World Bank Loan

World Bank Loan

Kangping County District

Central Heating Network Project

Supplement of Environmental

Impact Report

Shenyang Academy of Environmental Sciences

November 2010


Front Cover…………………………………………………………………………0



1. Evaluation Standard………………………………………………………………5

1. Quality Standards of Environment………………………………………...5

2. Pollutant Emission Standards…………………………………………………6

2. Project Overview…………………………………………………………………8

1. Project Name………………………………………………………………… 8

2. Construction Character………………………………………………………8

3. Construction Company………………………………………………………8

4. Construction Investment………………………………………………………8

5. Construction Content…………………………………………………8

6. Energy Consumption………………………………………………………17

7. Authorized Staffing…………………………………………………………17

3. Kangping County Existing Heating Supply Status……………………………17

4. Engineering Analysis……………………………………………………………21

1. Construction Period………………………………………………………22

2. Operation Period…………………………………………………………25

3. Environmental Impact Identification……………………………………….28

5. Environmental Status……………………………………………………………28

1. Natural Environment…………………………………………………28

2. Social Environment Overview……………………………………………31

3. Current Environment Status around the Heat Exchange Station…………32

6. Investigation and Evaluation on Environmental Quality………………………35

1. Air Quality………………………………………………………………35

2. Surface Water Quality……………………………………………………37

3. Groundwater Quality……………………………………………………38

4. Acoustic Environment……………………………………………………40

7. Prediction and Evaluation on Environmental Impact……………………………41

1. Construction Period ……………………………………………………41

2. Operation Period……………………………………………………...…45

8. Strategies and Measures for Pollution Prevention………………………………49

1. Construction Period………………………………………………………49

2. Operation Period…………………………………………………………58

9. Overall Control…………………………………………………………………62

1. Factors………………………………………………………………………62

2. Indicators……………………………………………………………………63

3. Regional Reduction…………………………………………………………63

10. Public Participation………………………………………………………………63

1. Survey Scope, Time, and Methodology…………………………………63

2. Survey Results ……………………………65

3. Summary……………………………………………………………………..68

11. Estimation on Environmental Protection Investment……………………………69

12. Proposals Comparison…………………………………....… ………… ………… 70

1. Proposals Comparison on Thermal Medium Parameters………………….....70

2. Comparative Analysis of the Project Proposal with/without Operating Project………………………………………………………………………..72

3. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………...76

13. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………76

1. Consistency between Industrial Policy and Heat Supply Plan……………76

2. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………77


As one of the most important fundamental establishments, the Central Heating Network Project plays a decisive role in the Kangping county, it has a great significance on promote the sustainable development of the Kangping’s society and economy, energy conservation and environment protection. Meanwhile, accords with the national strategic target -- “Energy-Saving and Emission-Reduction, Recycling Economics”. In order to encourage the development of Central Heating project within Kangping county; meet requirements of ; reduce environmental pollution, improve ambient air quality; create favorable investment circumstance; consummate fundamental establishment, Kangping ZHONGWANG Thermal Co.,Ltd. plans to implement a large centralized heating project in Kangping inner county -- World Bank Loan Kangping County District Central Heating Network Project (hereinafter called HNP for short).

The HNP will build up a primary heating network in the State Power Kangping Power Generation Co.,Ltd. (Kangping Power Plant), adopt steam (Pressure 0.7-0.9Mpa, Temperature 300-350ºC) as the heating source, and hot water as heating medium. Primary high temperature water heats the secondary low temperature water through exchange temperature with the steam, and then the secondary low temperature water then delivers heat to the end users.

Kangping Power Plant was the Power Supply Project constructed accords with the “Eleventh Five-Year” Plan, Start-up in early 2003, and obtained approval from the National Development and Reform Committee on April 3rd 2006. Kangping Power Plant is located in Shenyang Kangping County, Liaoning Province. The proposed installation capacity was 4X600MW, and with the existing 2X600MW supercritical recycled water coal-fired generating unit, they were carried out for the commercial operations in 2009.

The total investment of this HNP is RMB 199.79 million, heating area reaches to 3 million m2, parameter is 130/70oC, and the HNP includes primary heating network, heating station and secondary heating network. The backbone of the primary network starts from Kangping Power Plant along the Planned Road goes north to the Council Road, and then goes west to XiangDao Suo along the Central Road. The main pipe diameter is DN700, setup 36 heat exchange stations in total. The secondary network aims to rebuild the boiler heating network. After eliminate the small boiler rooms, collectively provide heat from heating station, reinvent and extend heating pipelines.

The HNP will be partially completed at the end of 2011 and starts to provide heat. 94 small boiler rooms and 95 chimneys could be eliminated after the accomplishment of this project.

To meet the requirements of laws and regulations, such as and , the HNP needs to compile the Environmental Impact Report. Appointed by the construction company, Shenyang Academy of Environmental Sciences undertakes the assessment on the environmental impact from this project.

1. Evaluation Standards

1. Quality Standards of Environment

1) Ambient Air

Ambient Air Quality implements the second grade standards of the national (GB3095-1996)

Table 1-1 Quality Standard of Ambient Air

|Standards |Terms |Pollutant concentration limits(mg/m3) |

| | |Average per hour |Average per day |Average per year |

|GB3095-1996 |SO2 |0.50 |0.15 |0.06 |

| |NO2 |0.24 |0.12 |0.08 |

| |PM10 |— |0.15 |0.10 |

2) Surface water

The main surface water in this area is Bajiazi River, implements IV grade standard of the (GB3838-2002)

Table 1-2 Quality Standards of Surface Water UNIT : mg/L (excl. pH)

|Standards |pH |CODcr |Petroleum |NH3-N |

|IV grade Standards(GB3838-2002) |6~9 |30 |0.5 |1.5 |

3) Groundwater

The quality of Groundwater implements III grade standards of the (GB/T14848-93)

Table 1-3 Quality Standards of Groundwater UNIT: mg/L

|Standards |pH |Total Rigidity |

|Second Grade |60 |50 |

4) Environmental Vibration

Environmental Vibration implements the residential and educational area standards of the (GB10070-88), which is 70 dB during daytime and 67dB during nighttime.

2. Pollutant Emission Standards

1) Noise Emission Standards

a. During Construction Period

Noise from Construction period implements standard of the (GB12523-90)

Table 1-5 Noise Restrict during Construction Period UNIT: dB(A)

|Construction Steps |Main Noise Source |Noise Restrict |

| | |Daytime |Nighttime |

|Earth Work |Bulldozers, excavators, loading vehicles, etc. |75 |55 |

|Structure |Vibrating rods, saws, etc. |70 |55 |

|Decoration |Cranes, lifts, etc. |65 |55 |

b. Operation Period

Noise from the HNP heat exchange station during operation period implements the second grade standards of the (GB12348-2008), to see table 1-6 for the detailed information.

Table 1-6 Factory Site Noise Standards UNIT: Leq dB(A)

|Standards |Daytime |Nighttime |

|Second Grade |60 |50 |

2) Sewage Discharge Standards

The sewage from this HNP would be discharged into the Kangping Sewage Treatment Plant, and implements the second grade standards of the (DB21/1627-2008), to see table 1-7 for the detailed information.

Table 1-7 Sewage Discharge Standards UNIT: mg/L (excl.pH)

|Standard |pH |COD |SS |Animal and Vegetable Oils |NH3-N |

|DB21/1627-2008 |6~9 |300 |300 |100 |30 |

3) Solid Trash Emission Standards

The solid trash emission implements the standards of (DB21-777-94).

2. Project Overview

1. Project Name

World Bank Loan Kangping County District Central Heating Network Project

2. Construction Character


3. Construction Company

Kangping ZHONGWANG Thermal Co.,Ltd.

4. Construction Investments

The total investment to this project is RMB 199.79 million, with World Bank Loans proposed to be RMB 106.67 million (USD 15.92 million).

5. Construction Content

The planned heating area will reach to 3 million m2, Total annual heating supply capacity would be 146.37 ten thousand GJ. Land acquisition area would be 600 m2; new constructed primary pipe network would be 17.22 km; new constructed secondary network would be 990 thousand m2; Secondary network with 2.01 million m2 would be reconstructed; 28 heat exchange stations would be set up, among them, new constructed heat exchange stations would be 2, reconstructed heat exchange stations would be 26. New constructed building heat exchange stations would be 8.

2.5.1 Pipe Network

Adopt steam (Pressure 0.7-0.9Mpa, Temperature 300-350ºC) as the heating source, and hot water as heating medium. The primary high temperature water heats the secondary low temperature water through exchange temperature with the steam, the secondary low temperature water then delivers heat to the end users.

Designed parameter for primary station:

Parameter for heating steam:

Pressure: 0.7-0.9 MPa

Temperature: 270-350oC

Maximum supply water: 800t/h

Primary high temperature water system:

Temperature of supply water: 130 oC

Temperature of return water: 70 oC

Designed pressure of primary network: 1.6 MPa

2.5.2 Pipe Network Layout and Trend

The pipe network adopts circular layout. From the State Grid Kangping Power Generation initial station along the Planned Road goes north to the crossing of Chaoyang Road and Eastern Ring Road, farmland is the basically integrant, and it is flat. This loop needs to go through the tunnel of motorway, and along the road, there are some fruit trees, greenhouses and cemeteries. Along the Eastern Ring Road north to the Central Road, pipe network laying along the pavement on the west side of the road do not have obstructions. Heating pipe network will also not meet obstructions along the pavement on the south side of road along the Central Road go west to the Xiangdao Suo, and extends to the Council Road, but this segment will cross the Central Street (National Highway 203).

The detailed layout please see Figure 2 “General Layout of Heat Supply Network”.

