


Soul Home’s Vision

Celebrating Heaven on Earth

By Living a Life of Choice

Rooted in Truth

Vibrating with Love, Wisdom and Abundance.

Soul Home’s Mission

To Practice and Teach Spiritual Principles;

Being a Beneficial Presence for Global Transformation

Through Individual Transformation

Soul Home’s Purpose

To Serve with Love, because we Love to Serve!


“Freedom is the birthright of every living soul.”

(Ernest Holmes: The Science of Mind, page 25)


• Dates for Sacred Gatherings - January 2014

• YEAR END RESOLUTIONS - Rev. Dr. David Ault

• FORGIVENESS - Quotations as presented in a Soul Home talk by Melanie Hall

• GOD SAID - Heavenletter #4777

• Ongoing/Forthcoming Events - Courses/Workshops/Study Groups

• Next Science of Mind Foundations Class due to start Tuesday 21 January 2014

• One-Day Workshop: “Create a Focused Happy New You”, Saturday 25 January 2014, facilitated by Melanie Hall

• Visioning Team Meetings - Monday, 13 and 27 January 2014

• Science of Mind Study Group in Cape Town - next meeting on Saturday, 11 January 2014 in Milnerton from 13h00 to 16h00

• Spiritual Library

• Spiritual Mind Treatment requests

• Links to Websites

• Penny’s Worth

• Practitioner contact details

• Soul Home Sacred Gatherings Venue - Address details & directions

“When our consciousness is directed outward, mind and world arise. When it is directed inward, it realizes its own source and returns home into the unmanifest.” - Eckhart Tolle

Dear Friend of Soul Home

Another New Year’s celebration has come to pass… I hope everyone had a meaningful festive season in whatever way you may have chosen to celebrate or not to celebrate. I personally enjoyed a quiet, reflective time, partly with friends but also enough time with just myself. It was not hectic and altogether quite relaxing.

I wish to extend my very best wishes to you for 2014. May this year unfold as it should: under grace and in perfect ways for you and your loved ones. As some of you may know, I am not hooked into New Year’s Resolutions. I am well aware that every day is a new day; actually every moment is a new moment. For me, it is not so important to “do” New Year’s Resolutions and, as I have done in the past, forget them after a fairly short time. I then remember them again for next year’s resolution…It may sound familiar to some of you. They simply do not serve me, while they may work for someone else. And that is perfectly all right! There is no judgment. However, what I found interesting and uplifting, were the “Year End Resolutions” provided by Rev. Dr. David Ault form the Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta/USA. I have included a copy of those in this newsletter and I would appreciate your comments.

My intention is set on following Ram Dass’ invitation “BE HERE NOW”, to be more mindful in what I think, feel, say and do WITHOUT JUDGMENT and to BE kind to myself.

I would also like to draw your intentions on the FORGIVENESS quotations provided by Melanie which she used in her recent Soul Home talk.

I look forward to our further working together in this beloved community called SOUL HOME, while I appreciate your generosity of heart and mind and I see your light shining and shining…


A quote/affirmation by Ernest Holmes for contemplation and consideration:

“Everything that I do shall be a success. I am led, guided and inspired by the Living Spirit of Love and of right action. I am compelled to move in the right direction and to always know what to do, where, and how to do it.”


Take note of the following dates for our Sacred Gatherings in January 2014:

• Sunday, 12 January at 10h00. There will be a child-minder for the children.

• Sunday, 26 January at 10h00 – Kiddies’ Ministry with Melanie Hall.

ADDRESS DETAILS & DIRECTIONS TO VENUE: Please see details at end of this newsletter.

There is space for kiddies and safe parking for our vehicles. Please see the electronic “Events” board in Reception or the staff will direct you to the meeting venue.

Kindly note that there is a dress code we are requested to honor when attending our gatherings at the Randpark Club. Please do not wear shorts and/or flip-flops!

Join us in creating the spiritual community you would like to experience.

You are most welcome to bring a friend or interested persons to our Sunday Gatherings in order to introduce them to the Science of Mind teachings and to participate in our fellowship.

At the start of our Gathering, we have a meditation period, which lasts approximately 10 minutes. If you arrive while the meditation is in progress, kindly wait outside (in silence) until meditation has been completed. It would be appreciated if you could please respect this request.


“I practice living like it was the last day of my life but planning like I will live forever.”

