
Exam: 405582RR - CREATING THE ENCOURAGING CLASSROOM When you have completed your exam and reviewed your answers, click Submit Exam. Answers will not be recorded until you hit Submit Exam. If you need to exit before completing the exam, click Cancel Exam. Questions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a page break, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer. 1. If you want to include show-and-tell in your classroom, what is a good guideline to follow to keep children interested and avoid focusing on material possessions?A. Schedule only one child to do show and tell per day.B. Conduct an interview with the child to ask about the object.C. Hold show and tell in small groups during center time.D. Have each child bring in an object from home. 2. Which of the following is true regarding encouragement when addressing a child?A. Encouragement reinforces the successful completion of tasks.B. Encouragement puts the focus on winning and success.C. Encouragement must be given carefully, since it implies value judgments.D. Encouragement empowers the child in his or her efforts. 3. Under which one of the following Myers and Maurer categories does the idea that children select materials according to their own interests fall?A. Self-directing/open-endedB. Self-correctingC. Self-directing/self-correctingD. Exploratory 4. "If you saw somebody in the class stealing, what should you do?" is asked in which type of classroom meeting?A. Open-endedB. DiagnosticC. EducationalD. Problem-solving 5. Which one of the following statements best describes one of the dangers of educational accountability?A. It's often confused with political accountability, which pushes the school to achieve with statistics such as test scores.B. It forces teachers to be responsible for the education they're providing to the children.C. It puts all the responsibility of education on teachers' shoulders, removing the responsibility from parents.D. It doesn't take into account any of the considerations of an encouraging classroom. 6. According to the CDC, the number of clinically obese childrenA. has risen to three out of ten since the 1960s.B. is four times the number seen in the 1960s.C. comprises 50 percent of the under-eighteen population.D. has decreased dramatically in the twenty-first century. 7. Which one of the following is an effective technique for encouraging children to appreciate books?A. Avoid using different voices for different characters; it only confuses the children.B. Allow children to read other books while you read to them.C. Insist that children focus on the story and not focus on any other activity.D. Use books of all age groups and levels for variety. 8. Which one of the following statements accurately describes a logical consequence of mistaken behavior?A. "Get some paper towels and clean up your mess, please."B. Logical consequences are essentially the same thing as punishments.C. A child spills some milk. You realize he is too young to understand his actions, so you simply clean up the milk.D. "You spilled your milk? That's OK. Let's clean it up together." 9. Which one of the following statements about class meetings is true?A. Class meetings give everyone in the class an equal chance to offer an opinion on how the class should be run.B. Class meetings allow students to practice public speaking skills, as one student per meeting delivers a speech that he or she wrote.C. Class meetings may also be called circle time or peace talks.D. Class meetings involve parents in the process of deciding how the classroom should be run. 10. Which one of the following sounds more like a classroom guideline than a rule?A. Don't talk with food in your mouth.B. No running in the classroom.C. We work together to keep our classroom clean.D. Don't chew gum in school. 11. If a child in your classroom doesn't want to get up when naptime is over, what should you do?A. Call the parents and ask them to pick up their child because he or she is too exhausted.B. Insist that the child wake up and join the others in an activity.C. Let the child sleep, but make sure he or she is OK.D. Move the child to a quiet corner of the room and have an older child sit with the younger child. 12. What is a positive benefit of having class meetings?A. The students learn to be comfortable with public speaking.B. Children can learn to be friendly and build community.C. Parents become involved in daily concerns of the classroom.D. Children can learn what it's like to have power. 13. To encourage children to appreciate books, what is an effective technique you can use in your classroom?A. Include a buffer activity between books to keep children occupied.B. Include an anticipatory set to introduce children to the story.C. Read to only one or two children at a time; reading to a small group is disruptive because children get bored.D. Read the same books daily so children anticipate what's going to happen next. 14. When communicating with parents, which one of the following guidelines should you keep in mind?A. Try to establish a collaborative system and welcome the family's suggestions.B. Give advice to the parents on how to improve their child's behavior.C. Establish yourself as the expert in the classroom, so they value your opinion.D. Use proper educational terms to frame the ideas you want to discuss. 15. In Gartrell's opinion, which one of the following statements best describes an encouraging classroom?A. It's a place children want to be even when they're sick.B. It works only if the noise and traffic patterns are designed in an agreeable arrangement.C. It depends on parents to succeed.D. It allows children to successfully reach each stage of development. 16. Which one of the following is true regarding the notion of contact talks?A. The main goal of a contact talk is to establish a means of communication with a child.B. Contact talks are regularly scheduled discussions with parents.C. Contact talks are designed for a group of students.D. There's no difference in a contact talk for a preschooler and one for a primary school student. 17. The most important reason for having parent volunteers in the classroom, according to your textbook, is that itA. shows parents how to teach their children in accordance with school policy.B. allows the parent to see firsthand how their children function in the school environment.C. encourages parents to be proactive in their children's education.D. gives the teacher a break so she can recharge her batteries. 18. Which one of the following is an appropriate suggestion for a child who seems tired but won't go to sleep on his own?A. Separate the child from the other children; try rubbing his back or lying by the child.B. Let him get up and do a quiet activity instead of napping.C. Ignore the child because he's simply trying to get attention.D. Separate the child from the other children and tell him firmly, but in a friendly manner, that he must take a nap. 19. Which one of the following is a good guideline to follow when having a parent-teacher conference?A. Use technical terms and jargon to convey your professionalism.B. Come up with an instant solution that you can use with the child.End of exam C. Use reflective listening to make sure you understand the parent's thoughts.D. Convey your role as an expert in early childhood education. 