Sharon L. Field, Ed.D.

Professional Record

Date Prepared: May 31, 2019

Email: sharon.field@wayne.edu Phone: 248.613.0899


University of Washington, 1974, B.A.

Major: Sociology

Minor: Social Studies Education

University of Wisconsin, 1975, M.S.

Special Education

University of Washington, 1988, Ed.D.

Educational Policy, Governance and Administration


2BSD: Resources for Self-Determination, Birmingham, MI.

Founder, 2013-present

College of Education, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.

Associate Dean for Research, 2011-12

Professor (Clinical) Educational Leadership, 2007-2012

Professor (Research), 2003 – 2007

Associate Professor (Research), 1989-2003

Area of Special Education, College of Education, University of Washington

Research Assistant Professor, 1988-1989

Teaching Associate, 1983-1988

Lecturer, 1981-1983


A. Wayne State University

1991-92; 2007-2010

Graduate courses taught: Supervision of Educational Personnel, Community-based Instruction for Integration, The Learning Disabled Adolescent. Guest lecturer for Educational Evaluation and Research classes on the combined use of quantitative and qualitative methods in funded research.

B. University of Washington


Graduate courses taught: Counseling Skills for Educators, Secondary Special Education, Curriculum Development and Program Evaluation

Funded Grants and Contracts

Field, S., Sawilowksy, S., & Hoffman, A. (2008-2010). Quantifying the effectiveness of coaching for students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. The Edge Foundation (funding: $303,308.)

Field, S., Sawilowksy, S., & Hoffman, A. (2008-2010). Quantifying the effectiveness of coaching for students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. The Edge Foundation (funding: $5,500.)

Field, S. (2010). Maximizing Achievement in a Rigorous Academic Program: The Critical Role of Executive Function & Independent Engagement . Merck-Horton Center for Teaching and Learning, St. George’s School, Middletown, RI. (funding: $29,034.)

Field, S., Hoffman, A. & Sawilowsky, S. (2002-2006). Demonstration of a model to promote self-determination in elementary settings. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. (funding:$720,000.)

Stinson, S., Field, S. & Weatherston, D. (2001-2004). Building mentally healthy communities: Group 1 Prevention and Early Intervention Aimed at Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers: Providing Mental Health Consultation to Childcare settings serving infants, toddlers and preschoolers. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Maternal Health Services Administration (funding:$720,000., WSU sub-contract 129,400.)

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (1999-2002). Promoting self-determination for students, teachers and administrators through pre-service and in-service personnel preparation. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. (Funding: $600,000.)

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (1998-2001). Promoting self-determination in transition planning: Implementation of the Steps to Self-Determination curriculum. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. (Funding: $450,000.)

Field, S. (1996-2004). Community-referenced curriculum on Life Centered Career Education. City of Detroit. (Approximate funding, $223,000.)

Field, S., Hoffman, A. & Sawilowksy, S. (1995-98). Promoting successful outcomes through self-determination: Demonstration of a model for youth with disabilities who have dropped out of school or are at risk of dropping out of school. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. (approximate funding: $357,154.)

Field, S., Hoffman, A. & Sawilowsky, S. (1995-98). Promoting self-determination for students with disabilities: Implementation of Steps to Self-Determination in Michigan and Washington. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. (approximate funding: $337,515.)

Field, S., Hoffman, A. & Sawilowsky, S. (1992-95).Self-determination research. Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education. (funding: $416,924.).

Field, S. & St.Peter, S. (1991-95). Building culturally-relevant community-referenced curricula in Michigan: Implementation of the Life-Centered Career Education model. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (funding:$371,174).

Field, S., Hoffman, A. & Sawilowsky, S. (1990-94). Skills for self-determination. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (funding: $351,470).

Field, S. (1990). Implementation of the Kent Transition Center:Phase two. Kent Intermediate School District. (funding: $27,027).

Field S. (1990). Community-based instruction training for paraprofessionals. Macomb Intermediate School District. (funding: $7,012).

Field, S. (1990). Technical assistance to transition projects. Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council.(funding: $25,000).

Field, S. & Pearson, V. (1990-93). Preparation of personnel for transition of handicapped youth to adult and working life. U.S. Department of Education , Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (funding:$226,722).

Field, S. & Peterson, M. (1989). Supported employment technical assistance for special education programs. A grant to provide technical assistance to secondary special education programs that facilitates preparation for supported employment; submitted to the Allegan Intermediate School District and the Michigan Department of Education (proposal funded for seven months at $64,377).

Field, S. (1989). Technical assistance to transition projects. A grant to provide technical assistance to secondary special education model project sites; submitted to the Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council (proposal funded for eight months at $55,429).

Weisenstein, G., Field, S. & Sheridan, M. (1987). Preparation of related services personnel: A program to prepare specialists in vocational evaluation and special needs vocational education consultation. A grant to revise and continue a master's degree program in vocational assessment and vocational education consultation (proposal funded for three years at $279,000).

Weisenstein, G. & Field, S. (1987). Secondary special education specialists. A grant to develop and implement a master's degree training program for secondary special education specialists; submitted to U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (proposal funded for three years at $210,000).

Weisenstein, G. & Field, S. (1987). Vocational education to work: An effective transition model. A model program to recruit, place and support students who are learning disabled or mentally retarded in vocational education programs; submitted to U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (proposal funded for three years at $285,000).

Field, S. & Weisenstein, G. (1984). Enhancing the transition of mildly mentally retarded and learning disabled postsecondary vocational education students into gainful employment. A grant to develop a transition model that assists persons with disabilities to move successfully through postsecondary vocational training programs and then into competitive employment; submitted to the University of Minnesota (University of Washington subcontract) for a U.S. Department of Education grant proposal (proposal funded for three years at approximately $480,000; sub-contract approximately $180,000).

Weisenstein, G., Field, S. & Affleck, J. (1984). Preparation for leadership in career development. A grant to implement a doctoral degree program to prepare researchers, administrators, program specialists and university personnel for leadership in secondary special education; submitted to U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (proposal funded for three years at approximately $219,000)

Weisenstein, S. Field, S. Rockwell, G. & Kaplan, D. (1983). Vocational special needs/secondary special education master's program. A grant to train master's level students to work in both secondary special education and vocational education to prepare students with disabilities for post-school vocational opportunities; submitted to U.S. Department of Education. (proposal funded for three years at approximately $240,000).



Field, S. & Parker, D., Eds. (2016). Becoming self-determined: Creating thoughtful learners in an admissions-crazed, standards-frenzied culture. Huntersville, NC: Association for Higher Education and Disability.

Parker, D., Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (2012). Self-determination strategies for adolescents in transition. Austin, TX.: ProEd.

