Updated October 2017.



Work address: Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of

Science & Technology (JOOUST)

School of Education

P.O. Box 210- 40601


Home address: P.O. Box 298


EMAIL: raburu_pamela@

Mobile/Cell: +254 711980871


University Education

2006- 2011 PhD in Educational Research

Lancaster University- UK

1999-2000 MA (Psychology of Education)

University of London, Institute of Education

1998. Bachelor of Education (Honors)

University of London, Institute of Education

High School Education

1979-1982 The Ngi’ya Girls High School (O level)

1983-1984 The Kenya Polytechnic- Nairobi- (Advanced Level)


July 2012- Present Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University

of Science & Technology

November 8, 2016- Present Senior Lecturer

July 2012-October 2016 Lecturer

Nov 2015- Present Ag/Dean School of Education

Sept 2013-Nov 2015: Chairperson Department of Psychology & Educ. Found.

October 2012-Sept 2013: Examination coordinator, School of Education

Sept. 2005- July 2012 Dhofar University- Salalah- Oman

• January 2011- July 2012: : Lecturer

Psychology & Education

• Sept. 2008-2012 HOD- Dept. of Psychology & Social Work

• Sept. 2005- Dec. 2010: Ass. Lecturer


Sept. 2000- July 2005 King Faisal University- Women’s section

(Saudi Arabia)

Ass. Lecturer/Instructor


Oct. 1999- July 2000 University of London

Part-time Graduate Assistant- Psychology


Oct. 1999- July 2000 WandsWorth Borough Children’s

Home (London)

Part-time Social worker

Sept. 1998- July 1999 Orbit Academy (Saudi-Arabia)

Psychology & Sociology teacher

(Cambridge Examinations)

Grades 11 & 12

Head of Department

Sept. 1994- July 1996 Time Plan Teaching Agency (London UK)

Supply Teacher

Sept 1990- Aug 1994 The Aga Khan School- Nairobi


Member of student counseling Committee

May 1990- Aug 1991 Kereri Girls High School- Kenya

Geography & Home Economics


1. Mocheche, E.K., Bosire, J. and Raburu, P. (2017).Influence of Self-Esteem on Job Satisfaction of Secondary School Teachers in Kenya International Journal of Advanced and Multidisciplinary Social Science, 3(2) 29-39.

2. Omer, S.W., Raburu, P.A. and Ajowi, J. (2017). Gender Biases Against Women in Labor Division in Kenya’s Ministry of Education. American Journal of Sociological Research , 7(1) 33-38

3. Mocheche, E.K., Bosire, J. and Raburu, P.(2017). Influence of Gender on Job Satisfaction of Secondary School Teachers in Kenya. International Journal of Advanced and Multidisciplinary Social Science, 3(2): 40-48.

4. Oyuga, P.A., Raburu, P. and Aloka, P.J. (2016). Relationship between Time Management and Academic Performance among Orphaned Secondary School Students of Kenya. International Journal of Applied Psychology, 6 (6) 171-178

5. Ndiewo, P.O., Raburu, P., and Aloka, P.J. (2016) Influence of Learner Reflection on Academic Performance of Kenyan Secondary Students. International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 6 (3) 128-132.

6. Omwamba, J. M., Raburu, P. and Aloka, P.J. (2016) Influence of Assessment Services on Academic Performance among Pupils in Kenyan Public Primary Schools. International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 6 (3) 155-160.

7. Oyuga, P.A., Aloka, P.J. and Raburu, P. (2016) Relationship between Meta-Cognitive Learning Skills and Academic Performance among Orphaned Secondary School Students of Kenya. International Journal of Advanced and Multidisciplinary Social Science. 2(2) 40-46

8. Ndiewo, P.O., Aloka, P.J. and Raburu, P. (2016) Influence of Learner Involvement on Academic Performance of Secondary School Students in Kenya. International Journal of Applied Psychology, 6 (2) 37-40.