The main methods to go through highways, main roads and motorways are:

a) Install reinforced concrete pipe on the highways cross; there are 6 places need to be done in this project: ChaoYang Road (two), QingGong Road (two), XiangYang Street, and HanGuang Street.

b) Install push pipe on the main roads cross; there are 3 places need to be done in this project: all on the central street (National Highway 203).

c) Direct burying for go through the tunnel of motorway, and there is one needs to be done.

2.5.3 Heat Exchange Station

The supply water in the primary network is heated in the heat interchanger after go through the liquid filter in the station, and then flow back to the return water pipe of the primary network; the return water from secondary network will be pumped to the interchanger by water circulating pump and heated after go through the liquid filter in the station, then deliver heat to end users. The heating system adopts variable-frequency control to replenish constant pressure water for the pump, the secondary network installs an automatic water softening instrument and the water replenishment will be set in the return water host tube.

There are 36 heat exchange stations in this project: 28 sub-district heat exchange stations (2 new, 16 renovations and 10 rebuild based on old boiler rooms), 8 building heat exchange stations (new). The 20.6 thousands square meters of construction in GuangCai residential district is the proposed experimental unit. The temperature of primary water is 130oC/70oC and secondary water is 80 oC/60 oC in all the heat exchange stations, equipments are mainly energy-efficient (incl. heat interchanger, water pump, etc.), set up electronic water processor for secondary water and adopt variable-frequency control for the water pump.

Heat exchange stations are structured with brick concrete, and precast concrete for the rooftop. Construction layout determined according to craftwork requirements, plastic-steel windows and single layer wood doors, decorate interior panel with cement lime, and deal with the side fascia corresponds with the surrounding environment, masonry panel uses 50# cement mortar, roofing insulating compound is cement perlite (δ=100mm), and uses SBS waterproof material. Heating and ventilation, uses hot water heating system indoor, keeps temperature on 16oC, and parameter for supply and return water is 70 oC/50 oC.

The 2 new heat exchange stations are double deck, uses reinforced concrete frame structure, reinforced concrete slab for roofing, and fine aggregate concrete for floor. Thicknesses for interior panel and side fascia are 240mm and 370mm, uses colorful exterior coating, plastic-steel windows and wood doors.

The heat exchange stations setup as follows:

Table 2-1 heat exchange station Layout

|Serial no. | heat exchange station Location |Construction area (m2) |Situation |

|1 |XiaoKang District 1# |300 |Existing boiler room |

|2 |XiaoKang District 2# |300 |Existing boiler room |

|3 |Traffic Police District |50 |Rebuild existing boiler room |

|4 |Northern Land Spring District 1# |300 |Existing boiler room |

|5 |Northern Land Spring District 2# |300 |Existing boiler room |

|6 |Sanitation Department |300 |Rebuild existing boiler room |

|7 |Government Dependents District 1# |300 |Rebuild existing boiler room |

|8 |Government Dependents District 2# |300 |Rebuild existing boiler room |

|9 |Agricultural Development Bank of China |150 |Rebuild existing boiler room |

|10 |FuKang Garden |100 |Rebuild existing boiler room |

|11 |Party School District |50 |Rebuild existing boiler room |

|12 |Bureau of Animal Husbandry District |100 |Rebuild existing boiler room |

|13 |Council District |100 |Existing boiler room |

|14 |Police Garden |150 |Existing boiler room |

|15 |Government District |50 |Rebuild existing boiler room |

|16 |JinXin Garden |70 |Rebuild existing boiler room |

|17 |NetCom District |50 |Rebuild existing boiler room |

|18 |Construction Committee District |130 |Rebuild existing boiler room |

|19 |JuXin District |110 |Existing boiler room |

|20 |Education District |300 |Rebuild existing boiler room |

|21 |Internal Revenue Service |100 |Existing boiler room |

|22 |Agricultural Machinery District |100 |Rebuild existing boiler room |

|23 |Cotton Wool District |350 |Existing boiler room |

|24 |Caola Fang Development District 1# |300 |New |

|25 |Guangcai Market District 1# |300 |Rebuild existing boiler room |

|26 |Guangcai Market District 2# |300 |Rebuild existing boiler room |

|27 |County High School |300 |Using existing boiler room |

|28 |Caola Fang Development District 2# |300 |New |

|29 |Guangcai Market District Building heat exchange station |20×8 |New |

2.5.4 Water Pressure of Hot Water Pipe Network

At the time of the hot water network recycle pump stops working, static pressure at any point in the system should keep the hot water network not being vaporized, and maintains 30~50 KPa pressure more than required. The designed hot water temperature is 130oC, and vapor pressure is designed to be 10.3mH2O, the top point of supply water pipe is 18m, so the constant pressure of this system is 33 mH2O.

The primary network adopts continuous make-up water pressurization method, and the initialization pressure is 0.323 MPa, which is the static line of this system.

2.5.5 Pipe Material and Subsidiary Facilities

(1) Pipe Material Selection

Choose seamless pipe while hot water pipe diameter DN≤150mm, and use spiral welded steel pipe, while DN>150mm, the pipe steel is Q235A, which quality and specification is correspond with the relevant previsions of the national standards.

(2) Valve Selection

Install shut-off valves at all the switch points of the network, include start points of trunks and branches, the reserved extension points, and also install breaking valve on every 1.5Km of the distribution lines. Install air bleeders on each top point of the network, and water discharge equipment on each bottom point. Adopt sluice valves while valve caliber DN≤50mm, and butterfly valve while DN>50mm, select 2.5 MPa as the nominal pressure of valves. Install bypass valve beside the sluice valve, while valve caliber DN≥350mm, and select the caliber of bypass valve as one-tenth of normal caliber; adopt worm drive as caliber DN≥400mm. But better to choose electrically operated valve in the head station, while DV≥400mm, use butterfly valve on the buried pipe.

(3) Compensator Selection

According to the designation, must install compensating mechanism on the pipe joint, when cannot meet requirement from stress. This project selects buried corrugated expansion joint, and stress level P = 2.5 MPa.

4) Water Pump Selection

Use energy-saving water pump as the station recycle pump, but will use double-suction pump if it is a large station. Prepare a spare pump beside the working pump.

5) Heat Interchanger Selection

The choice of heat interchanger reflects the steady operation of the network, this HNP uses coiled pipe heat interchanger, the advantages include high efficiency, low scale formation, small occupied area, and high heat transfer efficiency, it is a comparatively advanced heat interchanger, the heat transfer coefficient is around 4000W/m2. Same as other heat interchangers, although the plate heat interchanger has a high efficiency, the narrow access, easy to scale formation are still problems, under this circumstance, the vibration spiral coil heat interchanger is a good option. The quantity of heat interchangers depends on the scope of service area, from 2 to 3 sets, monitor stress set to 1.6 MPa, shell stress set to 0.8 MPa.

2.5.6 Antisepsis and Heat Insulation for Pipes

Use compounded polyurethane insulating tube for the buried hot water pipe, thickness of insulation is δ=5cm, other technique requirements correspond the CJ/T114-2000 standards. Adopt uncompensated layout for the buried pipe, install minimum compensators, as lack of stress.

Adopt steel wrapped steel insulating tube for the buried steam pipe, internal fixation, install external pressure compensator or corrugated expansion joint, heat insulation structured by heat preservation level, air layer and internal reflection level, and require the working temperature of outer steel lagging T<60oC.

2.5.7 Designation for Power Supply

The load of supplied power is second class in all the stations, and the voltage grade is 0.4 KV. Get ready for two recycle pumps, one reserved; two make-up water constant pressure pump, one reserved; others correspond illumination load.

Set up one low-tension distribution room with four or five GGD2 distribution cabinets, soft boot recycle pump, one operating two units, adopt variable-frequency control make-up water constant pressure pump.

2.5.8 Automatic Monitoring Designation

Adopt Smart Elbow flowmeter monitoring system, it has function as simultaneously collect and display multiparameter, such as, flow rate, pressure, temperature, and also provide temperature compensation and accumulation to the flow rate, carry out communication through own RS-485 serial communication interface.

The heat exchange station detecting parameters are: flow rate of primary and secondary network pipes, instantaneous values of pressure and temperature, and accumulated flow rate. Carry out online monitoring for those heat exchange station parameters through communication network, and provide these data to the central control room.

Adopt GPRS wireless data communication, and using seamless ground connection of mobile telecommunication network. Compare with the wire communication, it has advantages as less one-time investment, reliable operation, less maintenance, low operational costs, charge of data flow rate, good expandability. Install GPRS modem in all heat exchange stations, transmit collected signals to the host computer. The selection of primary meter has significant impact on the control level of the network, especially the flow meter and thermometer, which parameter will be considered to the metric calculation, use meter with high class accuracy for economic costs. The electric equipment and automatic control equipment will be used in this HNP as follows:

Table 2-2 Electric Equipment

|Serial No. |Name |Specification and Model |Unit |Quantity |

|1 |Low-tension distribution cabinet |— |Set |92 |

|2 |Soft starter |— |Set |22 |

|3 |Transducer |— |Set |22 |

|4 | | | | |

Table 2-3 Automatic Control Equipment

|Serial No. |Name |Specification and Model |Unit |Quantity |

|1 |Elbow flowmeter sensor |— |Set |6 |

|2 |Differential pressure transmitter |— |Set |62 |

|3 |Smart Elbow flowmeter |— |Set |62 |

|4 |Pressure transmitter |BT880 |Set |86 |

|5 |Integrative temperature transmitter |WBI(class 0.2) |Set |86 |

|6 |Meter screen |— |Set |22 |

2.5.9 Well Rooms, Aisles and Barriers Designation

Adopt buried hot water network layout, masoning with bricklaying and 50# cement mortar for all the inspection chambers, valve rooms, exhaust well, drainage sumps, compensator rooms, apply 1:25 waterproof mortar 20mm. Cover boards for all the rooms include aisle boards correspond the Steam-20 Standard, adopt heavy duty concrete sleeve for all pipe route, use excavating buried (with concrete sleeve protection) passing through railway special lines and pipe-jacking crossing motorway trunk line. Pipe anchor block uses waterproof concrete mound.

