Getting Started in Excel

Getting Started in Excel

Cell Addresses

In today's world of information, there is a need to keep things organized and up-to-date. People need to organize department budgets, project sales for the upcoming year, even balance their own checkbook. With all of the numbers that are thrown out on a daily basis, a spreadsheet becomes a powerful tool for not only organizing information, but to alleviate most of the work people did on paper in the past.

In Microsoft Excel,a spreadsheet is divided into boxes called cells. There are almost 17,000,000 cells on a single sheet. Excel, like all spreadsheets, uses a system of row and column headings to identify each cell in a spreadsheet. Columns are lettered A..Z, then AA..AZ, BA..BZ, and so on, until the 256th column, column IV. There are also 65,536 rows in an Excel spreadsheet, each of them numbered. When you identify a specific cell, you identify it by its column and its row, much like finding your opponent's ships in the game "Battleship". Take a look at the following example:

|A is located in cell A3 |[pic] |

|B is located in cell D7 | |

|C is located in cell B12 | |

Entering Data

Users of Excel can enter data into any cell that they desire. When they enter in the data, it will appear in the cell and in the formula bar. When a person is entering or editing data, they are in Edit Mode. Look at the example below:


Some things to remember about entering and editing cells:

• When entering or editing text, you can cancel out by clicking the red X to the left of the formula bar or by hitting [ESC]. To accept the entry, either click the green check mark, or move off of the cell.

• As a rule, when you type text into a cell, it automatically aligns to the left of the cell. Numeric values align to the right inside of a cell.

• You can edit the contents of a cell by double-clicking the cell, or click the cell, then click the insertion point at the place you wish in the formula bar

• To delete the contents of cells, simply highlight the cell(s) to be deleted and hit the [DELETE] key on the keyboard

Formulas and Functions

Entering Formulas

Take a look at the following spreadsheet


This is a typical spreadsheet for a company's budget. Once the sales and expenses for the quarter are established, we can program the spreadsheet to add up both revenue and expenses. After that, the computer can give us the information we need regarding our net profit for the quarter. When typing the formulas, it is possible, for example, to place a formula such as 22000 + 17500 in cell C7 and come up with the correct answer. But what if the revenue information changes? Will the formula update?

To guarantee that formulas will always reflect the most updated information, you should use the cell addresses rather than the values in the cells. This will allow the spreadsheet to keep any formulas accurate as the values change.

In order to indicate to the computer that you are typing a formula or function, you should always preclude your formula with an equals sign. (=) The formula that would go into cell C7 would be:

=C5 + C6

This will put the value 39,500 in cell C7. When writing the formula, you can type everything in, or type the =, click on cell C5, type the +, and click on cell C6.

To complete the formulas for January, we must add up the expenses, then determine the net profit by subtracting the Total Expenses from the Total Sales. The formulas for each of these are:

Cell C14: =C10+C11+C12+C13

This will give Total Expenses of 36700.

Cell C16: =C14-C7

Our Net Profit is 2800. This is what the spreadsheet should look like now:


Copying Formulas and Functions

Once you have established the formulas for one column, in spreadsheet examples such as the one above, the formulas in columns D and E would be the same as the ones in column C. Only the cell references in the formulas would be different. Excel allows you to copy these formulas into other columns and rows. The advantage of this is that Excel will automatically adjust the cell references in the formulas to account for the fact that they are in different columns. This concept is called RELATIVE CELL REFERENCES. The next example will show all three formulas from above copied into columns D and E. Note the formula bar as it shows the adjusted formula.


When you copy the formulas over, you can either use copy & paste, or you can use the AutoFill handle

AutoSum [pic]

When the formula for Total Expenses was typed in to cell C14, four cells had to be added together. If you have many numbers to add together, using a FUNCTION may be more practical. On your toolbar, there is a button that will automatically sum a vertical or horizontal list of numbers. This button is called AutoSum. When you click on a cell to the right or below a series of numbers, you can use the AutoSum to add that series of numbers together. In the formula bar, the SUM function will display with the range of numbers in parentheses. You can then hit the [ENTER] key to add that range together, or you can select a different range to sum.


