off, but sees a drop ship coming for him.

Daniel slowly opens his eyes. He is inside the drop ship. Mr. Yutani stands nearby.


So how do you feel?


Well, emotionally, I feel shitty. Physically, I feel shitty. (Spits blood onto the floor)


Well how do you feel considering that you’re the only survivor in both Whitman and Helmsley?





Cut to a shot of the drop ship. Zoom in on the cockpit. Mr.Yutani flies it. He is talking on a radio.

The three predator ships. They begin to take off. The two smaller ships leave Earth.

Inside the big ship. The elder predator, cleaned up, lies on a dais. A predator presses a button on the wall. On the side of the dais, three red symbols appear. A [/| a /_= and a -+>. One by one, the symbols disappear. When the last one does, the elder predator disintegrates.

The two smaller predator ships. A battle rages inside of each one. Aliens and predators fight on the decks.

Outside the ships again. One of them explodes.

Remaining ship. A predator takes a disc from the inside of an alien. The predator takes a tail from behind. Green blood sprays everywhere. A predator kills three aliens with a shoulder cannon. Two more aliens reach him. He stabs at one with his spear. The alien blocks it. The other alien claws at the predator’s leg. The predator roars in pain and stabs the alien in the arm, pinning the monster to the ground. He backs away and the alien pounces at him. The predator grabs the alien by the head and slams it into the wall twice. Acid blood sprays, hurting the back of the predator’s leg. He limps over to the pinned alien and stabs it with his wrist blades.

Another predator. He wears just his mesh. He is wounded. Claw marks run down his chest, and he has acid burns. He carries a spear. The predator limps down a hallway. He suddenly stops. A scuttling is heard. Cut to the predator’s P.O.V. Everything is red as he looks around. He turns around and sees an electric blue alien. The inner jaw shoots out.

The bridge. Predators fight aliens all over it. One predator stands in the center of the room. He has a spear and body armor, no mask. A drone pounces at him screaming. The predator jumps up and lands on the alien’s back. The spear comes down. The alien jerks around. With a shriek of pain, it dies. Three more aliens run at him. He impales one with the spear, rips it out, decapitates a second alien, and then skewers the third. A praetorian runs into the room. It looks around, roaring. The predator throws his spear at the beast, catching it in the chest, dead center. The praetorian runs at him, and he draws his wrist blades.

The predator’s P.O.V. The green praetorian slams into him, knocking him back.

The praetorians P.O.V. Everything is white. The dark shadows of predators can be seen, as well as the gray forms of aliens. The view is blurry. The predator lies up against the view port, dazed.

Normal view. The praetorian runs forward, swinging its tail. The predator reaches into a pouch on its belt and pulls out a rectangular device. It is small. He presses a button and a shockwave shoots from it. All the aliens on the bridge stand still, confused. The predators easily finish them off. This device does not affect the praetorian however. It is already covered in predator blood, and it stabs its tail into the predator’s head. Blue plasma balls fly from shoulder cannon around the room, wounding the praetorian. It screams and runs around in frenzy, slaughtering the predators in the room.

A long hallway. It is empty save for two predators fighting an alien. One predator stabs his spear out to the right, and the other to the left. The drone falls, dead. Acid blood sprays, killing the unmasked predator. Thumping sounds are heard, coming closer and closer. The predator looks afraid. Closer now. He picks up his spear. Whatever is thumping is about to come into the hall. The thumping stops. The predator roars. Nothing.

The predator’s P.O.V. He looks around the room, seeing red all around. He looks up. Green praetorian pounces.

The bridge. Bodies, destroyed computer systems, and blood cover the floor.

Montage of different hallways. Each one is empty. Pan down a long hall, to an alien hive. A predalien leaps out of the darkness.

View of the big ship. It comes upon the smaller ships. One of them explodes. Cut to bridge of large ship. A loud alarm goes off. Cut to a turret. It shoots a green blob at the smaller ship. The glob encloses it completely, and starts to compress, burning away at the hull. When the glob is gone, nothing remains of the ship but wreckage. A white light shoots from the large ship, and the dead ship disintegrates.

July 30, 2195

Aliens storm a facility. Colonial marines and technicians fight back.

Eiffel Tower. Aliens climb up it. A predator is on the tip. Bright bursts of blue fire shoot out from his shoulder cannon. He is covered in drones. He activates his wrist bomb. It goes off, destroying most of Paris.

An ocean. Aliens swim across it. A few get on a fishing ship. The fishermen die easily. The boat sinks.

A busy street in New York. Aliens swarm it. People are dying everywhere.

Cut to a shot of the drop ship. Zoom in on the cockpit. Mr.Yutani flies it. He is talking on a radio.


Yes that’s right. I want the subject cloned. Yes I know what the risks are! But Flight Officer Ellen Ripley is most likely essential in retaking Earth. Why? Because she knows about the damn things! She knows how to kill them! Ah yes I wondered if that was going to come up. If she has one inside her, all the better.

April 26, 2195

Flying over the Pacific Ocean-midnight

Daniel wakes up. As he remembers the past few days, he starts to cry. Mr.Yutani comes out of the cockpit.


Ahhh you’re awake.


What day is it?


It’s the 26th of April.


I’ve been asleep for five days?


Well it has been a long week for you. But I think you’ll find that you can stand up now. I gave you some medication an hour ago. If you don’t get up and walk around you’ll be sorry. (Laughs)


(smiles weakly, gets up and walks around.) My legs feel kind of heavy.


That’s just the medication. It should clear up soon.


Thanks. How did you find me?


Well I picked up the explosion. Those missile launchers were designed to take out heavily armored Russian aircraft and assault vehicles.


So we are at war…


In a sense yes. But know I have a question for you. What the hell went on down there? I want to know everything.


This is kind of painful to tell. Do I have to?


The entire human race may very well depend on your knowledge of the creatures.


Oh. Well me and Ale…Alex, and some other friends went out hunting. Tom, Jerry, Jacob, and Chris went off without us. We got back to camp and found their...their…bodies.


Go on.

The moon. A space Station orbits it. The drop ship that Daniel and Mr.Yutani are in lands in docking bay three.

Inside the docking bay. A ramp extends from the drop ship. Daniel and Mr.Yutani walk down. Mr.Yutani strides with dignity, whereas Daniel limps, wincing and grimacing with every step. Six colonial marines march up to them. One of them is a general.

General Richards



At ease General.

General Richards

It’s good to see that you’re alive and well sir. You on the other hand (Looks at Daniel) should report to med-lab. Private Fitzgerald can take you.


Yes sir!

One of the marines (Fitzgerald) supports Daniel and helps him out of the bay.

General Richards

Well what the hell are you all waiting for, get back to work!


(Simultaneously) Yes General Richards Sir!

The remaining marines walk to their posts.

General Richards

Your office is still clean. Hasn’t been touched since you left.


Good. I need brandy.

They both laugh. Cut to a richly furnished office. The desk, chairs, mini-bar, and shelf are made of real wood. A safe sits on the shelf. The door slides open. Mr.Yutani and General Richards walk in. Mr.Yutani sits behind the desk.


Have a seat Wes.

General Richards

(Sits down) so how’s life been treating’ you Pete?


You mean besides the frenzied scramble off the planet surface? Pretty good I suppose. (Laughs)

General Richards

(Walks to the safe on the wall, pulls out a little plastic package. He sits down again and opens it. A soft hiss of gas is heard. There are twelve cigars in it. He takes one and gives another to Mr. Yutani) They’re Cuban. Best in the country. I have twelve. I only smoke them on special occasions. But I figure having my commander and chief survive something this big is good enough for me.


You have a light?

General Richards

Yeah. Here you go. (Takes a lighter out of his pocket, lights his cigar, then Yutani’s. They both take deep drags. They drag on them throughout the conversation.) But anyway on to business. Have you found enough candidates for the program?


I have enough. And you’re prepared to lead it?

General Richards

Always have been.


Good. Now this is supposed to be a secret. Only a few people know about it already, and that’s including some of the participants. So no talking until it’s over. Sound good?