20. When you talk to a child, Anna, about how she hurt another child's feelings, you make sure you do so without Anna feeling attacked. So you frame the issue within positive comments about how nicely she has treated other children in the past. This technique is known as a/anA. compliment sandwich.B. contact talk.C. problem solver.D. childism.Exam: 405583RR - SOLVING PROBLEMS IN THE ENCOURAGING CLASSROOM When you have completed your exam and reviewed your answers, click Submit Exam. Answers will not be recorded until you hit Submit Exam. If you need to exit before completing the exam, click Cancel Exam. Questions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a page break, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer. 1. Which one of the following terms is an example of using a label and thus putting a child in a behavior category?A. WithdrawnB. SmilingC. CryingD. Tired 2. Which one of the following is an example of a marginal mistaken behavior?A. Two children are physically hitting each other in an argument over blocks.B. One child is acting bossy and ordering other children around.C. One child steals another child's lunch money.D. One child deliberately pours water onto another's child's shirt. 3. If Sandra reports misbehavior to a teacher simply to get another child into trouble, the teacher shouldA. punish only Sandra for lying.B. thank Sandra for being a caring citizen.C. punish both children.D. keep an open mind and monitor Sandra for other mistaken behavior. 4. Which one of the following statements about reconciliation is true?A. Children bear grudges more than adults do.B. Children avoid apologizing because it's a weakness and they want to maintain power.C. Teachers sometimes must make the children apologize.D. Children know when they're ready to apologize. 5. The five-finger formula is an effective model of conflict management because itA. uses peace props as a basis to help children to solve problems peacefully.B. teaches children that the teacher is the mediator in charge of handling the problem.C. allows children to act out the problem and come up with a solution by using puppets as representations of themselves.D. provides the essential features of most conflict management models in five easy-to-remember steps. 6. Two children are physically fighting over blocks. As the teacher, you step in to cool the children off, discuss the matter, and come up with a fair solution for all. What level of mediation did you use?A. High-level mediationB. Low-level negotiationC. Child negotiationD. Conflict-driven mediation 7. What is one possible factor that may make a child vulnerable to stigma?A. Having a health conditionB. Getting a B on a spelling testC. Being the same religion as the majority of the classD. Having brothers or sisters who were stigmatized 8. Which of the following is one of the guidelines for using conflict management?A. Children are in charge of resolving their own issues; let them work it out on their own.B. The teacher doesn't have to be a perfect mediator for children to learn about resolving problems effectively.C. The teacher must impose consequences if the problem is serious enough.D. The teacher must intervene as a moral authority in the situation. 9. Which one of the following ideas corresponds with comprehensive guidance?A. Using parent-teacher mediationB. Using child negotiationC. Establishing strict consequences for mistaken behaviorD. Establishing an individual guidance plan 10. During the early years, executive function in the brainA. is almost fully developed.B. is nonexistent.C. develops quickly.D. grows slowly. 11. When dealing with grandparents raising a child, a good suggestion is for the teacher toA. use printed materials with large type fonts and simple words.B. set up frequent home visits.C. be sure that the grandparents understand English.D. approach the relationship just as you would for younger parents. 12. What is one of the ways in which teachers can stigmatize children?A. Incorporating an anti-bias education into the curriculumB. Ignoring bullying in the classroomC. Showing preference on the basis of academic achievementD. Teaching children to value different points of views from different cultures 13. When trying to understand what causes conflicts in young children, remember thatA. the younger the child, the more likely the conflict is about property.B. conflicts of privilege are abstract and don't apply to preschool children.C. when the conflict is over territory, the children are using manipulation.D. most conflicts are about attention getting, not disagreement. 14. Which of the following is a lifelong impact that direct violence can have on children?A. It can trigger autism in children if violence occurs at a certain age.B. It can cause children to avoid intimacy.C. It can make children cling to their parents.D. It can foster ambiguity about sexuality. 15. When working as a team with parents to resolve mistaken behavior, which one of the following suggestions should you keep in mind?A. Offer specific support service names or numbers for problem areas if you feel help is needed.B. Don't be afraid to use value judgments to describe a child's mistaken behavior.C. Label the child's behavior to give the parents a frame of reference they'll understand.D. Trust your intuition—some family members will be impossible to communicate with. 16. When deciding whether to intervene in a situation, you shouldA. determine which child is the aggressor and prepare to remove him or her.B. distract the children from the conflict, if possible.C. assess whether the danger of harm exists.D. warn the children once that you'll intervene if they don't settle the problem. 