Human Resources: Redeployment: Sample Resume

|Hugh Jacob Lester |jakelester@ |

| |2327 Polo Park Drive |

| |Dayton, OH 45439 |

| |1 (614) 569-1733 |


Arabic translator, interpreter, and editor with native-level fluency in Egyptian Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic and near-native in Iraqi, Gulf, and Levantine Arabic.

More than 16 years of experience as an Arabic interpreter and translator in the United States and the Middle East.

Strong first-hand knowledge of the politics, governments, military, culture, language, and history of the Arabic-speaking Middle East acquired through 30 years of personal experience in the Middle East.

Technical and analytical writing

Glossary creation and management

SDL Trados and other CAT tools, MS Office, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, InDesign, Reaper, Acrobat, Presenter, Logic Pro, iSpring, Windows, Mac OS X, Linux


CSRA, Beavercreek OH (Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)) 11/2013 to Present

Senior Linguist

Senior translator on an Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) technology laboratory project.

• Set the standards for Arabic translation, transcription, and language analysis

• Developed four training manuals and presentations on best practices for translation and transcription

• Trained 14 linguists on technology, software, and best practices in use

• Created parallel corpora and glossaries

• Reviewed and tested software on Windows and Linux platforms

• Translated source materials

SAIC/Leidos, Beavercreek OH (Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT)) 11/2011 to 11/2013

Lead Arabic Translator/Course Designer/Technical Writer

Senior Arabic translator on a multimillion-dollar program for the development of training courses for the Iraqi military. Middle East and Iraqi Military SME. Designed, developed, translated into Arabic, edited, recorded, and presented 16 courses on logistics, project management, and financial management for the Air Force Institute of Technology at Wright-Patterson AFB for use by the Office of Security Cooperation-Iraq in training the Iraqi Security forces.

• Set translation standards and standard terminology and edited the courses

• Developed and presented a flag officer-level course/seminar on logistics for use by the Iraqi military and assisted in the development of 15 others

• Creative and cultural director for the entire team of more than 20 people

• Took the initiative to solve pressing issues caused by change of scope: program required a hasty shift to the creation of multimedia courses instead of courses presented by SMEs in Iraq. Required the development of a broad range of solutions including:

• Finding, learning, and providing training on Arabic language-capable graphics and multimedia software for the courses and trained the graphics team on the use of Arabic in graphic design

• Training linguists on voice recording and editing

• Recruiting, training, management, and leadership of the cultural and language team of six persons

• Finding and taking the appropriate practices to complete the project under budget

Makeen Tech Corporation, Baghdad Iraq 5/2009 to 9/2011

Senior Cultural and Political Analyst, Project Manager

Advised, briefed, and provided intelligence research and analysis to the commanding general and staff of the Multinational Division-Baghdad and the US Division-Center in Baghdad during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn on a broad range of subjects including culture, politics, counterterrorism, Psychological Operations, Civil Affairs, Information Operations, and training the Iraqi Security Forces. Also was in-country contract manager.

• Performed open and closed-source intelligence research, provided analysis for, and briefed the Commanding Generals and senior staff with a focus on political, tribal, cultural, and insurgent groups, persons, and issues.

• Translated technical and intelligence reports for the command group.

• Provided simultaneous and consecutive interpretation at a number of senior-level engagements with tribal and political figures.

• Developed talking points, speeches, and letters for the Commanding Generals and senior staff.

• Developed and taught cultural awareness courses and training videos.

• Received Deployed Employee of the Year Award 2010 and 2011.

• Received Commanding General’s certificate of commendation, 2011.

Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus OH 1/2007 to 5/2009

Intelligence Analyst / Research Scientist

Led analysis team on web-based counterterrorism program. Middle East culture and language SME. Middle East political, religious, and social groups subject matter expert (SME).

• Led team of 6 analysts and translators on web-based counter-terrorism project for US DoD client.

• Researched Arabic and English sources and wrote in-depth reports on the military and technical capabilities of a number of countries.

• Wrote profiles of high-profile individuals of interest to US government clients.

• Translated a large number of technical documents.

• Participated in two multimillion-dollar in-house project aimed at anticipating terrorist threats as a researcher, analyst, and translator.

• Wrote a number of white papers to propose projects for the company in service of US national security interests.

• Received Outstanding Performance Award, 2008.

Makeen Tech Corporation, Baghdad Iraq 8/2004 to 9/2006

Senior Cultural and Political Advisor, Project Manager

Advised, briefed, and provided intelligence research and analysis to the commanding general and staff of the Multinational Division-Baghdad and the US Division-Center in Baghdad during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn on a broad range of subjects including culture, politics, counterterrorism, Psychological Operations, Civil Affairs, Information Operations, and training. Also was in-country contract manager. Managed team of three advisors.