General Richards

Same as the other hundred times you’ve said that.


I just can’t stress the importance of silence right now.

Fade to black. Fade in to a medium sized room. A couch sits in the back right corner. Three bare, wooden chairs are grouped near the center of the left wall. An empty bulletin board sits on the front wall in the center. A large round table occupies most of the center of the room. Bare, wooden chairs surround it.

Shot of the steel door. There are no cracks or keyholes. It is soundproof.

The med-lab. A sign on the door reads MED-LAB 1. There are twelve beds and six tubes in the particular room. Two of the beds are occupied. One tube is full of liquid. Daniel sits up in a bed; there is a man in another. A man floats in the tube. Daniel’s head, arm, and side are wrapped in bandages. His nose has been bandaged. Daniel’s leg is in a cast. He reaches up and feels his nose. Daniel winces as he does this. He looks at the other men in the room. The one in the bed has a patch over his eye and his arm is in a sling. The man in the tube is completely naked except for a loincloth. He has acid burns all over his body. As Daniel looks at the two men closely, he realizes who they are. Alex and Hicks! Hicks is in the tube, Alex in the bed. Daniel shouts in happiness. Alex’s eye opens. He starts to sit up, hisses in pain, and then lies back down with a moan.


Alex. You’re alive!


(Grumbles unintelligibly)


But you were dead! I saw you! What the fuck is going on?


I was barely alive you asshole. Why couldn’t you have taken a pulse or something?


Listen, I just got blown up with a fucking rocket launcher! I had broken bones, and severe brain trauma, you think I can really concentrate? Huh!?


(Sits up) Don’t give me that bullshit! The doctor said yesterday that you fine! So fuck you Daniel! Fuck you! You left the two of us to die! Fuck you! You can go to hell!


Alex I’m-


Shut the fuck up. Right now.


Alex! Listen to me! I wasn’t thinking straight okay!? I had just gotten the living shit beaten’ out of me by that…that thing! So give me a fucking brake!






No. All our lives, I’ve been the lackey, the sidekick. Daniel can shoot, Daniel’s the hunter. Alex go get this, go get that, do that, do this. And you know what, It’s not gonna work anymore. These past few days have been hell, and I changed. I survived the invasion of Earth. Motherfucking Earth. We lost our home planet, and I plan to do everything I can to get it back. So stay the hell away Daniel. Just stay the hell away.

The two fall silent. Ten seconds later, a woman walks in. She is a nurse.


Daniel, Alex, Mr.Yutani wants to see you. Daniel, you need a wheelchair. It’s right by your bed. (Gestures toward the wheelchair by Daniel’s bed)

Daniel: Thanks.

The nurse walks over to Daniel and helps him into the chair. Daniel wheels himself out of the room. Alex waits a moment and follows.

The room with the round table. Billie (a woman) and Wilks (a man) are sitting in two of the chairs near the wall. Nakai (a man) lies on the couch. Rasche (a man), Ligacheva (a woman) and Schaefer (a man) sit next to each other at the table. Schaefer’s feet are up on the table. Fitzgerald stands in the back left corner. The door whisks open and Daniel and Alex come into the room. Daniel wheels himself over towards the Fitzgerald. Alex sits at the table. The door opens again and General Richards and Mr.Yutani walk in. They go to the front of the room. General Richards begins to tack documents and photos to the bulletin board. When he is done, Mr.Yutani addresses the whole room.


Well, some of you must be wondering why you are here. You have all been selected for a task. Said task is to be performed with professional efficiency. You are all survivors of the invasion or have had some sort of run-in with these creatures. And you all lived through the encounters. And I want you all to take back Earth from the bastards. When the creatures came on in force, the human race went on the defensive. But now we’re ready to take the fight back home! General.

General Richards

First I would like everyone to introduce themselves.


Lieutenant David Wilks, fought the xenomorphs on LV-795, their terrain. Only military survivor.


Billie Wilks. Was rescued by David on LV-795 at the age of eleven. Only civilian survivor.


Detective Schaefer of the NYPD. Rasche and I fought a few of the smart bastards out of New York.


Private Kyle E. Fitzgerald. Fought the animal mothers in Toronto. Barely got out alive.


Sergeant Enoch Nakai, killed one of the humanoid demons in a lava field in New Mexico.

Ligacheva: Lieutenant Ligacheva, Russian military. Blew up one of the ships in Siberia, killing several of the bastards.


Detective Rasche of the NYPD. Me, Schaefer, and a couple of hoodlums ran some of the ugly motherfuckers out of New York.


My name is Daniel Crutchfield. I had a good life, until I found my friends killed, skinned. And it just got shittier as the week went on. Eventually, the two species invaded, running us out. I was one of the few survivors. I killed the queen. But it was hard. And I was half-dead when Mr.Yutani found me.


Name’s Alex Korbochiv. I was in the invasion. I barely got out with my life. (Glances at Daniel)

General Richards

Ok now that everyone’s acquainted, I’d like to show you all a couple of things. Come with me.

General Richards leaves the room. The rest of the group follows him. They walk down a long, silver hallway to get to an elevator.

Mr.Yutani pulls a keycard out of his shirt pocket and slides it through the mechanism by the door. The door opens with a soft whoosh. The group steps in.

Once inside, General Richards presses the down button.

Outside of elevator. The door opens again and the group steps out. They walk down a blue-lit hallway to a metallic door. Two guards stand by the door. They are armed with colonial marine pistols. They have orange jumpsuits. A black bulletproof vest covers the torso. They have dark helmets covered by a clear visor, probably used for night vision. They stand straight in front of the door, one on each side.

Mr.Yutani swipes a keycard in the mechanism, opening the door. The group walks in. Inside is a glass tube, two lab tables, and a large round table. A smaller room is on one side, a large platform on the other. Inside the small room are security guards, dressed like the ones outside. One is drinking coffee. There are six of them, monitoring some video equipment. Technicians, dressed in green jumpsuits, hover around the tables, examining their contents.

And inside the tube is a predalien. It launches itself at the glass repeatedly, doing nothing.

It opens its mouth to scream, but nothing comes out. The tube is soundproof and unbreakable.

The group walks over to the lab tables, and look in awe. One contains a dead predator, the other a dead drone. The technicians move aside.

One of them presses a button on the back wall, near the tube.

With a hiss of steam, four more tubes come out of a concealed compartment in the wall. Steam swirls around for three seconds in each tube, and then dissipates. Inside the tubes are a live predator, a live egg, facehugger, and a live chestburster. They are held in a forced sleep.

Ligacheva gasps.


Hey what the fuck is going on down here?

General Richards

It’s for Weyland/Yutani’s bio-weapons division.


Magnificent aren’t they?


Hey if these things get loose, this entire compound could be killed! Fuck! I shouldn’t have come here!


This is bullshit!


They have to be destroyed.


There can’t be any chance of breeding. All right dickhead?




No fucking excuses! Kill all those motherfuckers!


Using the technology these creatures give us, we can take back our planet with ease.


Listen, if these filthy motherfuckers escape, we’re all dead. But I suppose we can keep the technology.


No! I used to belong to Cole Army Base. You remember how it exploded in the desert six years ago? That was right after the demon showed up, right after my fellow soldiers found it’s ship. I believe now that the ship caused the explosion.


A self-destruct mechanism or something. That actually makes a lot more sense.


Then we have to get rid of it. Right?


It could explode. Shit, if it could level a whole army base, then nothing in these narrow tunnels could survive right?


Jesus Tap-dancing Christ he’s right. Get rid of it!


Fuck this.

General Richards

I appreciate all of your opinions, but in this case you are all wrong. If we can copy this equipment, this corporation can break records, end wars, and beat the comp-


Make money. That’s all this is about isn’t it? Making money.


The kid’s right.


Listen, everyone, I know what this may look like to you. But I swear to you, to all of you, this is about winning this intergalactic war, not money.


Save your bullshit and get rid of it all.


Wait a second, how long have you had this stuff?

General Richards

About six months. Why do you ask?


