Longwood, FL 32752-1074


The association is a non-profit and community organization, organized under Florida statues, of family households within the immediate Knollwood area. It is financed by nominal annual dues for a household membership.

As members, each household is entitled to two (2) adult votes on all matters which may be voted on at any association meeting. All decisions of the association are arrived at by a majority vote of all members, in good standing (i.e. dues have been paid), who are in attendance at all regular meetings, or special meetings, as prescribed in the bylaws of the association.

Any family who owns property within the Knollwood community area belongs to the association. This includes the Knollwood development (additions one, two, and three) and those adjacent properties which compose the greater Knollwood community area. This area is composed of approximately 130 homes. A small and unique neighborhood with an assembly of fine families who volunteer their time in service of the community's association.

The KCS was organizes in 1979 and incorporated in October, 1980 by interested and concerned Knollwood area property owners. It has been in continuous operation since. The KCA is governed by its constitution and by-laws. It meets annually, in January, when the membership elects its current year officers and directors. The bylaws provide for the full participation of all members in the nomination and election process. Officer and director candidates are presented to the association by a nominating committee and nominations are opened to the floor when elections take place at the annual association meeting.

KCS elects seven (7) directors from the association's membership for terms of two (2) years each, in staggered terms where fout (4) are elected in even years and three (3) are elected in off years. The directors establish the association's policy and direction. The Officer's of the association are elected annually by the current membership of good standing, as the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The officers carry out the policy and direction of the directors.

The association's officers and directors meet as an "executive board," at the call of the president, or at a special directors' of membership call to conduct routine business of the association. Meetings are chaired by the president where decisions are by majority vote.

By constitution, the association has at least one annual meeting of membership. Additionally, it has been policy of the association to have at least one additional membership gathering in the form of a community picnic or block party for the membership to "meet your neighbor!"

A community newsletter is periodically published by the association and is a major vehicle for the distribution of important and interesting information to the membership and community.

All communities are well advised that property owners should unite themselves in common association for the general well being of the neighborhood, to have an organization in place which will be able to address common concerns as they appear, and to jointly work to protect the investments they have in their property.

Home owners have strength in numbers, therefore, KCA is a member and participates in the Seminole League of Home Owner Associations. The league serves as a clearing house for the desires and needs of home owners. It provides the conduit for individual associations to the powers-that-be in municipal, county, and state government levels where the expressd views of thousands of home owners and tax payers, as a united and non-partisan organization, can have a significant effect upon the conduct of government. This is an especially needed capability for home owners in fast growing communities such as ours.

Also the Knollwood real estate was sold by the developer (Florida Land Development Company) with recorded deed restrictions which defined the general appearance and usage rules for the property within the development. The community association is the organizational "heir" to the cooperative maintenance of these rules.

Constitution & By Laws

Of the

Seminole County Knollwood Community Association



The name of this Association is the Seminole County Knollwood Community Association.



The general nature of the business to be transacted by this Association shall be the promotion of continued civic improvement, beautification and proper maintenance of the area included in, surrounding and contiguous to the Knollwood residential area in South Seminole County Florida.




Membership in the Knollwood Association shall be open to all persons who agree in carrying out the purpose of the Association and to agree and conform to General Restrictions for Knollwood, first, second and third additions as recorded in Plat Book 15 and 16 Pages 1-56-62 of the Public Record of Seminole County Florida.

Proposals for membership shall be submitted to the Secretary. Dues shall accompany the application for membership.

A member in good standing is one whose current dues and assessments have been paid in full. There shall be no reimbursement of dues. Memberships are not transferable.

Section 2 DUES

Members shall pay annual dues of twelve ($12) dollars; due in advance in January of each year. Dues may be increased by a majority vote of the Officers and Board of Directors.


Assessments may be made for just cause in the following manner. The Board of Directors shall present the need for such assessment to the General Membership and a special called meeting of the general membership and the general membership, by a majority vote, shall approve or disapprove the requested assessment; provided however written notice of the proposed assessment shall be provided to each member at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which the assessment is to be voted upon.


Two (2) adult members (fee title owners) of property shall be voting members. Each of the two (2) adult members will have one vote, provided they are reflected as members in good standing when each matter is submitted to a vote of the general membership.