2.6 Energy Consumption

Table 2-4 Main Energy Consumption

|Serial No. |Name |Unit |Quantity |

|1 |Water |t/a |2600 |

|2 |Electricity |Ten thousands kw.h/a |50 |

2.7 Authorized Staffing

Table 2-5 Staffing List

|Department |Employees |Management and Technical Cadres |Production staff |

|Management |3 |3 |  |

|Sales |5 |2 |3 |

|Finance |3 |3 |  |

|Material |4 |1 |3 |

|Production |79 |10 |69 |

|Dispatching Center |4 |1 |3 |

|Total |95 |20 |75 |

3. Kangping County Existing Heating Supply Status

Along with the high speed development, the population in Kangping reached to 73 thousands, and heating demand area reached to 2 million m2, 94 boiler rooms and 94 chimneys, which 28 managed by Kangping Heating Company, and the rest 57 are re-built by organizations. There is 1 boiler room has capacity over 30 t/h (XiaoKang District), 4 over 15 t/h, 1 over 10 t/h, and 11 over 6 t/h. Those small boiler rooms have prevalent disadvantages, such as obsolete and faultiness equipments, low energy efficiency, operational mismanagement, and high degree pollution, those factors influenced the city appearance and air quality. The PM10 was 0.12mg/m3, since burnt coal for heating in the winter, which exceed the second degree of National Air Quality Standards by 20% (standard is 0.10mg/m3)

The existing hot water networks are mainly dispersive courtyard direct-supply networks, which lack of unified planning, cannot form a certain scale, supply water temperature is around 70oC, and this also has some problems as pipe ageing, high leakage rate, and high heat waste.

Table 3-1 Kangping Existing Boiler Room Situation

|Serial |Name of Boiler Room |Heating Area(m2) |Boiler |Chimney Height |Dedusting and Desulfurization |

|No. | | |Tonnage(t/h) |(m) | |

|1 |Xiang Dao Suo |4,600.00 |1.00 |10 |N/A |

|2 |Rural Credit Cooperatives |4,500.00 |1.00 |12 |N/A |

|3 |Education District |20,079.51 |4.00 |18 |N/A |

|4 |County High School |50,000.00 |10.00 |20 |N/A |

|5 |Netcom Dependent District |12,000.00 |4.00 |20 |N/A |

|6 |Old Internal Revenue Service District |22,617.59 |6.00 |16 |N/A |

|7 |Cotton Wool District |115,734.59 |15.00 |22 |N/A |

|8 |Seismological Bureau |350 |0.07 |8 |N/A |

|9 |Poverty Alleviation Bureau |1,945.00 |1.00 |8 |N/A |

|10 |People’s Bank of China Dependents building |6,270.00 |2.00 |10 |N/A |

|11 |JuXin District |103,509.79 |15.00 |20 |N/A |

|12 |Audit Bureau |8,121.00 |2.00 |12 |N/A |

|13 |RongPeng Mansion |12,000.00 |4.00 |18 |N/A |

|14 |Internal Revenue Service |15,000.00 |4.00 |22 |N/A |

|15 |Lands Bureau District |14,235.78 |4.00 |20 |N/A |

|16 |Local Tex Bureau |18,000.00 |4.00 |20 |N/A |

|17 |Internal Revenue Service Dependents Building |2,500.00 |1.00 |12 |N/A |

|18 |Employment Department |18,000.00 |4.00 |20 |N/A |

|19 |Agricultural District |24,953.09 |6.00 |24 |N/A |

|20 |County Hospital |21,400.00 |6.00 |25 |N/A |

|21 |ChenYu Village |20,109.96 |4.00 |20 |N/A |

|22 |XiangYang Primary School |6,000.00 |1.00 |10 |N/A |

|23 |Bureau of Animal Husbandry District |25,424.52 |6.00 |22 |N/A |

|24 |Agricultural Development Bank of China |20,000.00 |4.00 |18 |N/A |

|25 |Water Service |18,000.00 |4.00 |20 |N/A |

|26 |Tobacco Company |4,900.00 |2.00 |16 |N/A |

|27 |Teacher’s Building |26,525.40 |6.00 |18 |N/A |

|28 |ICBC Dependents District |8,880.00 |2.00 |10 |N/A |

|29 |FuKang Garden |32,537.97 |4.00 |15 |N/A |

|30 |SanJian District |23,459.30 |6.00 |22 |N/A |

|31 |Highway Department |10,000.00 |4.00 |20 |N/A |

|32 |Water Conservancy Bureau |10,000.00 |2.00 |16 |N/A |

|33 |Passenger Depot |14,800.00 |4.00 |25 |N/A |

|34 |Party School District |17,629.15 |4.00 |20 |N/A |

|35 |Agricultural Technology Development Center |30,100.00 |4.00 |20 |N/A |

|36 |Sanitation Department |8,300.00 |2.00 |16 |N/A |

|37 |Television Station |1,100.00 |1.00 |10 |N/A |

|38 |Weather Bureau |2,850.00 |1.00 |1 |N/A |

|39 |Power Supply Bureau Building |9,000.00 |2.00 |15 |N/A |

|40 |Post Office |10,000.00 |4.00 |20 |N/A |

|41 |Post Office District |24,230.89 |4.00 |20 |N/A |

|42 |Government Dependents District |27,069.80 |6.00 |24 |N/A |

|43 |Salvage Corps |1,942.00 |2.00 |16 |N/A |

|44 |YueMing Primary School District |87,647.65 |15.00 |28 |Non-desulfurization, Ceramic |

| | | | | |multi-tube dust controller |

|45 |Northern Land Spring District |115,586.91 |20.00 |35 |Non-desulfurization, Ceramic |

| | | | | |multi-tube dust controller |

|46 |Grain Intermediate Depots |23,000.00 |4.00 |20 |N/A |

|47 |Forestry Bureau |9,000.00 |2.00 |12 |N/A |

|48 |Power Supply Bureau Dependents Building (North) |14,976.00 |4.00 |22 |N/A |

|49 |Power Supply Bureau Dependents Building (South) |4,096.00 |1.00 |10 |N/A |

|50 |JinXin Garden |40,000.00 |6.00 |16 |N/A |

|51 |DongGuan Town Dependents Building |3,840.00 |1.00 |10 |N/A |

|52 |Traffic Police Brigade |4,949.00 |2.00 |18 |N/A |

|53 |Operation Management Serivce |12,000.00 |2.00 |20 |N/A |

|54 |Success Economic Development Zone |1,000.00 |1.00 |12 |N/A |

|55 |Road Maintenance Service |500 |0.3 |8 |N/A |

|56 |ShiDai KangCheng District |110,000.00 |16.00 |33 |Non-desulfurization, Ceramic |

| | | | | |multi-tube dust controller |

|57 |DongGuan Town Council |1,500.00 |1.00 |11 |N/A |

|58 |DongGuang Secondary School |5,000.00 |2.00 |18 |N/A |

|59 |Toll Collection Bureau |2,286.00 |1.00 |10 |N/A |

|60 |China Mobile Kangping Branch |2,400.00 |1.00 |12 |N/A |

|61 |Toll Station |500 |0.5 |8 |N/A |

|62 |People’s Bank of China |3,010.00 |2.00 |18 |N/A |

|63 |China Netcom Kangping Branch |11,500.00 |4.00 |20 |N/A |

|64 |County Communication District |39,823.36 |8.00 |25 |N/A |

|65 |JianWei District South |50,164.39 |10.00 |28 |Non-desulfurization, Ceramic |

| | | | | |multi-tube dust controller |

|66 |JianWei District North |26,669.43 |6.00 |16 |N/A |

|67 |Kangping Hotel |32,000.00 |4.00 |15 |N/A |

|68 |County District (No.1 Boiler) |48,196.86 |6.00 |18 |N/A |

|69 |County District (No.2 Boiler) |19,143.09 |4.00 |15 |N/A |

|70 |NPC and CPPCC District |16,670.40 |6.00 |20 |N/A |

|71 |Family Planning Bureau District |23,015.12 |6.00 |22 |N/A |

|72 |Kangping Town |7,000.00 |2.00 |14 |N/A |

|73 |Post Office Dependents Building(South) |5,000.00 |2.00 |12 |N/A |

|74 |Environmental Protection Agency |3,958.00 |2.00 |12 |N/A |

|75 |Shopping Mall |8,000.00 |2.00 |14 |N/A |

|76 |YiLan Sunshine |110,000.00 |10.00 |30 |N/A |

|77 |Government District |13,745.63 |4.00 |15 |N/A |

|78 |North Town Police Station |2,645.00 |1.00 |10 |N/A |

|79 |DongFeng Primary School |2,500.00 |1.00 |10 |N/A |

|80 |County Central Hospital |4,800.00 |2.00 |12 |N/A |

|81 |Police Garden |25,358.18 |4.00 |18 |N/A |

|82 |County Labor Union |1,050.00 |1.00 |10 |N/A |

|83 |Church |750 |0.5 |8 |N/A |

|84 |Kangping Shopping Center |2,000.00 |1.00 |10 |N/A |

|85 |County Garment Factory |2,580.00 |1.00 |10 |N/A |

|86 |Hardware Company |50,000.00 |10.00 |28 |N/A |

|87 |Central Street Marketplace |2,700.00 |1.00 |13 |N/A |

|88 |XiaoKang District |200,000.00 |24.00 |40 |Non-desulfurization, Ceramic |

| | | | | |multi-tube dust controller |

|89 |Commercial District |9,231.13 |2.00 |18 |N/A |

|90 |No.1 Kangping High School |9,583.00 |4.00 |20 |N/A |

|91 |Kangping Deaf School |1,584.00 |1.00 |10 |N/A |

|92 |LongXin Commercial Town |3,000.00 |1.00 |10 |N/A |

|93 |Agricultural Bank of China Dependents Building |1,500.00 |1.00 |12 |N/A |

|94 |Grain and Oil Headquarters |6,000.00 |2.00 |16 |N/A |

|Total |2,010,134.49 |368 | | |

The secondary network has been formed, since the above listed areas are all been heated, considering the existing secondary network situation for reduce the re-build costs.