17. Which one of the following is an acceptable way to physically restrain a child?A. Passive bear hugB. Soft hand cuffsC. Back-of-the-neck squeezingD. "Bundling" in a blanket 18. A child is angry and swinging at anyone who comes near her and becomes angrier when you try to get her to calm down. Which type of intervention technique should you use?A. High-level mediationB. Passive bear hugC. Time-outD. Calling her parents to come pick her up 19. In conflict management, the teacher mustA. insist upon silence while he or she explains the situation and the solution.B. remain out of hearing range while the children sort out the situation.C. cool down everyone involved before trying to mediate in the situation.D. establish him- or herself as a moral authority to make children behave.End of exam 20. To reduce vulnerability in a particular child, teachers can practice liberation teaching, such asA. allowing the child to explain to the rest of the class how he or she feels.B. showing acceptance of the child as a worthwhile member of the group.C. setting up consequences for anyone who bullies the child.D. excusing the child from activities he or she isn't capable of completing.Exam: 405402RR - CREATING HIGH QUALITY CENTERS When you have completed your exam and reviewed your answers, click Submit Exam. Answers will not be recorded until you hit Submit Exam. If you need to exit before completing the exam, click Cancel Exam. Questions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a page break, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer. 1. The reading center needs to represent a variety of cultures. Which of the following teachers' responses reflects the philosophy found in your textbook?A. "I choose books that represent the cultures that are in my community. We live in a community with many American Indians, so I try to make sure that I have books that represent the American Indian culture."B. "I believe that it's more important to choose high quality books that fit with the theme we're studying rather than worrying about whether they're multicultural."C. "At the beginning of the school year, I ask each of the parents what culture they are. This year all the parents said they're Caucasian. I guess I don't need to worry about multicultural literature this year."D. "I provide a variety of multicultural literature as a way of exposing children to their own and to others' cultures." 2. Which of the following would assist toddlers to learn one-to-one correspondence?A. Number cards to traceB. Old calculatorsC. Play dough to create lettersD. Pegs and pegboards 3. Which of the following teachers' responses illustrates the appropriate use of literature for infants and toddlers?A. "I have a low bookshelf in my room that has cloth and board books. The infants can look at the books whenever they wish."B. "Each day I have a story time for the infants in my classroom. We try to read at least two books during this time. But, if they get too restless, I stop the story and let them leave the circle."C. "I have a variety of books available for the infants in my room. They're on a high shelf. When the infants want one, they point at it and I get it down for them. That way I can make sure none of the books get damaged."D. "I believe that infants and toddlers are too young for books. Instead it's best to focus on oral language." 4. Which of the following would be an important consideration when supplying musical instruments?A. Providing whistles since these are favorite instruments of childrenB. Providing durable, quality-sounding instruments even if you only have a fewC. Having an abundance of instruments even if they're low qualityD. Avoiding home-made instruments since they tend to have low sound quality 5. To be considered sociodramatic play, which of the following criteria should not be present?A. The child make-believes with actions and objects.B. The child role-plays pretending to be another person, animal, or object.C. Have no specific play themeD. The child coordinates roles and plots with at least one other person. 6. Vygotsky states that sociodramatic play is ideal for assisting children to develop self-regulation. Why is this true?A. Children have few rules when participating in dramatic play.B. Children have little need to plan while participating in sociodramatic playC. Children don't have to worry about peers, only themselves, when participating in dramatic play.D. Children practice rule-bound behavior in a motivating situation while participating in dramatic play. 7. The sensory center can help children develop skills and knowledge in which of the following domains?A. Physical and socialB. Physical, social, and cognitiveC. Physical, social, emotional, and cognitiveD. Physical only 8. According to the textbook, which of the following statements is true in regard to technology use by young children?A. Computers shouldn't be used by children under six since they're detrimental to children's health.B. The majority of young children don't use technology.C. Computers can replace many other tools currently in classrooms such as drawing materials.D. Computers are a tool that can be appropriately or inappropriately used. 9. Clean up can be a challenge in the block center. Following are strategies used by four different teachers to assist with clean-up. According to information in the textbook, which would be the most effective strategy?A. "Children who are in the block area when the bell rings to signal the end of center time are assigned to clean the area. If they don't have all the blocks put away in a reasonable amount of time, then they aren't allowed to play there the next day."B. "I'm now using boxes rather than shelves in the block center. It's much quicker to just put the blocks in a box rather than place them on a shelf."C. "I reduced the number of blocks in the area. This way it isn't so overwhelming at clean-up."D. "I make clean-up a game. For example, some days we play beat the clock seeing how many blocks we can pick up before a timer rings." 10. Which of the following approaches does the book promote for using computers in early childhood settings?A. It's best to not have computers in an early childhood classroom.B. It's best to have a separate computer lab where all the children can use the computer at once.C. It's best to use computers throughout the classroom, placing them in different learning centers.D. It's best to have the computers all grouped in a technology center in the classroom. 11. When would you provide a very limited variety of art materials?A. When the art center is smallB. When children are under the age of fourC. It's important to always have a rich variety of art materialsD. When children are first introduced to an art media or tool 12. Which of the following statements regarding diversity and block building is true?A. The block center is one area of the classroom where there's little opportunity to reflect diversity in the materials.B. We can introduce children to different disabilities and cultures through block-building props and other block-building materials.C. Block building is primarily an activity that's engaged in by children in more affluent countries.D. While the block center is appropriate for most children in the classroom, many children with disabilities won't be able to be successful in this area. 13. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics states that all five math standards are important in the early childhood years. However, they state that an emphasis needs to be placed on which of the following standards?A. Numbers and operations, geometry, measurementB. Algebra, geometry, data analysisC. Algebra, geometry, measurementD. Numbers and operations, algebra, measurement 14. Superhero and war play concern many teachers. These teachers describe how they manage this type of play. Which is most effective?A. "I ban the play since it seems to quickly get out of control when this type of play begins."B. "I feel that children should be able to play whatever they wish without any adult intervention. Lately the children have been immersed in pirate play, pretending to kill each other with swords."C. "I allow this type of only on Fridays. On that day I have extra help to keep an eye on the play."D. "I focus on real-life heroes, inviting them to the classroom and providing props." 