9. Owala, Z.M., Odongo, B. and Raburu, P. (2016) Motivational Factors Influencing Teachers’ Job Performance in Pre-School Centres in Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 5 (5)

10. Onyango, P.A. Raburu, P. and Aloka, P.J. (2016) Alternative Corrective Measures used in Managing Student Behaviour Problems in Bondo Sub-County, Kenya. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 7 no. 1 527-537.

11. Angalika, A. M., Aloka, P.J.O. and Raburu, P. (2016) School Physical Environmental factors responsible for stressful experience among Teachers in Kenyan Special Primary Schools. International Journal of Applied Psychology 6(3) 75-79

12. Odongo, A. A., Aloka, P.J.O. and Raburu, P. (2016) Influence of Parenting Styles on the Adolescent Students’ Academic Achievement in Kenyan Day Secondary Schools. Journal of Education and Practice, Vol 7 (5) 101-108.

13. Bii, M. C., Aloka, P.J.O. and Raburu, P. (2016) Efficacy of Peer Counselling on Emotional Adjustment among Orphaned Learners in Kenyan Schools.

14. Nyang’au, I. R., Aloka, P.J.O. and Raburu, P. (2016) Relationship between Parenting Styles and Academic Adjustments among Selected Kenyan Secondary School Students. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 6 (10) 185-190.

15. Ogolla, P.O., Aloka, P.J.O. and Raburu, P.A.(2016) Relationship between Locus of Control and Stress Management among High School Principals in Kenya. International Journal of Applied Psychology 6(5) 150-155

16. Onyango, P.A., Raburu, P.A., Aloka, P. J. (2016) A Qualitative and Quantitative Examination of Using Positive Consequences in the Management of Student Behaviors in Kenyan Schools. International Journal of Psychology & Behavioral Sciences, 6(5) 225-231

17. Ogolla, P.O., Aloka, P.J.O. and Raburu, P.(2016) Relationship Between Type A Personality Trait and Stress Management among High School Principals in Kenya. Journal of Applied Psychology 6(5) 213-218

18. Odanga. S. Raburu, P. and Aloka, P.J. (2015) Influence of Gender on Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Secondary Schools in Kisumu County, Kenya.

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(3), 189- 197.

19. Onguti, C. O., Aloka, P.J. and Raburu, P.A. (2016) Factors Affecting Teaching and Learning in Mother Tongue in Public Lower Primary Schools in Kenya. International Journal of Psychology and Bahavioural Sciences 6(3), 161-166

20. Odanga, S. Aloka, P.J. and Raburu, P. (2015) Influence of Marital Status on Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Secondary Schools of Kisumu County, Kenya. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4 (3), 115-124.

21. Omieno, K., Raburu, G. and Raburu P. (2015) Performance-Based Usability maturity Assessment Framework for VLS in Universities. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 4 (12) 6-14.

22. Awiti, J., Onderi, H., and Raburu, P. (2016) Head Teachers’ Supervision of Curriculum Implementation: Implications on Provision of Quality Secondary Education in Kenya. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal (3)1, 116-128

23. Agwaya, J. A., Raburu, P. and Aloka, P.J. (2015) Relationship between Personality Subtypes and Indulgence in Behaviour Problems among Kenyan Students. International Journal of Applied Psychology, 5(6) 183-187.

24. Agwaya, J. A. , Aloka, P.J. and Raburu, P. (2015) The Relationship between Locus of Control and Indulgence in Behaviour Problems among Kenya Students. International Journal of Applied Psychology, 5 (6) 201-204.

25. Raburu, P.A. (2015) The Self-Who am I?: Children’s Identity and Development through Early Childhood Education. Journal of Education and Social Research, 5 (1) 95-102.

26. Raburu, P.A. (2015) Motivation of Women Academics and Balancing Family & Career. Journal of Education and Social Research. 5 (1) 359-370.

27. Owaa, J.A., Raburu, P. and Aloka P.J. (2015) Gender Differences in Adjustment to Loss and Grief among Selected Kenyan Orphaned Secondary School Students. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4) 489-497.

