Persuasive Speech Self-Assessment

Persuasive Speech Self-Assessment

Your task is to reach a through, objective assessment of your persuasive speech based on your viewing of the videotape of the speech. Write a thoughtful evaluation of the speech in full-sentence and paragraph form with an introduction and a conclusion. Be specific and concrete in your comments. Note in particular the areas in which you believe you did especially well and those areas in which you want to make special improvement in the future.

Following are questions to consider when writing the self-assessment. Use them to guide your thinking and writing. You are not expected to answer all these questions in your paper.

Topic and Purpose

Was the topic appropriate for the audience?

Did you have a clear specific purpose that you could accomplish in the allotted time?


Was the speech well-organized?

Did you fulfill the objectives of a speech introduction and functions of a speech conclusion?

Were the main points of the body clear and easy to follow? Did you use connectives effectively?

Supporting Materials, Audience Adaptation, and Language

Did you conduct adequate research when preparing the speech?

Were you ideas well-supported and well-explained?

Did you demonstrate a need for the change?

Were the solutions you proposed practical or workable?

Did you identify the target audience for your speech?

Did you present your ideas with clear, accurate, vivid and appropriate language?


Did you begin and end your speech without rushing?

Did you use pauses, rate, pitch, and vocal variety effectively in delivering the speech?

Were you able to maintain strong eye contact?

Did your nonverbal communication add to or detract from the speech?

Were you nervous when you presented the speech? Did you look nervous on the videotape?

Overall Assessment

What were you most pleased with in the speech? What were you least pleased with?

If you had an opportunity to deliver this speech again next week, what changes would you make? Be specific.


The self-assessment should be about two pages long in composition format (about 500 words, 10-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced). Due on 1/06/14 for Tuesday’s class and 1/09/14 for Fridays class. No late work will be accepted. Thanks!


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