Section 5

MEETING OF THE MEMBERSHIP An annual meeting of the members shall be held in January of each year for the purpose of electing members to the office of

1. President 2. Vice President 3. Secretary 4. Treasurer 5. Board of Directors (as tenure ends)

and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. A Special Meeting of the membership may be called by the President or at the request of a majority of the Board of Directors or by written request to the President signed by twenty-five (25%) percent of the membership in good standing provided written notice stating the

1. Date 2. Day 3. Hour 4. Location

of any meeting of the general membership, a member entitled to vote, may vote in person or by PROXY executed in writing by the member or by his duly authorizes attorney in fact. The vote of a majority of the members present plus proxy votes must be cast in favor of any matter in order for matter to be adopted.


Section 1

Section 2 Section 3 Section 4


The officers of the association shall be

1. President 2. Vice President 3. Secretary 4. Treasurer

PRESIDENT The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and perform the duties usually attendant upon his office.

VICE PRESIDENT The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence.

SECRETARY The Secretary shall take the minutes of all meetings of the Association and perform such other duties as may be assigned to the office of Secretary.

Section 5 Section 6

Section 7

TREASURER The Treasurer shall be custodian of the funds which shall be deposited in such bank as the Officers and Board of Directors shall designate. Funds shall be withdrawn only by check signed by the Treasurer and President. The President will be authorized to disburse any amount of money not to exceed a maximum of Fifty ($50.00) and above Fifty ($50.00) dollars must be approved by a majority vote of the Officers and Board of Directors of the Association.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Board of Directors shall consist of seven (7) directors, elected by the general membership at their annual meeting. The term of office of a director shall be two (2) years.

In odd numbered years, three (3) director positions shall be filled at the annual meeting and in even numbered years, four (4) directors positions will be filled at the annual meeting.

There shall be no maximum number of terms that any officer of director can serve provided he is reelected by the general membership at the expiration of any given term of office.

Any vacancies that may occur by reason of resignation or demise of the individual occupying that particular office, the vacancy will be filled by Presidential appointment for the unexpired term.

ELECTIONS Not less than thirty (30 days prior to the Annual meeting of the Association, the President shall appoint a nominating committee of seven (7) members comprised of

One Officer (other than President) Three Board of Directors Three General Membership Members

This committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for the positions that are to expire, by nominating members in good standing who have been contacted via telephone or in person and have consented to allocate the needed time to serve if nominated and elected. This slate shall be presented to the general membership during the annual meeting. At such meeting, nominations to fill the available positions shall be accepted from the floor. Voting shall be by secret ballot. The nominee for each vacancy receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected.

Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the Parliamentary proceedings at all meetings of the Association.

The Constitution and By Laws may be amended, repealed, or altered, in whole or in part, by a majority vote at any duly organized meeting of the Association, provided the proposed changed are submitted by mail to the membership at least thirty (30) days before the time of the meeting which is to consider the changes.

Knollwood Community Association, Inc.

P.O. Box 520174 Longwood, Florida 32752


DEVELOPED BY FLORIDA LAND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY as recorded in the Public Record of Seminole County, Florida.

Florida Land Development Company desires that all of said real property in KNOLLWOOD as per plat of Seminole County, Florida, be subject to like restrictions for the mutual benefit and protection of themselves and persons, both natural and corporate, who may hereafter purchase or acquire any interest in said real property, or any portion therof;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, Florida Land Development Company, the owners of all of the real property above described, does hereby declare said real property to be subject to the following restrictions, reservations, and conditions, binding upon itself and upon each and every person both natural and corporate, who or which shall hereafter acquire any interest in said real property, and their heirs, successors and assigns, to-wit:

Any lot of the above described subdivision shall be used only for residential purposes and not more than one on-family residence together with attached garage shall be erected on the lot. Barbeque pits, garden or ornamental landscape structures may be constructed to the rear of the house, providing they are no closer than ten feet from any rear or side lot line.

All dwellings shall face the street.

All residences must provide as a minimum a double garage attached to the house. Garages must be constructed as to permit entry to the garage from the side or the rear only. In no instance are garage doors to face the street or streets which the front door entrance of the residence is located.

All driveways shall be constructed of concrete or asphalt. No ribbon drives will be permitted.


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