28. Owaa, J.A., Raburu, P. and Aloka P.J. (2015) Strategies for Adjustment to Loss and Grief among Selected Kenya Orphaned Secondary School Students. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6 (3) 532-541.

29. Owaa, J.A., Aloka, P.J. and Raburu, P. (2015) The Influence of Students’ Interpersonal Nature on Adjustment to Loss and Grief on Kenyan Orphaned Secondary School Students. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences,. l 6 (4) 333-343.

30. Owaa, J.A., Aloka, P.J. and Raburu, P.. (2015) The Influence of Emotional Progression Factors on Adjustment to Loss and Grief on Kenyan Orphaned Secondary School Students. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 6 (4) 190-200.

31. Abdulkarim, R. and Raburu, P.A. (2013) Determining the Attitude of Undergraduate Students towards Physics through Concept Mapping. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 4 No. 3 September, 2013


1) Reviewer: Dr. Pamela Raburu

Ra’ed, A. & Adnan, A. J. (2012) The Effect of Cooperative Learning Group Division Based on Multiple Intelligences Theory and Previous Achievement on scientific Thinking Skills Development of Ninth Grade Students in Oman. European Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 27 No. 4, pp 553-569.

2) Reviewer: Dr. Pamela Raburu

Author (name withheld) (2012) Black ethnic minority social work students’ experiences of practice learning: understanding differential progression rates. Journal of Social Work, (March 2012).

3) Reviewer: Dr. Pamela Raburu

Lynnette Odidi Yogo (2014) .Sparkling Memories. Aura Book Publishers- Nairobi.

ISBN 9966-035-68-4



1. John Aomo Agwaya - PhD in Educational Psychology 2017

Title: Relationship between Internal Psychological States and Indulgence in Behaviour Problems among Secondary School Students’ in Kenya.

2. Pamela Awuor Onyango - PhD in Educational Psychology 2017

Title: Effectiveness of Selected Alternative Methods to Corporal Punishment in Managing Students’ Behaviour Problems in Public Secondary Schools.

3. Sylvester Jokim Otieno Odanga - PhD in Educational Psychology 2017

Title: Influence of Selected Demographic Variables on Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Public Secondary Schools.

4. Peter Onyango Ogolla – PhD in Guidance & Counseling 2017

Title: Selected Intrapersonal Traits as Predictors of Stress Management among Principals in Public Secondary Schools.

5. Kelvin Kabeti Omieno- PhD in Business Information Systems 2017

Title: Usability Maturity Assessment for Virtual Learning Systems in Kenya

6. Leah Acholla Aloka- MEd in Educational Psychology 2017

Title: Relationship Between Parenting Styles and Bullying Behaviours of Learners in Primary Schools in Mbita Sub- County, Kenya.

7. Mary Akumu MED- Early Childhood Development Education 2017

Title: Parents’ Perspective on the Importance of Preschool Education in Public ECDE Centres I Maranda Division, Bondo Sub-County, Kenya.

8. Pamella Angela Onyango -MED- Early Childhood Development Education 2017

Title:Selected Parental Factors InfluencingLearners’Transition from Home to Public Preschools in Nyabondo Zone, Nyakach Sub-County, Kenya.

9. Judith Anyango Owaa - PhD in Educational Psychology 2016

Title: Influence of Adolescence Progression Factors, Interpersonal Nature and

Gender on Adjustment to Loss and Grief Among Orphaned Secondary

Students in Kenya.

10. Paul Oduor Ndiewo- PhD in Guidance and Counseling 2016

Title: Influence of Domains of Self-Efficacy and Self Autonomy on Academic

Performance of Secondary Schools in Kenya

11. Jenipher Atieno Awiti - PhD in Planning & Economics of Education 2016

Title: Influence of Head teachers’ Selected Instructional Supervisory Practices on

Provision of Quality Education in Secondary Schools in Kenya

12. Vitalis Amollo Oliech – PhD in Educational Administration & Management 2016

Title: Effects of Staffing Policies on Public Secondary School Teachers’

Distribution in Kenya.