Wehmeyer, M.L. & Field, S. (2007). Instructional and assessment strategies to promote the self-determination of students with disabilities. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Field, S., Martin, J., Miller, R., Ward, M. & Wehmeyer, M. (1998). A practical guide for teaching self-determination. Reston, VA: Council for Exceptional Children.

Field, S., Hoffman, A. & Spezia, S. (1998). Self-determination strategies for adolescents in transition. Austin, TX.: ProEd.


Field, S. (2016). Developing thoughtful learners: Supporting self-determination in postsecondary education. In S Field & D. Parker (Eds.) Becoming self-determined: Creating thoughtful learners in a standards-driven, admissions-frenzied culture. (pp. 9-42). Huntersville, NC: Association for Higher Education and Disability.

Field, S. (2016). Increasing awareness and decreasing stress: Embracing contemplative practices to support self-determination. In S Field & D. Parker (Eds.) Becoming self-determined: Creating thoughtful learners in a standards-driven, admissions-frenzied culture. (pp.115-141). Huntersville, NC: Association for Higher Education and Disability.

Field, S. (2013). Education. In M.L. Wehmeyer (Ed.), Handbook of Positive Psychology and Disability. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Field, S. (2009). Self-determination instructional strategies for students with learning disabilities. In G. Blalock & J. Patton (Eds.), Transition directions for youth and adults with learning disabilities 2nd edition. Austin, TX:ProEd.

Field, S. (1996). Self-determination instructional strategies for students with learning disabilities. In G. Blalock & J. Patton (Eds.), Transition directions for youth and adults with learning disabilities. Austin, TX:ProEd.

Wehmeyer, M.L., Field, S., & Thoma, C. (2012).  Self-determination in adolescent transition education.  In M.L. Wehmeyer & K.A. Webb (Eds.) Handbook of Adolescent Transition for Youth with Disabilities.  New York:  Routledge.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (1996). Promoting self-determination in inclusion and school reform efforts. In D.J. Sands & M.L. Wehmeyer (Eds.) Self-determination across the lifespan. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (1996). Increasing the ability of educators to support youth self-determination. In L.E. Powers, G.H.S. Singer & J. Sowers (Eds.), Making our way: Building self-competence among youth with disabilities. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.

Clark, G.M., Field, S., Patton, J.R., Brolin, D.E. & Sitlington, P.L. (1996). Life skills instruction: A necessary component for all students with disabilities. In G. Blalock & J. Patton (Eds.), Transition directions for youth and adults with learning disabilities. Austin, TX:ProEd.

Field, S. & Haring, N. (1994). Transition to work and community living. In N. Haring, L. McCormick & T. Haring (Eds.). Exceptional children and youth, sixth edition (pp. 526-555). Columbus, Ohio: MacMillan Publishing Co.

Goodlad, J. & Field, S. (1992). Teachers for renewing schools. In J. Goodlad & T. Lovitt, (Eds.). Integrating general and special education (pp. 229-252). Columbus, Ohio: MacMillan Publishing Co.

Kohler, P. & Field, S. (2006). Transition-focused education: Foundation for the future. In B.G. Cook & B.R. Schirmer (Eds.) What is special about special education?: Examining the role of evidence-based practices. Austin, TX: ProEd.

Peterson, M., LeRoy, B., Field, S. & Wood, P. (1992). Community-referenced learning: Effective curriculum for all students. In S. Stainback & W. Stainback (Eds.), Curriculum considerations in inclusive classrooms (pp. 207-227). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.

Haring, N. & Field, S. (1990). Transition to work and community living. In N. Haring & L. McCormick (Eds.). Exceptional children and youth, fifth edition (pp. 515-545). Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill.

Refereed Journal Articles

Parker, D. R., Sleeper-Triplett, J., Field, S., & Sawilowsky, S. (2018). ADHD college coaching: Potential adverse events. The ADHD Report, 10-14.

Field, S., Parker, D.L., Sawilowsky, S. & Rolands, L. (2013). Assessing the impact of ADHD coaching services on university students’ learning skills, self-regulation and well-being. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 26(1), 67-81.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A.S. (2012). Fostering self-determination through building productive relationships in the classroom. Intervention in School and Clinic, (48)1, 6-14.

Parker D., Field, S., Sawilowsky,S. & Rolands, L. (2012). Self-control in postsecondary settings: Students' perceptions of ADHD college coaching. Journal of Attention Disorders, DOI:10.1177/1087054711427561.

Parker, D., Field Hoffman, S. Sawilowksy, S. & Rolands, L. (2011). An examination of the effects of ADHD coaching on university students’ executive functioning. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 24(2), 115-132.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (2007). Self-determination in secondary transition assessment. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 32 (3), 181-190.

Field, S., Shaw, S. & Sarver, M. (2004). Strategies to promote academic success and self-determination for college students with disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 24,(6), 339-349.

Wehmeyer, M., Field, S., Doren, B., Jones, B. & Mason, C. (2004). Self-determination and student involvement: Standards-based reform, access to the general curriculum and CEC’s performance-based standards. Exceptional Children, 69 (2),413-425.

Mason, C., Field, S., & Sawilowsky, S. (2004). Implementation of self-determination activities and student participation in IEPs: Practices and attitudes of educators. Exceptional Children, 69 (2), 441-451.

Kohler, P. & Field, S. (2003).Transition focused education: Foundation for the future. Journal of Special Education,37(3), 174-183.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (2002). Preparing youth to exercise self-determination: quality indicators of school environments that promote the acquisition of knowledge, skills and beliefs related to self-determination. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 13, 113-118.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (2002). Lessons learned from implementing the Steps to Self-Determination curriculum. Remedial and Special Education 23,(2), 90-98.

Field, S. (1999). Personal, family, and community strategies to enhance consumer-direction and self-determination: A youth perspective. National Leadership Summit on Self-determination and Consumer-direction and Control: Invited Papers. Portland, Oregon: Oregon Health Sciences University.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (1999). The importance of family involvement for promoting self-determination in adolescents with autism and other developmental disabilities. Focus on Autism, 14(1), 36-41.

Field, S., Martin, J., Miller, R., Ward, M. & Wehmeyer, M. (1998). Self-determination for persons with disabilities: A position statement of the Division on Career Development and Transition, The Council for Exceptional Children. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 21 (2), 113-128.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (1998). Self-determination: An essential element of successful transition for youth with emotional and/or behavioral disorders. Reconnecting Youth, 2 (4), 37-40.

Field, S., Hoffman, A. & Posch, M. (1997). Self-determination during adolescence: A developmental perspective. Remedial and Special Education,8(5), 85-293.