15. Which of the following teachers is providing the children in her classroom the needed opportunity to develop skills through block building?A. "I have a center that contains unit blocks and props."B. "I have a small classroom so I rotate the block and dramatic play center since children develop the same skills in both centers."C. "My room is too small for a block center, and the children don't really like it anyway"D. "I also have a small classroom and so have added Legos and other small building blocks to my manipulative center rather than having a separate block center." 16. Which of the following statements regarding the block center is true?A. High-nap carpet should be used in the block building center to reduce noise.B. Blocks should be stored in a rolling cart to make clean-up easier.C. The block center should be open on at least two sides to allow block building to expand.D. There should be over 500 blocks available so children can have rich building experiences. 17. To design an effective dramatic play center, which of the following criteria would you follow?A. Located in the quiet area of the classroomEnd of exam B. High ceiling height so that the area doesn't seem too smallC. Some safe, loose parts so children can create what they needD. Limited props so children are encouraged to use their imagination 18. Which of the following teachers is using the computer most effectively?A. "I believe that my preschool children learn more if they only use hands-on manipulatives. The computer is too likely to just be a plaything. Therefore, I don't use the computer for math."B. "I use the computer to manipulate figures and place the actual hands-on manipulatives nearby."C. "I use the computer primarily for math practice and drill."D. "I use the computer so that children can manipulate geometric figures." 19. To enhance children's creativity, it's best to do which of the following?A. Teach children techniques and the proper use of tools as they're developmentally readyB. Use a hands-off approach to children's art workC. Instruct children on the proper colors to paint itemsD. Teach children the correct way to draw an item such as a person 20. Which of the following statement accurately reflects what we know about facilitating science learning for infants and toddlers?A. Infant toddler classrooms should have a variety of materials that emphasize such concepts as cause and effect and classification.B. Infant toddler teachers need to have a fully developed science center that includes such materials as magnets and simple science experiments.C. Infants and toddlers are too young to develop science skills, instead, you ;should focus on physical skills.D. It's important to have a science circle each week where the teacher demonstrates a science concept to the infants and toddlers.405403RR - DESIGNING SPECIALTY AREAS 1. Which of the following would meet the criteria discussed in the textbook for a one-portion recipe for kindergarten children?A. Making individual browniesB. Making a loaf of banana bread from a mixC. Making individual fruit saladsD. Making cinnamon rolls from scratch 2. A playground that contains many different kinds of open-ended materials such as scraps of lumber and nails that children can use to build their own structures is called a/anA. adventure playground.B. traditional.C. natural environment.D. contemporary playground. 3. Which of the following statements about overhead equipment is true?A. Dynamic elements create less challenge than stationary elements.B. To be safe, the equipment should be installed at the children's eye level.C. Overhead equipment is developmentally inappropriate for preschool children but is appropriate for elementary children.D. Children in the United States need overhead equipment because they lack upper-body strength compared to children in other countries. 4. Bolinda wants to create an illusion of more space in her program. Which of the following techniques would assist her to do this?A. Using different rugs in different parts of the roomB. Adding mirrors to the environmentC. Closing the window shades especially if they are the same color as the wallsD. Painting the walls a variety of different colors 5. You're going to design an afterschool program. Which of the following would be an important consideration in creating the design of the program?A. Involve the children in planning the curriculum and room design.B. Involve only the afterschool teachers in the planning.C. Hire a consultant to design the floor plan and activities.D. Follow a book using a floor plan and activity plan the author has designed. 6. Which of the following would be included in an optimal playground design?A. Providing a large storage shed where you can store all your playground materialsB. Not separating the space, instead keeping the area openC. Making sure that you use the same type of ground cover throughout the playgroundD. Dividing the space into zones to clearly delineate activities 7. What are the signs of burnout in early childhood teachers?A. Feeling like you're adequate but those around you aren'tB. Negativity about the job and childrenC. Increased desire to form close bonds with those at workD. Compensating by increasing accomplishments 8. It's recommended that indoor physical centers be set up in stations. Which of the following statements about stations is true?A. Centers should be placed close together so that children can see all their options.B. Most centers will need to have close adult supervision.C. Two or three stations are typically sufficient.D. Centers that children can use independently should be developed around the motor skills categories. 9. The book discusses protecting children's right to play outdoors. Which statement regarding children and outdoor time is accurate?A. Children play outside the same amount of time as previous generations.B. Children play outside less than in previous generations partially due to a "culture of fear."C. Children in the United States spend less time outdoors than in previous generations. However, this isn't a concern in other countries.D. Children play outside more than in previous generations partially because fewer children have chores. 10. Which of the following is a true statement about developing centers to support theme- and project- based learning?A. The theme or project may be supported by placing items in relevant learning centers or at times by developing a separate center.B. It's crucial to have a separate learning center to support the theme or project.C. Themes or projects can't be supported by the learning environment.D. It's important that every learning center in the classroom relate to the theme or project. 