13. Peter Omae Onderi - PhD in Guidance & Counseling 2015

Title : Assessment of Factors Related to Academic Achievement in Mathematics

among Secondary School Students in Kenya

14. Solomon Wachara Omer - PhD in Educational Administration & Management 2015

Title: Women and Top Management Positions: An Analysis of Kenyan Education System

15. Judith M. Angalika - MED in Guidance & Counseling 2016

Title :Factors contributing to stress on teaching staff in special primary school sin Kisumu County, Kenya

16. Charles Onchiri Onguti – MED in Educational Psychology 2016

Title : Factors affecting Teaching and Learning in Mother tongue in Lower Public

Primary Schools in Tabaka Division, South Gucha Sub-County, Kenya.

17. Monica Cheboo Bii - MED in Guidance & Counseling 2016

Title : Efficacy of forms of counseling on emotional adjustment among orphaned learners in primary schools in Nandi East Sub County, Kenya

18. Janet Mogoi Omwamba - MED in Guidance & Counseling 2016

Title: Influence of Guidance and Counseling Services on K.C.P.E. Performance

of Class Eight Pupils in Public Primary Schools in Kisii South Sub- County,


19. Alice Atieno Odongo- MED in Guidance & Counseling 2016

Title : Relationship between parenting styles and academic achievement among secondary school students in Rachuonyo Sub-County, Homa Bay County, Kenya

20. Risper Orawo MED- Educational Administration & Management 2016

Title: Analysis of challenges faced by Deputy Principals in managing instructional programs in public mixed secondary schools in Nyando Sub-County, Kisumu County, Kenya

21. George Odhiambo Omollo – MED in Early Childhood Development & Education


Title: Selected school-Based factors affecting the teaching of Kiswahili activities in Public Pre-schools in Kasipul Division , Homa Bay County, Kenya.

22..Rodgers Sande Nandwa- MBA (Human Resource Management) 2016

Title : Influence of Training on Performance of Public Primary school teachers in Teso South Sub- County, Kenya.

23. Penrose Awuor Lango’ - MED- Guidance & Counseling 2015

Title: Teachers’ and Parents’ Experiences with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Case Study of A Special School for Mentally Challenged in Kisumu Central Sub-County, Kisumu County, Kenya

24. Janet Kamende Maundu - MED- Guidance & Counseling 2015

Title: Relationship Between Teen Motherhood and Academic Adjustment of Re-admitted Girls in Mixed Day Secondary Schools in Bondo Sub-County: An Implication for School Counseling

25.Mellen Bosibori Marionya – MED- Guidance & Counseling 2015

Title: Head Teachers’ Perception on Guidance and Counseling Services in Selected Public Primary Schools in Kisii Central Sub-County, Kenya

26. Julius Odhiambo Opondo - MED- Guidance & Counseling 2015

Title: Provision of Guidance and Counseling Services in Early Childhood Development Centres in Ugunja Sub-County, Kenya.

27.Silpha Arkongo Olang – MED- Guidance & Counseling 2015

Title: Relationship Between Parental Conflicts and Delinquent Behaviour Among Primary School Learners in Ragumo Zone, Kisumu East Sub-County, Kenya

28.Joshua Owino – MED- Guidance & Counseling 2015

Tittle: Head Teachers’ and Teachers’ Attitude towards Guidance and Counseling in Primary Schools in Kisumu West Sub-County, Kenya

29.Jane Wagumba Mito – MED- Guidance & Counseling 2015

Title: Role of Guidance and Counseling Services in Promoting Students’ Discipline in Public Secondary Schools in Ugunja Sub-County Siaya County, Kenya

30. Nelly Awelloh O. Kanyandong’- MED – Guidance & Counseling 2015

Title: Effect of Repetition on Psychological Disposition of Class Seven Pupils in Public Primary Schools in Kisumu Central Sub-County, Kenya

31. Susan Auma Ajowi - MED- Guidance & Counseling 2015

Title: Contribution of Guidance and Counseling Services to Pupils’ Social Development in Primary Schools in Seme Sub-County, Kenya

32. Alice Purity Akinyi - MED- Guidance & Counseling 2015

Title: Effects of Family Type on Academic Performance of Students in Selected Mixed Day Secondary Schools in Bondo Sub-County: Implications to Guidance and Counseling.

