Chapter 4 Practice Test – Open Book -- Answer Key

Chapter 4 Practice Test – Open Book -- Answer Key

1. Piaget was convinced that the mind of a child:

A) is like a blank slate at birth.

B) is not heavily influenced by maturation.

C) assimilates reality differently than an adult's does.

D) is heavily dependent on the child's personality.

2. The fact that many happy and well adjusted adults were once rebellious and unhappy as adolescents is most relevant to the issue of:

A) continuity or stages.

B) preconventional or postconventional morality.

C) fluid or crystallized intelligence.

D) stability or change.

E) nature or nurture.

3. The age at which people are expected to leave home, get a job, and marry has changed dramatically in Wallonia over the past 50 years. Developmentalists would say that the country's ________ has been altered.

A) social clock

B) developmental norm

C) maturation cycle

D) family calendar

4. The best predictor of a couple's marital satisfaction is the:

A) frequency of their sexual intimacy.

B) intensity of their passionate feelings.

C) ratio of their positive to negative interactions with each other.

D) experience or nonexperience of a prior marriage.

5. Compared to authoritarian parents, authoritative parents are likely to be:

A) more conservative.

B) less educated.

C) more responsive.

D) less trusting.

6. A critical period is a phase during which:

A) children frequently disobey and resist their parents.

B) children become able to think hypothetically and reason abstractly.

C) parents frequently show impatience with a child's slowness in becoming toilet-trained.

D) certain events have a particularly strong impact on development.

7. Fifty-two-year-old Mildred is beginning menopause. If she is like many North American women, she will experience:

A) a significant loss of sexual desire.

B) a period of significant depression.

C) a dramatic loss of physical energy.

D) hot flashes.

8. In considering day-care opportunities for their four children, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor should be most concerned about whether the experience will influence:

A) egocentrism in their 3-year-old son, James.

B) object permanence in their 2-year-old son, Billy.

C) secure attachment in their 6-month-old daughter, Julia.

D) self-esteem in their 4-year-old daughter, Sandra.

9. When Tommy's mother hides his favorite toy under a blanket, he acts as though it no longer exists and makes no attempt to retrieve it. Tommy is clearly in Piaget's ________ stage.

A) sensorimotor

B) formal operational

C) concrete operational

D) preoperational

10. Theories of human development have been most susceptible to criticism for overemphasizing:

A) discrete age-linked stages.

B) the interaction of nature and nurture.

C) maturation during adolescent development.

D) cognitive changes during adulthood development.

11. Evidence suggests that Alzheimer's disease may be reduced by:

A) estrogen supplements.

B) hospice care.

C) menopause.

D) teratogens.

12. Which of the following is an example of a secondary sex characteristic?

A) female ovaries

B) male facial hair

C) the male grip

D) the female smile

13. Mr. Stevens, a prominent businessman, regularly votes in local elections because he wants his friends and relatives to think well of him. Mr. Stevens's motivation illustrates Kohlberg's ________ stage.

A) postconventional

B) formal operational

C) egocentric

D) conventional

E) preconventional

14. Fourteen-year-old Lisa was asked, "What would happen if everyone in the world suddenly went blind?" She responded, "Those who had previously been blind would become leaders." Lisa's answer indicates she is in the ________ stage of development.

A) concrete operational

B) preconventional

C) postconventional

D) formal operational

E) preoperational

15. When placed in strange situations without their artificial mothers, Harlow's infant monkeys demonstrated signs of:

A) insecure attachment.

B) egocentrism.

C) basic trust.

D) curiosity.

16. Timmy, the youngest child of a high school athletic director, was able to roll over at 3 months, crawl at 6 months, and walk at 12 months. This ordered sequence of motor development was largely due to:

A) habituation.

B) maturation.

C) responsive parenting.

D) imprinting.

17. Newborns have been observed to show the greatest visual interest in a:

A) rectangular shape.

B) circular shape.

C) bull's-eye pattern.

D) drawing of a human face.

18. When children grow up and leave home, mothers most frequently report feeling:

A) depressed.

B) bored.

C) happy.

D) anxious.

19. Compared to when she was an adolescent, elderly Mrs. Packer is likely to experience a happy mood for a ________ period of time and a sad mood for a ________ period of time.

