Government Employee Salary Data - NASACT

TOPIC: Government Employee Salary Data OFFICE: State Controller's Office QUESTION / ISSUE:


Does your state have a website providing government compensation data?

If yes, does the website include: ? Benefit information ? City employee salaries ? County employee salaries ? Special district salaries ? School district salaries ? State university/college salaries

Please provide the web address:

DATE: 08/20/2014

State Colorado


Georgia Iowa

Comments Response 1: Colorado does not publish salary or benefit information for state government employees, including the public colleges and universities. However, I am not familiar with the practices of local governments, school districts, and special districts in the state.

Response 2: Colorado does not have such a website. This information is available through an open records request.

The Florida governor's website provides access to salaries of most state employees, employees from the 12 state universities in Florida, and employees from the State Board of Administration. Here is the website link to this information: .

We, Department of Financial Services, are not aware of any other websites containing salary information in Florida (i.e., city employees, county employees, etc.).

Of the items listed, the only information we include on the state's website is compensation data for school district and state university/college salaries. Here is the web address: open.

Iowa posting of salary data includes state employees as well as employees of the state universities. The state does not include benefit information but does include travel reimbursement information.

The link is to the salary book is:

State Massachusetts

Michigan Minnesota Montana New York Rhode Island


Comments Massachusetts has the Open Checkbook for our payment and payroll information.

The OC started in 2010 and has the following fields for state employee payroll data: Employee Name (Last, First) / Job Title / Department / Previous Year Earnings / Earnings / Annual Rate

The state payroll does include higher education ? colleges and universities.

We have begun adding payments and payroll (same fields as above) for a few of the quasiindependent government entities (i.e., MBTA and MA School Building Authority). We have had conversations with some local governments ? some were looking into their own sites others may join the OC at a later time.

There are a couple quasi agencies in the Open Checkbook. They are not state agencies; they are component units, independent. The Mass Bay Transit Authority and the Mass School Building Authority are two of them. There are links to the right of the Home tab when you open the link ? State Spending and Quasi Spending.

Michigan does provide employee salary data on the web.

We are in the process of implementing a new transparency website that has an expected rollout in late November/early December. The data will for be for all state employees, which does include the state university, community colleg, and technical college employees.

Montana has a transparency site that includes a state employee's base pay and the total compensation. It does not include benefit information. Nor does the site include university, school district, county or other entity employees.

Here is the New York website that contains all of the salary information that you asked about:

? No ? No ? No ? No ? No ? Yes

Yes, state employee salary information is included on the website.

? No ? No ? No ? No ? No ? No

State Utah


Washington Wisconsin Wyoming

Comments Utah's financial transparency website address is: transparent.. Employee salary information is required for all of the levels of government you mention in your inquiry.

For benefits, due to state privacy laws, we require that benefits be combined into a single total by employee. So benefits are reported, but only in total for each employee.

We require each entity to submit employee compensation data just once per year, within three months after their fiscal year end. The various entities upload their own information through a secured portal in the website. The data is summarized by employee for the entire fiscal year. We do not report individual pay period data. We also require benefit information to be reported for each individual employee. Some local governments pay for some of their benefits in total without running them through their payroll systems on an individual employee basis. When that is the case, we require the entity to do an allocation on an employee basis so the benefits reported on the website are accurate on an individual employee basis.

Virginia does not provide an employee salary database. However, the Richmond Times Dispatch compiles its own database annually using information obtained via requests made under FOIA. They do not disclose names for any positions listed that are less than the median income, nor do they disclose anyone making less than $10,000 annually (I believe state statute prohibits disclosure for those under $10,000). They have one database for state employees that includes state colleges and universities. They have a separate local government database for localities (counties, cities, schools) in the Richmond Metropolitan area. They surveyed us for 2014 data back in the spring, but is has not yet shown up online.

2012-2013 state salaries:

2012 local salaries (not sure where 2013 is):

The Washington state fiscal website provides salary only information for state employees and state higher education employees. Here is a link to our site:

Wisconsin does not currently have a website that provides government employee compensation data.

Wyoming does not put state employee salaries on a website.


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