5 Steps To Self Publishing A BEST SELLING Book In 30 Days ...

5 Steps To Self-Publishing A BEST-SELLING Book In 30

Days Or Less!

(Without Spending A Fortune On Advertising!)

Click Here to Access "The Elite Publishing Bootcamp" (includes $5,489 in bonuses)

* IMPORTANT: This offer will disappear on Saturday, 10/03 @ 11:59PM PST / 2:59AM EST!

? Copyright 2015 Michael Balmaceda. All Rights Reserved. This guide may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the publisher. Every effort has been made to make this guide as complete and accurate as possible. Although the author and publisher have prepared this guide with the greatest of care, and have made every effort to ensure the accuracy, we assume no responsibility or liability for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Before you begin, check with the appropriate authorities to insure compliance with all laws and regulations. Also, this report contains information on online marketing and technology only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this report should be used as a guide ? not as the ultimate source of Internet marketing information. The purpose of this report is to educate. The author and publisher does not warrant that the information contained in this report is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this report, nor do we make any claims or promises of your ability to generate income by using any of this information.

Click Here to Access "The Elite Publishing Bootcamp" (includes $5,489 in bonuses)

* IMPORTANT: This offer will disappear on Saturday, 10/03 @ 11:59PM PST / 2:59AM EST!

Table of Contents

Introduction We're Results Oriented...

The Real Problem Go "New School" Share Your Story Grow Your Fan Base Leverage Your Knowledge Invest In A Proven Process

How To Win Get Started Here with The Elite Publishing Bootcamp

Here's Your Next Step Questions and Answers

Click Here to Access "The Elite Publishing Bootcamp" (includes $5,489 in bonuses)

* IMPORTANT: This offer will disappear on Saturday, 10/03 @ 11:59PM PST / 2:59AM EST!


Welcome to this great training. My name is Mike Balmaceda. Let's dive right in. My goal is to help as many authors, writers and publishers as possible to publish a best-selling book in 30 days or less. Tonight we'll teach you..

How you can create and self-publish a BEST-SELLING Kindle book in less than 30 days (in ANY niche).

And Why Kindle is the best, fastest, and most profitable place to publish your new work...and how you can take advantage!

How you can become a best-selling author, authority, thought-leader or influencer in your industry/niche... (and how to attract thousands of fans)

How to generate monthly passive income... Without going through an old-school publishing house that will steal all of your profits.

How to attract new clients, gain notoriety and brand recognition... all on autopilot with little to no effort each month. And more..

It might seem like a really big claim. It's the truth. I've done it and I've taught it to hundreds of people so I know it's a proven system. Here's the best part - I can teach you exactly how to do this without spending a fortune on advertising. At the very very end of this presentation, I'm also going to share with you my "Best-Seller Checklist" document. This is a checklist guiding you through the publishing process and so you can stay organized in the process. It's a gift for you just for attending / watching

Click Here to Access "The Elite Publishing Bootcamp" (includes $5,489 in bonuses)

* IMPORTANT: This offer will disappear on Saturday, 10/03 @ 11:59PM PST / 2:59AM EST!

Who Am I?

Before we get started, allow me to share a little more about my experiences in this business.

This is me speaking at the University of Florida. I'm a leading educator on book publishing. I've taught well over 10,000 people how to publish books successfully online. I've worked oneon-one with over 500 clients. My success rate is 100% helping people to achieve bestseller status on .

One of my clients makes an awesome $60,000 a month! Apart from teaching, I'm also a Publishing Strategy Consultant for 6 and 7 figure businesses, CEO's, publishing houses and branding agencies.

Right now, I'm going to share with you, for free, the same awesome knowledge that I offer to publishing houses that I charge thousands of dollars for the exact same information. My specialty is helping any writer or publisher to achieve their dreams and to help them to get their best-seller status online. I've been doing this for 3 years.

Is This You?

Do you have a goal to "publish a book", but have no idea where to start? Do you have a business that could use more exposure and clients each month? Do you secretly know that your knowledge/story could help, influence, or entertain

thousands of people world-wide? Do you see other authors or competitors in your industry/niche having the kind of success

you want, and you just have no idea how they're doing it? Are you working WAY too hard in your business? Too many hours, burning yourself out?

Do you want to increase sales? Do you want to leave a legacy, and become known among thousands? Or are you struggling to simply make your book a best-seller?

I've been in that situation too.

I Read EVERY Resource

o I read every resource that I could get my hands on and still ran into the same problems of no sales on the books I published. I was determined to have successful books.

THEN . . . I woke up and decided "That's ENOUGH!"

Click Here to Access "The Elite Publishing Bootcamp" (includes $5,489 in bonuses)

* IMPORTANT: This offer will disappear on Saturday, 10/03 @ 11:59PM PST / 2:59AM EST!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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