A) shorter; longer

B) longer; shorter

C) shorter; shorter

D) longer; longer

20. Testosterone replacement therapy may be used for the treatment of:

A) depression.

B) sexual impotence.

C) physical weakness.

D) all the above.

21. Researchers have discovered that the transition phase between early and middle adulthood is characterized by unusually high levels of:

A) job dissatisfaction and career change.

B) marital dissatisfaction and divorce.

C) anxiety and emotional instability.

D) all the above.

E) none of the above.

22. Research comparing parental care in the home with professional day-care programs outside the home indicates that:

A) the quality of child care is more important than whether it is provided inside or outside the home.

B) professional day care is more appropriate for infants than for older preschool children.

C) children who receive professional day care actually spend more quality time each day with their parents.

D) all the above are true.

23. The development of expertise in specific academic disciplines most clearly illustrates:

A) autonomy.

B) maturation.

C) crystallized intelligence.

D) concrete operational thought.

24. Parents who are demanding and yet sensitively responsive to their children are said to be:

A) authoritarian.

B) accommodating.

C) egocentric.

D) permissive.

E) authoritative.

25. After living together for a year, Sylvia and Yefim have decided to marry. Research on premarital cohabitation most strongly suggests that:

A) they have more positive attitudes toward the institution of marriage than the average couple.

B) their marriage will have a higher-than-average probability of being successful.

C) most of their college friends and acquaintances have viewed their cohabitation negatively.

D) their marriage will have a higher-than-average probability of ending in divorce.

26. Authoritarian parents demonstrate ________ levels of parental control and ________ levels of parental responsiveness.

A) high; high

B) low; low

C) high; low

D) low; high

27. According to Piaget, children come to understand that the volume of a substance remains constant despite changes in its shape during the ________ stage.

A) sensorimotor

B) preoperational

C) concrete operational

D) formal operational

28. A tendency to exaggerate the extent to which our own opinions are shared by others best illustrates:

A) egocentrism.

B) habituation.

C) conservation.

D) accommodation.

29. In contemporary Western societies, adolescence typically begins ________ in life and ends ________ in life than it did in previous centuries.

A) earlier; earlier

B) later; earlier

C) earlier; later

D) later; later

30. Studies of monkeys raised with artificial mothers suggest that mother-infant emotional bonds result primarily from mothers providing infants with:

A) adequate nourishment.

B) body contact.

C) the opportunity to explore.

D) protection from harm.

E) self-esteem.

31. Little Karen will approach and play with unfamiliar animals only if her mother first reassures her that it is safe to do so. This best illustrates the adaptive value of:

A) conservation.

B) attachment.

C) habituation.

D) egocentrism.

E) imprinting.

32. The task of raising children is typically associated with ________ marital satisfaction. The departure of mature children is typically associated with ________ marital satisfaction.

A) increasing; decreasing

B) decreasing; increasing

C) increasing; further increasing

D) decreasing; further decreasing

33. As individuals progress through adolescence, their sense of identity becomes ________ positive and ________ consistent.

A) more; less

B) less; more

C) more; more

D) less; less

34. According to Erikson, trust is to ________ as identity is to ________.

A) infancy; childhood

B) childhood; adolescence

C) adulthood; childhood

D) adolescence; adulthood

E) infancy; adolescence

35. Erikson would have suggested that adolescents can most effectively develop a sense of identity by:

A) seeking a lifelong romantic relationship.

B) severing the emotional ties between themselves and their childhood friends.

C) investigating the personal suitability of various occupational roles.

D) adopting whatever values and expectations their parents recommend.

Essay Questions

1. Mrs. Karina spends a lot of time stroking, cuddling, and rocking her infant son and seems to be highly aware of the baby's actions and needs. Mr. Karina worries that his wife's interactions with the baby may eventually lead the child to (a) cry easily when frustrated, (b) fearfully cling to his mother, (c) become unfriendly toward other people, and (d) become withdrawn and uninterested in his surroundings. Describe research on social development that supports or refutes each of the father's concerns.

2. Thirteen-year-old Philip has begun to challenge many of his parents' values and to express his own set of highly idealistic standards. Compare and contrast the explanations for Philip's behavior that would be given by Kohlberg and by Erikson.


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