11. What would be an appropriate activity for children's first woodworking attempts?A. Building a simple birdhouseB. Measuring and sawing a piece of wood into equal partsC. Pounding nails into a piece of woodD. Creating a sculpture by sawing the wood and nailing the pieces together. 12. Several teachers are discussing the playground. Which of the following teachers reflects the information found in the textbook?A. "After all the planning I need to do for circle time and learning centers, it's a relief to have at least one time of the day that I don't have to plan for."B. "Both the children and I enjoy recess. It gives us all a chance to take a break."C. "Although I think it's important to have time outside, the real learning occurs in the classroom."D. "I think that outside center time is as important as inside center time, so I make plans for the hour that we're outside each morning." 13. Which of the following statements is true in regard to woodworking for preschoolers?A. It's best to conduct woodworking as a group activity.B. Preschoolers are capable of using a hammer but should never use a saw.C. Preschoolers are too young to participate in woodworking.D. A woodworking center for preschoolers should contain a variety of different types of tools such as hammers, pliers, hand saws, screwdrivers, etc. 14. Children in the early childhood years are typically in the fundamental movement phase of motor development. Which of the following is true regarding this phase?A. With maturation, nearly all children will successfully master fundamental movement skills.B. The best way for children to practice movement skills is through structured classes.C. It's easier to learn fundamental movement skills as adults.D. Fundamental movement skills are critical to be successful in many recreational games, sports, and activities. 15. Tanya has reserved both Thursday and Friday from 8:00–5:00 for home visits, but none of the parents have signed up for a visit. She is talking to other teachers about this problem. Which of the following responses most accurately reflects the philosophy found in the textbook?A. "I wonder if it would help to offer some evening hours for home visits."B. "All you can do is offer the opportunity; if parents don't want to take advantage of it, there's nothing you can do."C. "I have found that parents are simply too busy to take time out of their schedule for their kids."D. "I think it works best to just assign a date and time and tell the parents you'll be at their house then." 16. Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding afterschool spaces?A. If you're in a shared space, it isn't possible to develop learning centers.B. It isn't necessary to separate quiet and active centers in afterschool programs.C. The same design rules that apply to preschool environments also apply to afterschool programs.D. If you must meet in a gym for afterschool care, you can develop centers on the lunch tables. 17. We show we value families when we do which of the following?A. Seek the families' input into program decisions.B. Tell families that they hold their children's future in their hands, so it's crucial that they make sure their children complete their homework.C. Let families know that it's important that they model respect for the teachers in the building because their children will imitate them.D. Realize that families are too busy to be involved in their children's schooling. End of exam 18. You're designing a family bulletin board. Which of the following teachers most closely represents what you've learned?A. "I place my bulletin board down in the lunchroom. There's plenty of space there and it's quiet. If parents really want to read the information, they make the effort to go down there to read it."B. "I post all the required forms on my bulletin board such as the notices that we've received from Workman's Compensation, our license, the Adult and Child Care Food Program information, and our anti-discrimination policy."C. "I use my bulletin board to highlight what the children are currently learning and upcoming events. I'm careful to not put too much on the board."D. "I design an aesthetic bulletin board containing information such as the school calendar and pictures of the teachers and children in the classroom that I leave up for the school year." 19. The National Association for Sport and Physical Education would support which of the following statements?A. It isn't necessary to plan structured physical activities since children get all the activity they need through play.B. Toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary children all need both structured and unstructured physical activity daily.C. It's important that preschool and elementary children have both structured and unstructured physical activity daily. However, toddlers need only unstructured activities.D. If children are engaged in structured physical activity, it isn't necessary to provide opportunities for unstructured physical activity. 20. Which of the following statements would be true regarding the value of parental involvement?A. While involvement by families is very important when children are preschoolers, the need diminishes as children reach elementary school.B. There are social benefits for children whose families are involved in their schooling but little academic benefit.C. Children who have families who are involved have greater school success and achievement in every academic area as well as improved motivation, behavior, and attendance.D. There are no academic or social benefits for children whose families are involved. However, there are values for parents and teachers.Exam: 405571RR - THE CAREGIVERS When you have completed your exam and reviewed your answers, click Submit Exam. Answers will not be recorded until you hit Submit Exam. If you need to exit before completing the exam, click Cancel Exam. Questions 1 to 25: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a page break, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer. 1. Which of the following groups of foods are not recommended for infants under six months because they may produce food allergies?A. Tomato and nut productsB. Wheat cereals, eggs, citrus fruits, nut-based productsC. Dairy, meat, and poutry proteinsD. Citrus fruits, exotic fruits, out-of-season fruits 2. The philosophy of infant-toddler care and education stressed in this book comes from the work ofA. John Dewey and Maria Montessori.B. Magda Gerber and Emmi Pikler.C. Emily Browne.D. Adam Waldorf. 3. How do you decide what is enough stress for an infant or toddler?A. Include a little more detrimental stress each time in each situation until the child becomes acclimated to handle heavier loads of "bad" stress.B. Stay calm, watch the child's actions, and try to imagine what the child is feeling.C. Let the child manage the stress by him- or herself without interfering.D. Alleviate the stress as soon as it's detected. Infants/toddler stress isn't healthy at any level. 