Team Leader Self evaluation - TUALATIN ASB

Area of EvaluationExcelled in this!I did well/okHad troubleComments1. I used class time wisely; exercised good judgment about what needs to be done in and outside of class2. Showed initiative. Took charge of work/assignments, delegated and didn’t need to be asked by GM what they needed to be doing all the time.3. Followed through with responsibilities. Didn’t need to be reminded of duties or meetings. I was dependable.4. I was organized. I broke down my tasks into manageable steps.5. I produced quality work. I put forth the effort needed to do the best job possible.6. I demonstrated ability to communicate effectively with my GM and advisor.7. I demonstrated the ability to motivate my GM.8. I demonstrated confidence in front of my GM9. I demonstrated effective interpersonal relationships with GM, advisor, and others (admin, staff, other students etc.)10. I was a good role model for other students; I consistently set a good example of positive behavior and attitude.11. Completed all necessary reports and paperwork on time and communicated them to GM and advisor. 12. Met all deadlines.13. If tasks were done outside of class, I can show evidence of what was done.14. I was on time for class daily with appropriate materials. I used class time effectively- assigned jobs, worked on tasks, had meetings etc. 15. I was flexible when unexpected situations or problems arose; kept a positive attitude and worked quickly to solve problems.16. I felt that I worked as part of the team; putting in extra time and effort when needed to help ments: ................

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