This HNP will re-build the secondary networks within the following 8 districts: XiaoKang District, No.1 Grain Depot and Seed Company, Government Dependents District, FuKang Garden, Farming District, County District, Education District, and Lands Bureau District.

4. Engineering Analysis

There are two periods has to be considered, construction and operation period, will discuss separately, and analyze contamination source analogically.

1. Construction Period

1. Pollution Genes Analysis

The main jobs in construction period are pipe layout, heat exchange station build up and equipment installation, etc.

The pipe layout includes: Ground excavation, Trench treatment, Pipeline installation, Excavation backfill, Ground treatment, and Debugging.

Figure 4-1 Construction Process and Pollution Occurs during Pipe Laying

Figure 4-2 Construction Process and Pollution Occurs during heat exchange station build up

According to the above demonstration the most likely pollution is dust, noise, surflaes, and construction trash, etc. from the construction period, furthermore, the domestic sewage and living garbage from workers will be also relevant.

Table 4-1 Pollution Genes

|Pollution occurred points |Pollution Genes |Discharge Direction |

|Exhaust |Ground Excavation, Backfill Dust |TSP |Inorganization |

|Emission | | | |

|Sewage |Construction Irrigation Water and Domestic Sewage |CODCr、SS、BOD5、 |Spontaneous Evaporation, |

|Discharge | |NH3-N, etc. |Recycling, Facilitation handle|

|Noise |Transportation for Construction |Noise |Noise Reduction, sound |

| | | |insulation |

|Waste Residue |Surflaes, Construction Trash |Residue, Surflaes |Backfill, Landfill |

2. Pollution Source Analysis

1) Noise

Excavating machine, bulldozer, road roller, and shovel loader are mainly used in this heating network construction.

Table 4-2 Noise Level of the Construction Machineries Unit: dB(A)

|Construction Stage |Machineries |Noise level dB(A) |

| | |5m distance |10m distance |30m distance |

|Earthwork |Tipper |84~89 |81~84 |68~72 |

| |Shovel Loader |86 |80 |70 |

| |Bulldozer |89 |86 |65 |

| |Excavating Machine |85 |82 |69 |

|Groundwork |Land Scraper |— |86~92 |— |

| |Air Compressor |92 |88 |78 |

| |Air Pick |95 |92 |76 |

|Structure |Vibrating Rod |79 |73 |64 |

| |Electric Saw |95 |92 |74 |

2) Exhaust Gas

The air pollution during construction mostly is dust. And the source will be:

a. Ground excavation

b. Excavation backfill

c. Construction material transportation(lime, cement, sand, carpolite and bricks)

d. Construction trash cleanup and stacking

e. Vehicles running during construction

Since the amount of raising dust is relevant to the construction condition, level of management, mechanization, seasons, earthiness and weather, etc. it is complex and difficult to make a measurement.

Table 4-3 Testing for Raising Dust Unit: mg/m3

|Direction |Distance from Noise Source(m) |No.1(mg/m3) |No.2(mg/m3) |

|Upwind |20 |0.31 |0.32 |

|Leeward |40 |1.74 |1.44 |

| |80 |1.45 |0.94 |

| |100 |1.02 |0.66 |

| |150 |0.30 |0.32 |

|Standards(GB16297-1996)(mg/m3) |1.0 |

Compare with the GB16297-1996 standards, the above test shows construction dust pollution covers scope of 100m in the leeward area, and the worst over standards pollution will be 40m around the construction area, which is 0.44~0.74 times the national standards, the maximum 0.45 times over standards pollution on 80m scope will be decreased gradually as extend the distance.

3) Sewage

a. Domestic Sewage

The domestic sewage usually contains CODCr, BOD5, SS, and NH3-N, etc. The maximum quantity of workers will reach to 300 per day during the construction fastigium. Considering each worker discharge the domestic sewage at 80L/day, and pollutants concentration as CODCr 300mg/L, BOD5 150mg/L, NH3-N 20mg/L, SS 200mg/L, the daily domestic sewage discharge will be 24.0t would be produced on construction site, and CODCr 7.20kg/d, BOD5 3.60kg/d, NH3-N 0.24kg/d, and SS 9.59kg/d would be discharged.

b. Construction Sewage

The construction sewage mainly from few pipe washing and it mainly contains SS. This kind of sewage will enter into sediment box, because of the gravity power and as well as sorption, it will rarely harm the surface water and ground water.

4) Solid Trash

The construction solid trash are mainly from surflaes after pipe laying, beside this, heat exchange stations building up contribute some trash too. Hereinto, surflaes will be partially backfilled after pipeline installation.

According to the length of pipeline and pipe diameter forecast, around 20 thousands tons surflaes will be produced; and heat exchange station building up gives approximately 2,000t trash.

2. Operation Period

1. Pollution Genes Analysis

The HNP adopts high temperature secondary network heating, noise is the main pollution during this period, which made from varies valves, electric equipments and automatic control system. The sewage from water softening instrument, domestic sewage from employees and as well as living garbage are other pollutions.

Figure 4-3 Heating Process and Pollution sources

4.2.2 Pollution Source Analysis

(1) Noise

Table 4-4 Noise Source Strength from heat exchange station Equipments Unit: dB(A)

|Serial No. |Equipment |Noise Source Strength |

|1 |Water Pump |80 |

|2 |Low-tension Cabinet |75 |

|3 |Transducer |70 |

|4 |Differential Pressure Transmitter |70 |

|— |Integrated Noise |81.8 |

(2) Sewage

The sewage from water softening instrument and domestic sewage from employees are the main parts of sewage from operation period, the contaminations made by water softening instrument are CODCr and SS, beside, the contaminations from domestic sewage are CODCr, BOD5, NH3-N and SS, etc.

Table 4-5 Forecasted Load of Sewage during Operation Period

|Discharge Source |CODC r |BOD5 |NH3-N |SS |

|Water Softening |Concentration(mg/L) |20 |— |— |30 |

|Instrument(1000t/a) | | | | | |

| |Volume(t/a) |0.02 | | |0.15 |

|domestic Sewage (1200 |Concentration(mg/L) |300 |150 |20 |200 |

|t/a) | | | | | |

| |Volume(t/a) |0.36 |0.18 |0.024 |0.24 |

|DB21/1627-2008 table 2 |300 |250 |30— |300 |

The sewage will be discharged into the new Kangping Sewage Treatment Plant, and as shown in Table 4-5, all the parameters are corresponded with the requirements of DB21/1627-2008 table 2.

(3) Solid Trash

During the operation period, the main solid trash is from employees’ living garbage. The number of management and maintenance people will around 95 for the daily operation, if the garbage discarded is 0.8kg/day/person, the total will be 28t/a. The solid trash needs to be considered carefully, to avoid the pollution.

3. Environmental Impact Identification

Table 4-6 Evaluation Genes and Environmental Impact Identification Matrix

|Engineering |Construction |Operation |

|Impact | | |

|Genes | | |

| |Temporary Occupied |Earthwork |Engineering |Vegetation | |

| | |Construction Trash |Construction |Recovery | |

| | | | |Virescence | |

|Society |Land Usage |○ |● |▲ |○ |△ |

|Economic| | | | | | |

|Impact | | | | | | |

| |Society |Local Commerce |▲ |▲ |▲ |○ |○ |

| |Economy | | | | | | |

| | |Education |▲ | |▲ |○ |○○ |

| |Residential |Daily activity |▲ |▲ |▲ | |○○ |

| |life | | | | | | |

| | |Conveniently travel |▲ |▲ |▲ | |○○ |

| | |Resident Condition |△ |▲ |▲ | |○○ |

|Environmental Impact |Sight |▲ |▲▲ |▲ |▲ | |

| |Air Quality | |▲▲ |▲▲▲ | | |

| |Noise | |▲▲ |▲▲▲ | |● |

| |Surface Water Quality | | |▲ | |● |

| |Vegetation, Greenbelt | | |△ |▲ | |

Note: ○/△:stand for Long/Short term, Blacked means bad influence, symbol quantity for influence intensity

5. Environmental Status

1. Natural Environment

1. Location

Kangping located in the north of LiaoNing province, at the west bank of Liao River, and it is under jurisdiction of ShenYang. Kangping is surrounded by Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, ZhangWu, FaKu, and ChangTu. Its longitude is east 123°18’45” and latitude is north 43°47’30”. The railway dedicated line of TieFa Mineral Bureau passed through FaKu and TieLing and connected with national railway. MingShen, ZhangKai, and TieShuang Highways are all passing Kangping, provided convenience access to ShenYang, ZhangWu, TieLing and KaiYuan.

2. Landform

Kangping located on the interface between east boundary of KeErQin Sandlot and LiaoXi foothill, and there are 4 sorts of landform: low hill and rolling hill in south, wide champaign in northeast, which is low-lying saline, and sand dune on the boundary of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region sandlot in northeast and west. To summary, it is “High West Low East, South Hill North Sand”.