Field, S. (1997). A historical perspective on student involvement in the transition process: Toward a vision of self-determination for all students. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 19, 169-176.

Field, S. (1996). Self-determination instructional strategies for youth with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 29, 40-52.

Clark, G.M., Field, S., Patton, J.R., Brolin, D.E. & Sitlington, P.L. (1994). Life skills instruction: A necessary component for all students with disabilities. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 17(2), 125-133.

Hoffman, A. & Field, S. (1995). Promoting self-determination through effective curriculum development. Intervention in School and Clinic,30(3),134-141.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (1994). Development of a model for self-determination. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 17(2), 159-169.

Field, S., LeRoy, B. & Rivera, S. (1994). Meeting functional curriculum needs in middle school general education classrooms. Teaching Exceptional Children,26(2), 40-43.

Field, S., Hoffman, A., St. Peter, S. & Sawilowsky, S. (1992). Effects of disability labels on teachers' perceptions of students' self-determination. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 75, 931-934.

Field, S. & Weisenstein, G. (1991). Changing supervisors' attitudes toward persons with disabilities. Journal of Job Placement, 7(1), 9-11.

Field, S.L. (1989). Society in transition. Journal of Job Placement. 3, 15-17.

Field, S.L. & Hill, D.S. (1988). Contextual appraisal: A framework for meaningful evaluation of special education programs. Remedial and Special Education, 9(4), 22-43.

Fisher, G.L. & Field, S.L. (1985). Self-protection for persons with disabilities: Development and validation of a skills curriculum. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 8(1), 7-16.

Field, S. (1982). Career education: The link between high school and independent living. Journal of Career Education, 8(4), 256-262.

Instructional Materials Formally Published

Field, S., Hoffman, A. & Cornell, K. (2016). Early Steps to Self-Determination. Birmingham, MI: 2BSD: Resources for Self-Determination.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (2017). It’s All About Us! Encouraging Self-Determination in Early Childhood Education and Service. Birmingham, MI: 2BSD: Resources for Self-Determination.

Lattin, D., Morningstar, M., Field, S., Bjorkman Wade, D.K. & Hu, X.(2010). Self-determination and student engagement [Online]. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas, Department of Special Education. Available:

Hoffman, A. & Field, S. (1996; 2005, 2nd ed.). Steps to self-determination: Instructor’s guide. Austin, TX: ProEd.

Hoffman, A. & Field, S. (1996; 2005, 2nd ed.). Steps to self-determination: Student activity book. Austin, TX: ProEd.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (2002). Steps to self-determination (video). Detroit, MI: Wayne State University. (published by ProEd, Austin, TX).

Kohler, P., Field, S., Izzo, M., & Johnson, J. (2000). Transition from school to life: A workshop series for educators and transition service providers. Reston, VA: Council for Exceptional Children.

Field, S. (1992). Success on the job: The employers' guide to working with individuals with disabilities. Ann Arbor, MI: Exceptional Innovations.

Field, S. & Reynolds, L. (1992) Job planner: Increasing productivity. Ann Arbor, MI: Exceptional Innovations. (software program)

Hoffman, A., Field, S. & Sawilowksy, S. (1996). Self-determination knowledge scale, Forms A & B. Austin, TX: ProEd. Also distributed by the Council for Exceptional Children.


*denotes keynote session or endowed lecture

Invited and/or Refereed Internationally or Nationally

*Field, S. A Holistic Approach to Infusing Self-Determination Into the PreK-Postsecondary Curriculum. Texas Transition Conferernce Pre-Conference, San Antonio, TX.

*Gothberg, J., Field, S. & Stegenga, S. Creating Successful Transitions Across the Lifespan. Texas Transition Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Field, S. Gothberg, J., & Stegenga, S. The Nuts and Bolts of Creating Successful Transitions Across the Lifespan.

Bradley-Black, K, Gothberg, J. & Field, S. Transition Services and Activities for the Younger Years, Division on Career Development and Transition Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (October, 2016)

Field, S. 2BSD or not 2BSD?: You decide! Division on Career Development and Transition “Transition Rocks” Conference (November, 2014)

*Field, S. The Science and Art of Self-Determination. The Twelfth Annual Timothy B. and Jane A. Burnett Seminar for Academic Achievement. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (November, 2013)

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. Data-based Decision-Making for Self-Determination Instruction, National Special Education and Transition Coalition Capacity Building Institute, Charlotte, NC (May, 2013)

*Field, S. Implementing the Steps to Self-Determination Curriculum. Utah Department of Education , Salt Lake City, UT (May, 2013)

Field, S. Knowledge and Skills for Self-Determination: Let’s Take A Closer Look, Utah Department of Education, Salt Lake City, UT (May, 2013)

Field, S. Instructional Strategies for Student-Directed Learning, Utah Department of Education, Salt Lake City, UT(May, 2013)

Field, S. & Parker, D. Fostering Self-determination in Students with Disabilities in Higher Education: Strategies and Resources, Association for Higher Education and Disability, Baltimore, MD. (July, 2013)

Field, S., Parker, D., Tudisco, R. & Sleeper-Triplett, J. ADHD coaching examined: Results form a study on quantifying the effects of coaching for students with ADHD in higher education. Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder Conference, Atlanta, GA. (November, 2010).

Field, S., Parker, D. & Tudisco, R. Quantifying the Effectiveness of Coaching for College Students with ADHD: Initial Findings from a National Study. Association for Higher Education and Disability, Denver, CO. (July, 2010).

Parker, D. & Field, S. A National Study of ADHD Coaching: Promoting Autonomy and Widening Campus Access. Association for Higher Education and Disability, Louisville, KY. (July, 2009).

Field, S., Peterson, N., Wright, S. & Parker, D. Promoting Educational Success

for Students with ADHD: Developing, Implementing and Researching the Edge Coaching Strategy. Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder Conference, Cleveland, OH. (November, 2009)

*Field, S. Promoting self-determination in postsecondary settings. Postsecondary Training Institute, Burlington, Vermont. (June, 2006).

Field, S., Porritt, S. & Tomlinson, J. Implementing strategies for self-determination in K-12 settings. Council for Exceptional Children, Salt Lake City, Utah. (April, 2006).

Field, S., Porrit, S., Fisher, B. & Rappaport, J. A coordinated approach to

implementing self-determination across the K-12 curriculum. Division on Career Development and Transition International Conference. (October, 2005).

Stinson, S., Baltman, K. & Field, S. The Caring for Kids Initiative. Zero to Three Conference, Washington, D.C. (October, 2005).