Well when I killed this thing, its fellows, its chums, came to collect its body and technology. Almost damn well killed me doing it too. They’re ruthless in retaining their weapons. I think if they realize that if we, the humans, get a hold of it, we could wipe them off the face of the galaxy.


So they’ve come to collect it. Jesus Yutani, it’s your fault they’re here! You led them here! You killed my family and friends!


You killed Sarah!

A gunshot sounds. It echoes for a long time in the room. Everyone turns.

General Richards stands, his smoking pistol pointed at the ceiling. He holsters it.

General Richards

Everyone just shut the fuck up right now! We keep the technology!


You asshole! Were not-

General Richards

No! It stays! And if it leaks out, or is somehow sabotaged, or any of you refuse to cooperate, most of you (sneers at Daniel and Alex) have families. Are we clear? Huh?


You bastard. This company is going down for this. I swear.


I’m going to fucking kill both of you!


Try it. I dare you. You wouldn’t get fifty feet away. Now everyone return to your rooms to prepare. Get some rest. Go!

Daniel, Alex, Schaefer, Rasche, Ligacheva, Nakai, Wilks, Fitzgerald, and Billie leave the room. When they all have left, Mr.Yutani turns to General Richards and sighs.


A little over the top, don’t you think?

A mess hall. Marines in gray jumpsuits and dirty black boots come in. Some are in a line getting lunch. Still others are sitting down, some eating, and some just chatting.

Alex, Ligacheva, Nakai, Rasche, Schaefer, Wilks, and Billie are sitting at a table together. They are in dirty gray jumpsuits as well. Billie’s is about three sizes to small. They are all eating.

Fitzgerald comes with a trey of food to the table.


Mind if I sit down?


Be my guest. Your part of this fucked up group too.




(Takes a bite of his food, spits it out) What is this shit?


I think its cornbread. Say, does anyone else think my jumpsuit is a little too small?


I think it looks great on you honey.


So it is too small. I’m gonna go replace it. See you guys later.



Billie leaves.


So where’s Daniel?


He mentioned something about the med-lab this morning.


He must be getting his casts off then.


So what are we going to do about this thing?






He’s right. There really isn’t anything we can do anyway. Plus Dave, you and Billie have a kid. Rasche has a wife and kids, and Hicks has a girlfriend. So does Nakai.

Nakai: How do you know all this?


Schaef and me took a look at everyone’s files when you were all out.


Rasche has a knack for sneaking around people like that. (Grins)


(Grins sheepishly) It’s true.


(Takes a bite of his food) You’re sure this is cornbread?




Well, I have to report to docking bay twelve. We’re expecting some new arrivals today, and some may be infected. See you guys later at training.


This definitely isn’t cornbread.

Cut to a large room. It is a gymnasium. Weights, punching bags, treadmills, and other fitness equipment are in the room. There is a boxing ring in the center. Two marines box.

One throws a left hook, knocking the other out.

Schaefer, Nakai, and Alex are lifting weights.

Rasche is punching a punching bag.

Ligacheva and Billie are kicking a soccer ball around in the corner.

Wilks is bench-pressing. He is at 200 pounds. They are all sweating profusely.

Zoom in on the small door in the corner. Inside is a shooting range.

Daniel, Hicks, and Fitzgerald are shooting at targets from 100 yards with pulse rifles. Every shot hits. Daniel and Hicks have had their bandages and casts taken off. A large chunk of Daniel’s ear is missing. His nose is bent, crooked, and mangled.

Hicks has mostly recovered from his burns. He still has burn marks all over his face and arms.

June 18, 2195

Drop ship En Route to Times Square, New York-dawn

Seven drop ships descend.

Inside of one drop ship. It contains Schaefer, Daniel, Lt. Hicks, Alex, Captains Wilks and Ligacheva, Rasche, Cpl. Nakai, Sgt. Fitzgerald, General Richards, Billie, and six other marines. Pointless radio chatter is heard.

General Richards

Pilot; destroy as much of the surrounding buildings as possible. We want to have a barricade around the square to keep out the Xenos.


Roger that sir.

Shot of the square. The drop ships land. Power loaders carry large boxes out of two of them.

Out of another two come two squads of seven exo-suits each. The exo-suits are like power loaders, but instead of forklifts on the ends of the arms, each arm has a .50 machine gun. One arm has a flamethrower, and the other a grenade launcher. The cockpits are closed. The marines in the power loaders are the exo-suit pilots.

Out of another drop ship comes three APC’s.

Then out of the last two come six hundred infantry and the group. Schaefer looks at an exo-suit.


That thing is fucking awesome! I call dibs! (Runs over and gets in the suit)

General Richards

All right everybody; get to work on that barricade!

Six hours later

The barricade is finished. Walls of debris, rubble, and bodies surround the square. All the marines are on foot.

They walk over to where General Richards is addressing the crowd.

General Richards

All right men, I would like to go over a few things before we retire for the night. All the exo-suits are acid proof. So if you are in one, don’t worry about their blood. And they can take a pretty good plasma beating, providing they don’t score a direct hit on the engine, which, dew to poor design, is on the outside, albeit under the main armor. But they can’t hold up to much slashing or stabbing. So watch out for that. Second, I want at least 100 infantry patrolling the barricade at all times. And it wouldn’t hurt to post guards around the square. I want those Mobile Sentry Guns deployed on the wall within the hour. Perkins, how’s that coming?

Pvt. Perkins

Already done sir.

General Richards

Good. Anyway, I want patrol and guard shifts to last two hours. No more, no less. I don’t want anyone sleeping on the job. Tomorrow, we will send out the APC’s to scout out the city. See how bad it is. The day after that, if conditions are favoring, we will retake New York! Understood?

Marines (all)

Sir yes sir!

General Richards

Good, now get to work! Schaefer, Captain Wilks, Rasche, Cpl Nakai, Daniel, Sgt, Alex, and the Hicks will bunk together. Captain Ligacheva, Billie, you two will bunk together. Good, now report to your duties! Go go go!

Suddenly, automatic gunfire is heard. It is the sentry guns. Perkins calls the general over to watch the computers. Each of the seventy guns has around 1000 rounds left.

General Richards

How long can we hold?


All night if we have to. But the radar is picking up millions, billions, no trillions of xenomorphs in the city. It’s going to be a rough night.

Marine behind and to the left of Perkins

(Lets out a low whistle)

General Richards

Goddamn bugs.

Inside of a large tent. Schaefer, Rasche, Nakai, Fitzgerald, Daniel, Alex, and Hicks. It is sparsly furnished, with only seven bunks, a table, and ten chairs surrounding the table. The table has a map of New York City on it.


Where’s Dave? We need to get started.

Ligacheva walks in



They just kicked me out of my tent. (Grins)


That’s my man Dave!

A smaller tent. It has only two bunks. Three empty beer cans are on the floor. Billie and Wilks are on the floor, half-naked and kissing. Wilks puts his hand on Billie’s zipper and begins to pull her pants off. Cut to a shot of both of them completely naked. Billie is on top of Wilks. They flip over, moaning with pleasure. Wilks slides toward Billie’s groin. She moans. Wilks comes back up. He thrusts into Billie repeatedly.

The large tent with the rest of the group. Rasche is pacing. Everyone else is sitting in various places.

Fitzgerald stands up.


Well since we can’t start without them, I’m going to go see if I can find them.

The tent with Billie and Wilks. Billie is once again on top of Wilks. They thrust into each other. After five seconds of this, Fitzgerald walks in. He stares at Billie for three seconds, until she notices him. The couple yells and covers each other up with their hands.


Get out! (Throws empty beer can at Fitzgerald, misses)


(Dodges second beer can) Hey, everyone has been waiting for you in the other tent. Get dressed and follow me. (Leaves)

Billie and Wilks get dressed and leave the tent.


Don’t worry David, I wont tell the general.




Hey, you’re the only reason I’m alive right now anyways.

Flashback to somewhere in Toronto. Fitzgerald and seven marines shoot at charging aliens.