3. Surface Water Status

Liao River, BaJiaZi River, WoLong Lake (West Pond before), SanTaiZi Reservoir and other small-medium sized reservoirs (together 7 reservoirs) composed the main part of surface water in this HNP area. The total surface water area here is around 2.0611×108m2.

1) Liao River

Liao River is one of the seven biggest rivers in our country, total length 1,390 km, drainage area is approximately 228,960 km2, the upper rivers are East and West Liao River, headwater of East Liao River comes from SaHa Mountain in JiLin provinces DongLiao, it is the big anabranch on the Liao River left, it flows through DongLiao, LiaoYuan, YiTong, GongZhu Ling, LiShu, ChangLing, ShuangLiao, Inner Mongolia KeZuo in LiaoNing province, and XiFeng, ChangTu in ShengYang province. 360 km in length, and 11,470 km2 drainage area; West Liao River is the original source of Liao River, the upper rivers are LaoHa River and XiLa MuLun River, source of LaoHa River is in PingQuan Bald Mountain, HeBei province, 455 km in length, and 33,076 km2 drainage area, it joins XiLa MuLun River in Inner Mongolia, and called West Liao River afterward. The West Liao River flows from west to east, and flow through SuJia Bao, TongLiao, and ZhengJia Village, joins with East Liao River around FuDe Dian, called Liao River thereafter.

2) Bajiazi River

Bajiazi River is the main river within Kangping, cisborder length is 45.6 km, and drainage area is 511.22 km2. It is plain drainage river, control area 525.5km2, peak flow 309m3/s. According to the 30th file of Sheng Zheng [1997], the segment length 19 km between Jiaojia WoBao and Bajiazi is groundwater replenishment source, Class III waters; segment between Bajiazi and DongGu Dian accepts Kangping sewage, which is mixture area; River from Donggu Dian to Laoshantou is mainly used for agricultural watering, class IV waters.

3) Wolong Lake

WoLong Lake reservoir (also called XiPaoZi reservoir) located in the north of the Kangping county, it is a medium sized plain reservoir for Irrigation and aquaculture. The sources for WoLong Lake are anabranches of Liao River, include East MaLian River, West MaLian River, ErDao River, 541 Drains, etc. The length of East MaLian River is 60.1 km (gradient at 1.68‰), West MaLian River is 80.1 km (gradient at 2.75‰), ErDao River is 16.2 km, and 541 Drains is 26.98 km.

4. Groundwater Status

The eastern and northern Kangping has rich groundwater stored, since it is replenished by so many rivers and rainfall. The groundwater under Kangping is highly abundance, it is mainly diving water, and part of it is low pressure-bearing water. The aquifer is the fourth loose water layer, average thickness is 35m~40m. Depth of groundwater is 9m~3m, water permeability coefficient is K=20~30m/d, aquifer specific yield is 0.08~0.13, Hydraulic radius of influence is 200m~300m, unit water inflow is 11.7~30.8m3/km, and single well water inflow Q = 125 t/h, when the well diameter is 200mm, water drawdown 5 m.

5. Climatic characteristics

The launched construction is in a Sub-humid Temperate monsoon climate zone, dry and windy in spring, hot and rainy in summer, wet and cool in autumn, and long and cold in winter. Average temperature is 7.4oC, and the lowest is -30.3 oC , the highest is 36.5oC. The dominant wind direction is southwest, average wind speed is 4.36 m/s, which maximum is 23 m/s. average volume of rainfall is 513.9 mm, intensively within June-September, average evaporation is 1992.1 mm, maximum depth of tundra is 1.50 mm.

2. Social Environment Overview

1. Population

Kangping has a population of 346 thousands, governed 15 towns, 180 villages, 1059 villager teams, and 16 state-owned farms, forest farms, pastures, and fisheries.

2. Land Resources

The agricultural acreage in Kangping is around 8.0×104hm2, grassland 4.3×104hm2, forest 5.3×104hm2, barren land and tidal flat 2.0×104hm2. There are 3 agricultural areas, the east low-layer plain, which prolific in grain; midland is sandstorm and saline area, wide vegetation coverage, feasible for develop forest and pasture; the west rolling-hilly area feasible for crops grow.

The per capita agricultural acreage in Kangping is 0.3hm2, which is 3 times higher than the province average, and 4 times higher than the national average. And it is the key commodity grain base within the whole country.

3. Agricultural and Sideline Products Resources

Kangping is the national green food base. During the recent years, all levels party committee and the government gave full play on the advantages of good environment and pollution-free, energetically developed the deep processing of agricultural and sideline products. Green dry Tofu and Deyi 4 red peanut are all registered national products. The deep processing of corn residue in ErNiu Village has large, medium, small and fine sizes. In addition, millet, mung bean, pachyrhizus powder, gingili and sweet corn are all have wide development prospect.

4. Mineral Resources

The proved up mineral resources are coal, limestone, fluorite, silica, bentonite, agate stone, clay, and peat. The mineral water reserves under Kangping is top ranked within our country, the quality is excellent, and it has favorable healthcare function.

There are 76 places produced strontium-type, Metasilicate-type, and strontium compound silicon-type quality natural mineral water, normally contains strontium 1.65-1.87mg/L, and the maximum would be 2.54-3.20mg/L, are rarely seen no matter in China or abroad. The coal reserves is approximately 6.6×108t, XiaoKang, DaPing and SanTaiZi are the three diggings is mining recently. Fluorite is abundance, and high quality; agate stone in Willow village are not only reserves abundance and also famous for its peculiar colors.

5. Living Environment

Kangping has a clean and beautiful environment, rational city planning, neat layout, maturity fundamental establishment, and it going to be the first class town soon. Its transportation has rapid development, highways radiate in all directions. National highway 203 passes through the whole town, railway enters the town center; advanced communication instrument, average 14 program-controlled telephones in every hundred people; CATV covers the whole town; average living space over 10m2/person; one provincial-level key senior high school and other entertainments places, such as stadium, cultural center, cinema, hotels, restaurants, and musical cafes, etc.

3. Current Environment Status around the heat exchange station

The investigation for the environment status has been carried out in July 2010 by evaluation agency and construction company.

Table 5-1 Environment Status

|Serial No. | heat exchange station |Status |

|1 |XiaoKang District 1# |4 storey residential buildings on 20m away from both east and west sides, 15 m |

| | |distance away is another 4 storey residential building, ground on the north |

| | |side. |

|2 |XiaoKang District 2# |Same as above |

|3 |Traffic Police Brigade |Traffic Police Brigade yard on the west side, Transport Management Dep. on the |

| |District |east side,6 storey residential building on the 10m away from south side, and |

| | |workshop on the north side. |

|4 |Northern Spring District 1# |Coal plant on the east side, workshop on the north side, 6 storey residential |

| | |building on 15m away from the south side, and 8m away on the west is another |

| | |one. |

|5 |Northern Spring District 2# |Same as above |

|6 |Sanitation Department |Located in Sanitation Department yard, ground on the east side, South Ring Road |

| | |on the south side, 3 storey office building on the west, and 10m away from the |

| | |north side is a residential building |

|7 |Government Dependents |6 storey residential buildings on 35m away from south side and 15m away from |

| |Building District 1# |east side, warehouse on the west side, and blank on the north side. |

|8 |Government Dependents |Same as above |

| |Building District 2# | |

|9 |Agricultural Development Bank|6 storey residential buildings on 15m away from south side, 8m away from north |

| |of China |side, 25m away from west side and 6m away from east side. |

|10 |FuKang Garden |6 storey residential buildings on 35m away from south side, 15m away from north |

| | |side, and 10m away from west side, ground on the east side. |

|11 |Party School District |6 storey residential buildings on 5m away from both south and east sides, garage|

| | |on the west side, and bungalow on the north side. |

|12 |Bureau of Animal Husbandry |7 storey residential building on 20m away from south side, 2 storey office |

| |District |building on 5m away from east side, 6 storey residential building on 6m away |

| | |from west side, and bungalow on 10m away from north side. |

|13 |Council District |5 storey residential building on 10m away from north side, 3 storey office |

| | |building on 20m away from west side, 5 storey office building on 20m away from |

| | |south side, and east side lays next to the garage |

|14 |Police Garden District |A bungalow on 20m away from north side, closed to a garage on the west side, 7 |

| | |storey residential building on 12m away from south side, and coal plant on the |

| | |east side. |

|15 |Government District |6 storey residential building on 15m away from north side, and 10m away from |

| | |south side, a bungalow on 40m away from east side, and a garage on 3m away from |

| | |west side. |

|16 |JinXin Garden |6 storey salesroom on the 20m away from north side, 6 storey residential |

| | |building on the 25m away from south side, single storey commercial property on |

| | |the 35m away from east side, and a workshop ready to removal workshop on the 5m |

| | |away from west side. |

|17 |Netcom District |5 storey residential building on the 80m away from north side, ready to removal |

| | |bungalow on the 5m away from south, 4 storey residential building on the 42m |

| | |away from southeast side, Netcom yard on the west side. |

|18 |JianWei District |6 storey residential buildings on the 28m away from south side, 30m away from |

| | |north side, 5m away from west side, and 10m away from east side. |

|19 |JuXin District |3 storey salesroom on the 9m away from west side and 10m away from south side, 6|

| | |storey residential building on the 4m away from north side, closed to a single |

| | |storey commercial property on east side, |

|20 |Education District |3 storey official building of Bureau of Justice on the 30m away from north side,|

| | |10m away from east side. Bungalows on the 20m away from south side and 5m away |

| | |from west side. |

|21 |Internal Revenue Service |6 storey residential buildings on the 30m away from south side, 80m away from |

| | |north side, and 60m away from east side, 10m away from west side is a single |

| | |stoery commercial property. |

|22 |Agricultural Machinery |4 storey salesroom on the 5m away from north side, 4 storey office building on |

| |District |15m away from south side, closed to warehouses on both east and west sides. |

|23 |Cotton Wool District |6 storey residential buildings on the 10m away from south side, and 20m away |

| | |from east side. One single storey commercial property on the 10m away from west |

| | |side. |

|24 |CaoLaFang Development |Locates in the planned Caola Fang District, recently it is shanty town, |

| |District 1# |circumstance around still unplanned |

|25 |GuangCai Market District 1# |Located in National Grain Intermediate Depots Repertory Yard, open space around |

| | |it. |

|26 |GuangCai Market District 2# |Same as above |

|27 |County High School |North side closed to the county senior high school warehouse, No.2 Kangping |

| | |School(4 storey) on the 60 m away from east side, Square on the south side, 4 |

| | |storey education building on the 40m away from west side. |

|28 |CaoLaFang Development |Locates in the planned CaolaFang District, recently it is shanty town, |

| |District 2# |circumstance around still unplanned |

|29 |GuangCai Market District |Located in a basement under a 4 storey residential building |

6. Investigation and Evaluation on Environmental Quality

1. Ambient Air Quality

1. Monitoring Points Setup

Result data of Air Quality obtained between 15th-19th July 2008, provided by Kangping Environment Monitoring Station, which monitored the County Council and County Hospital. More details refer to Appendix 1.