– Don Miguel Ruiz


At our last Sacred Gathering in 2013 we reflected on these Year End Resolutions by Rev. Dr. David Ault. The tone of the gathering took a special mood as we went through each part individually. I found it very profound and I am very grateful that I found them or they found me on Facebook! For those of you who didn’t attend that gathering maybe you will find them enjoyable and meaningful too.

Did I express love this year, real love? The kind of love that doesn't announce itself in flashy circumstances or structured conditions - but an authentic, quiet, internal love? The kind of love that bubbles to the surface when I gaze at another with understanding, a love that places me in their shoes, granting freedom from judgment and deepening my compassion? A philanthropic love that expresses because it simply feels compelled to, because it knows there is more than enough and everyone can benefit.

If not, then I resolve to be and do better in my authentic loving.

Did I forgive this year, really forgive? The kind of forgiveness that cracks open my heart, peeling away one more layer of righteous indignation, thus allowing my soul to breathe? The kind of forgiveness that loosens my clinched fists held high at a situation so that I don't enter into the next one with guarded mistrust? The kind of forgiveness that comprehends there is a difference between understanding a behavioral choice and condoning it?

If not, then I resolve to be and do better in my forgiving.

Did I stop this year, really stop? The kind of stopping that can't help but make me vulnerable by becoming more familiar with who I am without distraction, smoke screens, excuses or self-imposed numbing? The kind of stopping that turns me, naked, towards my feelings, giving them permission to express? No right or wrong - a stopping that simply lets me hear what I need to hear so that I can live more effectively?

If not, then I resolve to be and do better in allowing myself to stop.

Did I seek adventure this year, real adventure? The kind of adventure that requires me to not only take a leap of faith off my cliff of familiarity but actually sends me back to get a running start? The kind of adventure that shakes the dust off my capable but underused wings and gives them an opportunity to catch the gorgeous wind of change? The kind of adventure that knows there is no outside safety net in this physical world, only an internal one? The kind of adventure that shouts, "I choose to live fully!"

If not, then I resolve to be and do better in seeking adventure.

Did I seek wellness this year, real wellness? The kind of wellness that requires me to be fully conscious of what I put in my body - the kind of wellness that requires me to practice what I preach when it comes to self-love while understanding that the power to dissolve poor habits starts by simply choosing to change? Wellness that says, "This is the only body you've got. Treat me with respect, praise me daily and honor me as the holy temple that I am?"

If not, then I resolve to be and do better in allowing wellness in my life.

Did I play this year, really play? The kind of play that gives value to the heavenly activity of fun - knowing that fun is sacred, that play is the equivalent of work and that during play -renewal and relaxation usher in the newest ideas and the clearest choices for better manifestations? Did I view play as a necessary life function and not a debatable luxury?

If not, then I resolve to be and do better in my relationship to playing.

Did I set a goal and see it to completion this year, really complete it? The kind of completion that lets the vibration of satisfaction and confidence in my abilities heal any opposing ideas of not being good enough? Did I honor my life and its sacred purpose by utilizing my time with forward thinking and letting my mistakes be motivators not antagonists? Did I dissolve my insecurities and procrastination by understanding that my untapped genius has but one mode of expression and that is through idea, thought, word and action?

If not, then I resolve to be and do better in setting and completing my goals.

Did I open myself up to learn this year, really learn? The kind of learning that entices me to enroll in being a student of life with thirst and enthusiasm? Did I set an intention for uncovering more of my potential, letting divine intellect eat from my plate and stepping deeper into the waters of wisdom? Did I open a book, take a class, study a language, learn an instrument, write a poem, visit another culture? Did I learn to surprise and thrill myself with the infinite capacity I have to master more than I thought I could?

If not, then I resolve to be and do better on my personal path of learning.

Did I clean up my relationships this year, really clean them up? The kind of cleaning that requires me to break open the lock, pull back the curtain, throw open the window and start removing the dust of harsh words, grudges, false accusations and misguided choices that have layered my heart? Did I make amends for the fearful ways that disheartened another, for neglecting to honor their point of view? With careful examination, did I communicate my truth, understanding that sometimes all we may be able to do is agree to disagree and to do so without judgment or malice?

If not, then I resolve to be and do better on cleaning up my relationships.

