EXERCISE 29 tom.com

EXERCISE 29.3 Punctuating main clauses related by conjunctive adverbs or transitional expressions

Insert a semicolon in each of the following sentences to separate main clauses related by a conjunctive adverb or transitional expression. Also insert a comma or commas where needed to set off the adverb or expression.


He knew that tickets for the concert would be scarce therefore he arrived at the box office hours before it opened.

He knew that tickets for the concert would be scarce; therefore, he arrived at the box office hours before it opened.

1. Music is a form of communication like language the basic elements however are not letters but notes.

2. Computers can process any information that can be represented numerically as a result they can process musical information.

3. A computer’s ability to process music depends on what software it can run it must moreover be connected to a system that converts electrical vibration into sound.

4. Computers and their sound systems can produce many different sounds indeed the number of possible sounds is infinite.

5. The powerful music computers are very expensive therefore they are used only by professional musicians.


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