If you have several cells that require totals (such as cells F10 through F14), you can highlight all the cells in the range, then click the AutoSum button. Here is what the spreadsheet looks like once all the totals are in:


to see a video demo of AutoSum. (147K)

Pasting a Function [pic]

Functions in Microsoft Excel are pre-defined; there are over 300 different kinds of functions that can be used in a spreadsheet. The structure of a typical function is shown below:


Every function must begin with the = sign. After typing in the name of the function, the ARGUMENT is placed in parentheses. The argument is the data required by the function to complete it. The argument could be a range of cells, specific numbers, text, or even another function. What is placed between the parentheses varies depending on the function and the situation it is being used in.

To assist you with functions, users can click on the Paste Function button. The Paste Function button is a two-step process that lists all 300+ functions in Microsoft Excel and gives a description for each function. The functions are organized into categories, including a list of the most recently used functions, to make finding the proper function easier.


Once you have chosen the function you need, step 2 of Paste Function will prompt you for the required arguments.


Paste Function will preview the result of the function before you have to accept it. This provides the opportunity to make changes without going into Edit mode. Note that the argument can be anything from static numbers to a range of cells to another function. When the third of these is done, that is considered NESTING a functio

Absolute Cell References

As previously stated, when a formula or function is copied or moved to another location, any cell references in the formula or function get adjusted as well. However, there are some situations where a cell reference inside a formula must ALWAYS refer to the same spot. Here's an example:


Watch what happens when the formula in cell B7 is copied and pasted into columns C & D.


You must use ABSOLUTE CELL REFERNCES for cell F2 in the original formula. This will lock the F2 reference in place. Then, when the formula is copied to columns C & D, the salaries in those columns will be multiplied by the Tax Rate in cell F2.

To fix the formula in cell B4:

• Click in the formula bar on the F2 reference in the formula (clicking directly between the column and row reference usually works best)

• Hit the [F4] key on your keyboard

(NOTE: if you know the formula needs an absolute cell reference before you have typed it in, you can hit [F4] as you are typing that reference)

The F2 cell reference in the formula will now look like $F$2. The dollar signs lock the references in place. (one $ for the column, one for the row) Continuously hitting the [F4] key will add and remove the respective dollar signs, allowing you to lock only the row, only the column, both, or neither.

The corrected spreadsheet now looks like this:


The Formatting Toolbar

Like many applications, you can format the cells in your spreadsheet for different fonts, font sizes, and colors. The FORMATTING TOOLBAR, located at the right side of the main Toolbar, allows you to format selected cells.


These buttons allow you to make text bold, italic, underline, change alignment in the cell, text color, and cell background color. There are also buttons for formatting numbers for currency, comma, percentage, and to regulate the number of decimal places displayed. to see a video demonstration of the Formatting Toolbar in action. (1.88MB)

Format Painter [pic]

You can also copy the formats of one cell to another with the Format Painter button. Firstly, click on the cell containing the formats you wish to copy. After clicking the Format Painter button on the Standard Toolbar, drag over the cells which will receive the formats. for a video demonstration. (281K)

The Formatting Toolbar

Although Excel can detect the printable area of your spreadsheet, it is always good to verify your spreadsheet will print out the way you want it by going to the Page Setup under the File menu. There are four sections you can use to format your printout.


The Page Tab lets you choose the orientation of the spreadsheet and allows you to scale it to the size you want. (Be careful with the Scaling section, as it may result in an unreadable printout.) You can also choose the paper size and print quality.


The Margins tab lets you change the margins on the page, including how far the header and footer print out from the edge of the page. If your spreadhseet won't fill an entire page, you can center it on the page horizontally,vertically, or both.


With the Header/Footer tab, you determine what prints in the top and bottom margins of each page. There are combinations to list the name of the file, the owner's name, the current date and/or time, page numbers, or you can make your own with the Customize buttons.


