Early years self evaluation form - GOV UK

Early years self-evaluation form

For provisions on the Early Years Register

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Age group: Birth to 31 August following a child’s fifth birthday

Published: September 2015

Reference no: 120332

Please leave blank for Ofsted use


Introduction 5

Completing this form 6

Part A. Setting details and views of those who use the setting 6

Section 1. Your setting 6

Section 2. Views of those who use your setting and who work with you 7

Part B: The quality and standards of the early years provision 8

Section 3. Effectiveness of leadership and management 8

Section 4. Quality of teaching, learning and assessment 10

Section 5. Personal development, behaviour and welfare 12

Section 6. Outcomes for children 14

Section 7. The overall effectiveness of the early years provision 16

|Setting name | |

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This optional self-evaluation form is for providers on the Early Years Register. You may prefer to record your self-evaluation on a different form, for example:

■ a children’s centre self-evaluation form that includes the registered part of your provision

■ a local authority form

■ a quality assurance scheme system.

If you submit this form online or send it to Ofsted as part of your planning cycle, the inspector will use it when planning your inspection. If you choose not to send it to Ofsted, or you complete a different form of self-evaluation, please make this available to the inspector at the start of your inspection.

Whatever way you choose to record an evaluation of your provision, the inspector will expect this to include:

■ the views of children, parents and any staff or assistants you employ

■ the views of other professionals who may work with you, such as local authority advisers/development workers; health professionals; children’s centre staff and any other early years provision

■ your strengths, any areas for improvement and the actions you propose to tackle them.

You may find it helpful to use the following to evaluate your provision:

■ Early years self-evaluation form guidance[1]

■ Early years inspection handbook[2]

■ Common inspection framework[3]

■ The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundations Stage[4]

■ Early years outcomes.[5]

Completing this form

Please make sure that you have completed the setting details at the beginning of the form, including the name of the person who completed it. Please make sure that any additional sheets you might use have the name of the setting and unique reference number (URN) at the top.

The form is in two parts. Part A tells us what those who use the setting think of the quality of the provision you offer. Part B gives you an opportunity to evaluate your provision using the same judgements as used by the inspectors.

Part A. Setting details and views of those who use the setting

Section 1. Your setting

In this section, describe the main characteristics of your setting and the culture and backgrounds of the children who attend, including those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, or speak English as an additional language.

Refer to the Early years self-evaluation form guidance, page 5.

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Section 2. Views of those who use your setting and who work with you

This section should record:

■ the views of the children who attend your setting and those of their parents or carers

■ the views of any professionals who work with you, especially the local authority, your local children’s centre or any health professionals

■ details of any quality assurance scheme you participate in.

Include examples of the ways in which you seek views and any action you have taken to improve as a result of those views.

Refer to the Early years self-evaluation form guidance, page 6.

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Part B: The quality and standards of the early years provision

This part of the form covers the judgements the inspector will make when evaluating your provision. It is important to have your own judgement about how well you are doing in these areas.

Section 3. Effectiveness of leadership and management

This section is about the effectiveness of your leadership and management; or if you are a childminder how well you organise your service. It covers:

■ meeting the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and other government requirements

■ self-evaluation and improvement planning

■ performance management and professional development

■ safeguarding

■ the curriculum

■ your vision for the setting

■ partnership working.

You should refer to:

■ Early years self-evaluation form guidance, page 7

■ Early years inspection handbook, page 30–34.

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My practice (is):

|Outstanding: my practice is exemplary | |

|Good: my practice is strong | |

|Requires improvement: my practice is not good enough and I know it needs to improve | |

|Inadequate: my practice requires significant improvement | |

Section 4. Quality of teaching, learning and assessment

This section is about the effectiveness of your assessment and teaching mechanisms to ensure that children are showing the characteristics of effective learning.

■ Early years self-evaluation form guidance, page 8

■ Early years inspection handbook, page 34–38.

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My practice (is):

|Outstanding: my practice is exemplary | |

|Good: my practice is strong | |

|Requires improvement: my practice is not good enough and I know it needs to improve | |

|Inadequate: my practice requires significant improvement | |

Section 5. Personal development, behaviour and welfare

This section is about helping children feel emotionally secure and ensuring children are physically, mentally and emotionally healthy. It is also about ensuring that children are prepared for learning, they attend regularly, and become self- aware, confident learners.

You should refer to:

■ Early years self-evaluation form guidance, page 9.

■ Early years inspection handbook, page 38–41.

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My practice (is):

|Outstanding: my practice is exemplary | |

|Good: my practice is strong | |

|Requires improvement: my practice is not good enough and I know it needs to improve | |

|Inadequate: my practice requires significant improvement | |

Section 6. Outcomes for children

This section is about the progress of different groups of children from their starting points.

You should refer to:

■ Early years self-evaluation form guidance, page 9.

■ Early years inspection handbook, page 41–44.

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My practice (is):

|Outstanding: my practice is exemplary | |

|Good: my practice is strong | |

|Requires improvement: my practice is not good enough and I know it needs to improve | |

|Inadequate: my practice requires significant improvement | |

Section 7. The overall effectiveness of the early years provision

This section brings together the evaluation of all aspects of your practice, including teaching and safeguarding, your identified priorities for improvement and the grades you have awarded yourself.

You should refer to:

■ Early years self-evaluation form guidance, page 9

■ Early years inspection handbook, pages 28–30.

The overall quality and standards of my early years provision (is):

|Outstanding: my practice is exemplary | |

|Good: my practice is strong | |

|Requires improvement: my practice is not good enough and I know it needs to improve | |

|Inadequate: my practice requires significant improvement | |

|Any further comments you wish to include |

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[1] Early years self-evaluation form guidance (120342),Ofsted, 2015;. .uk/government/publications/early-years-online-self-evaluation-form-sef-and-guidance-for-providers-delivering-the-early-years-foundation-stage

[2] Early years inspection handbook from September 2015, 150068,Ofsted 2015; .uk/government/publications/early-years-inspection-handbook-from-september-2015

[3] Early years inspection handbook from September 2015, 150068,Ofsted 2015; .uk/government/publications/early-years-inspection-handbook-from-september-2015

[4] The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundations Stage, DfE, 2014; .uk/government/publications/early-years-foundation-stage-framework--2.

[5] Early years outcomes, DfE, 2013: a non-statutory guide for practitioners and inspectors to help inform understanding of child development through the early years .


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