Sgt. Washburn

Fire in bursts! We don’t have the ammo for full auto! Drive them back!

Pvt. Boris

Stand strong!

An alien gets through the screen of gunfire and disembowels Boris with its second jaw.

It swings its tail at Pvt. Elder, cutting him in half.

The marines continue firing. The radio goes off in Fitzgerald’s helmet. He is the only one wearing a helmet. It is just static however.


Say again, repeat, say again!


(Garbled message)


Speak up! I cant here you!


Alpha squad………Bravo…. coming…. drop ship…seven minutes…backup drop…


Thank you Bravo! (Pulls off his helmet, reloads pulse rifle. Three more men are gone) Everybody! Get to the backup drop zone! Bravo’s coming for us!

Sgt. Washburn: WAH-HOO! I always liked those guys! Everyone move out!

Fitzgerald and Pvt. Anderson: Sir yes sir!

All three marines turn and run, firing behind them.

An alien jumps out of nowhere and lands on Anderson.

He screams and shoots it. Acid blood covers him.

Fitzgerald doesn’t see it and keeps running.

The Sgt. watches in astonishment and is disemboweled by the wounded alien.

Fitzgerald sees the drop ship ahead. He drops his pulse rifle and sprints toward the craft.

He boards and goes up to the cockpit. Wilks is the pilot.

Fitzgerald: Where the hell were you guys?

Wilks: Sorry. We had to pick up Charlie and foxtrot.

End flashback. Cut to the big tent. The group is pouring over the map. Rasche looks up and yawns.

Hicks: Okay, all of you guys need to hit the sack. See you bright and early for the APC patrol.

Ligacheva and Billie leave the tent\. The rest of the group gets into their separate bunks.

Schaefer: What the fuck did we survive the invasion for?

Rasche: I have no idea man.

Nakai: This is bad. Even with the constant gunfire, I’m still falling asleep. We worked to hard the last few weeks.

Alex: Tell me about it. (Yawns)

Daniel: (Snores loudly)

An APC slowly patrol down a road, buildings on all sides. The group is inside it.

Wilks is driving.

Nakai and Fitzgerald are manning the guns.

Ligacheva and Hicks are monitoring the equipment.

The others are just sitting and chatting.

Inside the barricade. The group is back. Hicks is talking to General Richards.


I think we creamed them last night. We encountered several dozen today, but scattered as they were, it was hardly a threat.

General Richards

Hmm. We will go out tomorrow. Rest up the troops.


My group will make the plan.

General Richards

Good idea. You are in command of some good minds, like those cops, or the Sioux.


Uh sir, Enoch isn’t a Sioux, he’s a Navajo.

General Richards

Whatever. Anyway, I commend your decision. I always say, if you have access to a resource, use it.


Sir? You didn’t say that, that was Captain Mitchell when he nuked the shit out of China back in World War three.

General Richards

Yes I know that! I was there. Only a private, but I was there. Hell, you were too. We invaded Moscow together, same platoon. We were the only survivors in our squad. But we did take the embassy. Remember?


I’m trying to forget it. (Smiles)

General Richards

Yes well, all I’m saying is you should put these men to their full potential.


I agree.


(Walks up to them) Sir! I think you need to see this.

They walk out of the tent. Schaefer and Rasche are talking a few feet away.


We picked them up on radar a few minutes ago. They should be visual any moment now.

Various shouts of look, or up there, or what the hell?

Schaefer and Rasche stop their conversation and look up.

A marine points up in the air. Pan up. Hundreds of predator ships fly by.

General Richards gasps.

Two ships break off from the formation and fly towards the city. They land somewhere out of view.




Now we have those to deal with. Goddammit!


It just doesn’t make sense. (Shakes his head slowly)

General Richards

What doesn’t make sense?


Well, when they came to here for hunting season two years ago, they had their ship cloaked. I don’t get it? Why not now?


(Jogs up with Alex and Ligacheva) What the hell just happened?


It was their ships. There must have been hundreds of them.


But why didn’t they cloak them?


Isn’t it obvious?


Of course. This time they haven’t come here to hunt. This time they’re at war.


They wanted us to know that they’re coming.

General Richards

So? I see know problem. Just another obstacle to chew through. We

Continue with the mission. (Strides calmly into the tent)


You don’t get it! (Jogs in after him) You know how we beat them out of New York? A few centimeters of summer rain! And when I went to Nicaragua, I had everything I could swipe from the evidence room down at the PD, plus a whole arsenal of Columbian gangsters that we had busted a few hours earlier. And you know how that one died? A big-ass stick through the chest, that’s how!

General Richards

What’s your point? So we just get some big-ass sticks. No problem.


No! The point is, I had spent all of my ammo trying to hit this thing! And all I succeeded in doing was shit! And it fell off a cliff! Fuck!

General Richards

We aren’t pulling out.


Than at least bring more troops in!

General Richards

We move out this evening.



General Richards

This evening! Now go get ready.

Three hours later

The barricade. The bus that is serving as a gate rumbles forward.

The Exo-suits walk out. They are faster than the power loaders, a little faster than an infantry unit. They make noises like the power loaders when they move. All the guns are pointed and ready.

Schaefer is in one.

They stand guard as the two other APC’s rumble out.

Finally the rest of the infantry jogs out.

The gate closes.

An empty street. The buildings on either side are intact. The infantry stride alongside the Exo-suits and APC’s.

Suddenly a drone leaps out and rips a marine apart.

Six other marines rip it apart with pulse rifles.

Another three drones leap onto and Exo-suit, bringing it to the ground.

The APC’s, Exo-suits, and marines open fire into the surrounding area. Aliens dying screams are barely heard over the gunfire. They jump into the formation.

Montage of the group shooting the aliens as the radio reports what is happening.


Lay down a suppressing fire pattern on all sides! Get down! Cover your squad mates! Fire in short bursts to preserve ammo! There’s to many of them! Flame units! Grenade! Fall back to the barricade by squads! Ahhh! Help, no, no no no! Aggggg! Williams is down! Rodriguez! No Rodriguez! No! They got Theresa! Mitchell! Aahh! Five is down! Seven is gone! Get out of here! Go go go! I’m out! Aggg! Retreat! No! Ahhh! Garcia! Julie! Michaels! They got Michaels! You bastards! Jesus Chr- Help me out here! O’Hara is gone! Forget her! Flanagan! Shit! McLain! Fuck! Get the hell away from me! I got one! I got one! Settle down private, killing one of the bastards doesn’t help much! Yes sir! I got two! Ahhh! Jones! They got Kozlowski! Francine! Francine! Oh shit! Marvin! Oh god! Oh god oh god oh god! Sanchez! Vargas! Max! Max is gone! Drake…they got Drake! Get down! Ellis get out of my line of fire! Ahhh! Nguyin! Rotheman! C’mon get the fuck out of- Shit shit! Run! Ahh! Smith! They got Smith!


C’mon! You want some of this! (He fires rapidly into the aliens with all his guns) Hey fuck you! That’s right! Oh hell no! Hell no! Bring it on! C’mon! Ahhhhhh! Don’t fuck with Schaefer! Woo-hoo! (Runs out of ammunition)

No more drones attack. Schaefer stands dry firing. The surrounding buildings have been reduced to rubble.

A few marines reload. Only two hundred are left, some wounded.

One crawls out of a burning Exo-suit on the ground.

Only fifteen Exo-suits are left.

Both APC’s survived, though one sustained serious acid damage.

Hicks on radio

(Deadpan) All right men, I think we’ve had enough for the day. Return to H.Q.

Empty street. The surrounding buildings are up. Fifteen masked predators march along the street. There is an elder with them. They all bare a lightening bolt on their masks. They carry the usual arsenal.

Hundreds of aliens pore out of the buildings.

Two predators fall instantly, but seven aliens die.

Blue plasma shoots from the predators shoulder cannons.

Aliens die by the score.

Three more predators are killed.

The plasma shooting stops. Predators lash out with spears and wrist blades. Twenty-seven discs fly out, ripping into the alien horde.