The Sheet tab allows you to select the exact area that should print. You can also allow for a set of rows (or columns) to print on each page, which is helpful for column or row headings. You can also turn on and off the gridlines, add comments, or determine the page order.

Print Preview [pic]

The Print Preview button will allow you to see your spreadsheet before sending it to the printer.

Pointer Shapes

As with other Microsoft programs, the shape of the pointer changes as you are working in Excel. Each pointer shape is communicating something about how Excel is working. The shape of the pointer when you click and drag a cell will greatly influence the results of the click and drag. The following document includes a table describing each of the pointer shapes you may encounter in Excel.

|Shape |Implication |Action |

|[pic] |The default pointer shape. |Moves cell pointer or selects a range |

| | |of cells |

|[pic] |Appears when the pointer is on a border (column, row, or window). When |Adjusts the column width, row height, |

| |adjusting row height, the arrows point up and down. When adjusting column |or window size |

| |width, the arrows point right to left. | |

|[pic] |Appears when you are editing the contents of a cell. |Moves the insertion point within the |

| | |cell |

|Windows: |Appears when you have a graphic that may be moved. |Moves the selected graphic to the new |

|[pic] | |location. |

|Macintosh: | | |

|[pic] | | |

|[pic] |Appears when you are pointing to the border of a cell. |Moves the selected cell to a new |

| | |location |

|[pic] |Appears when you are at the "fill corner" of a cell or range of cells. |AutoFills other cells with similar |

| | |information |

Worksheet Terms

Like all other areas of computer technology, Microsoft Excel worksheets have their own "language." This list of common terms is provided to serve as a reference for you as you work in Excel.

|Term |Definition |

|Cell |The intersection of a column and row. Information is stored in cells. |

|Cell Pointer |The cell pointer is similar to Word's insertion point. It selects or marks the current cell (where the next |

| |activity is going to take place). The Excel pointer changes shape depending on location and corresponding |

| |function. For more information, refer to Pointer Shapes. |

|Cell References |The address (consisting of the column and row IDs) of a specific cell. The current cell location is displayed |

| |in the upper left corner of the worksheet. |

|Column |A vertical group of cells within a worksheet. |

|Formula |A set of instructions which a calculation based on numbers entered in the cell or numbers entered in other |

| |cells (referred to by cell references). All formulas begin with the equal sign ( = ). |

|Function |A pre-programmed formula. The function performs the calculation based on the cells referenced in the function.|

| |All functions begin with the equal sign ( = ). |

|Range |A group of cells. Ranges are often referenced for formulas, printing, and designating information to be copied|

| |or cut. Ranges can be selected by dragging (also referred to as painting) over the cells. |

|Row |A horizontal group of cells within a worksheet. |

|Value |A number that can be used in an Excel calculation. |

|Workbook |A collection of worksheets contained within a single file. |

|Worksheet |A single layer or single sheet within the workbook. A worksheet can contain data, charts, or both. Instead of |

| |compiling all of your information into one worksheet, you can create several worksheets within the one |

| |workbook file. With this organization, similar information is grouped together to make it easier to locate and|

| |use. The worksheets for your workbook will vary based on its content and purpose. |

| |EXAMPLE: If you want one file containing the gradebooks for all sections you teach, each section can be on a |

| |separate sheet. |

| |NOTE: The terms worksheet and spreadsheet are often used interchangeably |

Basic Design Elements

Working with large amounts of data can be challenging for a variety of reasons. One of the ways to make data management easier is to organize your workbook into different worksheets. Planning the design of your workbook from the start can make it easier to work with, especially when the workbook gets larger or contains several sections. For example, worksheets within a faculty gradebook can be color coded (text, cells, or background) to differentiate among class sections; even the worksheet tabs can be color coded. Other things you can do to make organizing your data more efficient include the following:

• Format the decimal points to align correctly.