Field, S., Hoffman, A. & Fullerton, A. Supporting self-determination in the preparation of educators. Council for Exceptional Children, New York, New York. (April 2002)

Field, S., Hoffman, A. Fullerton, A., Kohler, P., Sands, D. & Taymans, J.. Promoting self-determination in initial preparation and in-service programming. Council for Exceptional Children, Teacher Education Division Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida (November, 2001).

Fullerton, A., Field, S. & Hoffman, A. Inviting change; A process for examining what we teach and how we teach in special educator preparation programs. Council for Exceptional Children, Teacher Education Division Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida (November, 2001).

Field, S., Hoffman, A. Fullerton, A., Kohler, P., Sands, D., Taymans, J. & Ward, M. Self-determination for educators. Division on Career Development and Transition 11th International Conference, Denver, Colorado (November 2001).

Fullerton, A., Field, S., Hoffman, A. & Ward, M. Adults who experience disability review special educator preparation. . Division on Career Development and Transition 11th International Conference, Denver, Colorado (November 2001).

Bassett, D., Field, S. and other past presidents of DCDT. (invited).Twenty-five years of change: Past, present and future directions. Division on Career Development and Transition 11th International Conference, Denver, Colorado (November 2001).

Morningstar, M., Avoke, S, Mutua, K., Field, S. & Menon, S. Self-determination and transition planning: What’s culture got to do with it? Division on Career Development and Transition 11th International Conference, Denver, Colorado (November 2001).

Field, S. (July, 1999). Implementing self-determination programming. 1999 OSEP Research Project Directors’ Conference. Washington, D.C.

Hoffman, A. & Field, S. (June, 1999). Self-Determination Projects at Wayne State University. Fourteenth Annual Transition Project Directors’ Meeting. Washington, D.C.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (June, 1999). Implementing a self-determination emphasis in transition programming. Lessons learned. Fourteenth Annual Transition Project Directors’ Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (April, 1998). Implementing self-determination programs in general education settings. Council for Exceptional Children. Minneapolis, MN.

Field, S. (session chair), Hoffman, A., Bassett, D., Martin, J., Ward, M. & Wehmeyer, M. (October, 1997). Self-determination is for teachers, too. Division on Career Development and Transition Twelfth International Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona.

Field, S., Hoffman, A., Martin, J. & Wehmeyer, M. (June, 1997). Lessons learned from self-determination multi-district outreach. The Twelfth Annual Project Directors’ Annual Meeting, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Washington, D.C.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (June, 1997). Self-determination projects at Wayne State University: Self-determined school improvement and Steps to Self-determination outreach. The Twelfth Annual Project Directors’ Annual Meeting, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Washington, D.C.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (April, 1997). Promoting self-determination for students with learning disabilities. Council for Exceptional Children, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Field, S. (session chair), Bassett, D., Martin, J., Miller, R. & Wehmeyer, M. (April, 1997). Self-determination: Where have we been? Where are we going? Council for Exceptional Children, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Sawilowsky, S., Hoffman, A. & Field, S. (August, 1996). Development and assessment of a self-determination battery. American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (April, 1996). Promoting self-determination in school reform and curriculum efforts. Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference. Orlando, Florida (Selected as a Showcase Presentation.)

Field, S., & Hoffman, A. (November, 1995). Promoting self-determination for youth with severe behavioral disorders. TECBD National Conference of Severe Behavior Disorders of Children and Youth. Tempe, Arizona.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (June, 1995). Implementing Steps to Self-Determination. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Secondary Special Education and Transition Branch. Washington, D.C.

Field, S. (September, 1994). Self-determination instructional strategies for youth with learning disabilities. ProEd Transition Symposium, Austin, Texas.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (April, 1994). Curriculum and assessment for self-determination. Council for Exceptional Children, Denver, Colorado.

Field, S., Hoffman, A. & Sawilowsky, S. (November, 1993). Development and field-testing of a conceptual model and assessment approach to self-determination. Research Issues in Behavioral Disorders Pre-Conference Workshop, Seventeenth Annual Conference on Severe Behavior Disorders of Children and Youth, Tempe, Arizona.

Field, S., St.Peter, S. & Harrison, S. (November, 1993).Implications for adapting a functional curriculum in culturally diverse communities. The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, Chicago, Illinois.

Field, S. (October, 1993). Special population needs in urban school reform. The Council of the Great City Schools, Houston, Texas.

Hoffman, A. & Field, S. (October, 1993). Steps to self-determination: A curriculum to promote self-determination. Division on Career Development and Transition, Council for Exceptional Children, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Field, S. (October, 1993). Implementing Life-Centered Career Education in culturally diverse communities: Practical applications and strategies. Division on Career Development and Transition, Council for Exceptional Children, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (June, 1993) Development of a conceptual model of self-determination for persons with disabilities. Society for Disabilities Studies, Seattle, Washington.

Field, S., Hoffman, A. & St.Peter, S. (November, 1992) Building skills, knowledge and supports for self-determination. The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, San Francisco, California.

Hoffman, A., Field, S., St.Peter, S. & Sawilowsky, S. (August, 1992). Disability label effects on perceptions and observations of self-determination. American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Hoffman, A. & Field, S. (June, 1992). Skills and knowledge for self-determination. The Project Directors' Seventh Annual Meeting, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Secondary Special Education and Transition Branch.

Field, S. (April, 1992). Self-determination issues in transition. Council for Exceptional Children, Baltimore, Maryland.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (April, 1992). Skills and knowledge for self-determination. Council for Exceptional Children, Baltimore, Maryland (Division on Career Development Showcase Session).

Field, S. & Hoffman, A.(January, 1992). Skills and knowledge for self-determination. Pacific Rim/Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Mental Retardation/Early Intervention Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.

*Field, S. (October, 1991). Empowerment: It's the Same for All of Us. Miriam Home Conference on Empowerment, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (June, 1991). Skills for self-determination. Featured project presentation, The Project Directors' Sixth Annual Meeting, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Secondary Special Education and Transition Branch.

Field, S. & Gray, C. (October, 1989).Functional curriculum and integration: Putting it all together. Division on Career Development International Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.

*Field, S.(October, 1988). Society in transition. Society in Transition Conference. San Jose State University, San Jose, California.

Field, S. (April, 1988). Managing diversity: Development and evaluation of a curriculum to train first-line supervisors to manage differences and disabilities. Young Adult Institute Employment, Integration and Community Competence Conference, New York, New York.

Field, S. & Weisenstein, G. (January, 1988). Preparing the workplace for the disabled employee. Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Mental Retardation, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Field, S. (April, 1987). Preparing the workplace for employees with disabilities: The Minnesota/Washington Postsecondary Transition Project. Young Adult Institute Transitional Issues for Community Coalescence Conference, New York, New York.

