Senior Project Research Paper Rubric

Sophomore Project Research Paper Rubric

Student Name Outline____________ Final Draft____________ Score____________

|Elem|Advanced (4) |Proficient (3) | Basic (2) |Below Basic (1) |Comments |

|ent | | | | | |

| | |Correct format |Correct format |Correct format |Incorrect format | |

| |Parenthetic |Few or no errors (0-1) |Few errors (2-3) |At least 3 sources cited in document |Does not use all documents from Works | |

| |Citations |Effective and varied use of | |Knows when to cite |Cited page | |

| | |parenthetical citations | |Some errors but not distracting to |Insufficient citations of facts and/or | |

| | | | |reader (4 or less) |not citing paraphrased quotes | |

| | | | |Sufficient citation of facts |Many errors (5+) | |

| | | | | |No citations used | |

| | |No format errors |No format errors |Correct format with some minor errors |Uses less than 6 types of sources | |

| |Works Cited |Uses 6+ sources |Uses less than 6 sources |(less than 2) |Sources not alphabetized | |

| | | | |Uses less than 6 sources |Incorrect format | |

| | | | |Sources alphabetized |Too many errors (3+) | |

| | | | | |No Works Cited page | |

| | |Engaging attention getter |Attention getter strong |Attention getter present |Attention getter missing | |

| |Opening/ |Compelling position |Strong position |Topic is evident |Topic, thesis and/or position is not | |

|C |Thesis Statement |Complete (A-F) |Complete (A-F) |Position is apparent |present or unclear | |

| | | | |Requirements incomplete |Thesis is not arguable or is a | |

|O | | | | |statement of fact | |

| | | | | | | |

|N | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|T | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|E | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|N | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|T | | | | | | |

| |Organization |Strong use of topic sentences |Consistent use of topic sentences |Topic sentences used |Weak or no topic sentences used | |

| | |Organization is clear and effective |Organization is well-defined |Some organization evident |Little organization evident | |

| | |Varied and effective use of transitions |Transitions are present throughout |Partial use of transitions |No clear use of transitions | |

| |Concrete Detail: |Concrete detail (a-c) is engaging and |Detail systematically builds argument |Detail contributes to argument |Detail does not support thesis | |

| |Quality/ |compelling |Sufficient detail (a-c) provided to | |Weak data | |

| |Quantity |Concrete detail (a-c) used consistently |prove thesis | |Incorrect use of concrete detail | |

| | |to form a cohesive argument | | |Too much factual data – reads like an | |

| | | | | |informational report | |

| | |Consistently weaves commentary and |Commentary helps develop argument |Some links between commentary, facts, |Commentary may be present but not tied | |

| |Commentary: Quality/|concrete detail |Persuasive tone used |and thesis |to factual data | |

| |Quantity |Draws reader to position |Develops clear ties between commentary|Somewhat compelling |Insufficient use of commentary or too | |

| | |Ideas clearly presented |and thesis |Appropriate to topic |much commentary (essay like) | |

| | |Compelling and convincing |Ratio of facts to opinion well |Holds reader’s interest |Not engaging | |

| | |Ratio of facts to opinion is effectively|balanced and appropriate to topic |Adequate balance between fact and |Repetitive commentary | |

| | |balanced and appropriate to topic | |commentary | | |

| | |Synthesis of information |Compelling |Effective |Conclusion repeats opening or thesis | |

| |Conclusion |Convincing/persuasive |Adequately convinces reader |Sense of completion (A-D) |Weak or incomplete conclusion | |

| | |Connects to attention getter/effective |Attempts connection to attention |Attempts to convince reader |Leaves reader hanging | |

| | |Smooth and logical |getter |No connection to attention getter |No connection to attention getter | |

| | |Complete (A-D) |Complete (A-D) | | | |

| | |Demonstrates original style using |Develops style using appropriate |Paper reads smoothly; basic academic |Progression inconsistent; choppy | |

|S |Readability |sophisticated academic diction |academic diction |diction |Casual, informal in style. | |

|T | |Paper is interesting to read |Some sentence variety |Clear progression of argument |Sentences lack variety or originality | |

|Y | |Varies sentence structure and length |Use of transitions is present |Attempts originality and sentence |Errors distract reader | |

|L | |Transitions are varied | |variety |Reader not engaged | |

|E | | | | | | |

| |Mechanics |Demonstrates excellence in grammar, |Evidence of careful editing and |Evidence of editing and revising |Little or no evidence of editing or | |

| |(Grammar, |syntax, and mechanics of writing |revising |Some mechanical errors, but do not |revising | |

| |punctuation, etc) |throughout the paper |Few errors throughout the paper |interfere with readability |Many grammar errors | |

| | | |Syntax is good throughout paper |Minor problems with grammar or syntax |Many mechanical errors | |

| | | | | |Poor syntax | |


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