2019-2020 District Self-Assessment

-190509525District self-assessmentPurposeThe district self-assessment tool helps districts reflect on their systems and practices according to DESE’s District Standards and Indicators, which define effective district practice in six areas: Leadership and GovernanceCurriculum and InstructionAssessment Human Resources and Professional DevelopmentStudent SupportFinancial and Asset Management All districts participating in district reviews complete the self-assessment to prepare for the review process and to help review teams to learn about them. For those districts selected for targeted district reviews, the self-assessment will also inform the decision of whether the review will focus on governance and administrative systems (the Leadership and Governance, Human Resources and Professional Development, and Financial and Asset Management standards) or student-centered systems (the Curriculum and Instruction, Assessment, and Student Support standards). Both types of targeted reviews include classroom observations.Using the toolThe self-assessment lists each indicator within a standard and provides examples of effective practice for each indicator. (Note that the examples are not an exhaustive list.) Districts should convene a representative group to review this information and collaboratively agree on the strength of the district’s current practices. Please consider how well each indicator describes current practices in the district overall. Please also answer the question at the end of each indicator about the reasons for the ratings chosen. Districts are strongly encouraged to submit any documents and data that illustrate these practices. Reflection questions and supplemental tables are also included in the document. While it is not required or expected, districts are welcome to add brief information or explanations to any part of the self-assessment.Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Initial reflection questions PAGEREF _Toc15483974 \h 3Standard 1: Leadership and Governance PAGEREF _Toc15483975 \h 4Standard 2: Curriculum and Instruction PAGEREF _Toc15483976 \h 8Curriculum and Instruction: Curriculum Alignment PAGEREF _Toc15483977 \h 11Standard 3: Assessment PAGEREF _Toc15483978 \h 12Assessment: Inventory PAGEREF _Toc15483979 \h 15Standard 4: Human Resources and Professional Development PAGEREF _Toc15483980 \h 16Standard 5: Student Support PAGEREF _Toc15483981 \h 20Standard 6: Financial and Asset Management PAGEREF _Toc15483983 \h 23Final reflection questions PAGEREF _Toc15483984 \h 27Initial reflection questionsDESE defines equity as providing students and groups of students with access to the resources, support and educational rigor they need in order to meet high expectations for cognitive, behavioral, and social-emotional growth and development.In what ways has the district successfully addressed issues of equity, including racial equity, for students or groups of students?What challenges related to equity, including racial equity, does your district confront? How have you begun to address these challenges?For each of the district standards, please indicate any particular district systems, policies, or practices that you would like the district review to address. (Please note that depending on the strengths and challenges the review team identifies, these suggestions might not be reflected in the report.)Leadership and Governance:Curriculum and Instruction:Assessment:Human Resources and Professional Development:Student Support:Financial and Asset Management: Standard 1: Leadership and GovernanceSchool committee members and district and school leaders work collaboratively and strategically to improve all students’ performance, opportunities, and outcomes. They establish, implement, and evaluate policies, procedures, systems, and budgets with a primary focus on achieving districtwide improvement goals, in part through equitable and effective use of resources. Indicator 1: School Committee Governance. The school committee:Examples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellFocuses on improvementThe committee’s work is guided by the district’s vision and improvement plan. It focuses on closing achievement, access, and opportunity gaps and regularly reviews disaggregated data to gauge progress.Establishes a culture of collaborationThe committee maintains collaborative working relationships and engages stakeholders in the district improvement process. District and municipal leaders engage in open, frequent communication and have positive relationships.Fulfills its legal and fiduciary responsibilities as defined in Massachusetts state lawThe committee advocates for district funding and ensures equitable distribution of available resources to improve student outcomes. It operates with transparency, maintains a division of roles, and approves and monitors the district budget.Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Indicator 2: District and School LeadershipExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellLeadership and engagementThe superintendent establishes and leads an effective leadership team. Each school has an effective leadership team. The district ensures clear lines of internal and external communication and is responsive to feedback from students, families, and educators. Focus on improvementDistrict and school leaders focus on improving teaching and learning, with a particular focus on closing achievement, access, and opportunity gaps. They regularly review student data, including disaggregated data, to plan and assess strategies and practices.Leadership development and supportSchool leaders make use of autonomies to improve student outcomes. Educators are provided with meaningful leadership development opportunities. Systems and structures promote stability, including during leadership turnover.Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Indicator 3: District and Improvement PlanningExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellStakeholder engagement and reflectionDistrict and school plans are developed using a thoughtful process that includes wide representation. District and school leaders provide frequent and thorough updates about progress toward plan goals. Plans are revisited and revised using a participatory and data-driven reflection process.Plan elementsImprovement plans have clear, measurable goals and ambitious strategies for improving performance, opportunities, and outcomes for all students. They are informed by data, including disaggregated student data.Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Indicator 4: Budget DevelopmentExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellBudget development and monitoringDistrict and school leaders develop the budget using a participatory and transparent process. The budget addresses the goals and strategies of the district’s improvement plans, benchmarking data available from ESE and elsewhere, and analysis of disaggregated student data. Administrators review the cost-effectiveness of programs, referencing student data, and track spending throughout the year.Resource allocationResources (including funds, staff, materials, and scheduling) are allocated equitably to schools and programs to ensure improved performance, opportunities, and outcomes for all students, with an emphasis on closing achievement, access, and opportunity gaps. The district seeks ways to expand capacity and resources through shared service agreements and other external collaborations.Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Standard 2: Curriculum and InstructionThe district ensures effective implementation of high-quality, standards-aligned curricular materials; instruction that challenges and supports all students to meet Massachusetts standards; and a variety of academic offerings preparing all students for college, career, and civic participation. Indicator 1: Curriculum Selection and UseExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellDecision-making processesThe district implements regular, rigorous curriculum reviews that consider specific district needs as well as relevant research. Documented curriculum Curricular materials are aligned to the content and rigor of the appropriate Massachusetts curriculum frameworks. They are readily available and feasible to implement for all teachers. They support teachers to challenge and support all students.Taught curriculumCurriculum implementation is consistent within and across classrooms and schools. It is based on individual students’ needs and strengths and is supported by professional learning for all educator roles. Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Indicator 2: Classroom InstructionExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellLearning experiences for studentsInstruction allows students to access and engage with grade-appropriate text every day, with meaningful real-world problems every day, and in scientific conversations using data every week. It enables students to develop social and emotional competencies (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making). Adjustments to practiceInstructional decisions are informed by students’ learning needs, skills, interests, and levels of readiness; the results of a variety of assessments; and feedback from students and colleagues.Learning environmentClassroom climate and structures support all students to learn collaboratively, take academic risks, and take ownership of their learning.Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Indicator 3: Student Access to CourseworkExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellVariety of academic offeringsCourses of study help all students to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for success after high school. They provide opportunities for all students to pursue rigorous learning experiences aligned to their ambitions and interests.Equity of accessStudents from historically marginalized groups, including students of color, those receiving special education services, and economically disadvantaged students have access to advanced coursework. They also have access to instruction in areas not subject to statewide testing.Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Curriculum and Instruction: Curriculum AlignmentPlease indicate the degree to which the district’s curricula are aligned to the current Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks (strongly aligned, aligned, somewhat aligned, or not at all aligned).Degree of Alignment of Curriculum to the Massachusetts Curriculum FrameworksGradeELAMathematicsScienceHistory and Social ScienceComments (optional)ExampleSomewhat alignedStrongly alignedNot at all alignedStrongly alignedK123456789101112Standard 3: AssessmentThe district establishes and supports a culture that values the use of data in improving teaching, learning, and decision-making. District and school leaders ensure that systems are in place for the efficient and purposeful collection, use, and sharing of data from a variety of assessments to guide decision making at the district, school and classroom levels and to improve all students’ performance, opportunities, and outcomes. Indicator 1: Data Collection SystemExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellData selectionThe district ensures that multiple sources of data are collected and that the data provides a comprehensive picture of student, school, and district performance.Assessment methodsThe district ensures that educators use a variety of informal and formal assessment methods, including formative assessments and common interim assessments. The assessments are aligned across grades and subjects and provide actionable information.Data quality checksThe district ensures consistency in the administration of district assessments. It investigates the validity of current assessment and data uses. Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Indicator 2: Data UseExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellDistrict data useDistrict and school leaders use student performance data to set and track improvement goals, including goals for closing achievement, access, and opportunity gaps. They use data to identify district strengths and weaknesses in comparison to other districts and/or state averages. Support for data useDistrict leaders support the regular use of data to inform decision making at the classroom level and professional development designed to improve the use of data. They provide opportunities for educators to establish anticipated student learning gains and compare student results to anticipated gains.Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Indicator 3: Sharing ResultsExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellCommunication with district staffDistrict leaders share data connected to district goals with educators in ways that are clear, understandable, and actionable. They ensure that individual educators have easy access to relevant data that can support classroom level decision munication with familiesThe district provides timely and effective information to families about their students’ progress. It regularly communicates with families evidence of the school and district’s munication with studentsThe district ensures that evidence of a student’s performance is shared with students in meaningful and appropriate ways.Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Assessment: InventoryPlease complete the inventory below for all assessments administered in the district. Focus on assessments given to the majority of students in a particular grade or grade span, whether districtwide or in a particular school. Assessment nameSubjectGrade(s)Purpose (How are you using this information?)Locally developed? (yes/no)Number of times administered per yearStandard 4: Human Resources and Professional DevelopmentThe district strategically designs, implements and oversees human resource and inclusive professional development efforts in a way that supports an aligned human capital management system and results in the employment, development and retention of effective educators who are successful in advancing all students’ performance, opportunities, and outcomes. Indicator 1: Human Resources InfrastructureExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellInfrastructureThe district maintains accurate employment-related records. It routinely analyzes and provides reports to principals for use in planning and decision-making.Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Indicator 2: Recruitment, Hiring, and AssignmentExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellRecruitment systemsRecruitment systems employ a variety of short-term and longer-term strategies and project supply and demand issues across schools. The district seeks to hire a diverse workforce that aligns with the demographic composition of its students. Hiring systemsHiring systems support hiring managers to make hiring decisions based on district priorities and to meet the learning needs of individual schools’ students. They establish a consistent selection process. The district continually evaluates and refines its hiring systems using data including student outcomes and educator retention rates.AssignmentThe district ensures that master schedules result in the equitable distribution of educator skills, ensuring appropriate supports for all students and programs. The district ensures that teachers teaching outside of their licensure area do so for no more than 20 % of their time.Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Indicator 3: Supervision, Evaluation, and Educator DevelopmentExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellSupervision and evaluation systemsSupervision and evaluation systems prioritize opportunities for educators to receive high-quality feedback that improves their practice. They provide all educators with performance ratings related to the Standards of Effective Teaching/Administrative Leadership Practice based on:1. evidence of practice, 2. impact on student learning, 3. student or staff feedback, and 4. goal attainmentProfessional development systemsProfessional development systems are aligned with the MA Standards for Professional Development. They include teacher-led PD and job-embedded, content-based, and individually pursued learning and structures for collaboration. They are informed by student and educator data.Induction and mentoring systemsInduction and mentoring systems ensure all beginning teachers and administrators receive mentoring support beyond the induction year (minimum of 50 hours). They ensure that mentors are well-qualified, extensively trained, carefully selected educators who have demonstrated effectiveness with students and colleagues.Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Indicator 4: Recognition, Leadership Development, and AdvancementExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellRecognition, Leadership Development, and AdvancementThe district provides differentiated roles and opportunities for growth, including distributed leadership opportunities and an articulated career ladder, such that it can effectively build leadership skills and retain and maximize the impact of effective professional staff.Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Standard 5: Student SupportThe district ensures that schools support students’ safety, well-being, and sense of belonging; systematically identify and address students’ needs; and engage families and community partners to improve all students’ performance, opportunities, and outcomes.Indicator 1: Safe and Supportive School Climate and CultureExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellSafe and supportive environmentThe district has comprehensive plans to support the safety and well-being of students and staff. It ensures that all school and classroom environments are supportive for all students.Access, equity, and engagementThe district demonstrates a commitment to access and equity for all students, and to developing staff capacity to examine and dismantle implicit biases and systemic inequalities. It ensures that schools promote meaningful student engagement and leadership.Positive behavioral approachesThe district implements clear schoolwide positive behavioral systems and expectations. It ensures that behavior management/discipline policies, practices, and procedures are inclusive, developmentally appropriate, unbiased, equitable, supportive, and aligned to the needs of all students.Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Indicator 2: Tiered Systems of SupportExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellInstructional and support strategies for all studentsThe district provides evidence-based practices, programs and systems to students by tier. Schedules and resource allocation are designed to ensure that Tier 2 and 3 supports supplement, and don’t supplant, Tier I instruction.Academic, behavioral, and social emotional interventions and supportsThe district utilizes summative and formative evaluation procedures to make decisions about student intervention/instruction using scientifically-validated assessments for screening, diagnostic and progress monitoring purposes. Evaluation of tiered systems of supportThe school leadership team has a process to determine whether interventions are structured and assigned equitably. The team ensures that student outcomes are assessed and uses that data to determine whether initiatives and efforts are resulting in achievement gains.Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Indicator 3: Family and Community Engagement and PartnershipsExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellFamily engagementThe district partners with families in a way that is strengths-based, culturally responsive, and collaborative. It ensures that students and families have a voice in planning and decision-making, including gathering and using their feedback to improve school practices, communication, and climate. It ensures that schools support two-way communication and access for all students’ families, including translation systems and munity engagementThe district has a clear process to find, establish, and manage partnerships and other community resources to engage during in-school and out-of-school time. It conducts a comprehensive mapping of partners and resources, and assesses family and student needs, with a goal of equitable support for schools and families.Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Standard 6: Financial and Asset ManagementDistrict leaders manage the equitable allocation and effective use of funding and other resources to improve all students’ performance, opportunities, and outcomes, support the district’s improvement plan, and secure community support.Indicator 1: Budget Documentation and ReportingExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellBudget documentsThe district’s budget documents are clear, accurate, and user-friendly. They are explicitly connected to district and school improvement planning and demonstrate how student performance data---particularly data related to performance, access, and opportunity outcomes and gaps---has been used to set budget priorities.Municipal agreementCosts paid and managed directly by the municipality are described in a current written agreement and clearly documented in the budget and financial accountingPlease explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Indicator 2: Adequate BudgetExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellProvision and use of resourcesThe community provides sufficient general appropriation funds each year to meet or exceed required net school spending and cover other costs such as transportation. The district uses all available funding effectively to support student opportunities and outcomes.Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Indicator 3: Financial Tracking, Forecasting, Controls, and AuditsExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellBusiness office processes The district’s business office provides regular, accurate reports to the superintendent and school committee on spending from all funding sources, and forecasts spending through the end of the year, with adequate school-level information provided to every principal. It ensures that business office personnel are trained and supervised, and systems are in place for procurement in accord with state laws and regulations, timely payment of invoices, and accurate payrolls.Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Indicator 4: Capital Planning and Facility MaintenanceExamples of effective practiceHow well does this indicator describe your district’s current practices? Put an X in the box that represents your ratingVery wellWellSomewhat wellNot at all wellPreventative maintenance The district has a formal preventative maintenance program to prolong the effective life of the district’s capital assets. The district ensures that educational and program facilities are conducive to student learning. Long-term capital planThe district has a long‐term capital plan that describes future capital development and improvement needs. The plan is reviewed and revised as needed with input from all appropriate stakeholders.Please explain the reasons for your responses above (the table will expand as you enter your answer). If there are documents or data that illustrate your responses, please list and submit them along with this self-assessment.Final reflection questionsPlease describe how the self-assessment was conducted (e.g. participants met as a group to complete the self-assessment; each participant completed the self-assessment independently and a composite was developed from their responses; each participant completed the self-assessment independently and the participants met subsequently to discuss their responses and draft the final version.)Who participated (list titles/roles)? Please share any insights that emerged from the self-assessment process. ................

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