Field, S. (June, 1986). Work preparation programs for students with disabilities in the United States. National Conference for Cooperative Education Across Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Field, S. (March, 1986). Creating a receptive work environment: The Minnesota/Washington Employment Model. Miami Business, Industry and Community Education Conference, Miami, Florida.

Brown, J. & Field, S. (December, 1985). The Minnesota/Washington Postsecondary Transition Project. American Vocational Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.

Field, S. & Brown, J. (October, 1985). Creating a receptive work environment:The Minnesota/Washington Postsecondary Transition Project Employment Enhancement Model. International Conference on the Decade of the Disabled: Transition to Work and Life, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Field, S. (April, 1985). Moving students from vocational training to employment. National Perspectives: A How-To Conference on Career/Vocational Education Programs for Special Needs Students (National Association of Vocational Education Special Needs Personnel),Seattle, Washington.

Weisenstein, G., Field, S. & Rockwell, G. (December, 1984). Preservice and inservice preparation of vocational special needs personnel. American Vocational Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Field,S. & Weisenstein, G. (April, 1984). Cooperation with business and industry. Council for Exceptional Children. Washington, District of Columbia.

Weisenstein, G. & Field, S. (December, 1983). Higher education and business working together to increase handicapped employment. American Vocational Association, Anaheim, California.

Weisenstein, G., Affleck, J., Field, S., Rockwell, G. & Kaplan, D. (October, 1983). Pre-service and in-service preparation of vocational special needs personnel. International Conference on the Career Development of Handicapped/Special Needs Individuals, Chicago, Illinois.

Fisher, G. & Field, S. (October, 1983). Self-protection from sexual exploitation:An essential skill for community living. International Conference on the Career Development of Handicapped/Special Needs Individuals, Chicago, Illinois.

Invited and/or Refereed Locally/Regionally

Field, S. (March, 2016). Strategies and resources to support self-determination for students in transition. (featured speaker). Alabama Transition Conference XXVI.

Field, S., Stinson, S. & Baltman, K. Caring for Kids Initiative: Lessons learned in constructing a child care mental health consultation program. (2006). Children’s Bridge Conference, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.

*Field, S. (November, 2005). Self-determination: A key to happiness and resiliency for young children and their families. COPESD Early Childhood Conference VI. Gaylord, MI.

Field, S. (November, 2005). Implementing support for self-determination and resiliency. COPESD Early Childhood Conference VI. Gaylord, MI.

Field, S. (April, 2005). Steps to Self-Determination. Michigan Association of Teachers of Emotionally Disturbed Children, Boyne Mountain, Michigan.

*Field, S. (April, 2005). The importance of self-determination in coordinated services. Michigan Department of Community Health State Wrap-Around Conference, Belleaire, Michigan.

Field, S. & Cornell, K. (March, 2005). Development of a K-12 Continuum for Self-determination. Michigan Transition Services Association Conference, Frankenmuth, Michigan.

Field, S. (January, 2005). What’s new in self-determination? Michigan Department of Education, Transition Coordinators Meeting, Lansing, Michigan.

*Field, S. (July, 2002). Recommendations from educators about self-determination and student-led IEP’s: Results from the Council for Exceptional Children/Wayne State University survey. Keynote address to the Michigan Transition Services Project Summer Institute. Gaylord, MI.

*Field, S. (July, 2001). Self-determination: The center of meaningful transition planning. Keynote address to the Michigan Transition Services Project Summer Institute. Gaylord, MI.

Ehrstine, L. & Field, S. (May, 2001). A child care and early education consultation model. Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health, 25th Annual Conference. Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Field, S. (November, 2000). Implementing the Steps to Self-determination curriculum. Targeting Success in the 21st Century. Learning Disabilities Association of Michigan. East Lansing, Michigan.

* Field, S. (June, 2000). Soaring to new heights with self-determination. Keynote address to the Florida Arc Conference.

Field, S. (June, 2000). Steps to self-determination. Florida Arc Conference.

Field, S. (March, 2000). Former students’ review of decision-making and self-determination. Michigan Council for Exceptional Children conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Field, S. (March, 2000).Transition planning, PreK-12. . Michigan Council for Exceptional Children conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Field, S. (March, 2000). Taking control of your future. Presentation to the “Is there life after high school conference”, Olympic Community College, Bremerton, Washington.

Field, S. (March, 2000). Helping students become more self-determined. Presentation to the “Is there life after high school conference”, Olympic Community College, Bremerton, Washington.

*Field, S. (November, 1999). Self-Determination: An Overview. Keynote workshop for the Florida State Department of Education Statewide Conference.

Field, S. (September, 1999). Implementing the Steps to Self-Determination curriculum. Louisiana Statewide Transition Project. Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Field, S. (September, 1999). Implementing the Steps to Self-Determination curriculum. Louisiana Statewide Transition Project. Lafayette, Louisiana.

*Field, S. (February, 1999). Self-determination. Keynote speech for the Florida Transition Conference.

Field, S. (November, 1998). Becoming self-determined educators. Utah Inclusion Conference. Snowbird, Utah.

Field, S. (November, 1998). Implementing self-determination programs in general education settings. Utah Inclusion Conference. Snowbird, Utah.

Johnson, J., Field, S., & Cornell, K. (September, 1998). Collaborative leadership and self-determination: New ways of thinking and working with students and families with disabilities. Fourth Annual Governor’s Education Summit, Lansing, Michigan.

Field, S. (July, 1998). Promoting self-determination in transition programs. North Carolina Exceptional Children’s Conference, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Field, S. (January, 1998). Implementing the Steps to Self-Determination curriculum. Louisiana Statewide Transition Project. Alexandria, Louisiana.

Field, S. (November, 1997). Self-determination: A critical key to success for students with learning disabilities. Michigan Learning Disabilities Association, Lansing, Michigan.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (November, 1997). Self-determined students and teachers: Leaders and learners for the 21st Century. Michigan Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Lansing, Michigan.

Field, S. (May, 1997). Promoting self-determination in transition programming. Washington State Transition Conference, Bellevue, Washington.

Hoffman, A. & Field, S. (December, 1996). Is there school after high school? It’s up to you! Is there school after high school? Conference, Bellevue, Washington.

Field, S. (December, 1994). Defining the goals: The importance of self-determination during transitions. Michigan Office of Transition Services First Interagency Transition Conference, Lansing, Michigan.

*Field, S. (October, 1994). Making the transition: The path to self-determination. Learning Disabilities Association of Washington, Seattle, Washington.

Field, S. (October, 1994). Self-determination curriculum issues. Learning Disabilities Association of Washington, Seattle, Washington.

Field, S. (October, 1992). The "transition" of the transition movement: New developments in best practices and legislation. Association for Retarded Citizens, Warren, Michigan.