4. The textbook describes a skilled caregiver's presence as beingA. receiving and neutral.B. active and permissive.C. retracting and directive.D. active and receptive. 5. Happenings offer an experience that's reflective of an interest observed in infant-toddler interactions and play. How does a happening differ from an activity?A. Happenings have predetermined outcomes, and activities are more free-flowing.B. Happenings are more complex than activities.C. Happenings broaden the idea of what infants and toddlers engage in and learn from.D. Happenings are never planned, and activities have a plan. 6. To promote self-help skills at meals, you shouldA. provide ample portions of food.B. use adult-sized utensils.C. provide small amounts of food.D. discourage play or experimentation while eating. 7. Infant-toddler education is the same asA. infant stimulation.B. none of the answers given.C. baby sitting.D. a modified preschool program. 8. The role of adults in the infant-toddler curriculum is toA. be receptive to initiations from a child.B. facilitate problem-solving skills.C. be responsive observers.D. incorporate all of the actions listed. 9. The adult role in infant-toddler education involvesA. allowing an appropriate degree of stress when a child is problem-solving.B. all of the roles included here.C. responding appropriately to demands for attention.D. modeling desirable behavior. 10. Which of the following does not support creating curriculum out of play?A. Giving children freedom of choiceB. Allowing sensory play with no objective measurementC. Offering structured rules and guidelinesD. Providing resources 11. Which of the following most effectively leads to the foundation of the intellect in infants and toddlers?A. Alphabet booksB. Cognitive-focused curriculumC. Interactions with consistent caregiversD. Educational videos 12. The act of children discovering and examining what's around them is calledA. exploration.B. teaching.C. sensation.D. deprivation. 13. The key to easing toilet learning isA. allowing children to sit in wet and/or dirty diapers until they're sufficiently uncomfortable.B. make the child try to use the toilet during each bathroom break.C. quietly placing the toddler in a short time-out when he or she has an accident.D. following the child's own readiness and willingness to learn. 14. What is the belief behind a primary-caregiving system?A. A tag-team approach with all caregivers working in a large group of children of mixed ages where children are free to form their own groups for play across age and gener lines.B. Infant/toddler classrooms should have a 1:1 ratio.C. Paying special attention to three or four children promotes a stronger attachment.D. Care for infants, toddlers, and primary students should take place in mixed-age groups divided by sex. 15. Safety and learning through interaction areA. not central to infant-toddler care, since infants and toddlers tend not to learn from each other.B. overarching themes in supporting play for infants and toddlers.C. must-have rules in setting up an outdoor play area for infants and toddlers, but need to be C. released during indoor activity.D. necessary during play and mealtimes, but need to be relaxed during nap time. 16. Respectful interactions with a child include _______A. not carrying a child around like an object.B. involving a child in caregiving tasks such as changing a diaper.C. talking to a child in a natural way.D. all of the tasks listed. 17. Intimate human interaction is time spentA. doing routine caregiving tasks, no matter how they are done.B. being fully focused on the child during caregiving routines.C. possible between human beings after they've matured to adulthood.D. doing playful adult-initiated interactions with a child. 18. Infant-toddler teachers must beA. paid in proportion to the day care facility's income.B. college-educated.C. good communicators and problem solvers.D. parents themselves. 19. Which of these is a primary developmental goal underlying the 10 principles on which this book is based?A. Directive opportunityB. Quantity of developmentC. Security and trustD. Teaching behaviorEnd of exam 20. Which of the following statements acknowledges a child's inner delight?A. "You must feel good about washing your hands by yourself!"B. "If you try a little harder, next time you might not make that mistake."C. "I like the way you're sharing your toys."D. "Good job!" 21. Caregivers create curriculum out of play byA. encouraging nap time.B. aiding children in the pursuit of special interests.C. limiting children's choices to the caregiver choices.D. restricting the allocation of resources. 22. Timing and _______ are important skills for caregivers to acquire in order to facilitate infant-toddler social play.A. selective interventionB. encouraging activityC. arts and craftsD. powerful voices 23. In relation to child development and problem-solving, scaffolding isA. an important play yard apparatus that promotes arm and leg strength.B. successful when you time your assistance for when the child is about to give up.C. to be avoided as much as possible since it increases dependence on adults.D. effectively uses music to develop coordination. 24. By talking naturally to a child, you teachA. listening skills.B. all of the skills listed here.C. words and language in context.D. language and speaking skills. 25. Investing in quality time involvesA. making sure to use time out right away.B. completing any necessary paperwork between 8 A.M. and 10 A.M.C. making sure to pair children together for each day's activities.D. being fully present when spending time with a child.Exam: 405572RR - FOCUS ON THE CHILD 1. Infants achieve _______ when they become aware that objects exist even when they can't see them.A. figments of imaginationB. identificationC. object permanenceD. sensory permanence 2. The overall development in the hands and fingers is known asA. grasping.B. locomotion.C. manipulation.D. gross motor skills. 3. Infants internalize what they take in through their senses andA. forget it immediately.B. display it in physical movements such as mouthing.C. save it for much later.D. vocalize it. 4. If you want an infant to focus on a sound, that sound shouldA. be monotone.B. be part of a longer series of sounds, such as an orchestral piece of music.C. have a distinct beginning and end.D. be played as background music. 5. When promoting prosocial behavior, it is important to do all of the following exceptA. encourage cooperation.B. assert power in resolving conflict.C. model prosocial behaviors yourself.D. follow a consistent daily routine. 6. Self-calming devices appear on average atA. two years old.B. one year old.C. birth.D. three years old. 7. When a baby has a depressed parent who ignores the baby's cues for emotional interactions,A. the infant may have a depressed heart rate.B. the infant may have reduced brain activity.C. the baby has reduced cortisol levels.D. the infant is more active. 