33. Zablon Mike Owala - MED- Early Childhood Dev.Education (ECDE)- 2015

Title: Motivational Factors Influencing Job Performance of Pre-School Teachers in Public ECDE Centres in East Karachuonyo, Rachuonyo Sub-County, Kenya

34. Dominic Alex Ojuka Andere – MED- ECDE 2015

Title: Effects of Feeding Programmes on Learning: A Case of Public ECDE Centres in Maranda Divison, Kenya

35. Hezron Barkey Oyolla - MED- Educational Administration and Management 2015

Title: Assessment of an Induction Challenge Faced by Academic Heads of Departments in Secondary Schools in Kisumu West Sub-County, Kenya

36. Gordon Onyango – MED- Educational Administration & Management 2015

Title: Challenges Facing the Implementation of TSC Teachers’ Performance Appraisal System in Public Secondary Schools in Rarieda Sub-County, Kenya

37. Humphrey O. Opondo – MED- Educational Administration & Management 2014

Title: Effects of School Levies on Access and Retention Among Students in Public Day Secondary Schools in Bondo \sub-\county, Siaya County

38. Juliana Mumbi – MBA- (Logistics and Supply chain Management) 2014

Title: Factors Affecting Implementation of Procurement Procedures in State Department of Infrastructure of Kenya.

Internal Examinations

• PhD- 6 students

• Masters- 15 students


1.Esther Kemunto Mocheche- E361/4166/2013- PhD in Educational Psychology- (Ready for oral defense)

Title: Influence of Self Esteem and selected Demographic variables on Job Satisfaction of Secondary School Teachers in Kenya

2. Pascal Ochieng’ Opiyo- E351/4377/2014- MEd- Educational Psychology- (Awaiting graduation in 2018)

Title: The Relationship Parenting Styles and Examination Cheating Tendencies Among Secondary School Students in Siaya Sub-County, Kenya

3. Christine Mwajuma Opondo- E361/4532/2014- PhD in Guidance & Counseling (Awaiting graduation 2018)

Title: Influence of Selected Factors on Adjustment among Re-admitted Teenage Mothers in Secondary Schools

4. Patricia Adhiambo Oyuga- E361/4133/2013- PhD in Guidance & Counseling Thesis with external examiners)

Title: Relationship between Self-Regulation Skills and Academic Performance of Orphaned Students in Secondary Schools

5. Timon John Owenga- E361/4068/2014- PhD in Educational Psychology (Analysing Data)

Title: Relationship between Determinants and Examination Chatting Tendencies of Students in Public Secondary Schools.

6. Tom K. Onyango- E361/4068/2013- PhD in Educational Psychology (proposal)

Title: Social Cognitive Skills as a predictor of Success in Behaviour Modification of Delinquent Students in Public Secondary Schools

7. Lucy Kemunto Omwenga – E361/4334/2013- PhD in Guidance & Counseling (proposal)

Title: Selected Variables as Predictors of Occupational Stress among Teachers of Secondary Schools

8. Sharon O. Maende-E351/4198/2013- MEd. Guidance & Counseling- (Proposal)

Title: Selected Factors influencing Body Image Perceptions among undergraduate Students in a University in Kenya

9. Naomi Odira Owuor – E351/4526/2014- MEd In Educational Psychology (concept)

Title: Influence of Parental Guidance on Academic Performance of Adolescents in Primary Schools

10. Humphrey Ouma Achuodho- E351/4227/2016G (proposal)

Title: Selected Locus of Control Factors Influencing Selection of Mathematics Related Courses in Technical Training Institutes

11. Christine Adhiambo Nyamila- MEd in Educational Psychology (Analysing Data)

Title: The Role of Peer Influence on Academic Achievements of Students in Mixed Day Secondary Schools in Siaya Sub- County, Kenya.