Field, S. (April, 1992). Transition Services - Collaboration. Michigan Department of Education Transition Services Conference, Ypsilanti, Michigan.

*Field, S. (March, 1992). Journey beyond the school house. Oakland County Association of Special Services Vocational Consultants, Troy, Michigan.

Field, S. (November, 1991). The "transition" of the transition movement: New developments in best practices and legislation. Learning Disabilities Association, Battle Creek, Michigan.

Field, S. (September, 1991). The "transition" of the transition movement: New developments in best practices and legislation. Michigan Rehabilitation Services, Midland, MI.

*Field, S. (May, 1991). Self-advocacy for students with disabilities. Michigan Work Study Coordinators Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Field, S. (March, 1991). Education for all who need it. Seventh Annual Conference on Developmental Disabilities, Novi, Michigan.

*Field, S. (March, 1990). Education: Who needs it? Michigan Developmental Disabilities Conference, Southfield, Michigan.

*Field, S. (June, 1989). Future trends and directions in programming for persons with developmental disabilities. Community Mental Health Board Association, Lansing, Michigan.

*Field, S. (April, 1989). The role of the community in effective transition programming. Mississippi Conference on Transition sponsored by Mississippi State University and Southern Mississippi University, Jackson, Mississippi.

Field, S. (April, 1989). Project MERGE: Making employment rewarding for graduates and employers. Michigan Conference on Transition, Michigan Department of Education, Lansing, Michigan.

Field, S. (November, 1988). Employment enhancement services for post-secondary schools. Mideast Conference on Career Development, The Greenbriar, West Virginia.

*Brolin, D., Cook, I., Field, S. & Reynolds, L. (November, 1988). Moving mountains: The past, the present and the future. Keynote panel presentation to the Mid-East Regional conference on Career Development, The Greenbriar, West Virginia.

Field, S. (February, 1988). "I've got special needs too!" - How teachers find reinforcement in their work. Washington Association of Vocational Education Special Needs Personnel Conference, Seattle, Washington.

Field, S. (February, 1987). How to manage your boss. Washington Association of Vocational Education Special Needs Personnel Conference, Bellevue, Washington.

*Field, S. (November, 1986). How to manage your boss. Washington Recreation and Park Association Mid-Year Institute, Edmonds, Washington.

*Field, S. (November, 1986) They're ready for work; Is work ready for them? Division on Career Development and Transition, Midwest Conference, Kansas City, Missouri.

Field, S. (February, 1986). Making employment rewarding for graduates and employers. Washington Association of Vocational Education Special Needs Personnel Conference, Bellevue, Washington.

Field, S. (February, 1986). Community employment options for adults with learning disabilities. Community Services for Adults with Learning Disabilities Conference, Seattle, Washington.

Field, S. (March, 1985). Enhancing the transition of students with disabilities from vocational training to competitive employment. American Vocational Association Region V Leadership Conference, Seattle, Washington.

Field, S. (March, 1985). Facilitating competitive employment for persons with disabilities. Minnesota Association of Vocational Education Special Needs Personnel, St. Paul, Minnesota.

Field, S. (January, 1985). Creating competitive employment options for students with disabilities. Washington Association of Vocational Education Special Needs Personnel, Everett, Washington.

Field, S. (November, 1984). "If work's the goal, what's my role?", "Bridging the Gap" conference, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Seattle, Washington.

Field, S. (October, 1984). Cost effective enabling of the disabled in the work force. Federal Way Chamber of Commerce, Federal Way, Washington.

Invited Seminars or Lectures Presented in Last Five Years

Field, S. (2011). Relationship building for families. Birmingham Bloomfield Families in Action.

Field, S. (2008). Women and contentment; Lessons in self-determination. Birmingham Bloomfield Families in Action.

Field, S. (2008). Women and contentment; Lessons in self-determination. Cranbrook Educational Community.

Field, S., Hoffman, A. & Les, B. (May, 2007). Self-determined families: Resilient, hopeful, joyful. Birmingham Bloomfield Families in Action, Birmingham, MI.

Wehmeyer, M. & Field, S. (May, 2007). Self-determination instructional and support strategies. Utah Department of Education, Salt Lake City, UT.

Field, S. (July, 2004). Implementing a self-determination focus in transition programming. North Carolina Department of Education, Raleigh, North Carolina.

Field, S. (July, 2003). Promoting self-determination for our students and ourselves: Implementing the Steps to Self-Determination curriculum. University of Northern Colorado Bresnahan/Halstead-Kephart Symposia, Vail, Colorado.

Field, S. (June, 2002). The importance of self-determination and self-advocacy for adolescents in transition. Northwest Educational Service District, Mount Vernon, Washington.

Field, S. (June, 2002). Self-determination: Putting it into practice. Northwest Educational Service District, Mount Vernon, Washington.

Field, S. (April, 2002). Implementing the Steps to Self-Determination curriculum. Huron Valley Schools.

Field, S. (March, 2002). Building a future: Helping our sons and daughters make smart choices. Shiawassee Intermediate School District.

Field, S. (March, 2002) Implementing the Steps to Self-Determination curriculum. Shiawassee Intermediate School District.

Field, S. (January, 2002). Curriculum planning to promote student self-determination. Shiawassee Intermediate School District.

Field, S. (April, 2001). Incorporating a self-determination emphasis in transition programming. Huron Valley Schools.

Field, S. (January, 2001). Encouraging self-determination in transition activities. Albuquerque Public Schools.

Field, S. (January, 2001). Promoting self-determination in school settings. Ingham Intermediate School District.

Field, S. (January, 2001). Promoting self-determination in home settings. Ingham Intermediate School District.

Field, S. (March, 2001). Promoting self-determination for students with and without disabilities: Train-the-trainer. Pierce County (Washington) Human Services.

Field, S. (March, 2001). Promoting self-determination: A workshop for administrators. Pierce County (Washington) Human Services.

Field, S. (April-May, 2001). Promoting self-determination for students with and without disabilities. Michigan Transition Services Project.

Field, S. (April-May, 2000). Promoting self-determination for students with and without disabilities. Michigan Transition Services Project.

Field, S. (August, 2000). Implementing the Steps to Self-Determination curriculum. Highline School District.

Field, S. (March, 2000). Promoting self-determination for students with and without disabilities. Olympic Educational Service District.

Field, S. (November, 1999). Implementing the Steps to Self-Determination curriculum. Florida Department of Education.

Field, S. (May-June, 1999). Promoting self-determination for students with and without disabilities. Michigan Transition Services Project.

Kohler, P. & Field, S. (June, 1999). Transition from school to life. Michigan Transition Services Project.

Field, S. (November, 1998). Implementing the Steps to Self-Determination curriculum. Sanilac Intermediate School District.

