The oral presentation is the last component of the Graduation Project. The presentation will be given after school hours before a panel of judges consisting of both school personnel and community members. Each judge will score your presentation using the presentation rubric. The totals of the rubrics will then be averaged for your final presentation grade.

Time Requirement: 7 – 10 minutes

Questions may last up to an additional 10 minutes


1. Speech content: Discuss the main topics of your research paper and your practical experience. Describe what you learned about your topic from doing the research, writing the paper, and completing the hours/product. Describe challenges you may have encountered and how you overcame them. (This is NOT an opportunity for you to complain. This is your chance to show the judges that you have worked hard and accomplished much.) Explain how this project was a growth experience for you personally. Use the following list to help you get started and stay organized:

• catchy introduction

• paper facts

• practical experience

• mentor information

• learning/personal growth

• conclusion

• ask for questions

2. Questions: After time has ended, your judges will ask you questions. Be prepared to politely, confidently, and accurately answer them.


• Refer to the Presentation Rubric for details in public speaking criteria

• Make eye contact with all judges.

• Be organized and prepared (makes you less nervous and more confident).

• Make sure everyone in the room can hear you.

• Keep a comfortable pace (not too fast or slow).

• Do not mumble.

• Do not fidget, “um,” or “uh.”

• Be aware of your articulation and grammar.

• Do not use slang words or phrases.

• Do not chew gum.

• No cell phones.

• Be personable. Shake hands. Introduce yourself. Thank the judges for coming.

• Dress to impress. This is a dignified and professional occasion, so professional dress is an absolute must!

Professional Dress Criteria

No jeans, shorts, mini-skirts, revealing clothing or visible underwear, tank or halter tops, T-shirts, flip-flops, athletic shoes/wear, hiking/work boots, or hats.

All distracting piercings must be removed and distracting tattoos covered with clothing.

Gentlemen should wear a collared or button-down shirt, sweater (be careful that it is not too casual), dress pants, dress socks, and dress shoes (ties are preferable). Suits are also nice. Refer to rubric for scoring criteria.

Ladies should wear an appropriate dress, skirt (length no more than two inches from top of knee to maintain professionalism), dress pants, blouse or sweater (be careful that it is not too casual), with appropriate dress shoes. Hose are nice. Business suits are also nice. Refer to rubric for scoring criteria.

Authentic attire appropriate for your topic is acceptable only if the outfit itself acts as one of your visual aides. You must explain why your are dressed as you are and your appearance and attire must still meet the following criteria: hair must be neatly groomed, attire must be clean and in good repair, rules about revealing clothing still apply.

6. Audio/Visual Aids (a minimum of 2 is required): The audio/visual aids should document your accomplishments and progression throughout the semester. They may be tangible products that you completed during your hours in which you show

photos/video of the process or photos/video of a service that you performed. The following requirements must be met:

• visually appealing, correct, legible, appropriate.

• large enough for audience to see well

• interact with your aids throughout the presentation to enhance speech content

• purposeful (don’t just have something because it is required)

• demonstrations also count as an aid




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