12. Marion Makokha MEd in Educational Psychology (With external examiner)

Title: Effects of Parental Involvement on Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students in Buisia County, Kenya.


1. 2013-2015- NACOSTI Funded Project on Mentorship for Young Women Scientists - JOOUST, KEMRI, KARI & National Museum of Kenya

(A Co-Mentor in the project to 8 Young women scientists from Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science & Technology)

2. “Girl-Child Education and Teenage Pregnancy” in Kenya (on –going)

Research Interest:

• Motivation and learning

• Self-Esteem, Personality and Academic Achievement

• Teenage pregnancy and school-drop out

• Students’ Fear of Failing examinations

• Students’ Learning and Teaching Process

• Career Progress in Higher Education

• Gender and Education

• Girl-Child Education


1. Ag. Dean School of Education : Nov 2015- present

2. Chairperson, Department of Psychology and Educational Foundation- September, 2013 to Nov 2015

3. An examination Coordinator- School of Education- Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)- Sept 2012- Sept 2013

4. Committees: The University Senate, Deans Committee, Staff Planning & Development, e-Learning Implementation team, Gender Mainstreaming, Tender Evaluation Committee.

5. Deputy Returning Officer for Students Election SAJOOUT (Sept 2013 and October 2014), Sept 2014, Sept 2015

6. A member of Management team-School of Education- Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University- October 2012- to present

7. Teaching Practice Zone Coordinator- January 2013- to present

8. A member of Teaching Practice Management Board- October 2012-present- School of Education

9. Head of Psychology Department- Dhofar University 2008-2012

CONFERENCES- Paper presentation

1.Africa Deans of Education Forum (ADEF)- Addis Ababa, AU Centre ( 23rd-24th June 2016

2.1st-5th September, 2015 Association of Commonwealth Universities – University of

Nairobi.- KENYA

3.Bondo University College- 7th International Conference of Psychotherapy (9-11th Nov 2012)

Adolescent Girls Suffer in Silence in Kenyan schools

4.MUA (Management University of Africa-Nairobi (October 24-26th 2012)

Double- Intake of students in Kenyan Universities: A Change Policy and its Implications

5.Gender Based Violence Conference at Kenyatta University- KENYA 1st to 3rd August, 2012).

“Adolescent Girls’ Voices of Gender-Based Violence in Kenyan Schools”

6.Qatar TESOL (13-14 April, 2012). College of the North Atlantic, Doha, QATAR

‘Students’ Motivation: Learning English in the Dhofar Region of Oman’

7.Gender Violence Conference (23-25 November, 2011) at Bristol University- UK

‘Survivors of Sexual Violence: School girls Suffer in Silence in Kenyan Schools’

8.Keynote Speaker: The International Early Childhood Studies Conference (11-12 July, 2011) at Indonesia University of Education (UPI), INDONESIA.

‘The Self- Who am I?: Children’s Identity and Development through Early Childhood Education’.

9.Gender and Education Conference 2011 ( 27 - 29 April) at Exeter University, UK.

‘Women Academics’ Careers in Kenya: Motivation & Challenges’

10.Gender and Education Association 7th International Conference (25-27th March, 2009)- University of London, Institute of Education.

‘Writing a PhD Thesis: Theory and Methods’

11.Women as Global Leaders: (14-16 March 2005) at Zayed -University Dubai, UAE.

Students’ Motivational Orientations in Education: Are they Gendered?