Did I share my good this year, really share? The kind of sharing that comes from the pure joy of seeing another succeed, not from what I think they can or will do for me in return? Did I tithe back to where I was spiritually fed, transformed and inspired? Did I practice random acts of kindness and give of my time, talent, and treasure realizing that my good is a part of a never-ending wellspring that cannot run dry - whose source is and always will be the infinite wellspring of the Divine? Did I commit to walking the altruistic path, remembering that every step brings healing and enlightenment to the world?

If not, then I resolve to be and do better in my sharing.

Did I pray this year, really pray? The kind of prayer that is spoken not to God but AS God - prayers that affirm rather than beseech, are pregnant with knowing rather than bloated with doubt? Did I make my every day activities a prayer - realizing that every thought I think carries with it the responsibility of an effect on the world? Did I remember how truly powerful my own prayer actually is and that by simply devoting myself to the practice of it, I become the change? Did I remember that my prayer takes what I seek and introduces it to me, the seeker?

If not, then I resolve to be and do better with praying.

Did I do all these things because deep down inside I fully understand how precious I am and that these activities will help me to see that I am held in the light as a perfect idea? Did I remember that I have been perfectly conceived and am always held in the perfect mind of God as perfect being? Did I know that there is nothing that I can ever say, nothing I can ever do that will separate me from the love of God? If for any reason, I forgot my divinity this year, then I resolve to be and do better in my knowing of it, to fully understand and embody the truth that it is done unto me as I believe. And I believe in the power of Good, for me, for you, for all.

© David Ault


“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” 

― Mahatma Gandhi.

Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” 

― Mark Twain

Neal Donald Walsh says, “I have found that the Key to Forgiveness of myself is not to forgive at all, but to understand. “

Forgiveness is not an occasional act, it is a constant attitude.” 

― Martin Luther King Jr.

Forgiveness has nothing to do with absolving a criminal of his crime. It has everything to do with relieving oneself of the burden of being a victim -letting go of the pain and transforming oneself from victim to survivor.” 

― C.R. Strahan

“Forgiveness is not about forgetting. It is about letting go of another person's throat.” 

― Wm. Paul Young, The Shack: Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity

The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.” 

― Marianne Williamson

“A life lived without forgiveness is a prison.” 

― William Arthur Ward

In “Words That Heal Today” in 1949, Dr. Holmes stated: "Necessity demands that we forgive if we would be forgiven. When we forgive, holding no condemnation, judging no one, then our consciousness becomes a mirror reflecting that greater Consciousness which is the Mind of God and the Will of Love."

"It is only when we have completely forgiven others that we can get a clearance in our own minds, for we are judged by the judgment with which we judge. If we criticize, condemn, and censure, these are the attitudes that occupy our thinking. They will not only reflect themselves outwardly, they will also reflect themselves inwardly. They must, for the without is but an extension of the within, and the within is the determiner of that extension. If we want a complete clearance of our attitudes, we must forgive everything and everyone. Whether we like it or not, or whether we accept it or not, this is one of the great truths of life." - Ernest Holmes

Deepak Chopra on the effects of forgiveness on the body, “When you have a resentment, grievance, feeling hostility towards anyone or if you have any of the other toxic emotions like guilt, shame, depression or fear, these emotions release hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones have effects on the cardiovascular and on the immune systems. You become immune compromised, even your platelets get jittery with the high levels of adrenaline and they start the clothing cascade leading to cardiovascular illnesses, heart attacks and stroke. On the other hand when you forgive and let go the burden of judgment, everything settles down and your body starts to return to homeostasis, which is self-regulation and self - healing.


God said: 

It is one thing to doubt yourself. It is another thing to doubt your actions. The two are not the same. Be confident in yourself and listen to your heart, and do what uplifts you and the world and serves My Will. Serve.

There is a difference in following your heart and doing what you may want to do. You might want to take something from a convenience store without paying. You might want to eat a whole box of chocolates. You might want to tell someone off. These are not quite examples of following your heart. At the time, you may feel you just have to, are justified to. Beloveds, appeasing an impulse is not necessarily the same as following your heart.

Within your heart is Mine. Align your will with Mine. Be straight with yourself. You are past kidding yourself now.

Indulging yourself is not the same as following your heart.

Love yourself. Love your thoughts. Love your actions.

Kowtowing to others isn’t the same as following your heart, nor is selfishness the same as following your heart.

You may have been taught that it is self-preservation to be selfish.

Nor are you to live looking over your shoulder, weighing every act you do. Nor do you live life getting away with whatever you may be able to get away with and call yourself lucky.