• Only use the dollar sign for the first item in a monetary list and for totals.

• Improve readability by putting subtotals in separate columns.

• Distinguish elements of each worksheet by color coding the cells, text, sheet tab, and background


To make formatting your worksheets a little easier, Excel has several "preset" formats available. With these preset formats, you can select all of the characteristics or only some (e.g., just the borders). Either way, it can be an efficient way to start formatting your worksheet. Once you apply the formatting with AutoFormat, you can still make adjustments to the cells.

1. Select the cell(s) to be formatted

2. From the Format menu, select AutoFormat...

The AutoFormat dialog box appears.

3. Select the desired AutoFormatting option

4. OPTIONAL: To apply only some of the characteristics of a particular AutoFormat,

a. Click OPTIONS...

The AutoFormat dialog box expands.

b. Under Formats to apply, select/deselect the desired options

5. Click OK

Formatting Fonts

Two options for formatting fonts in Excel are the Formatting toolbar option and the Format menu option. The Format Cells dialog box contains many other style choices not available on the Formatting toolbar.

Formatting Fonts: Formatting Toolbar



1. Select the cell(s) to be formatted

2. On the Formatting toolbar, click the desired formatting option


Holding the pointer over a toolbar button for a short period displays a description of that option.

If the desired option is not available on the Formatting toolbar, refer to Formatting Font: Menu Option.

Formatting Fonts: Formatting Palette



1. Select the cell(s) to be formatted

2. In the Formatting Palette, in the Font section, click the desired formatting option

HINT: If the Formatting Palette is not displayed, on the Standard toolbar, click FORMATTING PALETTE[pic]


Holding the pointer over a toolbar button for a short period displays a description of that option.

If the desired option is not available on the Formatting toolbar, refer to Formatting Font: Menu Option.

Formatting Fonts: Menu Option

In addition to font choices, the Format Cells dialog box contains many other style choices that are not available on the Formatting toolbar.

1. Select the cell(s) to be formatted

2. From the Format menu, select Cells…

The Format Cells dialog box appears.

3. Select the Font tab

4. Make the desired changes

5. Click OK

Formatting Numbers

Formatting cells for numbers can be very helpful and time-saving. You can format cells to display time, currency, numbers, etc. in the desired style.

Formatting Numbers: Toolbar Option


1. Select the cell(s) to be formatted

2. On the Formatting toolbar, click the desired formatting option


Holding the pointer over a toolbar button for a short period displays a description of that option.

If the desired option is not available on the Formatting toolbar, refer to Formatting Numbers: Menu Option.

Formatting Numbers: Menu Option

1. Select the cell(s) to be formatted

2. From the Format menu, select Cells…

The Format Cells dialog box appears.

3. Select the Number tab

NOTE: Under Category, you will see some common choices for formatting numbers.


4. From the Category scroll box, select the appropriate number category

Based on your selection, additional options appear.

5. Make the appropriate choices

6. Click OK

Four-Digit Year Options:

1. Select the cell(s) to be formatted

2. From the Format menu, select Cells...

The Format Cells dialog box appears.

3. Select the Number tab

4. From the Category scroll box, select Date

5. From the Type scroll box, select the desired four-digit year option


6. Click OK

Merging and Centering Text

Merging and centering text in your Excel document can add a professional appearance. Merging and centering is useful for titles and headings so they are not broken up into different cells or displayed with inappropriate alignment.

Merging and Centering Text: Toolbar Option

1. Type the desired text in the first cell of the group to be merged

2. Select the text and a cell from each column you want merged

EXAMPLE: To center across columns A through D in row 2 of the worksheet, select cells A2, B2, C2, and D2

3. On the Formatting toolbar, click MERGE AND CENTER[pic]

Merging and Centering Text: Menu Option

1. Type the desired text in the first cell of the group to be merged

2. Select the text and a cell from each column you want merged

EXAMPLE: To center across columns A through D in row 2 of the worksheet, select cells A2, B2, C2, and D2

3. From the Format menu, select Cells…

The Format Cells dialog box appears.