2. Monitoring Items

PM10、TSP、SO2 and NO2

3. Monitoring Time and Frequency

4 times per day for monitoring hourly average concentration of SO2 and NO2, monitoring time points are: 7:00, 10:00, 14:00 and 19:00, and every time no shorter than 45mins; at least 18h sampling time for daily average concentration of SO2 and NO2; and at least 12h sampling time for PM10.

4. Analysis Method

Table 6-1 Analysis Method and Testing Limits

|Items |Analysis Methodology |Standards |Testing Limits mg/Nm3 |

|PM10 |Gravimetry |GB6921-86 |0.001 |

|SO2 |Determined by formaldehyde |GB/T15262-94 |0.007 |

| |absorbing-pararosaniline spectrophotometry | | |

| |method | | |

|NO2 |Saltzman |GB/T15435-1995 |0.010 |

5. Evaluation Methodology

The evaluation formula as:


Pi stands for: Single-factor index of a unique contamination

Ci stands for: Measured concentration of a unique contamination (mg/m3)

Csi stands for: Environmental standards of a single contamination (mg/m3)

6.1.6 Outcome from Monitoring and Evaluation

Table 6-2 Monitoring Result of Ambient Air Quality Unit: mg/m3

|Monitoring Points |PM10 |SO2 |NO2 |

|County Council |0.088~0.102 |0.014~0.018 |0.013~0.017 |

|County Hospital |0.088~0.099 |0.012~0.016 |0.012~0.017 |

|Second Grade of (GB3095-1996) | | | |

Table 6-3 Evaluation Result of Ambient Air Quality Pi

|Monitoring Points |PM10 |SO2 |NO2 |

|County Council |0.088~0.102 |0.014~0.018 |0.013~0.017 |

|Pi |0.59~0.68 |0.09~0.12 |0.11~0.14 |

|County Hospital |0.088~0.099 |0.012~0.016 |0.012~0.017 |

|Pi |0.59~0.66 |0.08~0.11 |0.10~0.14 |

|Second Grade of (GB3095-1996) | | | |

The above tables illustrated the ambient air quality in this HNP area is favorable and can satisfy the standards.

2. Surface Water Quality

1. Monitoring Section

Collect monitored data of BaJiaZi River upper and lower reaches from Kangping Environment Monitoring Station, which is BaJiaZi Bridge section and WangJia WoPu Bridge section.

2. Monitoring Items

pH, Ammonia Nitrogen, CODCr and Petroleum, etc.

3. Monitoring and Analysis Method

Table 6-4 Surface Water Quality Monitoring Method

|Items |Methodology |Testing Limits(mg/l) |

|pH |Glass Electrode |— |

|Ammonia Nitrogen |Spectrophotometric Method with Salicylic Acid |0.01 |

|CODcr |Bichromate |5 |

|Petroleum |Infrared Spectrophotometric Determination |0.01 |

4. Evaluation Methodology

The used evaluation formula is the same as the one used in Ambient Air Quality evaluation.

5. Outcome from Monitoring and Evaluation

Table 6-5 Monitoring and Evaluation Result of BaJiaZi River Water Quality

|Section and Index |pH |Ammonia Nitrogen |CODCr |Petroleum |

|BaJiaZi Bridge |Yearly Average |7.3 |0.82 |35 |0.38 |

| |Times Exceed |No |No |No |No |

| |Pi |— |0.55 |1.17 |0.76 |

|WangJi WoPu Bridge |Yearly Average |7.5 |1.02 |21 |0.42 |

| |Times Exceed |No |No |No |No |

| |Pi |— | |0.7 |0.83 |

|IV Grade Standards of GB3838-2002 |6.0~9.0 |1.5 |30 |0.5 |

3. Groundwater Quality

1. Monitoring Points Setup

Collect monitored data of the groundwater under Kangping Power Plant existing workshop. More details refer to appendix 1

2. Monitoring Items

pH, Permanganate Index, Total Hardness, Sulphate, Iron, Manganese, Nitrite Nitrogen, Nitrate Nitrogen, and Ammonia Nitrogen.

3. Monitoring Time

Shenyang Water Quality Monitoring Center monitored the groundwater quality on 23rd October 2008.

4. Monitoring and Analysis Method

Table 6-6 Groundwater Monitoring and Analysis Method

|Serial No. |Items |Analysis Method |Minimum Limit (mg/L) |

|1 |pH |Glass Electrode |— |

|2 |Permanganate Index |— |0.5 |

|3 |Total Hardness |EDTA Titration |0.05(mmol/L) |

|4 |Sulphate |Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Determination |0.2 |

|5 |Ammonia Nitrogen |Nessler's reagent colorimetric method |0.05 |

|6 |Nitrate Nitrogen |Pbenoldisulfonic Acid Spectrophotometric Determination |0.02 |

|7 |Nitrite Nitrogen |Spectrophotometric Determination |0.003 |

|8 |Iron |Flame Atomic Absorption |0.03 |

|9 |Manganese |Flame Atomic Absorption |0.01 |

5. Outcome from Monitoring

Table 6-7 Monitoring Result of Groundwater Quality Unit: mg/L

|Monitoring Items |Kangping Power Generation Company Site |III Grade Standards of GB14848-93 |

|pH |7.18 |6.5-8.5 |

|Permanganate Index |2.85 |≤ 3.0 |

|Total Hardness |284 |≤ 450 |

|Sulphate |114.52 |≤ 250 |

|Ammonia Nitrogen |0.03 |≤ 0.2 |

|Nitrate Nitrogen |1.59 |≤ 20 |

|Nitrite Nitrogen |0.028 |≤ 0.02 |

|Iron |0.43 |≤ 0.3 |

|Manganese |3.46 |≤ 0.1 |

6. Evaluation Method and Result

The formula used here is the same as in Ambient Air Quality evaluation.

Table 6-8 Evaluation Result of Groundwater Quality Unit: Pi

|Monitoring Items |Kangping Power Plant Site |III grade standards of GB14848-93 |

|Permanganate Index |0.95 |≤ 3.0 |

|Total Hardness |0.63 |≤ 450 |

|Sulphate |0.46 |≤ 250 |

|Ammonia Nitrogen |0.15 |≤ 0.2 |

|Nitrate Nitrogen |0.08 |≤ 20 |

|Nitrite Nitrogen |1.40 |≤ 0.02 |

|Iron |1.43 |≤ 0.3 |

|Manganese |34.6 |≤ 0.1 |

As the table shown, except the index of Nitrite Nitrogen, Iron and Manganese exceed the standards; other items are perfectly satisfy the GB14848-93 standards.

4. Acoustic Environment

1. Monitoring Point Setup

The noise background monitoring points are adopted in four heat exchange stations, which are more sensitive to the environment, they are: Bureau of Animal Husbandry District, Party School District, FuKang Garden and Northern Spring Garden. For more details, refer to Appendix 1

2. Monitoring Items

L10, L50, L90, and Leq.

3. Monitoring Agency and Monitoring Time

Shenyang Academy of Environmental Sciences monitored noise data in the above points on 6th July 2010.

4. Monitoring Instruments and Method

Correspond with the standards of (GB12348-90), and adopt precise sound level meter, which qualified the measuring examination.

5. Outcome of Monitoring and Evaluation

The evaluation correspond the second grade standards of (GB3096-2008), and use scale of Leq value.

Table 6-9 Evaluation Result of Acoustic Environment Status Unit: dB(A)

|Monitoring Points |Daytime |Nighttime |Carried Standards |

| |Leq |Standard |Leq |Standard Value | |

|Bureau of Animal |52.2 |60 |43.2 |50 |GB3096-2008 |

|Husbandry District | | | | |Second Grade |

|Party School District |52.8 | |42.6 | | |

|FuKang Garden |54.5 | |45.8 | | |

|Northern Spring Garden |53.5 | |43.6 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

7. Prediction and Evaluation on Environmental Impact

1. Construction Period

1) Prediction and Evaluation on Environmental Impact of Noise

Table 7-1 Prediction Result of Construction Noise Distance Standard dB(A)

|Construction Stage |Equipment |Instantaneous Value |Equivalent Sound |Prediction Value|Standards in |Distance |

| | |(5m away from source)|Level | |Construction area |Standards(m) |

| | | | | |(Leq) | |

|Earthwork |Tipper |85 |76.0 |83.3 |75 |13 |

| |Shovel Loader |86 |77.0 | |75 | |

| |Bulldozer |89 |80.0 | |75 | |

| |Excavating |85 |76.0 | |75 | |

| |Machine | | | | | |

|Groundwork |Land Scraper |87 |78.0 |88.2 |75 |23 |

| |Air Compressor |92 |83.0 | |75 | |

| |Air Pick |95 |86.0 | |75 | |

|Structure |Vibrating Rod |79 |70.0 |86.0 |70 |9 |

| |Electric Saw |95 |86.0 | |70 | |

Since the construction will be carried out during the daytime and stop working during the nighttime, there is only few impact on the residents around.