What does it mean to be true to yourself when you don’t yet know yourself?

Until you are aware that you are a prince, how can you wear the crown?

If you consider yourself a laggard, you act like a laggard. One who considers himself a thief steals. One who does not know he is a prince is limited. You are meant to be unlimited.

That you are unlimited doesn’t mean you have license. You have freedom. You have choices. You are not always on automatic. You do not always follow the line of least resistance.

Nor is it by dint of will that you act as a prince. A prince is a prince.

We are talking about your Being and not a performance. And yet My children seem to play parts, and the parts they play may not be true to themselves.

Nor am I saying that you are to let the world rule you. Nor am I saying that you have to develop a conscience. I am saying that you are to be inner-directed and not so much outer-directed.

And yet you can be a bearer of good will and you can calm the world. We are speaking of what it really means to bless the world. It isn’t that you look for plaudits, for you can be the prince you are and not be honored.

Nor is it that you are to make pledges and promises and vows. Nor are you to accuse yourself. You are to move on. You are to realize yourself. You are to come forward.

Nor am I saying that you must atone for once seeing differently from how you see today. How can I tell you to atone for the past and at the same time tell you to get out of the past?

If you must atone, you atone by being who you know yourself to be now. Once you carried different ideas of what you thought was smart, and now you have other ideas. Be aware you have expanded your world, and be glad.

In the world, you are learning who you are. As you learn, you become. Your eyes and heart go together. Open your eyes, and your heart is opened. Open your heart, and you see better and further and you love more.

First, love yourself. That’s how you become a boon to the world that has been seeking you.

Heavenletter #4777 - Serve, December 23, 2013 

Permanent Link: 


“Trained thought is more powerful than untrained thought.” - Ernest Holmes


Ongoing/Forthcoming Events - Courses/Workshops/Study Groups

Here is a list of some of the accredited Science of Mind courses we plan to run during 2014. Please let me know which course/s you are interested in as that would facilitate my planning!



of the Science of Mind

A New Study Course covering

Basic Principles for Spiritual Living

Would you like to enhance your spiritual connection to a Higher Power? Are you ready to discover your emerging direction and purpose and how to make it happen? Join Gerd Pontow, RScP, for 10 weeks of self-discovery and revelation within an experiential format of lecture, discussion, sharing and process. In the all new Foundations class, learn the nine spiritual principles and practices that will change your life for the better - forever. Sign up now for this adventure with other like-minded individuals in a safe, supportive environment. You can learn to make your dreams a Reality!

Length: 10 weeks, 3 hours each class, 30 hours in total, plus a 3.5-4 hour workshop

This course is ideal for beginners without any previous knowledge of “The Science of Mind” teachings, but also suitable as a “Refresher” course for those who have taken “Science of Mind” courses previously.

Course Outline:

Class Principle Practice

1 God Journaling and Listening

2 Creative Process Affirmations

3 Grace Meditation and Visioning

4 Wholeness Spiritual Mind Treatment

5 Attraction Fear to Faith

6 Abundance Gratitude

7 Living in the Flow Sacred Giving and Sacred Service

8 Oneness…God Is All Forgiveness

9 Immortality Christ Consciousness

10 Joy Celebration

Text Books: The Science of Mind, by Ernest Holmes

Student Workbook for Foundations of Science of Mind,

Optional Text: It Is About You, by Kathy Juline.

Information for Students Prior to Class: Pre-Class Reading Assignment in The Science of Mind, “The Thing Itself,” pp. 25-34

Tuition Fee: R 2,600.00 (which includes a Student Workbook and Registration Fees of US $ 45.00 with CSL), and approx. R 200 to R 250 for textbook “The Science of Mind” by Ernest Holmes (if you don’t have it already).

“Foundations of the Science of Mind” is a certificated Science of Mind ® course. When taught in a

covenanted community of United Centers for Spiritual Living; students who satisfactorily complete

this course may be registered for and receive a certificate of credit hours to be used toward further education in United Centers for Spiritual Living.

This course is planned to commence on Tuesday, 21 January 2014 at 19h00 in Hurlingham

A minimum of six students is required for this course.

To register, please contact me on or before Wednesday 15 January 2014.

A deposit of R 500.00 is requested with registration.



Work your own magic in 2014!


Begin the New Year with  motivated, focused and positive direction.