4. Select the Alignment tab

5. From the Horizontal pull-down list, select Center Across Selection


6. Under Text control, select Merge cells

7. Click OK

Unmerging Text: Toolbar Option

1. Select the merged cell

2. On the Formatting toolbar, click MERGE AND CENTER[pic]

Unmerging Text: Menu Option

1. Select the merged cell

2. From the Format menu, select Cells...

The Format Cells dialog box appears.

3. Select the Alignment tab

4. From the Horizontal pull-down list, select General

5. Under Text control, deselect Merge cells

6. Click OK

Wrapping Text

If you have text that appears in a single cell and you want to increase the height of that cell to accommodate all of the words, you can use the Wrap text option.


Wrapping Text: Menu Option

1. Select the cells to which Wrap text will be applied

2. From the Format menu, select Cells…

The Format Cells dialog box appears.

3. Select the Alignment tab

4. Under Text control, select Wrap text

5. Click OK

The text is wrapped.

NOTE: To display all of the text, it may be necessary to adjust row height.

Wrapping Text: Keyboard Option

1. Select the cells

2. In the Formula Bar text box, place the insertion point where Wrap text will be applied

3. Windows: Press [Alt] + [Enter]

Macintosh: Press [control] + [option] + [return]

The text is wrapped.

To unwrap text:

1. Select the cell containing wrapped text

2. From the Format menu, select Cells...

The Format Cells dialog box appears.

3. Under Text control, deselect Wrap text

4. Click OK

The text is unwrapped.

Copying Cell Formatting

The typical Copy and Paste function will copy the information (e.g., text, formula) and the formatting of the cell(s). If you want to copy only the formatting, you can use the Painter option. This will format the destination cell the same as the source cell without changing the content. For more information, refer to Formatting with the Painter.

Clearing Cell Formatting

If you want to remove all formatting from a cell but leave the contents (e.g., text, value, formulas), use the following command.

1. Select the cell(s) containing the formatting to be cleared

2. From the Edit menu, select Clear » Formats

Editing Cell Contents

This document will cover various editing techniques you can use in Excel.

• Moving Information

• Copying Formulas

• Using the Fill Command

Moving Information

Often, your first approach at organization will not be the same as your final ideas. For this reason, you may want to reorganize information. Also, you may have the need for a similar formula in a second location. The Drag and Drop, Cut and Paste, and Copy and Paste options will help you do this without having to recreate the entire worksheet.

Drag and Drop vs. Cut and Paste

Drag and Drop allows you to move the information from a single cell or a range of cells. Drag and Drop is great for moving short distances but challenging for moving to cells not displayed on the current screen. The Excel default settings will warn you if you try to drop on cells already containing information. Cut and Paste is the better method when moving information over long distances.

Moving Information: Drag and Drop

In Word, it makes little difference if you Drag and Drop text rather than Cut and Paste it; however, the difference is significant when formulas are involved. When using the Drag and Drop method, cell references are updated.

1. Select the cell(s) to be moved


To select an individual cell, click that cell.

To select multiple contiguous cells, click and drag across the desired cells.

2. Point to and click the heavy border surrounding the cell(s)

Windows: The mouse pointer changes to a four-headed arrow[pic].

Macintosh: The mouse pointer changes to a hand[pic] .


3. Holding the mouse button, drag the cell(s) to the new location

NOTE: An outline of the cell(s) you are moving will appear over the new location. As you move the cell(s), a box appears next to the pointer indicating the cell location.

4. When you reach the desired location, to drop the cell(s), release the mouse button

WARNING: If information already exists at the new location, a dialog box will appear asking if you want to replace the information.

To undo Drag and Drop:

1. From the Edit menu, select Undo Drag and Drop


On the Standard toolbar, click UNDO[pic]

Moving Information: Cut and Paste

When using Cut and Paste, double check formulas to ensure that cell references are properly updated.