2) Prediction and Evaluation on Environmental Impact of Exhaust Gas

Since the exposed ground can be blew dust under a dry windy weather, the pipeline excavation easily causes raising dust. Additionally, the transportation is also a source of raising dust during the construction period. According to the analogical prediction, the raising dust will make pollution within the downwind 100m area. Under this circumstance, efficiently watering must be made during construction, and build up bounding walls also need to be adopted for prevent the raising dust influence the environmental air quality.

3) Prediction and Evaluation on Environmental Impact of Sewage

a. Domestic Sewage

The domestic sewage discharged from construction is negligible, and also the construction places are dispersed, so the domestic sewage will not form a surface runoff, most of it will be naturally evaporated, and will not make a significant influence on the surface water and groundwater quality.

b. Construction Sewage

The construction sewage mainly from few pipe washing and it mainly contains SS. This kind of sewage will enter into sedimentary facies, because of the gravity power and as well as sorption, it will rarely harm the surface water and ground water.

4) Prediction and Evaluation on Environmental Impact of Solid Trash

The construction solid trash is mainly from surflaes after pipe laying, beside this, heat exchange station building up contributes some trash too. Hereinto, around 40 thousand tons surflaes will be produced, and heat exchange station building up gives approximately 4,000t trash. Produced solid trash will be filled in the appointed construction trash landfill field, and has not significant influence on the environment.

5) Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impact on City Society and Landscape

a. Impact of Construction Activities on City Landscape.

The pipeline laying and excavation damages road and impacts city landscape; improper earthwork stacking protection and uncovered construction machinery on the middle of road also impact city appearance.

b. Impact of Construction Activities on Residents’ Life.

The Construction area on the road or in the residential district all can make inconvenience for residents walk around; noise from construction equipments, the raising dust, sewage, surflaes and the stacking and transportation of construction trash will also influence residents’ daily life.

c. Impact of Construction Activities on Transportation

The HNP pipeline crosses many traffic hinges, which is difficult to arrange traffic running, the improper arrangement of dump truck working time will increase transport flow rate and cause the traffic congestion.

d. Impact of Construction Activities on Urban Virescence

During the construction of pipeline laying, taking up greenbelt for stacking and cutting down trees are unavoidable, which will affect the virescence.

The above points listed the impacts on the environment during the construction period, but those are temporary impacts, and will disappear along with the construction finishing.

6) Prediction and Evaluation of Impact on Urban Ecological Environment

The HNP layout along with the city streets, damages the city earth surface protective layer, temporarily changes the hard cover of earth surface; the temporary surflaes causes raising dust after wind blow, which impact the life of residents and company employees lived around; and the temporary surflaes on the side of road could cause soil and water loss after the rain.

But since the construction will be carried out fragmentally, the influenced period is short, and disappear along with the construction finishing, the earth surface will be recovered too.

There are two parts of surflaes, one is transpositional earthwork from pipeline laying; and the other part is the remainder earthwork after backfill, which caused by the loose soil after excavation, although the standards is “backfill soil must have 0.3m higher than the ground level”. After a primary calculation, the volume of surflaes from pipeline laying is 4.7×104m3, which should be sent to the appointed construction trash stacking point.

The area being taken up during the construction period are all temporarily used, do not change the original soil function basically, after construction finishing, most of it will be recovered. Once the construction has been done, backfill pipeline, clean up working field, resume ground feature and the original soil function.

2. Operation Period

1. Prediction and Evaluation of Noise Environmental Impact

The main noise source during this period is from varies valves, electric equipments and automatic control system in the heat exchange stations.

1) Noise Source Strength

Table 7-2 Noise Source Strength of the heat exchange station equipments Unit: dB(A)

|Serial No. |Equipment |Noise Source Strength |

|1 |Water Pump |80 |

|2 |Low-tension Cabinet |75 |

|3 |Transducer |70 |

|4 |Differential Pressure Transmitter |70 |

2) Prediction Pattern

According to the standards of HJ/T2.4-2009, choose geometric divergent decay mode of the sound source dot for predict noise impact.

The formula as:


Lr stands for: Noise Strength on the under tested distance

Lr0 stands for: Noise Strength on the known distance

r stands for: Distance between under tested point and the sound source

r0 stands for: Distance between reference point and the sound source

Noise Overlay formula as follows:


L stands for: composed sound pressure level, dB

Li stands for: one sound source sound pressure level, dB

n stands for: the quantity of sound sources

3) Prediction Result

Table 7-3 Prediction Result of Equipment Noise

at Boundary of New Built Heat Exchange Stations Unit: dB(A)

|Prediction |Noise Background |After compose daytime and background |After compose nighttime and background |GB12348 |

|Points |Value | | |-2008 |

| |Day |Night |Prediction Value |Standards |Prediction |Standards | |

| | | | heat exchange |5m away | |

| | | |station boundary | | |

| heat exchange station |56.2 |53.3 |50 |48.9 |70/67 |

As shown in the above table, the vibration prediction result reaches the standards, and according to the this HNP planned designation, all the heat exchange stations are single structured, and located above the ground, the nearest distance is 5m away from residential buildings. Because the vibration is transmitted through solid medium, after adopt the shock-absorption application and keep 5m distance, the impact is not significant.

2. Prediction and Evaluation on Environmental Impact of Sewage

The sewage from water softening instrument and domestic sewage from employees are the main parts of sewage from HNP operation period. Those sewage will be discharged to ShenYang Kangping Sewage Treatment Plant, and will not affect the quality of local surface water and groundwater.

Table 7-5 Discharge Status of Water Pollution

|Pollution Factors |CODcr |NH3-N |SS |

| |mg/l |t/a |mg/l |t/a |mg/l |t/a |

|Produce |Demineralized water |20 |0.02 |— |— |30 |0.15 |

| |1000t/a | | | | | | |

| |Domestic Sewage 1200 t/a |300 |0.36 |20 |0.02 |200 |0.24 |

|Discharge 2200 t/a |281 |0.38 |20 |0.02 |182 |0.39 |

|Standard Value |300 |— |30 |— |300 |— |

3. Prediction and Evaluation on Environmental Impact of Solid Trash

During the operation period, the main solid trash is from employees’ living garbage. The number of management and maintenance people will around 96 for the daily operation, according to the analogical prediction, the total living garbage produced during this period will be 28t/a. The living garbage will be gathered collectively, packed properly, and then it is sent to sanitation agency for bio-safety disposal, which will not have a significant impact on the environment.

4. Environmental Risk Analysis of the HNP Engineering Accident

Through an analogical investigation, the potential accident risks of pipeline mostly fall into the following two categories:

1) Natural factors caused pipeline fracture, such as flood, earthquake, and pipeline corrosion and perforation, etc.(i.e. landslide, collapse, sink, etc.)

2) Human activities caused pipeline breakage, for example, misoperation.

Although the HNP selected the seamless steel pipe with better compression resistance and imputrescibility, the above reasons could cause dropping or accident. Under an accident controlled within 1 hour, the maximum volume of discharged liquid will be 4,200m3. Since only Ammonia Nitrogen, iron, and manganese in the delivered water quality exceed the Groundwater III grate standards, and other water quality indexes reached the standards, the leak has no significant impact to the soil and groundwater. In addition, the epithelial layer of pipe was laid more than 2m under the road surface, after pipeline laying, ground surface is recovered by hard coverage, the accident leak do not damage ground surface and roadbed.

8. Strategies and Measures for Pollution Prevention

1. Construction Period

1. Construction Noise

The construction noise is mainly from construction equipments and vehicles, such as excavators, mixers, and trucks, etc. The construction company must operate correspond with (GB12523-90). And the following measures must be considered:

1) Rational construction working time, 22:00 -6:00 is forbidden to construction;

2) Reinforce construction management; arrange working time in reason, in noise-sensitive area with centralized buildings, construction makes noise is forbidden at night; needs continuously construction under special circumstance, must have approval from relative department, and adopt measures, such as install sound insulation walls, or sound absorption barriers.

3) The entrance for transport vehicles must be located on the side apart from resident districts.

4) Try to use ready-mixed concrete, instead of keeping mixers within construction site.

5) Reinforce the management and channelization, try to reduce vehicle quantity and traffic flow rate, and control the horning.

6) Within the area with centralized residential districts, must install 3-4m height sound insulation walls or sound absorption barriers.

7) The period of mid-year examination and university entrance examination is forbidden to construction.

2. Raising Dust

1) The construction is easy to make powder pollution, construction company should strengthen the site management, achieve civilized construction; watering site is the efficient measure to control the raising dust.

Table 8-1 Assessment of Dust Suppression by Watering

|Distance from Construction Site(m) |5 |20 |50 |100 |

|TSP Hourly Concentration |Non-watering |10.14 |2.89 |1.15 |0.86 |

|(mg/m3) | | | | | |

| |Watering |2.01 |1.40 |0.67 |0.60 |

2) The height of placed bounding walls cannot be lower than 1.8m in the construction digging area. Main road must be covered by hard coverage and keep it clean.

