Community Announcements:

• Hope Haven’s 53rd Annual Society Meeting – Tues., Oct. 24, 5:30 p.m. at Hope Haven. Society members will have the opportunity to elect Board members, review recent audit and budgets, and receive the annual report on the ministry of Hope Haven.

• Katelyn’s Fund Orphan Ministry Auction – Fri., Nov. 3 at New Life Ref. Ch., Sx Ctr. Doors open 5:30 p.m., freewill donation meal 5:30-6:30; auction 6:30. $ raised is used to fund grants to bring children into Christian homes and assist their partnering orphanage in Haiti. No gift too big or small. Food, merchandise, & services welcome! To make a donation, fill out online donation form at auction-donation-form. Questions, call Wade or Alissa Kroeze 722-3140.

• Renowned Pianist and Organist, Genn Henriksen Concert & Hymn Sing – Sun., Nov. 5, 2 p.m. at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Hull. A freewill offering will be received to benefit the Lutheran Disaster Assistance Fund, an organization supporting the needs of natural disaster victims. A cake and coffee fellowship will follow the concert. St. Paul Lutheran Church is located 3 miles north and 2 miles east of Hull.

• Election Day Soup & Pie Supper – Tues., Nov. 7, 4:30-7 in the Methodist Church fellowship hall. Featuring homemade soups (chili, chicken noodle & veg. beef) and pies. Freewill offering. Remember to vote and then come and eat supper with us.

Seek and Find

St. Anselm of Canterbury, a 12th-century theologian known as the Father of Scholasticism, presented a “proof” of God’s existence. Philosophers still debate Anselm’s proof, which concludes: “There is ... so truly a being than which nothing greater can be conceived to exist, that it cannot even be conceived not to exist; and this being thou art, O Lord, our God.”

That’s intriguing to ponder, but many of us will find this prayer by St. Anselm easier to understand:

O my God, teach my heart where and how to seek you, where and how to find you. You are my God and you are my all, and I have never seen you. You have made me and remade me, you have bestowed on me all the good things I possess, still I do not know you … I cannot seek you unless you teach me or find you unless you show yourself to me. Let me seek you in my desire, let me desire you in my seeking. Let me find you by loving you, let me love you when I find you. Amen.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

How good to gather as friends in faith! Welcome to this time of

praise and prayer, word and worship. Amen.

Today at First

This morning, we welcome the Dordt Travel Team as they lead us in worship.

Care Group #1 hosts the coffee fellowship after the morning service.

Please join us for refreshments in the fellowship hall.

Next Sunday morning, we will have the privilege of witnessing the baptism of Hazel Lynn Arkema, daughter of Alex & Abby Arkema. Group #1will host the coffee fellowship.

Next Sunday afternoon, our congregation is invited to attend the Reformation Celebration at Dordt’s BJ Haan Aud. at 3 p.m. This will serve as our evening service.

Check the Prayer Bulletin for congregational prayer needs.

Greeters Today AM Kyle & Andrea Heynen Oct. 29 AM Ryan & Laura Kats N. Door Dusty & Amy Doppenberg N. Door Chad & Brenda Fykstra

E. Door Gary & Donna Doppenberg E. Door Brennan & Rachel Granstra

PM Shane & Michelle Hoekstra

Nursery - Today AM Ashely B., Lori G., Emma W., Logan H. PM Chad & Lora Petitt

Oct. 29 AM Helen V.D., Cherish G., Bryant H., Alexa K.

Christian Ret. Home & Village NW – Today Jevon Klyn Oct. 29 John R. Kreykes

Library – Today Joellen Oct. 29 Elinor

Offerings - Today Christian Education Fund Oct. 29 AM General Fund

Cookies – 10-29 Carol DJ, Ellen G., Marilyn K., Linda VM Valet Parking – 10-29 Keith H.

Hearing Impaired Assistance: We offer assistive listening devices for the hearing

impaired. They are located on the narthex table in a basket.

First CRC Announcements:

• People picking up Ruth Roetman, 362 Village Circle, SW of Wansink Ctr. House # (712) 631-4515. Please call Ruth Sun. morning to see if she is planning to go to church.

• Covenant Life will meet tonight. We will be studying video series “Foundations” by Ken Ham & Answers in Genesis. The congregation is welcome to join in this interesting study. Sign-up sheet on the welcome table. Sample book beside the sign-up sheet.

Activities this Week

Sun. 10:45 AM Sunday School and Catechism Classes meet

12 Noon Church Potluck – in fellowship hall

6:00 PM Evening Worship Service

7:15 PM Covenant Life

Mon. 5:45 AM Men’s Bible Study

Wed. 9:30 AM Coffee Break Lesson 1 in “The Twelve Disciples”, in the Fellowship Hall.

7:00 PM Family Visiting

First CRC Announcements Continued…

• Fall yard clean up – If anyone would like help with your fall raking, please sign the sheet on the back desk. Be watching for a sign-up sheet for helpers.

• Please fill out the Small Group Surveys and return them to the box on the table.

• Sermon outlines are available at the welcome desk.

• The Reflector will be printed this week. Please have all announcements to the secretary by Tues., Oct. 24.

• Operation Christmas Child – Our congregation is encouraged to participate in this program. There are boxes and info. on what to put in the boxes on a table in the narthex. Please take the boxes home, fill them, & bring them back to church by Nov. 12. Let’s get all the boxes filled! If you have questions, contact Jennifer Hoekstra.

Sheldon Christian Announcements:

• SCS is selling Cut-Out Christmas Cookies, Sensational Soup, Pastries & Coffee. Contact a student if you are interested in ordering. Order pick-up date, Wed., Nov. 1.