8. The process of gathering information, organizing it, and using it to adapt to the world isA. sensory stimulation.B. learning ability.C. intellectual quotient.D. cognitive experience. 9. _______ is the prime factor in the development of social skills.A. CryingB. ObservationC. Parents' income levelD. Attachment 10. The energy that pushes children to create, invent, and explore what happens in their lives is known as Erickson's stage ofA. trust.B. autonomy.C. initiative.D. separation. 11. Which of the following contributes to infants developing a sense of basic trust in day care?A. responding to each infant's needs individually.B. varied sleep, feeding, and play schedules.C. rotating caregivers to provide diverse and comprehensive care.D. infant groups of at least four infants per adult caregiver. 12. The _______ levels are fully developed at birth and regulate most reflexes and fundamental activities in the body.A. cerebralB. subrebralC. cortexD. subcortical 13. Which of the following should not account for rapid gain in overall brain size after birth.A. MyelinizationB. The growth of "dendrite trees"C. Swelling due to rapid muscle growthD. Number of neurons 14. Sensory integration is critical to the development ofA. sense organs.B. perception.C. dendrite shrinkage.D. a dynamic system. 15. The brain reaches nearly 90% of its adult weight by _______ years of age.A. sixteenB. twoC. threeD. six 16. The process by which young children acquire language rapidly is known asA. proximal development.B. phonics.C. fast mapping.D. whole language. 17. Pretending to _______ is the beginning of pretend play for a young child.A. talk to a family petB. feed a dollC. feed herselfD. perform an adult task such as grocery shopping 18. Which of the following may be considered warning signs of a communication disorder for a mobile infant (6 to 18 months)?A. Limited or no interest in interacting in a familiar environmentB. Misunderstanding questions most of the timeC. Using only short, simple sentencesD. Often misunderstood by others 19. The pathways in the brain that form the physical foundation of trust are caused by what behaviors?A. FondlingB. FeedingC. TouchingD. All of the answers mentioned End of exam 20. The first noticeable slowing of brain activity happens duringA. later adulthood, typically after age 40.B. the end of infancy.C. the beginning of formal schooling.D. adolescence. 21. An infant's ability to move from one place to another is referred to asA. proximal growth.B. fine motor awareness.C. locomotion.D. the rooting reflex. 22. Which of the following is an infant's main learning tool in the first months after birth?A. MusicB. Both book exposure and musicC. Book exposureD. The mouth 23. Children grow rapidly in a nurturing environment. By their first birthday, most children's weight hasA. quadrupled.B. tripled.C. increased by an average of 10 lbs.D. doubled. 24. Which of the following can not an aspect of social skills?A. Social skills aid in connecting us to other people.B. Social skills are most strongly associated with inborn instinctive qualities rather than acquired by learning.C. Social skills are related to the culture they're formed within.D. Social skills help to foster cooperation and interdependent relationships. 25. For human beings, attachment isA. a learned physical behavior.B. only an issue post-toddlerhood.C. not important during the first year.D. an important two-way experience between infant and adult.Exam: 405573RR - FOCUS ON THE PROGRAM 1. If a parent's culture has a timeframe for toilet training that's different from the policy of your program, you shouldA. begin a continuing dialogue with the parents.B. ask the parents to provide their method in writing to be submitted to the daycare director.C. immediately tell your center director or supervisor that there's a problem.D. provide a sufficient arguement to persuade the parents to try your program. 2. A multicultural curriculum for infants and toddlers meansA. sharing a variety of ethnic foods.B. celebrating the many holidays of people around the world.C. posting pictures on walls of children around the world.D. learning from parents about their culture and how it applies to what they want for their children in the infant-toddler care setting. 3. The first step in considering ways of changing behavior in a child is toA. define what is undesirable behavior.B. exert power and control.C. assume a structured punishment regime.D. ignore it. 4. Which one of the following practices related to the physical environment is not recommended as developmentally appropriate for infants?A. Providing multisensory toys with visually stimulating bright colors and movementB. Having available lightweight objects that babies can grasp, mouth, drop, turn, and explore in various waysC. Allowing infants to explore with their hands without distractionsD. Providing very few simple play objects 5. Changing behavior in toddlers can involve all of the following exceptA. expecting more than they can give or do.B. redirecting energy when appropriate.C. modeling socially acceptable behavior.D. ignoring behavior you want to see changed. 6. A high-quality infant-toddler environment has balance in the following dimensions exceptA. open-closed.B. loud-bright.C. hard-soft.D. intrusion-seclusion. 7. Chronically ill or medically fragile childrenA. should be treated exactly the same as all children so they don't feel different.B. may need closer attention to health and sanitation practices because of possible immunity problems.C. should be kept isolated at all times.D. should never be placed in child care. 8. A needs and services plan isA. only for infants and toddlers with special needs.B. a plan discussed by parents and caregivers upon entry into an infant-toddler program.C. a formal plan to serve children that is made by the program and a regulating agency.D. written by a pediatrician. 9. One way that caregivers can work successfully with mixed-age groups is toA. define play spaces.B. pair children by having one school-aged child care for one toddler.C. leave out only toys that are safe for the youngest members of the group.D. have the older children read quietly during a mixed-age play time. 10. Ways for a caregiver can nurture his or her own self-esteem includeA. being passive.B. encouraging conflict.C. achieving perfection.D. taking care of his or her own needs. 11. All of the following are part of a well-designed environment that benefits infants and toddlers exceptA. subdued colors and sounds.B. security to explore their environment.C. challenging physical activities to promote motor skills.D. emotionally supportive caregivers. 