Alien dying shrieks are heard, as well as predator roars of triumph. Seven more predators die. Fifteen more aliens are gutted. Two more predators die.

Only the elder is left. Dozens of aliens lie dead on the ground.

The elder has only his spear. He stabs out, and then leaps up into the air, ripping into two more drones. He lands on one, and it explodes. The acid does little to his armor.

He spins his spear in his hands, then pirouettes, gutting seven aliens.

He kicks out, and does a front-flip over an alien’s tail. He tosses the spear up in the air. While it’s coming down, he rips off the alien’s tail with his hands. He catches the spear and brings it down on the alien’s back.

A drone leaps onto the elder’s back, clawing at the back of his head. He roars in pain.

Another alien rips his legs out from under him.

As the aliens swarm him, he activates his bomb.

The aliens cover him. With a last roar of defiance, the bomb goes off.

The explosion tears through the city, reducing it to rubble.

The explosion stops about seventy-five feet from the barricade.

Perkins, Nakai, and General Richards inside the barricade.


What the hell was that?


It was the hunter. Something killed it, and it set off a bomb.


Then how do we get them without setting off the bomb?


I think that the creature has to set it off manually. When I killed it, it didn’t blow up. It must need time to start the countdown.


That makes a lot of sense. Good job soldier.

Hicks, Schaefer, Fitzgerald and Daniel outside the tent. They are listening to a portable radio. It is a news broadcast.


This is Lila Ochatowa; reporting from Luna Base News Station, channel eleven. It has been rumored recently that a large group of Weyland/Yutani Colonial Marines has been sent to the planet surface. They have been sent to retake the planet! Mr. John Yutani himself has confirmed these rumors. He says that they have retaken most of Africa, all of the U.S., half of Russia, and Australia. They are in the process of taking back Brazil. I, on behalf of all this news station, on behalf of the entire human race, thank you, and pray for your safety and well being. May God, Buddha, Allah, Jesus, and whatever divine beings out there be with you.


(Turns off the radio) Bullshit.


What do you want to bet that the ‘rumors’ were leaked by Mr. John Yutani himself? (Imitating the anchorwoman)


Russia, Brazil, Australia, and Africa? When the fuck did we do that? We haven’t even gotten New York back yet.


This whole operation is fucked up.

Alex walks up.


Did you guys here that broadcast? It must take awhile to get from there to here because we haven’t even taken New York yet. This shits fucked up.


(Shakes his head) C’mon men we should get some rest.


Alex can I talk to you for a second?

Schaefer, Hicks, and Fitzgerald walk away.


I have a bad feeling about this. I want to…apologize…about leaving you. I didn’t realize that you were still alive. Hell, I was practically dead myself. But I want to say I’m sorry. Are we friends?


Daniel…of course we are. I was just pissed off. But I’m better now. So if you cover my ass, I’ll cover yours. (Smiles)


(Grins) Sounds good to me. (Offers his hand to Alex)

Perkins on radio

All men report to your battle stations. The hunters are attacking.


(Smile fades quickly) Shit.

Barricade walls. The sentry guns fire rapidly. Blue plasma balls reply to the barrage of solid gunfire. Sentry guns explode all along the perimeter.

Soon predators begin to scale the walls, marines or exo-suits gun a few down. But eventually they make it in in force.

Marines die. Equipment explodes.

Perkins and General Richards sit at a console.

General Richards

Sound the retreat! Shit!


Yes sir! (Into radio) All units, lay down a fire pattern and fall back to the drop ships. Evacuation Code 1146WD2.

The barricade wall. Aliens begin to pore in.

They fight the predators and humans. The predators engage the drones.

Thousands of drones are inside the compound.

Fitzgerald. He has two pulse rifles, and is killing aliens everywhere. He kills three predators before they slice him open at the waist.

Two of the drop ships take off. One is dragged back down by the hundreds of drones that leap on it. It explodes, taking down another drop ship.

Predators use their shoulder cannons to destroy three more ships.

The last one gets away.

The inside of the drop ship. It carries General Richards, Billie, Ligacheva, Nakai, Schaefer, Hicks Rasche, Daniel, and Alex.

Wilks and Perkins pilot the craft. They are all covered in human and predator blood. Schaefer moans softly from the acid wounds he received in his chest.

Shot of them flying into space. Fade to credits.

Alien Vs Predator 3

Written by: Cameron Mitchell Zacher

February 18, 2198

Daniel, Billie, Wilks, Schaefer, Nakai, General Richards, Mr.Yutani, Ligacheva, Rasche, Alex, and Hicks sit around the table in the room where they first got together. It is occupied with only the table. General Richards and Mr.Yutani have a large group of papers spread out in front of them. They are covered in numbers.


Now, the fanatics believe this to be the Apocalypse, the end. But it is really a new beginning. This is a chance for the Weyland/Yutani Corporation to show the rest of the human race its stuff. Now, we believe to put an end to it.


Cut the shit, asshole. Why the fuck are we all here?

General Richards

It’s been nearly three years since we tried to retake Earth, ending in utter disaster. But now we have a chance. You see, we have received a tip from the infamous smuggler, Talon Garth, of the Xenomorph home world.


Since when do we take tips from scoundrels like him, and actually listen? Come on people!

General Richards

I know that it sounds a little off, but we sent a ship out to the coordinates, and we have yet to receive word from it.


And when did you send it out?

General Richards

About six months ago.


Then what reason do we have to think they’re alive?

General Richards

Because yesterday, we received a transmission from them. It was garbled, but the officer on deck was sure it was them. He managed to record most of it. Listen. (Brings a large, black, steel box from under the table)

General Richards



This is Colo…Tucker of the First Flight… urgent…all around us…holed up in the…but it wont be long…thirty-nine of us left…ship’s defenses are down…coming for us…send reinforcements…(agonized screams, shooting, aliens dieing shrieks, sudden silence) shit! They’ve breached the door…close it up! Close it up! Get…good. It’s done. Whoever’s hearing this…send help to 9932-312-gyp-77534…sector seven of the outlying planetary systems! Send more- (silence)




So all we have to do is go in and get them out right?

General Richards

Yes. But the problem is, they didn’t finish the coordinates. But then we went over the message from Talon. And guess what. They match.


So we believe it to be our responsibility to go in and get them out. Any questions?


One. Why the hell are you guys willing to expend several ships out to save one? And since when did the company get so generous?


We move at 0900 on Thursday. Get some sleep. Dutch, please stay for a minute.


Call me Detective Schaefer.

Ligacheva, Nakai, Rasche, Wilks, Billie, Daniel, Alex, and Hicks leave the room.

Twelve security guards in orange jumpsuits and black bulletproof vests jog in, pointing their pulse rifles at Schaefer. One of them is Captain Barnes.


Dutch Schaefer the fourth, you are under arrest for murder, arson, public drunkenness, rape, and burglary. For these crimes, you have been sentenced to life without parol. How do you plead?


Innocent! Wait a minute…(Pulls a Colonial Marine Pistol out of his belt and shoots six times, wounding four guards and killing one before he is hit in the back of the head by Barnes, knocking him out. Mr.Yutani jumps out of his chair when the shots are fired with a shriek)


Don’t kill him!

Cut to a bar. Daniel and Alex sit at the bar, drinking. Several empty bottles lay between the two. Seven tables sit around, each with three chairs surrounding it. Two strong looking men occupy one.

Three strong men come in and sit across the room in one of the seven booths lining the wall. They converse in quiet tones. One of them looks over at Daniel, and then hurriedly looks away.

Billie walks in. She looks around and sees Daniel and Alex.

She walks over and hits Alex with a right hook, knocking him off the bar stool. Alex drops his beer. The glass breaks. Billie looks angry.


You sons of bitches promised that you would stop drinking so heavily!


(Slurred) It’s only a few. Drinks.


A few? You come here, the lowest of the low in bars, every night and get piss drunk. Dave and Dutch frequently come down here and have to carry you home. You two have no idea what you’re doing to the rest of us. To yourself.