Field, S. (June, 1998). Promoting self-determination through the transition process. Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan.

Field, S. (April, 1998). Self-determination. Council for Exceptional Children Pre-Conference Workshop. Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Field, S. (February, 1998). Promoting self-determination for students with and without disabilities. Northwest Educational Service District, Tacoma, Washington.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (August, 1994). The application of self-determination to school to work transition programs. Center for Change in Transition Services, Tacoma, Washington.

Field, S. (July, 1994). Transitions: From School to Community and Employment, Michigan Association of Rehabilitation Organizations, Lansing, Michigan.

Field, S. (November,1992). Self-determination for students with disabilities. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Field, S. (March, 1992). Transition services for students with disabilities. Wayne County Council for Administrators in Special Education, Romulus, Michigan.


Standardized Tests:

Hoffman, A., Field, S. & Sawilowsky, S. (2014). Self-determination assessment battery internet.

Trinity, FL: Ealy Education.

Hoffman, A., Field, S., & Sawilowsky, S. (1996; 2004). Self-determination assessment battery. (Self-Determination Observation Checklist (SDOC), Self-Determination Student Scale (SDSS), Self-Determination Teacher Perception Scale (SDTPS), and Self-Determination Parent Perception Scale (SDPPS). Detroit, MI.: Wayne State University.


Field, S. (2004). Point of view. In R. Lloyd and D.E. Brolin, Career education 2nd edition. Columbia, MO: Merrill.

Field, S. (1995). Point of view. In D.E. Brolin, Career education (p. 309). Columbia, MO: Merrill.

Technical Reports, Project Publications and Newsletters:

Field, S. & Mason, C. (2018). Self-determination: From the fight to gain basic rights to the power of student voice. Wow!Ed, Newsletter from the Center for Educational Improvement. Vienna, VA: Center for Educational Improvement.

Mason, C. & Field, S. (2018). Increasing efficacy: Pairing self-determination with mindfulness. Wow!Ed, Newsletter from the Center for Educational Improvement. Vienna, VA: Center for Educational Improvement.

Field, S., Parker, D., Sawilowksy, S. & Rolands, L. (2010). Quantifying the Effectiveness of Coaching for College Students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Detroit, MI.: College of Education, Wayne State University.

Field, S., Hoffman, A. & Sawilowsky, S. (2006). Research on Self-Determination in Elementary Settings Final Report. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University, College of Education.

Field, S. Hoffman, A. & Cornell, K. (2007). Early Steps to Self-Determination. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University, College of Education.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (2005). Self-determination in Personnel Preparation Final Report. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University, College of Education.

Field, S. (2004). Self-Determination: What is it? Is it a good thing for students to be more self-determined? Focus on Results. Lansing, MI: Michigan Department of Education.

Field, S., Mackrain, M. & Sawilowsky, S. (2004). Evaluation report: Caring for Kids Initiative. Detroit, MI.: Wayne State University, College of Education.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (Spring, 2003) Encouraging self-determination in teachers and administrators. CEN Newsletter. Lansing, MI: Michigan Department of Education.

Field, S. (2003). Assessment practices that promote student self-determination. Access Newsletter. Lansing, MI: Michigan Department of Education,.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (2002). Self-determination quality indicators assessment instrument. Detroit, MI.: Wayne State University.

Field, S. & Kohler, P. (2001). A self-determination approach to technical assistance. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (2001). Promoting self-determination for students, teachers and administrators through initial preparation and in-service preparation: Interim report. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University College of Education.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (2001). Implementing the Steps to Self-Determination curriculum in Michigan, Washington and Utah: Interim report. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University College of Education.

Field, S. (1997). Implementing Life Centered Career Education from a community perspective. Detroit, MI. Wayne State University.

Field, S. (1997). Building culturally-relevant, community-referenced curriculum: Implementation of Life Centered Career Education in Michigan--Final Report. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University.

Field, S. (1989). The special field of special education. Seattle, WA.: Center for Educational Renewal, University of Washington.

Field, S. (1989). A trainer's guide to self-advocacy skills for persons with disabilities. Detroit MI.: Developmental Disabilities Institute Wayne State University.

Field, S. (1987). Increasing response rates on mailed surveys. Seattle, WA.: University of Washington, Special Education/Vocational Special Needs programs.

Field, S. (1986). What do they want? A review of the business literature on employment of persons with disabilities. Seattle, WA.: University of Washington, Special Education/Vocational Special Needs Programs.

Field, S. & Allen, M. (1987). Managing diversity: Maximizing employee strengths and minimizing limitations. Seattle, WA.: University of Washington, Special Education/Vocational Special Needs Programs.

Field, S., Hoffman, A. & Sawilowsky, S. (1997). Research in self-determination: Final report. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University.

Field, S. & Pearson, V. (1994). Secondary special education transition specialist program: Final report. Detroit, MI.: Wayne State University.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (1994). Skills and knowledge for self-determination: Final report. Detroit, MI.: Wayne State University.

Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (1993, Spring). Skills and knowledge for self-determination. Inclusive Communities. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University, Developmental Disabilities Institute.

Field, S., Hoffman, A., St. Peter, S. & Sawilowsky, S. (1992).Skills and knowledge for self-determination: Interim research report. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University, Developmental Disabilities Institute.

Field, S. Weisenstein, G. & Pelz, R. (1987). Enhancing the transition of mildly mentally retarded and learning disabled postsecondary students into gainful employment: Final report. Seattle, WA.: University of Washington, Special Education/Vocational Special Needs Programs.

Field, S. & Weisenstein, G. (1987). Enhancing the transition of mildly mentally retarded and learning disabled postsecondary students into gainful employment: A report of year two project activities. Seattle, WA.: University of Washington, Special Education/Vocational Special Needs programs.

Field, S., Weisenstein, G.R. & Pelz, R. (1985). Interim report: Minnesota/Washington postsecondary transition project. Seattle, WA.: University of Washington, Special Education/Vocational Special Needs Programs.

Bailey, L. & Field, S. (1987). Guide to providing postsecondary transition services. Seattle, WA.: University of Washington, Special Education/Vocational Special Needs programs.

Gutsell, M. & Field, S. (1990). Effectively facilitating the transition planning process. Detroit, MI: Developmental Disabilities Institute, Wayne State University.

. Peter, S., Field, S. & Hoffman, S. (1992). Self-determination: A literature r

St. Peter, S., Field, S., Hoffman, A. & Keena, V. (1992). Self-determination: An annotated bibliography. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University, Developmental Disabilities Institute.

Scheppelman, B. & Field, S. (1992). Development of transition services for students with disabilities: A state-wide survey of special education directors. Lansing, MI: Michigan Department of Education, Special Education Services.