12. One of the most effective ways to teach socially acceptable behavior isA. model appropriate behavior yourself.B. to use an exceptionally good toddler as an example for the other children to follow.C. when a child acts undesirably, point it out to others to illustrate unwanted behavior.D. to replicate an undesirable behavior to show the toddler why it's bad, that is, if a child pinches, pinch him lightly so he understands that it hurts. End of exam 13. One disadvantage of family child care homes isA. the smaller size.B. greater variety in children's ages.C. less-than-desirable habits of other family members, such as watching an excessive amount of television.D. less of an "institutionalized feel." 14. To develop a skillful relationship between caregivers and parents, it's helpful to establish a dialogue, whichA. is never about problem solving.B. uses persuasion as a tool.C. is a discussion when one or both sides are defensive.D. occurs when both parties seek to understand the other's point of view. 15. In creating a healthful environment all except which of the following should be standard procedures?A. Each child has his own bed, cot, or pad.B. Vaccines are administered to all children.C. Children and staff in the program wash hands often.D. Toys are cleaned daily.1. ??Leaning toward a speaker is often a sign of A. nervousness.B. low self-esteem.C. sincere interest.D. dishonesty.?2. ??Mr. Jones and Mr. Swanson are talking in the break room one day. Mr. Swanson says, "If only the phone would stop ringing for just an hour, I'd be able to finish that report that was due yesterday." Mr. Jones says, "You don't know how to manage your time, that's all. You should do what I do: write an outline first, then you'll know what you want to say, and will be able to bang out the report in no time." Mr. Swanson, annoyed, leaves the room. What was wrong with Mr. Jones' response? A. It used stereotyping as a conversation stopper.B. It offered unwelcome advice and criticism.C. It diverted attention from Mr. Swanson's difficulties.D. It offered false reassurance that Mr. Swanson didn't want.?3. ??The most productive way to handle stress is to A. deal directly with the source.B. ignore it and hope it goes away.C. complain to your coworkers.D. criticize your superiors.?4. ??Putting your hands on your face while you talk sends what message to your listeners? A. You're excited.B. You're annoyed.C. You lack confidence.D. You lack patience.?5. ??In order to appear professional, it's a good idea to A. participate in office gossip, to be seen as friendly and popular.B. maintain a formal and detached manner, to be seen as "strictly business."C. always promise to do what you're asked, even if you'll have to be late.D. be respectful of others, and maintain their privacy and your own.?6. ??In order to hold your listeners' attention, it's best to A. keep the pitch and tone of your voice constant, so that all words are clearly heard.B. vary the pitch, volume, and tone of your voice, to keep it interesting.C. speak quickly, to avoid being interrupted.D. pitch your voice higher than normal, so it carries farther.?7. ??Determining the key words of a speaker's message is known as A. key word listening.B. reference point listening.C. listening for reference.D. listening for content.?Use the following scenario for questions 8 and 9. At a business convention, you observe two people in conversation. The one who's talking right now is standing erect, making strong but controlled hand gestures, and looking directly at the other person. The other person is standing on one leg, looking around the room. He catches your eye and quickly looks at the floor.8. ??What is your likely impression of the speaker? A. He's confident in his message.B. He's nervous.C. He's hostile and overbearing.D. He's dishonest.?9. ??What is your likely impression of the listener? A. He's interested in the conversation.B. He's confident and relaxed.C. He's nervous and uninterested.D. He's the higher-ranking person.?10. ??When you're being criticized, it's important to A. listen carefully.B. defend yourself.C. interrupt often.D. criticize others.?11. ??Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? A. Us students have a lot of work to do.B. Please return the book to us when you've read it.C. Who did you sell your old car to?D. John is a better baseball player than me.?12. ??After listening to a five-minute speech, the majority of people, if asked, could accurately repeat about _______ of the words. A. 15 percentB. 40 percentC. 33 percentD. 50 percent?13. ??The rules of etiquette are A. universal across cultures and environments.B. meant to smooth social interactions and aid communication.C. applicable only to situations involving formal dinners.D. of limited usefulness in business situations.?14. ??The average length of continuous, direct eye contact is A. 5–10 seconds.B. 2–3 seconds.C. 12–15 seconds.D. 20 seconds.?15. ??Using verbal and nonverbal cues to interpret a speaker's attitudes and emotions is often referred to as listening A. with intention.B. by intention.C. for intention.D. to intention.?16. ??The nonverbal messages expressed through gestures, eye contact, and facial expressions are called A. trigger points.B. reference points.C. posturing.D. body language.?17. ??People usually form a distinct opinion of others within the first _______ of meeting them. A. five secondsB. ten secondsC. five minutesD. ten minutes?18. ??The average speaking rate is A. 100 words per minute.B. 120 words per minute.C. 140 words per minute.D. 160 words per minute.?19. ??You're in a meeting of the research and development team you've just been assigned to work with. The team leader is describing a new product being tested, and assigns you the task of completing this phase of development by a certain date. While she's speaking, you develop mental images of the product and your role in the testing process. You're engaging in A. imagination.B. memorization.C. projection.D. visualization.?20. ??An unwillingness to listen or agree can be communicated through A. slumping.B. chewing of the lips or nails.C. arms crossed over the chest.D. squinting.?Questions 1–4: Answer the following essay questions in ashort paragraph. Each question is worth four points.1. Compare and contrast directional selection and disruptive selection,and provide an example of each. 2. Many pathogenic bacteria species are becoming resistant to antibiotics. Explain how such adaptations can develop through the process of natural selection. (Hint: Relate this example to the conditions that are necessary for natural selection to occur.) 3. What are the major evolutionary trends that developed among major vertebrate groups, specifically those that allowed for the transition from aquatic to terrestrial life? 4. Providing examples, explain how sexual reproduction in plants has evolved to become less dependent on water.1. Explain how human activities can cause an imbalance in biogeochemical cycling and lead to problems such as cultural eutrophication and fish kills. 2. Compare and contrast the traits and growth patterns of opportunistic versus equilibrium populations.3. Compare and contrast indirect versus direct values of biodiversity, and provide examples. 4. Describe two traits that represent a sustainable society and two traits of a non-sustainable of FormBottom of FormBottom of Form ................

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