(Finishes his drink, sets the bottle down on the table) Billie. Billie Billie Billie. What you don’t realize is we just lost our goddamn fam-


So did I! So did Dutch, and Dave, and Kyle! Hardly anybody got off the planet alive! And that was three years ago! God, goddammit! You have to get on with life! Everybody else did! Now come on.


Wait a minute, why did you come here? Why not Dutch or Dave?


(Slurred singing) The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout-


Dutch is missing. David and Rasche went to look for him.


How long has he been gone?


-Down came the rain and washed the spider out-


Two days.


-Out came the sun and dried up all the rain-

The five men get up and walk over to Daniel, Billie and Alex.


-And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout AGAIN!

Thug 1 grabs Billie from behind and begins to strangle her.

Thug 2 grabs Daniel by the arm and Thug 3 punches him in the face, knocking him over the bar. He yelps in surprise and pain.

Thug 4 picks Alex up off the ground and throws him up against the dartboard on the wall.

Alex moans softly from the ground. The man runs up and kicks him.

Thug one spins Billie around and smells her hair.

Thug 1

(Puts a knife to Billie’s throat) Aww, pretty lady want to go back to my place and fuck? (Grabs at her chest)

Thug 5

(Pulls out a Colonial Marine pistol, cocks it, and points it at Billie) You see, you looked like you had money, the way you were buying all those beers with cash, who the hell has cash anymore? Anyways, we figured we could just rob you, then the bitch showed up, and we figured we’d kill you two pricks, take all your money, and rape the shit out of her. Any questions?


(Slurred) One. How many…how many…how many assholes…you…you fucked today?

Thug 4

(Kicks Alex in the head, knocking him out) Shut the fuck up! (Pulls out another pistol and points it at Alex)

Thug 3 pulls out yet another pistol and points it at the bartender, walks slowly up to the bar, holding the gun steady, pointed at the bartender. He shoots the bartender once.

Billie yells as the bartender slumps down to the ground.

Thug 3 empties the clip into the bar. The bullets punch through the fake wood easily.

Thug 3’s P.O.V. He holds the gun steadily in front of him and jumps over the bar. Daniel is not there. Thug 3 looks around wildly.

Thug 2’s P.O.V. He hears glass break and looks toward the noise. Daniel stands by the slumped form of Thug 3, holding a broken bottle. Thug 2 catches another bottle right in the face.

View of the room. Alex kicks out at Thug 4, catching the distracted man in the back of the knee. A loud cracking sound is heard. Thug 4 screams in pain as he falls to the ground.

Thug 2 is on his knees, his hands covering his face, screaming. Blood and gin pour through his fingers. Glass shards stick to his face through his hands.

Thug 1 rips off Billie’s shirt. He grabs her breasts. She jerks her elbow back into his side. He lets go of her and staggers back, and she kicks him in the groin.

Blood stains his pants.

He moans then collapses.

Thug 5 runs away.

Daniel leaps over the bar toward the dartboard. He grabs a dart and throws it.

It hits Thug 5 in the back of the neck. He runs on.

Daniel takes off his ripped shirt and offers it to Billie. She smiles sheepishly and takes it, hurriedly putting it on.

Alex staggers over to the pair.


We should get back.


Yeah. What about him?


(Slurred) Leave him. Call the coroners. Who the fuck cares I’m tired.


You need to get a change of cloths anyway Billie.


Yeah, but we need to at least call somebody.


If he works in a place like this, chances are there isn’t anybody to call.

They leave the bar. Alex stops only to kick Thug 2 in the hands that cover his face. The glass rips them to shreds. Thug 2 screams louder.

A line of men. They are walking down a long, gray, corridor in Luna Base.

Zoom closer. Thirty men are in the line. Schaefer is one of them. He stands next to Gomez and Tom. A voice comes from a megaphone. It is the man at the front.

Voice: Now I’m only going to say this once, you no good pieces of shit, you are prisoners. You have been taken to a high security prison on Luna Base owned by the Weyland/Yutani Corporation. You will each be assigned a bunk, and you will sleep in that bunk. There are no women in this prison, except for a few of the guards of course, so any fucking is…frowned upon. Ha, ha. Any violence will be dealt with swiftly and painfully. And of course, any contraband will result in punishment. Thank you and enjoy your stay…motherfuckers.


I really don’t like that guy.


We should jump him.


So how’d you two get in here?


I don’t know. I guess I just kind of…decided to take action.


I mugged a General. You?


(Smiles wryly) You guys hear about how Mr. Weyland’s ship exploded when he came back from that prison world?


Jesus Christ that was you?


(Nods) And guess who hired me? Mr. John Yutani, Weyland’s “best friend”.


Christ was business that bad?


I doubt that it was bad at all.


What do you mean?


Yutani is a sadistic little S.O.B.


I hate him. He’ll do anything for good business. I almost refused his offer until I saw the amount he was going to pay me.


What was it?


Six million dollars. Plus a fifty thousand bonus if I manage to make it look like a suicide or an accident.


You realize he probably would have had you shot as soon as you came to collect right?


No, he just sent me to his prison. (Grins)

Mr.Yutani’s office. There are three chairs sitting across from the wood desk, and Mr.Yutani sits behind it. The door slams open. Rasche and Ligacheva storm in.


(Pulls out a Colonial Marine pistol and points it at Yutani) Where the fuck is he!




Cut the bullshit! Where the hell is Dutch?


(Cocks the gun and puts it right up to Mr.Yutani’s temple, Yutani hardly flinches)


I can have guards kill you in an instant.


(Pauses, then holsters the gun)


Now, sit down and we can talk. You see, I have no idea where Mr. Schaefer is. Nobody does.



What the fuck do you mean ‘nobody does’? (Poorly imitates Yutani)


Exactly what I said. Detective Schaefer is missing, and no one knows where to find him. Perhaps he was abducted?


How the fuck is somebody going to abduct him? Christ he must weigh at least two hundred-fifty pounds! He’s a giant, raging testosterone filled muscle.


Well has anyone else gone missing in the past few weeks?


How the fuck should we know? It’s your goddamned facility!


Now please. If you could both just calm down, I’m sure we can-


Calm down! You want me to calm down? How the fuck can I calm down when somebody I’ve known since grade school, for forty years man, is missing! So fuck you, and fuck anyone who gets in my way! (Storms out of the room, Yutani makes him pause when he opens the door halfway)


Detective Rasche please-


Fuck you. (Leaves the room, slams the door behind him)


He’s pissed now. Whatever you do, I’d suggest you undo. Because you just mad a new enemy. (Calmly walks out)


(Sighs) Shit. (Puts his head in his hands, after 3 seconds, presses a button on his desk) It’s happened. Make the call.

A landing pad. It is square and made out of concrete.

A ship lands on it. The ramp opens.

Three men armed with plasma rifles exit.

They fan around, covering the entire platform. Then Hawk leaves the ship. He has two Mac 11’s strapped to his shoulders, a colonial marine sniper rifle strapped across his back, and a katana strapped to his right hip.

Three marines walk out of the facility, armed, to meet him.

The boardroom. General Richards, Alex, Daniel, Rasche, Ligacheva, Nakai, Wilks, Hicks, and Billie are inside it. Nakai and Alex are drinking coffee. They sip randomly throughout the conversation.

General Richards

All right, so we have confirmed the coordinates of the xenomorph home world. And we have assembled one thousand marines to go there. And we will of course send some of you.


What do you mean some of us?

General Richards

Well, since this is technically an invas-search and rescue op. we can only send military personal.


Are you saying that we can’t go?

General Richards



What the fuck! We have busted our Asses in this fight, just to not take part in the invasion!

General Richards

Now, it isn’t an invasion, it’s a-


Cut the shit! If this were a search and rescue mission, you wouldn’t send a thousand marines. You don’t care that much about one ship!


He has a point. The public would go nuts. But I would like Dutch and Rasche by my side if I am to experience the final battle.


Once we find Schaef him and I are going. Along with Daniel because he’s a great fucking shot.


I never miss. Well, hardly ever.