1. Select the cell(s) to be moved


To select an individual cell, click that cell.

To select multiple contiguous cells, click and drag across the desired cells.

2. From the Edit menu, select Cut


On the Standard toolbar, click CUT[pic]

A moving border appears around your selection.

3. Select the cell where you want the cell(s) to be pasted

4. From the Edit menu, select Paste


On the Standard toolbar, click PASTE[pic]

Copying Formulas

With a relative formula, the cell references change in relation to the new location of the cell. For example, if you copied the formula from column A to B and the formula used a value in cell A12, the formula would now be referring to cell B12. If you cut the formula, it would refer to the original cell, A12.

With an absolute formula, in the same example, the cell reference to A12 would remain constant.

A formula can have both relative and absolute components. When formulas are created, they are created as relative. By adding a dollar sign ($) before either the column or row location or both, that reference becomes absolute.

When copying formulas, cell references are important to the result of the formula. If you want to copy the formula and look at cells with similar information one column over, a relative formula is the best choice. However, if you want to copy the formula and refer to the same cell (perhaps the wage rate of a student employee), you should be working with an absolute formula, not a relative formula.

NOTE: Absolute references are automatically updated for column and row additions and deletions.

|Example |Description |

|=A12+B12 |Formula with relative references |

|=SUM(A12:A16) |Function with relative references |

|=$A$12+$B$12 |Formula with absolute references |

|=SUM($A$12:$A$16) |Function with absolute references |

|=$A12+$B12 |Formula with absolute column references but relative row references |

|=SUM(A$12:A$16) |Function with absolute row references but relative column references |

Copy and Paste

Copy and Paste works well for duplicating formulas, values, and labels without reentering them. The process for copying information is similar to copying in Word or other Windows applications. For another option for copying cell information, refer to Using the Fill Command.

1. Select the cell(s) to be copied


To select an individual cell, click that cell.

To select multiple contiguous cells, click and drag across the desired cells.

2. From the Edit menu, select Copy


On the Standard toolbar, click COPY[pic]

A moving border appears around your selection.

3. Select the cell where you want the cells to be pasted

4. From the Edit menu, select Paste


On the Standard toolbar, click PASTE[pic]

5. To deselect Copy, double click outside the area just pasted or copied

Using the Fill Command

To repeat information to contiguous cells instead of copying cells, you can use the Fill option. If the first cell contains a formula, the formula will be repeated in the additional cells. If the first cell contains text, the text will be repeated in the additional cells. However, with the Fill option, if Excel recognizes a pattern of information, the additional cells will contain the next item in the pattern. For more information, refer to Using the Fill Command.

Calculating with Functions

To create a basic worksheet, some of the core tasks involve entering formulas and functions. Both formulas and functions are instructions for Excel to do calculations for you by referring to values in the worksheet or within the formula.

• Working with Functions

• Writing Formulas and Functions with the Point Method

Working with Functions

There are multiple ways you can create a function. You can insert functions manually (by typing them), or you can use the Insert Function dialog box. The Insert Function dialog box eliminates the possibility of a typing error, so it is the recommended method. For more information on formulas, refer to Performing Calculations in Your Workbook.

Writing Functions with the Insert Function Dialog Box

Determining what functions are available, what function you should be using, and what you need to include in the function is easier with the Insert Function dialog box. The Insert Function dialog box will display a listing of all functions or categories of functions available with Excel. As you select a function (as in the following graphic), a sample of the function appears at the bottom of the dialog box. As you make your selection, the Insert Function dialog box will request certain types of information. You simply select the cells where that information is located.


1. Place the cell pointer on the cell where the formula should be added

2. From the Insert menu, select Function…

The Insert Function dialog box appears.


3. From the Or select a category pull-down list, select the appropriate function category or All

4. From the Select a function scroll box, select the desired function

HINT: A description of the selected function appears beneath the Select a function scroll box.

5. Click OK

The Function Arguments dialog box appears.


