Chapter 9 practice

Unit 3—Chapters 9, 10, 12, & 14

Chapter 9 practice

1. ___________ is defined as the forces that act on or within an organism to initiate,

sustain, direct, and terminate behavior.

a. Emotion

b. Need

c. Learning

d. Motivation

2. The value of a goal beyond its ability to fill a need is known as

a. motivation value.

b. stimulus value.

c. extra value.

d. incentive value.

3. Needs for curiosity, activity, exploration, manipulation, and physical contact are

classified as

a. secondary motives.

b. intrinsic motives.

c. primary motives.

d. stimulus motives.

4. The body’s optimal level of functioning or its “steady state” is known as

a. incentives.

b. drive reductions.

c. homeostasis.

d. learning.

5. The inverted U function describes the relationship between

a. hunger and thirst.

b. affection and curiosity.

c. arousal and performance.

d. performance and persistence.

6. If Tyrone works on his cars simply because he enjoys it, we would say this activity is

one of _______________ motivation.

a. primary

b. intrinsic

c. traditional

d. incentive

7. According to your textbook, a polygraph measures

a. guilt.

b. general emotional arousal.

c. truth.

d. none of the above.

8. _____________ involves a combination of skills, including self-awareness, empathy,

and self-control.

a. Creative thinking

b. Emotional intelligence

c. Kinesic sensitivity

d. Intuition

9. _____________ is characterized by physiological arousal, and changes in facial

expressions, gestures, posture, and subjective feelings.

a. Motivation

b. Affect

c. Mood

d. Emotion

Chapter 10 practice

1. A stable, enduring quality that a person shows in most situations is considered

a. a characteristic.

b. a personality type.

c. a personality trait.

d. a typical trait.

2. According to Freud, which part of the personality acts as the judge or moral


a. id

b. ego

c. superego

d. conscious self

3. Ray tells his daughters that he will always accept them and love them, regardless of

what they do or don’t do. Ray’s daughters have received what Rogers would refer to


a. authoritative parenting.

b. unconditional positive regard.

c. self-actualization.

d. unrestricted regard.

4. The image a person holds of who they would like to be is their

a. self-image.

b. self-concept.

c. ideal self.

d. imagined self.

5. ____ called the full use of potential self-actualization and also described a hierarchy of human needs.

|a. |Sigmund Freud |

|b. |Stanley Schachter |

|c. |William James |

|d. |Abraham Maslow |

6. The polygraph or "lie detector" primarily measures which component of emotion?

|a. |attribution |

|b. |emotional expression |

|c. |physiological arousal |

|d. |vocal modulation |

Chapter 12

1. In the United States, psychologists use the _____________ to classify and identify

mental disorders.

a. MDIS Manual


c. MMPI-2


2. A man who believes he is the president of the United States (even though he is not)

may be suffering from a(n) _________________.

a. illusion

b. hallucination

c. contradictory sensation

d. delusion

3. __________________ are imaginary sensations, such as seeing, hearing, or smelling

things that don’t exist in the real world.

a. Hallucinations

b. Delusions

c. Sensory conflicts

d. Illusions

4. The belief that psychotic disorders are due to a blend of environmental stress and

inherited susceptibility is referred to as the ___________________.

a. stress-vulnerability model

b. dialectic stress model

c. diathesis theory

d. bio-enviro theory

5. Intrusive thoughts or images occurring against one’s will are referred to as

a. fixations.

b. obsessions.

c. compulsions.

d. cognitive coercion.

6. The two core features of abnormality are that it is __________________ and results in


a. maladaptive, loss of control

b. problematic, an inability to concentrate

c. permanent, mental illness

d. uncomfortable, projection

7. A ________________ is an intense, irrational fear.

a. stimulus

b. phobia

c. panic disorder

d. generalized anxiety

8. In most anxiety disorders, the person's distress is

|a. |focused on a specific situation. |

|b. |related to ordinary life stresses. |

|c. |greatly out of proportion to the situation. |

|d. |based on a physical cause. |

9. A cognitive therapist would view unhealthy anxiety as

|a. |a loss of meaning in one's life. |

|b. |a raging conflict among the id, ego, and superego. |

|c. |the effects of learning and conditioning. |

|d. |the result of distorted thinking. |

10. Which of the following is classified as a mood disorder?

|a. |bipolar disorder |

|b. |multiple personality disorder |

|c. |delusional disorder |

|d. |dissociative disorder |

Chapter 14

1. Zimbardo’s experiment that stimulated a “prisoner-guard” relationship illustrated

a. that more prisons are needed in this country.

b. empathic helping behaviors.

c. the powerful effect of social roles.

d. the effects of ethnocentric behaviors.

2. Jaime gets “cut off” on the highway while driving to class. Her first belief is that the

person driving the other car was rude and self-absorbed. She does not consider the

situational influences that may have affected the driver’s actions. Jaime has


a. self-serving biasing.

b. the fundamental attribution error.

c. actor-observer bias.

d. cognitive reversal.

3. When we change our behavior in the direct response to the demands of those in

authority we are exhibiting

a. obedience.

b. discrimination.

c. compliance.

d. conformity.

4. Stanley Milgram’s experiments, in which a subject gave varying degrees of shocks to

a “learner,” demonstrated the effects of the situation on the subject’s ___________.

a. obedience

b. understanding

c. stress levels

d. acceptance

5. The car salesperson who only asks you to sit in the car, but who later hopes you will

take it for a drive and eventually buy it, is using the ________________ effect.

a. door-in-the-face

b. high-ball

c. foot-in-the-door

d. low-ball

6. Billie paid $120 for a pair of shoes even though he typically believes that he should

not pay more than $50 for a pair of shoes. Because of this contradiction in thoughts

and behaviors, Billie is experiencing increased anxiety. This anxiety may be a result

of what social psychologists refer to as _______________________.

a. pessimistic realism

b. cognitive dissonance

c. attitude contradiction

d. groupthink

7. Stereotypes

a. are oversimplified images of people in various groups.

b. are always negative.

c. are always positive.

d. both (a) and (b).

8. __________________ are patterns of behavior expected of persons in various social


a. Cultural affiliations

b. Values

c. Personality traits

d. Social roles

9. Devon considers himself a big Detroit Lions fan and identifies with other Lions fans.

He also despises the Chicago Bears and cannot understand why anyone would want

to be a fan of that team. For Devon, other Detroit Lions fans would be considered

a(n) ________________, while Chicago Bears fans would be a(n) ______________.

a. out-group, in-group

b. social support, social threat

c. benefit, detriment

d. in-group, out-group

10. If raising your hand in class prior to asking a question is considered a socially

accepted standard of behavior, we would call this activity a social ______________.

a. moral

b. value

c. norm

d. limitation


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