General Richards

I’m always getting shit about taking you back to Earth, so shut the fuck up about it.


What if we went public with your…threats?

General Richards

Then we would follow through with them.


Fine. If you leave Sherry and the kids alone, I’ll cooperate.

General Richards

You see? At least Detective Rasche makes sense. You’re all so worried about not taking part in the fight against these things that you’d risk your families! Now that makes you some cold-hearted sons-of-bitches.


(Glares at Richards)


Fine. Lets go.

General Richards

Actually, I want the two of you and Detective Rasche to stay for a moment. Everyone else, DISMISSED!

Ligacheva, Nakai, Wilks, Hicks, and Billie leave the room.

As soon as the door closes, General Richards stands up and stacks his papers.

General Richards

Mr. Crutchfield, Mr. Korbochiv, you’re wanted in Medlab-6. Detective Rasche, someone wants to see you in Engine room-2.

Daniel, Alex, and Rasche leave.

Medlab-6. It is empty, save for one man on a bed in the far corner. It is Fred, though he is unrecognizable through the bandages.

Daniel and Alex walk in.

The nurse gestures them over to Fred’s bed. They go over there.

The nurse peels a bandage off his face.


Can you identify this man?


No ma'am.


Wait a minute…Jesus Christ it’s Fred!


Now I’ll need a last name please. (Takes out a pen and scribbles on her clipboard)


We uh…don’t know his last name.


Yeah. He was just…Fred.


I see. That is all. Thank you for your help.

Engine room-2 is lit with a dim, flashing red light. The room is cluttered with equipment, loose and attached. The door opens with a soft whoosh as Rasche enters.

He walks into one of the isles created by the equipment.


Hello. Anyone here? (A clink is heard, Rasche draws his pistol)

Suddenly, a knife flies out of the shadows, knocking his gun away.

Just as suddenly, Hawk leaps from the opposite direction, katana drawn, at Rasche. Rasche grabs a loose pipe, wrenching it between him and Hawk’s blade. Hawk takes two steps back.

Rasche swings the pipe at him, hitting him square in the jaw, dislocating it. A loud crack is heard.

Hawk pauses, then another crack is heard as he sets his jaw in place.

He jabs the katana out, and Rasche falls back, landing on his bottom.

He kicks out with both legs. Hawk easily leaps over it. Hawk slams his sword down, cut just before it hits.

General Richards’ office. Daniel and Alex enter, followed by a distressed secretary.


I’m sorry sir, but I couldn’t-

General Richards

It’s all right Bethany: it’s not your fault.


Thank you sir. (Leaves)

General Richards

So may I presume you know the man?


What the hell was he doing here? What haven’t we been told?

General Richards

You weren’t the only group we sent. You know that right? We had five others. All over the world. None of them succeeded of course, but we did find him. Barely conscious. He was damn lucky. The son of a bitch had walked all the way to Phoenix. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.



Daniel and Alex leave.

Rasche and Hawk. Just as Hawk stabs down, the station jolts.

Hawk stumbles away.

Rasche gets up and runs toward the door. The station jolts again.

This time, both Rasche and Hawk fall over. They fall into a deep sleep.

Daniel and Alex. The station jolts, and they fall over, asleep.

Billie. She is sleeping.

Docking Bay-12. Hicks is supervising. Power loaders carrying large crates rumble over to the fifteen drop-ships moored. They deposit the crates in the cargo bays. When they are full of supplies, they take off, heading toward The Architect.

Ligacheva, Nakai, and Wilks walk up, in full battle gear, to Hicks.


When do we depart sir?


0900 hours. Then we prep the ship, then we take care of shit for three days, then we sleep.


Sounds good to me.


I hope Dutch is okay right now.


I’m sure he’s out there somewhere, alive and fighting.

The mess hall in the prison. Tom, Gomez, and Schaefer sit alone together.

A guard with a shotgun patrols the catwalks above the room.

There is a single door, next to Schaefer’s table. Two men with shotguns guard it. All three have on orange jumpsuits, black bulletproof vests, and a black helmet, covered by a clear visor. All the guards in the prison have them. The door guards stand at rigid attention, surveying the prisoners with their eyes.

Cameras are placed almost everywhere throughout the room. They scan the cafeteria.


Everyone remember their roles?




Sure do baby.


All right. Lets do this.

Tom doesn’t have food yet. He gets up and walks slowly over to the line. When he gets under the catwalk, he slows to a stop.

Quicker than seems possible, Gomez throws his rubber trey at the catwalk guard. He falls over the railing, his shotgun dropping to the ground.

All of the inmates notice this, and almost all of them dive for the gun.

Tom grabs it and fires it at one of the door guards. He hits him in the arm, spinning him around like a rag-doll.

As the guard slumps, he smashes the glass and turns on the alarm. Red lights are the only thing lighting the room now, and they flash every time the klaxon sounds.

Schaefer runs to the remaining guard.

He punches him seven times in the face, breaking the visor. Blood flows from his knuckles. But even more blood from the guard.

Tom puts a shell into the catwalk guard as he starts to stand, and then fires into the crowd of advancing inmates.

Five of them fly back dead. Another two are wounded.

Tom cocks the gun.

Schaefer and Gomez take the shotguns from the other guards. Schaefer turns the alarm off. The room looks normal again.

The three gather up all the ammo they can from the guards. One prisoner gives them six shells each.

Prisoner Murphy

Here you…go. I…lifted ‘em off…one of the…one of the…one of the guards yesterday. I guess you need them more than I do huh.


Thanks. Tell me, what landed you in here?


(Points his gun at the door) Shit! We don’t have time to find out his life story! The guards are going to be here any second now! C’mon!


(Shoots out the locking keypad. The door shuts. Shoots out five out of six cameras) the door’s locked.

Prisoner Murphy



Hacking into what?

Prisoner Murphy

(Broad grin) Company records. I got a…free…free house, car, food, the works. Until they…f…found out. (His face gets darker) They raided my…place, killing my wife and two kids. They burned them alive! While I…while I…watched.


(Points his gun at the door) Jesus Christ.


That’s enough! I want all of you inmates but Murphy here to stand in front of that door! You are our new barricade! And if you refuse, we will not hesitate to kill you.

All the inmates in the room but Murphy go and stand in a cluster, pressed up against the door.

Pulse rifle fire rips through the door and into the prisoners. They all fall to the ground screaming.

Outside the door. Twenty-five guards stop firing at the door. Captain Barnes is with them. He has only his pistol. It is holstered.


Cease fire! Now open this goddamn door!

Corporal Smith

Yes sir! (Walks to the door, pulls out a welding torch)

Corporal Smith

Everyone stand back! (Cuts the door open, the room is empty save the dead and wounded)


Damn! I want those men found ASAP! Smith, get a message to Yutani. Tell him that the class ten prisoner has escaped.

Corporal Smith

Yes sir! Right away sir! (Leaves the room)


(Taps his earpiece) Hey asshole!

Conrad. He is a fat man, forty-ish, with a buzz-cut that doesn’t look quite right for his fat head. His face is a bright red hue. He sits in a dark room, on a chair on wheels. The room is full of computers and monitors. All the equipment is turned on. His desk is cluttered with candy wrappers, empty soda cans, and potato chip bags. His clothes are stained with grease. He eats a large, greasy burger, a large container of fries, and drinks a Pepsi. Barnes comes over the radio in the corner.

Barnes (on radio)

Hey asshole!


(Smiles) I love you too, Jons.



Can I get a camera feed in mess hall B from 1200 to 1250 hours?

Conrad (On radio)

Sure. Just come up to my office.


You really call that an office?



It’s my one and only.

Barnes (on radio)

Well can I send someone else this time?


Oh come on Jons, you know I only give things directly to you. (Smiles)



(Smiles) Fine. I’ll be right there.

Conrad (on radio)

See you in a few. (The radio clicks)


You know, I really hate his office.

Barnes and Conrad. They are in Conrad’s “office”, watching a video monitor. Conrad is done with his meal. On the monitor is a view of the mess hall. On it, Gomez throws the tray at the catwalk guard. The rest of the fight plays out on screen.