Let go of 2013 with peace in your heart,

while embracing 2014 with anticipation of

[pic] inner satisfaction, joy, abundance, challenge, reward and success


Together, we shall:

•         Get closure on 2013

•         Examine the hidden beliefs which recreate the negative patterns that hold you back

•         Get in touch with your Inner voice, which is so often ignored

•         Identify your purpose in life

•         Set goals in the eight critical areas of your life

•         Learn how to affirm your goals, ensuring success in seeing these goals manifest


When: Saturday, 25 January 2014

Facilitated by: Melanie Hall (RScP) Licensed Spiritual Practitioner

Where: 61 Hoover Street, Berario

Time: 10: 30 for 11am – 5pm

Cost: R500

What to bring: A 32 page A4 lined exercise book; pen; a snack for lunch and a friend or two!

What to expect: A life-changing, eye-opening and mind spring –cleaning, wonderful day – a great way to start your year!

Light refreshments will be served.

Booking is essential:  Please call Melanie at 083 454 2619  or email  at melhall@ to book your place asap.




The Essential Ernest Holmes

Duration of Course: 10 Weeks Certification Hours: 30

Tuition Fees: R 2 600.00


From Whence We Came

Duration of Course: 10 Weeks Certification Hours: 30

Tuition Fees: R 2 600.00


Power of Your Word

Duration of Course: 8 Weeks Certification Hours: 24

Tuition: R 2 150.00

Meditation is More Than You Think

Duration of Course: 8 Weeks Certification Hours: 24

Textbooks: “An Easy Guide to Meditation” by Roy Eugene Davis - CSA Press, 1978,

And ONE of the following:

“How to Meditate” by Lawrence LeShan - Bantam, 1975 or

“Journey of Awakening” by Ram Dass - Bantam, 1978

Tuition Fees: R 2 150.00

Practical Mysticism

Duration of Course: 10 Weeks Certification Hours: 30

Textbooks: “The Foundations of Mysticism” by Joel Goldsmith

“Entering the Castle: Finding the Inner Path to God” and

“Your Soul’s Purpose” by Caroline Myss

Tuition Fees: R 2 600.00


5 Gifts for an Abundant Life

Duration of Course: 8 Weeks Certification Hours: 24

Textbook: “5 Gifts for an Abundant Life” by Diane Harmony

Tuition Fees: R 2 150.00


Duration of Course: 8 Weeks Certification Hours: 24

Tuition Fees: R 2 150.00


Visioning Team Meetings

Two meetings are planned for this month and will be held on Monday, 13 and Monday, 27 January 2014 from 19.00 to 20.30.

Please contact me if you would like to participate in this very important Spiritual Practice. You are most welcome to join, even if you haven’t attended the Visioning Course. It is important, however, that you have completed the new 2008 version of the Foundations class, which contains two visioning exercises, as well as important information about the visioning process.

“If we are not having fun, we’re just not serious enough.”- Caroline Casey


Science of Mind Study Group in Cape Town

Our next meeting is planned for Saturday, 11 January 2014 from 13h00 to 16h00 in Milnerton (at Claire’s Home).

In May 2012 we started to study the book “The Art of Being Yourself – Discover Who You Are and Learn How to Live” by Frank E. Richelieu.

It is a fascinating book with great insights, written in a language that flows easily. Even if you have missed previous sessions, you can still join.

Please let me know via email gerdgunn@ or gerdpontow@ whether you would like to attend.



We have a Spiritual Library available to the Soul Home community on a membership basis. There are over 450 titles, which I have collected over time, while some books that have been donated to me.

If you are interested in becoming a member of this Library, please send me an email and I shall send you the list of titles, together with a Membership Application Form and the “Terms of Membership”. A list of book titles is available on our website (soulhome. )


If anyone requires spiritual mind treatment (affirmative prayer) for a specific purpose, please submit your personal request/s via email or complete a written request to one of our practitioners. They will treat on your behalf for a week. (See contact details at the end of this newsletter). Specific prayer requests should not be submitted on behalf of someone else without their permission. (The Science of Mind philosophy is one of free choice and therefore no one is in a position to intercede for another person, unless they are unconscious or a young child. In the case of an adult who has not requested the prayer, the treatment will be for “wholeness” and “divine right action” only). You are kindly asked to make a love offering for this service.

Our spiritual practitioners are available for private spiritual counseling sessions. Please contact them directly to arrange an appointment. As they are licensed professional practitioners, they are entitled to charge a fee for their services.



