Pulp and Paper - Focus on Energy

 Pulp and Paper

Energy Best Practice Guidebook

Provided By:

Funding for this guidebook was provided by Focus on Energy. Focus on Energy is a public-private

partnership offering energy information and services to energy utility customers throughout

Wisconsin. The goals of this program are to encourage energy efficiency, use of renewable

energy, enhance the environment and ensure the future supply of energy for Wisconsin.


Aue Energy Consulting

Benjamin A. Thorp, Inc.

Center for Technology Transfer, Inc.

D&S Design and Engineering

Science Applications International Corporation

May, 2005


FORWARD¡­¡­¡­........................................................................................................... 1

Are you a World Class Energy Consumer? .............................................................. 1

What Others are Saying about the Guidebook ......................................................... 1

Executive Summary .................................................................................................. 2

INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 3

Development of the Guidebook ................................................................................ 3

BENCHMARKING .......................................................................................................... 5

ENERGY STUDY GUIDELINES ................................................................................... 10

Objective ¡­.. .......................................................................................................... 10

The 80/20 Rule ....................................................................................................... 10

Pre-Study Work ...................................................................................................... 10

Monitoring and Continuous Improvement ............................................................... 11

Energy Inputs and Balances ¡­.. ............................................................................ 12

Analysis and Identification of Opportunities ............................................................ 16

BEST PRACTICES ....................................................................................................... 18


Appendix A:

Appendix B:

Appendix C:

Appendix D:

Appendix E:

Appendix F:

Best Practices Check List ¡­.. ........................................................... 78

Best Practices for Common Systems ................................................ 80

Team Member Contact Information................................................... 82

Additional Resources ........................................................................ 83

Acknowledgements ¡­....................................................................... 89

Case Studies ..................................................................................... 92


Are You A World Class Energy Consumer?

World class energy users have:

1. Benchmarked energy consumption in their mill

2. Defined a quantifiable, affordable energy reduction goal

3. Established a multi-year plan to meet their energy reduction goals

4. Assigned a cross-functional team to implement the plan

5. Firm commitments from mill manager for mill-wide improvements in energy

efficiency and demand reduction

If your mill lacks any of these essential ingredients, this best practice guidebook will help

you get there.

What Others are Saying about the Guidebook:

Lars Bengtsson, President, Stora Enso North America

"Rising energy prices continue to be a concern for our company. This

guidebook provides several ideas that will help reduce our energy costs."

Bill Ward, Energy Manager, Proctor and Gamble Paper Products Company

"The Best Practices Guidebook is a great tool to help energy practitioners

make an immediate impact on conservation and efficiency. That is critical to

our industry's competitiveness in an era of rapidly increasing energy prices."

Mark Kowlzan, Senior Vice President, Packaging Corporation of America

¡°With today's rapidly rising energy costs, this is great information every mill

manager will want to put to use to improve the bottom line."

Focus on Energy ? 2005


Executive Summary

The objective of this Pulp and Paper Energy Best Practice Guidebook is to provide

resources and methods to drive down energy use and energy related costs in pulp and

paper mills. Using this guidebook, a mill manager will be able to benchmark his or her

facility against a comparable low energy using facility and significantly reduce energy

needs for their mill.

Contents include:






Benchmarks for typical Wisconsin pulp and paper mill configurations

Guidelines for conducting an Energy Best Practices Study

Documentation of over 50 best practices for process energy use and other

best practices for common system energy use

Best practice funding and financing opportunities

References for further opportunities in pulp and paper energy efficiency and

energy demand reduction

The intent of the Guidebook binder format is to provide a ¡°living¡± document that can be

updated continually with new Best Practices and Case Studies provided by the Focus on

Energy program (and others) with direct input from Pulp and Paper industrial leaders. In

addition to this guidebook, the Focus on Energy program can provide technical assistance

and possible financial incentives to support the implementation of energy efficiency

measures you may want to pursue. We encourage you or your staff to give us a call at

800-762-7077 to find out how we may be able to help you reach your energy cost

reduction goals.

Focus on Energy ? 2005



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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