6. In the text boxes, type the data to be in the function


To hide the dialog box so you can select cell ranges with the mouse rather than type them, click COLLAPSE DIALOG[pic].

To restore the dialog box, click RESTORE DIALOG[pic].

7. Click OK


1. Place the cell pointer on the cell where the formula should be added

2. From the Insert menu, select Function…

The Paste Function dialog box appears.


3. From the Function category scroll box, select the appropriate function category or All

4. From the Function name scroll box, select the desired function

HINT: A description of the selected function appears beneath the Function category scroll box .

5. Click OK

The Function Arguments dialog box appears.


6. In the text boxes, type the data to be in the function


To hide the dialog box so you can select cell ranges with the mouse rather than type them, click COLLAPSE DIALOG[pic].

To restore the dialog box, click EXPAND DIALOG[pic].

7. Click OK

About the Function Arguments Dialog Box

The Function Arguments dialog box helps you to enter worksheet functions. As you type the function, the Function Arguments dialog box displays the name of the function, the function arguments, a description of the function and its arguments, and the result of the function. Once you have entered a function, you can further edit it using the Function Arguments dialog box.

To access the Function Arguments dialog box:

1. Select a cell containing a function

2. On the Formula bar, click INSERT FUNCTION[pic]

The Function Arguments dialog box appears.

Writing Formulas and Functions with the Point Method

Formulas based on cell references can be "written" by pointing to the cells rather than typing the cell entries. This "point" method can help reduce the chance of error in the formulas and sometimes may make more sense. The point method may not work as well when the cells in question are located in different areas of the worksheet, but the method can be used then as well.

The key to the point method is to point to click the cells to be included and to type the operators where appropriate.

The following examples provide step-by-step instructions for a simple addition of two cells and for adding a range of cells.

Adding Cells Together

1. Place the insertion point in the cell where the results should be displayed

2. To start the function, press [=]

3. Point and click the first cell to be added

4. Press [+]

5. Point and click the next cell to be added

6. Repeat steps 4-5 as necessary

7. Press [Enter] or [return]

Adding a Range of Cells with the SUM Function: Option 1

1. Place the insertion point in the cell where the results should be displayed

2. To start the function, press [=]

3. Type SUM(

4. Point and click the first cell in the range to be added

5. Press [:]

6. Point and click the last cell to be added

7. Type )

8. Press [Enter] or [return]

Adding a Range of Cells with the SUM Function: Option 2

1. Place the cell pointer in the cell where the results should be displayed

2. To start the function, press [=]

3. Type SUM(

4. Click and drag the mouse to select the range of cells to be added

5. Type )

6. Press [Enter] or [return]

Working with Rows and Columns

Excel allows you to adjust your worksheets to achieve the desired look.

• Adjusting Row Height and Column Width

• Using AutoFit to Adjust Rows and Columns

• Adding and Removing Rows and Columns

Adjusting Row Height and Column Width

When you start working on a worksheet, all columns are eight characters wide and row heights are set to fit the content of the cell with a maximum of 12 points. Depending on what you are doing, this may be perfect, too big, or too small. In addition, Excel may widen the column or increase the row height to fit the cell content. Adjusting the column width or row height is easy to do and can be done using the menu or the mouse option.

Since columns and rows extend through the worksheet, the setting applies to the entire column or row. If you need to have two settings, you will have to move some of your information.

Adjusting Row Height: Menu Option

1. To adjust a single row, select any cell from the row to be adjusted

Windows: To adjust multiple non-contiguous rows, press [Ctrl] + select cells from each row to be adjusted

Macintosh: To adjust multiple non-contiguous rows, press [command] + select cells from each row to be adjusted

2. From the Format menu, select Row » Height...

The Row Height dialog box appears.

3. In the Row height text box, type the desired height

4. Click OK

The row height is adjusted.

Adjusting Row Height: Mouse Option

Using this option, you can only adjust the height of one row at a time.