3) Must cover dust screen(Fabric) for the construct surflaes, sand and other materials, which is easy to raise dust, and as well as frequently watering to keep ground wet, avoid dust pollution

4) Surflaes and construction trash must be cleaned up and delivered in time, and cover or solidify for the centralized stacking stuff.

5) The vehicle for transport surflaes or construct trash cannot be overfilled, with sealed coverage, and cannot make discharge or leakage on the way. The vehicle must be washed before leaves the construction site, cannot bring mud to the road.

6) Concrete components must be purchased in advance, avoid making powder pollution during construction. If the mixture need to be made in the construction site, try to keep the mortar and concrete no splash and no leak.

7) The transportation vehicles and other varies construction equipments should use low sulphur gas or diesel. Vehicle exhausted gas must meet the requirement of standards.

8) Cement and Lime should be kept in the warehouse and strictly covered.

9) Try to be a civilized construction, rational arrangement for operation process, reduce repeated removal of materials, avoid unnecessary raising dust.

3. Sewage

Since the volume of sewage discharged during construction period is not big, and no toxicant items contained, the strengthen management will make this do not affect the environment too much. The following measures could be adopted:

1) The construction company can draw an organizational design for the sewage discharge, strictly prohibit the sewage discharged without control, which will pollute the road and neighborhood environment.

2) Temporary sedimentation sunk need to be set up, the rain with mud and slurry has to be deposited before discharge.

3) Domestic sewage from employees is discharged into the city sewage conduit after being treated through septic tank.

4. Solid Trash

1) Construction company has to sign an agreement with Shenyang Environmental Hygiene Management Department on the treatment of surflaes.

2) Construction company needs to appoint a responsible person to manage the surflaes produced in the construction. The transportation and treatment must followed the stated time, place and route.

3) Living garbage from employees need to be gathered collectively, stored properly, and sent to the sanitation agency for bio-safety treatment.

8.1.5 Hazardous wastes disposal measurement (small boiler rooms containing asbestos):

1. The operating personnel should be examined to meet the protection requirements, and then to be allowed to attend disassembly.

2. The warning sign should be set on the construction site.

3. Watering before disassemble.

4. The disposal workers should wear dust mask and protective clothing before starting work.

5. Drawing up a specific plan to remove it with overall stripping method.

6. The safe fence should be used on the operating spot. No irrelevant personnel entry. The professional should be appointed to direct on the site.

7. The disassembled asbestos should be collected by sealable packing bag, then to be put into the specific asbestos cement sealable tank, casting cement, sealing cement tank, and then to be buried deeply for permanent disposal at hazardous wastes landfill site which has the qualification certificate.

Shenyang Zhenxing Solid Waste Disposal Co., Ltd. will be responsible for collecting and disposal. The company has the qualification of hazardous wastes disposal. The asbestos found during the disassembling process in other projects would be collected and disposed by Shenyang Zhenxing Solid Waste Disposal Co., Ltd. as well.

List 8-2 Small Boiler Room Close Schedule

Kangping County District Central Heating Network Project

|No. |Name |Status |Heating Area(m2) |Including |Schedu|

| | | | |Asbestos or |le |

| | | | |Not | |

| | |No. |Ton |Public |Residence |Total | | |

| | |(Unit) |(t/h) | | | | | |

|1 |Xiangdaosuo |1 |1 |1600 |3000 |4,600.00 |Y |2013 |

6. Impact on Urban Society and Landscape

1) Well prepared before the construction starts, carefully investigate all the related underground tube lines, such as power supply, communication and water supply/discharge pipelines. Cooperating with relevant departments for dismantlement or removal plan in advance, prepared for varies emergencies, ensure the tube lines cutting down will not affect the normal supply of water, electricity, gas, and communication connection for the area along the construction line, and keep the social life under a normal status.

2) In order to ensure the construction in a good order, and minimum the impact to the residents normal life and transportation neighborhood, negotiate with the local traffic management department, have a proper planning for the traffic diverting during construction period, uniformly arrange the drive route of construction equipments and transportation vehicles, reduce the traffic flow rate on the road of construction, which can prevent the traffic jam.

3) The construction company needs meet the requirement of , apply for the Shenyang Bureau of Parks approval for greenbelt taking up, cutting down or replanting trees before construct. Try to adopt temporary virescence measure in the construction site, and clean up the site, recover the greenbelt on the finishing of construction.

4) Under the circumstance of farmland acquisition, Construction Company needs to publish the acquisition scope in time, make compensation of acquisition plan, and fulfill the compensation fund.

The system of compensation to cultivated land to be occupied is one of the most important legal measures for protect the farmland dynamic balance, which is calculated according to the actual area of farmland acquired, reclaim the same quantity and quality farmland as the acquired farmland; under the circumstance for lack of ability of reclamation or for failure to meet the required reclamation, land reclamation fees shall be paid, for use in land reclamation. Keep the farmland dynamic balance is the legal duty of the company or individual.

7. Impact on Urban Ecological Environment

1) Select construction time rationally, avoid the windy and rainy seasons, those could reduce impact of the soil and water loss.

2) During the pipeline excavation, the construction must be standardized on stratified excavation and stacking, laying pipeline at the same time as excavated, try to reduce the temporary earthwork heaped. The produced temporary surflaes cannot be heaped causally.

3) Temporary protection measures must be set up, for example, use woven bags fulfill soil for protection, use rock stones protect the slope foot, prevent the soil and water loss. At the same time, recognize the protection of surface soil, avoid the infiltration of bottom layer soil or raw soil from pipeline excavation, and also avoid the surface soil being removed or covered by bottom soil.

1. Operation Period

6. Noise

1. In heat exchange station

This article will provide protection measures from three aspects: noise source, noise diffuse route, and sound acceptor.

1) According to the project planning, all the heat exchange stations are single structured above the ground, which corresponds with the provision of Shen Sanitation Protection [2005]128 “heat exchange station, Water Pump room and other noise equipments must not be structured under the major buildings, and is not suitable to located next to the major buildings.”

2) Choose the low noise equipments. Make request on noise restrict to the manufactories, while ordering equipments (generally speaking, noise of water pump lower than 80 dB can be considered as low noise equipment). The noise equipments must be installed into the equipment room.

3) Must install shock absorber on the entrance and exit of water pump. Pipe crossing walls must be covered with vibration insulation and noise reduction tube, and add on vibration reduction mat under water pump base.

4) Equipment room should install doors and windows made by sound insulation material. Keep doors and windows closed during the working time of equipments, and also avoid the direction of doors and windows do not face to residents neighborhood.

5) Inside of the equipment room walls adopts sound absorption treatment – paste sound absorption material (for example, aluminum sheet, lime plate, sound absorption cotton, etc.). According to the investigation, adopt double layer 2mm thickness aluminum sheets filled with 70mm thickness superfine cotton (surface density 12.0kg/m2) can insulated sound 38dB.

6) According to the different surrounding environment, find out proper places to set up equipments, ensure the noise equipments (water pump) are far away from resident neighborhood, and avoid harassment to residents.

7) Prevention Measure for the 4 heat exchange stations Near Noise-Sensitive District

Table 8-2 Prevention Measure for the 4 heat exchange stations Near Noise-Sensitive District

|District |Sensitive Factor |Direction or |Noise Equipment |Prevention Measures |

| | |Door/Window |location | |

|Northern Spring Garden |West side 8m distance from |East |East |Choose low noise equipments, |

| |residential building | | |install doors and windows made|

| | | | |by sound insulation material, |

| | | | |paste sound absorption |

| | | | |material, install shock |

| | | | |absorber, etc. |

|FuKang Garden |West side 10m distance from |East |East | |

| |residential building | | | |

|Party School District |South side 5m and East side |Northwest side |Northwest Side | |

| |5m distance from residential | | | |

| |building | | | |

|Bureau of Animal and |West side 6m distance from |West |West | |

|Husbandry District |residential building | | | |

Since the above 4 heat exchange stations are closed to residential buildings, in order to avoid the noise pollution, the equipment room can be structured under the ground.

2. Control Measures of Sound-proof and Vibration-proof for Building Heat Exchange Stations

In this project, there are 8 heat exchange stations in GuangCai District located in the basements of residential buildings. Although the provision of Shen Sanitation Protection [2005]128 states “heat exchange station, Water Pump room and other noise equipments must not be structured under the major buildings”, under the World Bank request, the building heat exchange stations need to be built.

But suggested by the provision of Shen Sanitation Protection [2005]128, “If the construction under major buildings cannot be avoided, the low noise equipments must be chose, and reliable measures for sound insulation and vibration insulation must be adopted. “ So, this project will adopt strictly shock absorption and sound insulation measures, to ensure not affect the environment above the ground.

The heat exchanger equipments being used in this project are provided by ShenYang TaiYu Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co,. Ltd. Same products are used in Shanghai AnTing New Town Central Heating Project (82 sets), Shenyang Huanggu Thermoelectric Klest Project (12 sets), and World Bank Loan Project HuLu Island YangJia ZhangZi (46 sets). The heat exchanger equipments manufacturer adopted many measures on the noise insulation and vibration absorption, implement high-efficient low noise water pump, add soft joint, inserted vibration absorber on the base of pump, use tiny drag slow shut check valves, primary compensate secondary technology, exterior covered with protection cover, and interior laid with sound insulation sheet, etc.

A. Install import advanced high efficient low noise water pump

Water pump is the main noise source of the heat exchanger equipment, the pressure drop for a set of small heat exchanger equipment is only 20~25Kpa, and this reduces the operation cost. Since the power of pump is reduced, it can use low noise, built-in integrated transducer and water pump.

In Europe, there is wide application of the small heat exchanger equipment for household or building blocks, the water pump maximum sound pressure standards ................

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