WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE - Home - Gavilan College

The Self-Concept

Essay Assignment - 25 pts

|This worksheet should help you to understand who you are (self-concept) in relation to your perception of your immediate and the larger world community. From this |

|information, you are to write a 3-page essay following these guidelines and expectations: |

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|Terms and concepts: Appropriate use of terms and concepts from text and lecture. Use of outside sources encouraged. You must use a minimum of four quotes from the class|

|text or lecture slides for this paper. |

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|Examples: Pertinent examples that illustrate your reactions (personal experiences, interviews, quotes, descriptions). |

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|Organization: The response sheet must be in paper format (no emailed versions). It must be a minimum of 3 pages in length, use Times Roman font no larger than 12 pt, and|

|margins set at 1”. The default setting is usually fine. Use double spaced paragraphs. Your response should have a title, and introduction, thesis statement, body, and |

|conclusion. |

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|Spelling and Grammar: As this is a college course, correct spelling and grammar are essential to the end result. Provide enough time to write and reflect on your work, |

|and use a final proofread for a polished college level written paper. Students who submit a poorly written paper will be required to resubmit their essay once the paper |

|has been reviewed by the Tutoring Center. In the future essay assignments will prescribe a correctly written paper at the time required. Poorly written papers will be |

|rejected, so use of the Tutoring Center is suggested for those needing extra assistance. |

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|Below is the worksheet that will start you on your journey for the semester |



For each category below, supply the three words or phrases that best describe you.

1. What moods or feelings best characterize you?

2. How would you describe your physical condition and/or appearance?

3. How would you describe your cultural and social identity?

4. What talents do you possess or lack?

5. How would you describe your intellectual capacity?

6. What beliefs do you strongly hold? (cultural; spiritual; worldview)

7. What cultural and social roles are most important in your life? (work, friends, family, etc.)

8. What other terms haven’t you listed so far which describe important things about you?

|Authentic Self: The "authentic" self is the you that can be found at your absolute core. It is not defined by your job, function or role. It is your beliefs, skills, talents and wisdom. | |

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|Fictional Self: False information about you and about what you “should” be doing, roles you are expected to fulfill. Sometimes it is just easier to be who others tell us we are rather than searching for| |

|our authentic self. | |

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|(basic ideas from Dr. Phil Show) | |

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|What are the seven most critical choices you have made to put you on your current path? | |

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|Who are the five most pivotal people in your world and how have they shaped you? | |

|What are the ten most defining moments of your life? | |

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