1. 30th June 2017- Pedagogy Workshop at JOOUST

University Examinations Standards

2. 20th- 22nd July 2016- St. John’s Manor-Le Savanna County Lodges & Hotels- KISUMU. The Role of Deans & and CODs

3. 8th Aug -10 2015 Mentorship for Young Women Scientists- Pride Hotel Bondo

4. 10th April 2015- Facilitator at Gender Mainstreaming & Awareness workshop- Kabianga University- KENYA

5. 7th October, 2014- Facilitator at Gender Mainstreaming & Awareness workshop- Kisii University- KENYA

6. 1st-5th September, 2014 Association of Commonwealth Universities – University of

Nairobi.- KENYA

7. .28-30th July 2014- Mentorship-Young Women Scientists- (KARI, JOOUST, KEMRI, Kenya National Museum) .The pride Hotel- BONDO -KENYA

8. .26th June 2014: Facilitator at Pedagogy workshop at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Univ.- KENYA

9. 23-24th May 2014: Role of Deans and Heads of Departments- Kogelo

Resort- Siaya-KENYA

10. 26th Sept 2013 Kenya National Museum- Mentorship

Young Women Scientists ( KARI, JOOUST, KEMRI, Kenya National

Museum)- NAIROBI

11. . 27-30th Aug 2013: African Commonwealth Universities-

Gender Equity and Leadership- University of Nairobi

12. . 27th July 2013: Kisumu Local Interaction Platform( KLIP) Symposium- Kisumu Museum- KENYA

13. 22nd July 2013: Pedagogy -Workshop- Facilitation, “Assessment and Examination”-Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University- KENYA

13. 25th March 2012:Facilitator- Students’ Motivation- Dhofar Univ- OMAN

14. May 12th 2011: Facilitator-Personality and Learning-Dhofar Univ- OMAN

15. 20th July 2009: Talking to Adolescents- Parental Adolescent Conflicts

Lancaster- U.K.

16. May 2011: Personality and Its Impact on Students’ Learning (Dhofar University- OMAN


• Introduction to Educational Psychology

• Abnormal Psychology

• Current Issues in Psychology

• Cognitive processes

• Introduction to Guidance and Counselling

• Human Development

• Learning and Child Development

• Personality Theories

• Research Methods

• Social Psychology

• Human Behaviour and Learning

• Behaviour Modification

• Vocational Development and Career Counseling in Special Needs

• Learning Theories

• Gender Issues in Education


May 2001- present British Psychological Society

Graduate Member (Number – 109801)

Oct. 2005- present Gender & Education Association


Graduate member

Sept. 2007- present Forum for African Women

Educationists (FAWE)

Member- The Kenya Chapter


1. Termites/Cricket harvesting with Majiwa Women group- (BONDO)

Motivational Talks

• 10th August 2014- KCB Bank- BONDO- Job motivation and Customer Care

Schools Visit to Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science & Technology

i) Maseno School 29th September, 2017

ii) Noonkopir Girls Secondary School- Kitengela 5th July 2017

iii) St Ignatious Vihiga- 27th July 2016

iv) Ukwala Boys and Getaret Girls -10th June 2016

v) Ojola High school- June 2015

vi) Nyabondo Boys High School- June 2014

vii) Vihiga Mixed- June 2014

viii) Agoro Sare High School- September, 2014

ix) Ukwala High school 2014

x) Butere Girls October 2013

xi) Nyakach Girls High School- 2013

Visit to Schools:

i) Kereri Girls High School- Guest speaker at Price Giving Day- June 2013

ii) Rambula Mixed secondary school UGUNJA- June 2014

iii) Nyabondo High School June 2014

iv) Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Sec school - BONDO4th July 2014

v) Mawego Girls- July 2012

vi) Oyugi Ogango Girls- RONGO- 4th October 2014

vii) Maranda Boys High school- October 2016

viii) Ojola girls- 8th June 2016

ix) Maranda High school- 10th June 2016

x) Nyakach Girls High school- 15th July 2016 Career Talk

xi) Nyakach Girls High School – 6th August 2016

• A member of Management Board and Patron- Teenage Group- RIANA ORPHANAGE

• Advisor, Board member PTA Representative – Oyugi Ogango Girls Secondary School- RONGO

• BOM – Nyabondo Girls Boarding- Academic Advisor 2015- present

• BOM- St. Martin’s Special School- Nyabondo- Academic Advisor Jan 2016 to Present


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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