• Secret Pals – Starting in Nov., we would like to “buddy up” the SCS students with a mentor/pen pal. We encourage grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles and friends of SCS to prayerfully consider joining up with one or two students. Mentors will be asked to write an encouraging note once a month. Notes may also include a favorite Bible verse and a little goodie that fits inside an envelope. Mentors and students are asked to pray for one another throughout the school year. At the end of the year, we will host a special lunch and reveal to the students who their secret pal is. Please call Sherri 324-2429 if you or one of your family members is interested in participating in this program.

Western Christian Annnouncements:

• Presentation by Dr. Terry Mortenson from “Answers in Genesis” – Mon., Oct. 23, 9 a.m. in Event Center. Dr. Mortenson will present his view on the flood during time of Noah. Open to the public.

• Reformation Day Chapel - Tues., Oct. 31, 9:05 a.m. at Hull 1st CRC, sponsored by Western Christian. We will be singing Reformation Hymns, message by Gale Tien.

Family Visitation for Wed., Oct. 25, 7 p.m.

Please read 1 Corinthians 12 in preparation for the visit.

Pete V.V./Keith K. Luke W./ Ryan K. Eldon H./Norm S. Tom V.D./ Harlan B.

Jackie Keizer Dennis De Jong Albertha Van Roekel Chris Peters Thelma Tien Norma Kleinwolterink Arlo Heynen Elmer Kreykes

Your help is requested in making the house visitation lined up for you to work. If it does not work for you to meet with the Elders that evening, they will work with you to make an alternate time work so that all members scheduled are done by the next Elders meeting.

GEMS is looking to do a craft using pint/quart size mason jars. If you have any nice ones that you are willing to part with, please drop them off at Immanuel CRC.

Unity Christian Announcements:

• Combo Night – Oct. 24. Join us as we celebrate Our Place on the stage of the Knight Center. From the students involved in the one act to the students in the jazz band and The Case, each finds a place in the group and on the stage. Appetizer time at 6:15–7. Performances at 7. Tickets $5 students & $7 adults and can be purchased at the door.

• Knight at the Movies – Thurs., Nov. 2, 7 p.m. in the Knight Center. Join us for a knight filled with action, adventure, and your favorite movie characters. From The Sound of Music to Star Trek and Indiana Jones. Grab a friend and walk the red carpet, as this year is sure to be a knight you won’t forget. The view will be in 3D (Band, Orchestra, and Choir) and will feature a variety of genres/decades. Thank you for your support!

• Hostess Supper – Mon., Nov. 6, 6:30 p.m. in the gym. We would like to encourage supporters of Unity to join together for this night of fellowship and great food. Freewill donation received at the supper and goes into the general fund. If you cannot attend and wish to make a donation, put it in an envelope and get it to Unity. If you have not been invited by Nov. 1, please call Unity and a hostess will contact you.

500th Anniversary of the Reformation Celebration – Sun., Oct. 29, 3 p.m. in Dordt’s BJ Haan Aud. Please note change in venue. All congregations of Classis Iakota & Heartland are invited to a combined worship service in honor of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. The service will include music by area high school choirs and a brass quintet, an expository reading by Dr. James Schaap, a video chronicling God’s diverse classical efforts, a sermon by Pastor John Lee, communion hosted by councils of 1st & Hope CRC’s of Hull. Offerings will be taken for Resonate Global Mission. Livestream will be available for congregations and individuals at: . May Christ honor the gathering on Oct. 29th as we celebrate His work of Reformation over the past 500 years. Soli Del Gloria!

October 22, 2017 Morning Worship 9:30 A.M.

Pastor Luke Wynja

Opening Song: “Your Name”

Opening Service

Call to Worship: From Psalm 106

Silent Prayer

*Opening Hymn: “Everlasting God”

*God’s Greeting

*Invocation/Lord’s Prayer

*Profession of Faith

*Song of Praise: “Holy, Holy, Holy”

Service of Confession and Assurance

Scripture of Exhortation: Matthew 5:17-19

Responsive Prayer of Confession/Silent Confession

Assurance of Pardon: Romans 5:17

Song of Gratitude: “Jesus Paid it All”

Service of the Word

Scripture Reading: James 1:1-12

Prayer of Illumination

Sermon Series: “Faith That Works”

Sermon Title: Life is Hard – Keep Calm and Find Joy!

Prayer for Application

Service of Dedication

*Song of Dedication: “Your Grace is Enough”

Congregational Prayer

Offering for Christian Education Fund

Offertory: “O Praise the Name - Anatasis

*Doxology: “Praise to the Lord”


*Moment of Silent Reflection

* Please stand, if able.

October 22, 2017 Evening Worship 6:00 P.M.

Pastor Luke Wynja

We Gather to Worship

Call to Worship: Psalm 100

Silent Prayer

*Opening Hymn: 34(S):1-3 “Our God Reigns”

*God’s Greeting

*Song of Praise: 412:1-4 “I Love to Tell the Story”

*Apostles Creed

*Hymn: 492 “Glory Be to the Father”

Pastoral Prayer

Offering for Christian Education Fund

We Hear God’s Word

Hymn of Preparation: 437:1-3 “More Love to Thee, O Christ”

The Scripture Passage: Acts 25

The Sermon Series: “The Church”

The Sermon Title: The Various Responses to Encountering God

The Prayer of Application

We Respond in Faith

*Song of Dedication: 439:1-4 “I Will Sing of My Redeemer”

*The Challenge to Grateful Living

*The Benediction

*The Moment of Reflection

* Please stand, if able.


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