The Secret 1,300 Local Realtors Don’t Want You to Know

What 1,300 Local Realtors Don’t Want You to Know

Dear Home Seller,

Let’s face it, the Board of Realtors and all of the Realtor Members have thousands of dollars on the line if you sell your home yourself. If no one sold their home with a realtor, the entire industry would shut down. There is a little known secret they have tried to keep a secret for years. If the entire general public was aware of this, more and more sellers would be selling their homes by owner, rather than using a Real Estate Agent. And thousands of agents and brokerages would have to close their business and shut their doors.

What I am talking about is the Curry Team Smart Seller Program. We allow Home Sellers like you to continue marketing their home even while it is listed with us. If you find a buyer on your own; we allow you to sell the home to that buyer and save the commission. Other Realtors don’t want to do this because they are afraid you will sell the home yourself, and they will lose their commission. Little do they realize the potential business they are missing out on. If you sell your home because of advertising you have paid for, should you be obligated to pay a commission? Doesn’t seem fair, does it? Especially, if you were the one that found the buyer and sold the home through your hard work?

I don’t think that’s fair either. That is why I gladly offer to list your home with our Smart Seller Plan. Most realtors would get scared at the idea of listing property this way. I have listed and sold over 125 former For Sale by Owners in the last few years using this same program. Many of the sellers I listed ended up selling on their own. That’s fine with me. But, I didn’t lose out on all of the other Sellers that sold with me for Top Dollar and were able to move and get on with their lives.

Brandon Sach had his townhouse For Sale by Owner in Serenola Manor. He was asking $110,000 and several buyers had expressed interest. But, all of them wanted to ‘’think about it’’ and never got back to him. He didn’t think they were really interested. He was sick of dealing with looky-loos and tire kickers. Besides, all of the Buyers he had looking kept on telling him how he was so overpriced and that he was trying to rip them off. Brandon was ready for some serious buyers that were ready to take action. After I contacted him, we decided to list his townhouse for $120,000. I listed it and allowed him to sell it himself and pay no commission. The property sold in 6 days for full price. He ended up giving a $2,500 discount to the Buyer for necessary repairs to the property rather than fixing them himself. After the sale, he actually netted an additional $1,440 in his pocket after paying the real estate commission. Brandon appreciated being able to sell his townhouse and avoiding having to deal with tire kicker buyers.

Hey, why even consider listing your home with an agent? Several Potential Reasons are:

• Increased Activity from Buyers. Most Motivated, Serious Buyers use an agent to search for a home.

• For Sale by Owner Buyers are trying to save the commission. I can’t tell you how many Buyers I have worked with that have told me they will only be looking at For Sale by Owners because they want to find the absolute cheapest homes. The last guy was pretty well off to say the least.

• You get more demand on your house. This all comes down to the old law of supply and demand. Getting more demand means getting a higher sales price for your home.

• You Save Time and Money. Do you know how to fill out Purchase and Sale contracts? If you use a lawyer, it will take two weeks for your lawyer to type the contract and then for the Buyer’s Lawyer to agree on the terms. What if the Buyer changes their mind in those two weeks. You have to go back and spend all of your time selling your home again.

• 74% of all Buyers drive past a house they view online. And the largest websites with the most visitors are and other Realtor Websites.

If you do list your home, you don’t want to lose the option of being able to sell it yourself and pay no commission, do you? Why not consider listing your home with the option of being able to sell it yourself? You can still advertise the home in the Newspaper and on the Internet. If you sell it yourself, you save the commission. At the same time, motivated buyers already working with an agent will be looking at your house. From my experience with listing For Sale by Owners (of which I have listed over 125 in the last three years), you will probably net more money after paying commissions most of the time. This is because of the increased activity you receive with an agent.

To get more info on my program and how it works, call me, Your Name & Number. If I am not available, please leave a message.


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