• Centers for Spiritual Living

• Higher Vision Institute

• Association of Global New Thought (AGNT)


• AHA! Education: Virtual Center for Spiritual Living

• Here is a link to the free downloads of Ernest Holmes' radio shows. They are offered through the Center for Spiritual Living in Asheville, NC - Rev. Dr John and Barbara Waterhouse's center.


Johannesburg during the Festive Season is an idyllic city filled with magnificent shades of white, pink, cerise and lavender as the Pride of India burst into bloom along our tree-lined suburbs, with a myriad of bougainvillea creepers cascading in gay abandon over shrubs, trees and walls. The abundant rains have created a magnificent landscape of every shade of green imaginable, while a vast majority of residents have escaped the rigors of city life for their rural, peaceful homes in various other provinces or further afield to their motherlands. Hence the peace in Jozi is a great blessing where the late afternoon shower brings relief to a hot, sultry day.

It is from this beautiful city of stately trees and lush gardens that I wish you a very special, memorable, abundant and peace-filled year. As I languish at home enjoying the bird calls and escapades of my feathered friends in my beautiful garden, I trust that all our friends, families, loved ones and colleagues all over the world are safe. My thoughts and prayers focus particularly on residents and travelers in the United States and Canada as I know that they are divinely protected from the onslaught of sub-zero temperatures and snow storms. Stay blessed.


And – as always - I should like to express my heartfelt “Thank You” to the members of the Soul Home community for all their encouragement and support, as well as financial assistance in the form of love offerings and/or tithing. 

It is so good to know that each person makes a difference… and that person is…YOU. - THANK YOU!!!

And last – but not least, a special “Thank You” to my fellow Practitioners, Anka Daly and Penny Gottlieb, Melanie Hall, for their continuous generous and loving support.

Love and abundant blessings to all of you and your loved ones! Enjoy each and every day of the new year 2014!


“I am One with all life! “



For further details and/or making appointments for Counselling sessions with a Licensed Practitioner, please contact any one of us:

Gerd Pontow:

Cell 083 267 4205

Home: 010 591 6701 (NEW NUMBER!)

Fax: 086 671 4813

E-mail: gerdgunn@ or gerdpontow@

Website: soulhome.

Anka Daly:

Cell: 083 267 1444

Home: (011) 942 2713

Business: (011) 873 9982

Fax: (011) 825 7496

E-mail: ankadaly4@

Penny Gottlieb:

Cell: 082 959 6415

Home: (011) 888 4791

Fax: (011) 888 4791

E-mail: pengot@mweb.co.za

Melanie Hall:

Cell:                 083 454 2619

E-mail:             melhall@

Please let us know of any family members, friends and/or acquaintances who might be interested in our work and who might want to be included on our mailing list.

Any financial contributions you may wish to make in support of this work can be made into the following bank account:

Bank: First National Bank

Branch: Cresta Centre

Branch Code: 254 905

Account Name: G. Pontow

Account Number: 54866001421

Ref: SOM Study Group and your name


Randpark Club

Setperk Road, Randpark (Windsor Park), Randburg

Tel. No. 011 215 8600

GPS Co-ordinates: S26’06.862 E27’58.000

From Beyers Naude Offramp:

• Travel southwards on Beyers Naude Avenue (with Renault dealership on left & World Wear on right towards Cresta Shopping Centre.

• After approx 2km turn left onto Judges Avenue.

• After 550m turn left onto Republic Road.

• Take the third road left onto Klub Street.

• Turn right to stay in Klub Street.

• Turn right after approx 450m onto Fairway Drive.

• Take the first left onto Setperk Road.

• Destination will be on the right.

• Check in at Security and ask for directions to the Golf Club Reception (not the Fairview Hotel & Spa.)

From Malibongwe Drive Offramp:

• Travel southwards as far as Republic Road (approx. 3.3km) and turn right onto Republic Road. ive.

• After approx. 2.2 km turn right at robot onto Cherry Drive.

• Take the third left onto Arend Avenue.

• Take the third right onto Fairway Drive.

• Take the first left onto Setperk Road.

• Destination will be on the right.

• Check in at Security and ask for directions to the Golf Club Reception (not the Fairview Hotel & Spa.)

There is space for kiddies and there is safe parking for our vehicles. Please see the electronic “Events” board in Reception or the staff will direct you to the meeting venue.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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