• Performed intelligence research, provided analysis for, and briefed the Commanding Generals and senior staff with a focus on political, tribal, cultural, and insurgent groups, persons, and issues.

• Translated technical and intelligence reports for the command group.

• Provided simultaneous and consecutive interpretation at a number of senior-level engagements with tribal and political figures.

• Developed talking points, speeches, and letters for the Commanding Generals and senior staff.

• Developed and taught cultural awareness courses and training videos.

• Received Deployed Employee of the Year Award 2004 and 2005.

• Received Commanding General’s certificate of commendation, 2004, 2005, and 2006.

STG, Inc., Reston VA 2/2003 to 8/2004

Senior Arabic QC and Training Linguist for US Defense Intelligence Agency’s Office of Document and Media Exploitation

Worked at the Defense Intelligence Analysis Center (DIAC) of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). Trained more than 40 Arabic translators for working in the field in Iraq and Qatar during Operation Iraqi Freedom on translation standards, practices, and vocabulary. Supervised translators, handed out assignments, and proofread their work. Translated high-priority documents and videos for high-ranking US DoD officials and the White House.

• Compiled, wrote, and designed the Arabic Linguist’s Iraqi Freedom Handbook (ALIF), which became the standard guidebook for DoD translators in the field. Thousands of copies were printed and distributed to deploying translators and interpreters.

• Translated hundreds of documents and A/V recordings into English.

• Trained more than 40 new linguists in the use of IC standard translation and transliteration systems and equipment.

• Performed quality control on the output of all Arabic linguists at DOMEX.

• Tested machine translation software for DIA.

• Nominated for Defense Sector Employee of the Year Award.

• Received letter of commendation from the Deputy Director of DIA.

• Received letter of commendation from the Iraqi Fusion Cell.

AllWorld Language Consultants, Bahrain 3/2002 to 10/2002

Senior Contract Linguist

Provided translation and interpretation during senior-level engagements for the 384th and 319th Air Expeditionary Wing of the USAF in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Provided assistance as a semi-official liaison with Bahraini military and political leadership. Developed and taught cultural awareness programs to all Air Force and Marines newcomers.

• Commended twice by the wing commander for outstanding performance.

• Created the cultural awareness program for the 319th and 384th AEWs in Bahrain.

• Designed a number of graphic design products for Morale, Welfare, and Recreation.


Koroberi, Carrboro NC 2001 to 2002

Art Director

Managed the art department, collaborated with clients on planning, strategy, estimates, design, and production, and provided graphic design and illustration.

Self-employed, Cairo, Egypt 1998-2001

Freelance Art Director/Creative Director/Advertising Consultant

Was a one-man specialty art boutique catering to a number of top Egyptian and multinational clients including Intermarkets, Promoseven, Impact/BBDO, Integrated Marketing Solutions, Leo Burnett, USAID, US Wheat associates, Mobil Oil, and others. Provided graphic design, illustration and copywriting in Arabic and English.

• Collaborated with clients and agency executives on planning, strategy, time and cost estimates, design, and production of above- and below-the-line advertising.

• Helped advertising clients win five major campaign bids.

Intermarkets Advertising, Cairo, Egypt 1996-1998

Art Director and Acting Creative Director

Collaborated with clients and client service executives on planning, strategy, time and cost estimates, design, and production of above and below the line advertising. Campaign development, copywriting, and PR message writing in Arabic and English. Collaborated with clients, account executives, and the media department on campaign development, design and illustration, management of photo-shoots and television production with the production manager.

• Helped agency win four new clients.

• Won a major advertising award for a USAID. Egyptian Ministry of Health public health program.

• Art directed and designed three USAID. Egyptian Ministry of Health public health program.


1991. High School Diploma, Amoun Private School, Cairo, Egypt

1992. B.A. English literature (inc), Cairo University, Cairo

2003. Intelligence Oversight training, Defense Intelligence Agency

2006 Arab Professional Translators Society certification in English-Arabic / Arabic-English translation and interpretation

2007. Intelligence Oversight training, Battelle Memorial Institute

2008. Intelligence Analytic Tradecraft course, CIA University

Technical Writing course, Battelle Memorial Institute

Analyst Notebook training, Battelle Memorial Institute

2012. Introduction to Logistics course, Air Force Institute of Technology

Supply Chain Management course, Air Force Institute of Technology

2013. Introduction to Project Management course, Air Force Institute of Technology

Project Analysis and Decision Making course, Air Force Institute of Technology


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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