Jesus that guy is big. (Pointing at Schaefer on the screen)


Tell me about it. He killed one of my men before I could subdue him for his arrest.


So what do you want to know?


Play back to (Conrad rewinds the tape, when he gets to the inmates being killed Barnes points at the screen) there. Now play.


(Does so)

The tape shows Schaefer, Murphy, Tom, and Gomez running into the kitchen.


(Taps earpiece) Who’s on duty here?

Guard on radio

I am. Who is this?


It’s Captain Barnes. Have you checked the kitchens?

Guard on radio

Yes sir. We have.


Dammit! They got in the garbage. They can be anywhere in the facility right now.

An empty hallway. Piping lines the sides. Steam spurts from the wall in different places. This happens all down the hallway. There is a grate in the floor. It opens. The tip of a shotgun pokes out, followed by Schaefer’s head. He looks around. Satisfied, he climbs out. He helps Gomez, Tom, and Murphy climb out.

The unlikely group walks down the hallway.

A steel gray door. It is labeled MAIN ARMORY in bright yellow letters. Murphy works on the locking mechanism beside it with a hairpin and a metal toothpick. Schaefer, Tom, and Gomez stand guard.


Almost got it…there we go.

The door slides open. Schaefer, Gomez, and Murphy go inside, leaving Tom to stand guard.

The Armory interior. Racks of pulse rifles line one wall, shotguns another. Half of the third wall is occupied by shelves full of holstered pistols and grenades, the other half by flamethrowers.


Now this is what I’m talking about!

The group marches down the hallway. Schaefer has two shotguns, two flamethrowers, three pistols, a pulse rifle, and a grenade belt. None of his weapons have extra ammunition. Tom has four pistols and a pulse rifle. Gomez has a pulse rifle, three grenade belts, a flamethrower, and a shotgun. Murphy has a pistol. Gomez and Tom have all the ammunition they can carry, Murphy has twenty-three extra magazines.

Six guards in tight formation jog around the corner ahead. They are armed with pistols. The lead spots the escaped prisoners. They take cover in the hallway and start firing.

Tom is riddled with bullets. He falls back, dead.

Schaefer and Gomez dive into cover.

A burst of steam covers Murphy. He screams in pain and falls over.

Gomez shoots a guard in the head with his pulse rifle. He sprays wildly at the guards. They all take cover.

A loud click is heard and Gomez stops firing. He starts to reload.

A guard pops out of his cover. He shoots Gomez three times in the chest, killing him.


(Huddles in his alcove) Shit!

Murphy takes two of his pistols out. He aims them at the guards and empties them.

Two guards fall over dead.

The remaining three guards kill Murphy.

Schaefer has a shotgun and his pulse rifle out. He sets the pulse rifle carefully on the ground. He can see the guards in the reflective metal.

Schaefer sticks the shotgun around the corner. He looks at the pulse rifle, seeing one of the guards advancing slowly. He aims the shotgun and fires. It is seen in the pulse rifle the man go down.

Schaefer nods to himself.

Schaefer takes aim with the shotgun. He fires.

A guard dies.

Schaefer is hit in the shoulder. He drops the shotgun. Blood spatters on the pulse rifle.


(Clutching his shoulder) Shit!

Schaefer grabs the pulse rifle with his good arm and comes around the corner, firing.

The ammo counter reads zero. Schaefer stops firing.

The guard is dead, full of dozens of bullets.

Schaefer drops the pulse rifle, and everything else but one pistol.

He collects all the pistol ammunition from the dead prisoners and guards.

Schaefer now walks down a familiar hallway. His pistol is holstered. It is where General Richards led the group to show them the technology and specimens.

He comes to the door. Two guards stand in front of it. Schaefer approaches them.

Guard on right

Detective Schaefer!

Guard on left

You look terrible.


Got mugged. Mr. Yutani told me to report here.

Guard on right

I’m afraid we can’t let you in sir.


Why not?

Guard on right

Because you don’t have a pass.


But Mr. Yutani is meeting me here.

Guard on left

Then you can wait with us until he arrives.


Don’t make me pull rank.

Guard on right

I’m sorry sir.


Let me in right now private! That’s an order!

Guard on right

(Hesitant) Yes sir.

Guard on left

(Pulls out a keycard and swipes it in the door’s locking mechanism, the door opens)


Thank you soldier.

Schaefer walks in. The security room has two guards in it. There is everything that was there before, except the lab tables are on the platform. Three small steps lead up to it. Technicians hover around the large round table. It is impossible to see the table’s contents. The small tubes are gone. Schaefer kills one guard in the room. The technicians jump to the ground.

Schaefer kills the other as the two outside come running in. He spins and shoots them.

On the big table is the captive predator, bound but awake. It looks as if the technicians were about to dissect him alive. Next to him is the predalien, also bound, but asleep. The predator’s eyes widen as Schaefer walks slowly to him.

Schaefer stops next to the predator’s head. He shoots several technicians. The survivors cower on the ground.


(Turns to Captive Predator) So you’re the bastard they got a hold of. Pity.


(His eyes plead with Schaefer)


God damn you.




No. I wont let you out!


(It thrashes wildly on the table, its bonds are cut. It stands up and screams. It knocks the pistol out of Schaefer’s hands with its tail.)


Shit! (Rips Captive’s arm strap off, Captive gets free)

Captive and predalien grapple. The predalien throws the predator on to the platform.

Captive gets up shakily and launches itself at the predalien.

Captive knocks the predalien over. The opponents roll wildly on the ground.

The predalien pins Captive to the ground.

Its second jaw comes out, hovering still for a moment, as if savoring the coming moment.

Schaefer body slams the predalien, knocking it to the side. He picks up a scalpel and shoves it into the predalien’s side.

Captive jumps to his feet.

He grabs the predalien by the tail and throws it on to the platform. The predalien screams.

Schaefer and Captive charge it.

The predalien swings its tail out at Schaefer. He grabs it at holds it out, clearly struggling with it.

Captive shoves the predalien to the wall. He grabs a lab table and uses it to pin the predalien. Schaefer lets go of the tail, rolling away. The tail coils back to the wall.

Captive stares long and hard at Schaefer. Schaefer stares back. Finally, after what seems like a long time, but is actually only a few seconds, Captive nods and strides out of the room.

Schaefer turns around. All but three of the technicians are gone. Schaefer smiles and leaves the room, stopping only to retrieve his pistol.

Alien home world orbit

Two ships are in orbit. The Architect appears beside them.

Bridge of The Architect. Perkins sits at a console, Hicks beside him.


What have you got?


Well sir, both of the ships are empty. But we have discovered drop traces, leading down to relatively the same place. That’s where I think you should drop.


Sounds good to me.

Alien Home world-night

Two drop ships sit on the ground. They look broken. Three more join them. Ligacheva, Nakai, Wilks, Hicks, and marines disembark.

Talon Garth comes out of one of the broken ships. He points a pistol at the newcomers.


Who the fuck are you?


Colonel Hicks, second infantry. And you are?


Well! I never thought I’d be glad to see a marine! The name’s Talon. Talon Garth. And I suppose you are our backup?


In a sense. Is Colonel Tucker here?


He was. I’m in charge now.


What happened?


We’re on the alien’s fucking home world! What do you think happened?


That’s a shame. He was a good man. I knew him. Are there any others?


There’s fifty of us left. All but me and three others are uninjured. Twenty bad, probably fatal injured.


All medics! Get inside and do your stuff!

Three women and a man go inside the ship Talon was in. Talon strides toward the marines.


Last time I saw you Talon you were running from me.

Smiles slowly form over the two men’s faces, becoming broad grins. They embrace.


How you been old buddy?


Surviving. You?


Oh same old, same old. I haven’t heard from you in years! (Turns to the marines) All right men! Set up a perimeter! Ligacheva, Dave, Enoch, Talon, come with me.

The marines walk off to perform random duties. Hicks, Nakai, Wilks, Ligacheva, and Talon go into one of the working drop ships.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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