Stout, L.E., Field, S. & Hoffman, A. (1993). Update of self-determination: A literature review and synthesis. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University.

Weisenstein, G.R., Field, S.L. & Kiolet, C. (1985). Social skills training review. in M. Boer (Ed.). Investigating the problem of skill generalization (3rd ed. pp. 107-118). Seattle, WA.: University of Washington, Washington Research Organization.


Positions Held in Professional Associations

Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Career Development and Transition, Strand Chair, 2009 International Conference.

Alliance on Self-Determination, Leadership Council member, 1997-2004.

Alliance for Self-Determination, Leadership Summit planning committee, 1998-1999.

Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Career Development and Transition, Strand Chair for Self-Determination, 1999 International Conference, 1999.

Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Career Development and Transition, Self-Determination Monograph Chair/Lead Author, 1995-1999.

Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Career Development and Transition, Donn Brolin Award Committee, 1997.

Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Career Development and Transition, Past Presidents’ Committee, 1990-present.

Council for Exceptional Children, Governmental Relations Committee, 1992-1994.

Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Career Development and Transition Conference Program Committee; Chair, Self-Determination Strand, 1993.

Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Career Development, Nominations and Awards Committee, 1991-92.

Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Career Development, Functional Curriculum Position Paper Co-chair, 1992-93.

Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Career Development and Transition, President, 1987-1988.

Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Career Development and Transition, Treasurer, 1982-84.

Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Career Development and Transition (Washington State Chapter), Treasurer, 1980-82.

Phi Delta Kappa (University of Washington chapter), Secretary, 1988-89.

Washington Association of Vocational Education Special Needs Personnel, President, (1985-86).

Professional Consultation

National Transition Technical Assistance Center, staff development, 2012-13.

Ingham Intermediate School District, staff development, 2004-2008.

The Guidance Center, program evaluation and self-determination supports, 2004-2008.

Saginaw Intermediate School District, program evaluation, 2003-2005.

Pennsylvania Department of Education, staff development, 2002-04.

Miami-Dade County School District, policy and curriculum development, 2002-2003

State of Michigan Transition Technical Review Panel, March, 2001-present.

Michigan Department of Community Health, program evaluation, 2000-present.

The Guidance Center (formerly Downriver Guidance Clinic) program evaluation, 1998-2003

Michigan Transition Services Project, staff development and program planning, 1999-2003.

Huron Valley School District, staff development, 2001-2003.

Louisiana Statewide Transition Project, staff development, 1997-2001.

Fayette County Board of Education, staff development, 1997.

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, development of transition in-service training modules, 1996-1998.

University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, research symposium on self-determination, 1997.

Kent (MI) Intermediate School District, staff development, 1996.

Livingston (MI) Educational Service District, staff development, 1996

Puget Sound (WA) Educational Service District, staff development, 1996.

Montcalm (MI) Intermediate School District, staff development, 1996.

North Central (WA) Educational Service District, staff development, 1996.

Michigan Association of Rehabilitation Organizations, staff development, 1994-95.

University of Missouri, Life Centered Career Education Curriculum Advisory Committee Member, 1989-1993.

Ohio State University, staff development, 1993.

U.S. Department of Education, field reader for grant proposals, 1991-present.

The Marriott Foundation for Persons with Disabilities, program development, 1990-91.

Seattle School District, implementation of contextual appraisal practices, 1989.

Western Michigan University, program evaluation, 1989.

The Overlake School, program development, 1988.

Institute for the Development of Educational Activities, research on teacher preparation, 1988.

Department of Public Instruction, State of Iowa, staff development, 1987.

Tacoma (WA) School District, staff development, 1986.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, State of Washington, staff development, 1986.

University of Wisconsin, program development, 1984.

Oroville School District, curriculum development, 1983.

King County Department of Youth Services, staff development, 1980.

Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, State of Washington, curriculum development, 1979.

Redbook Magazine/Hearst Corporation, America's Best Schools Project, member of 12 member national panel of expert judges, 1991-1995.

The Marriott Corporation, program development, 1989-90.

Journal/Editorial Activity

Editorial Board, Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, July 2001-present (named Reviewer of the Year, 2008).

Editorial board member, Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability,2011-present.

Field reviewer, American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 2016-present.

Field reviewer, Developmental Psychology, 2016.

Field reviewer, Remedial and Special Education,2005-present.

Field reviewer, Journal of Learning Disabilities, 2006-present.

Field reviewer, Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, Spring, 2003-present.

Co-Editor, Remedial and Special Education: Special Issue on Adults with Learning Disabilities, publication date: Spring, 2004.

Field reviewer, Simon & Schuster, 1996; Paul H. Brookes, 1996; ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children, 1990-91, National Science Foundation, 2007.

Other Professionally Related Service

Center for Educational Improvement: Leadership for 21st Century Learning, Fairfax, VA., Advisory Board member, 2013-present.

National Transition Technical Assistance Center, Knowledge Generation Panel, Charlotte, NC. , 2012-14.

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, proposal development support, College of Education, 2007-08.

Coordinator, Wayne State University Self-Study for reaccreditation by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association, 2005-2007.

Member, Knowledge Generation Expert Panel, National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center, University of North Carolina-Charlotte, 2006-present.

Co-founder and Co-director, Center for Self-determination and Transition, College of Education, Wayne State University, 2003-present.

Co-chair, Center for Self-determination Annual Summer Institute, June, 2004 and July, 2005.

Co-chair, National Center for Secondary Education and Transition Capacity Building Institute on Self-determination, October, 2003-April, 2004.

Wayne State University Life Centered Career Education Advisory Board, November, 2002-2005.

Detroit Public Schools, Transition Advisory Committee, October, 2000-2007.

State of Michigan, Transition Competencies Task Force, March 2001-2004.

Urban colleges research initiative participant, Boston, Massachusetts, March 2000.

National Institute of Mental Health, field reviewer, 1999-present..

Advisory Committee, University of North Carolina Self-Determination Synthesis Project, 1998-2000.

United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Standing Panel Member, 1998- present.

Birmingham Public Schools Pre-School Expansion Committee member, 1996.

National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) Transition Consensus Panel member; co-author of NIDRR consensus panel statement on transition, January, 1994.

University of Illinois Transition Research Institute Advisory Committee Member (1994-95).

Third International Conference on the Career Development of Handicapped Individuals. Chair of international participation and executive committee member, October, 1985.

Washington Association of Vocational Education Special Needs Personnel Conference. Conference co-chair, January, 1985.

Conference on Establishing Cooperation with Business and Industry. Washington Association of Vocational Education Special Needs Personnel. Conference Co-Chair, January, 1985.


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