1. Along the row ID (1, 2, 3, ...), point to the border below the row to be adjusted

2. When the pointer turns into a double-arrow, click and drag

HINT: For a shorter row, drag up; for a taller row, drag down.

A box appears next to the pointer, indicating the current row height as you drag it.


3. When the row reaches the desired height, release the mouse button

The row height is adjusted.

Adjusting Column Width: Menu Option

1. To adjust a single column, select any cell from the column to be adjusted

Windows: To adjust multiple non-contiguous columns, press [Ctrl] + select cells from each column to be adjusted

Macintosh: To adjust multiple non-contiguous columns, press [command] + select cells from each column to be adjusted

2. From the Format menu, select Column » Width...

The Column Width dialog box appears.

3. In the Column width text box, type the desired width

4. Click OK

The column width is adjusted.

Adjusting Column Width: Mouse Option

Using this option, you can only adjust the width of one column at a time.

1. Along the column ID (A, B, C, ...), point to the border right of the column to be adjusted

2. When the pointer turns into a double-arrow, click and drag

HINT: For a narrower column, drag left; for a wider column, drag right.

A box appears next to the pointer, indicating the current column width as you drag it.


3. When the column reaches the desired width, release the mouse button

The column width is adjusted.

Using AutoFit to Adjust Rows and Columns

To adjust the column width or the row height, Excel can determine the best "fit" based on the information in the column or row.

Using AutoFit to Adjust Row Height: Mouse Option

1. Along the row ID (1, 2, 3, ...), point to the border below the row to be adjusted

2. When the pointer turns into a double-arrow, double click

The row height adjusts so the largest (tallest) item is displayed in full.

Using AutoFit to Adjust Row Height: Menu Option

1. To select a row to be adjusted, click the ROW ID (1, 2, 3, ...)

The entire row is selected.

2. From the Format menu, select Row » AutoFit

The row height adjusts so the largest (tallest) item is displayed in full.

Using AutoFit to Adjust Column Width: Mouse Option

1. Along the column ID (A, B, C, ...), point to the border right of the column to be adjusted

2. When the pointer turns into to a double-arrow, double click

The column width adjusts so the largest (widest) item is displayed in full.

Using AutoFit to Adjust Column Width: Menu Option

1. To select a column to be adjusted, click the COLUMN ID (A, B, C, ...)

The entire column is selected.

2. From the Format menu, select Column » AutoFit Selection

The column width adjusts so the largest (widest) item is displayed in full.

Adding and Removing Rows and Columns

When working with worksheets, you will often need to make changes to the original worksheets. You will often need to delete old information or add new information. To make this task easier, you can add new rows and columns or delete existing rows and columns. The process is similar for both rows and columns.

Adding Rows

1. Select a cell below where you want to add a new row

2. From the Insert menu, select Rows

A new row is added above the selected cell.

Adding Columns

1. Select a cell to the right of where you want to add a new column

2. From the Insert menu, select Columns

A new column is added left of the selected cell.

Deleting Rows

WARNING: When you delete a row, everything in the row is deleted. If you do not want to delete the whole row, delete information from specific cells instead.

1. To delete a single row, select any cell from the row to be deleted

Windows: To delete multiple non-contiguous rows, press [Ctrl] + select cells from each row to be deleted

Macintosh: To delete multiple non-contiguous rows, press [command] + select cells from each row to be deleted

2. From the Edit menu, select Delete...

The Delete dialog box appears.

3. Select Entire row

4. Click OK

The row is deleted.

Deleting Columns

WARNING: When you delete a column, everything in the column is deleted. If you do not want to delete the whole column, delete information from specific cells instead.

1. To delete a single column, select any cell from the column to be deleted

Windows: To delete multiple non-contiguous columns, press [Ctrl] + select cells from each column to be deleted

Macintosh: To delete multiple non-contiguous columns, press [command] + select cells from each column to be deleted

2. From the Edit menu, select Delete...

The Delete dialog box appears.

3. Select Entire column

4. Click OK

The column is deleted.


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