IST 490 Senior Project I

IST 490 Senior Project I

Fall 2008

Course Description: Senior Project I is designed to ensure that all students understand the basics of conducting research, can construct a well thought out and well written senior project, and are sufficiently prepared to implement their project if enrolled in Senior Project II. Discussion topics will include: how to get started, time management, project development, how to work through project problems, advisor briefings, and communication of ideas.

Course Instructor:

Dawn Holliday, Ph.D.

102 Morrow Library 230 Medical Education Building @ VA

Phone: 696-3748 Phone: 696-3681


Office hours: There are no pre-determined office hours. Students should call or email to arrange an appointment. For quick questions, students are encouraged to just stop by, but may find that I am at the other office.

Attendance/Participation: This class is designed to assist you in producing professional, successful, well-researched senior projects that, when completed, will provide you with the tools to help you become successful in all of your post-graduate endeavors. It is in your best interest to come to class on time and prepared, complete assignments, and meet course deadlines. Although attendance is not mandatory, it is expected and there may be some assignments that you will complete during class periods. Excessive absences will not benefit you, your grade, or your project. Excessive tardiness is disruptive to the class and not fair to your fellow students. If you are unable to attend class, please notify me by email prior to your absence and provide a short explanation as to why you cannot attend.

Deadlines: ALL work is to be submitted by the due date and oral presentations made on the day assigned. Because one of the topics of this class is meeting deadlines, extensions will only be given under extreme circumstances.

Learner Outcomes/Objectives:

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

- write a research proposal

- understand what is required to complete the research proposed

- delineate concrete objectives regarding the research proposed

- produce a timeline to ensure all deadlines are met

- specifically understand how your research will be evaluated

- understand good practices and ethical guidelines for conducting research

- have confidence in communicating research ideas to faculty and peers

Evaluation: The course instructor and your faculty advisor will jointly decide upon the grade you earn in this class. In general, we will use the following grading criteria:

A = proposed a realistic, yet ambitious original research project, superior completion of all assignments by the deadlines; substantial growth and steady progress towards research outcomes; superior class attendance and active participation.

B = proposed a realistic, yet ambitious original research project; above average completion of all assignments by the deadlines; above average growth and progress towards research outcomes; regular class attendance and active participation.

C = proposed a realistic, original research project; average completion of all assignments by the deadlines; average growth and progress towards research outcomes; regular class attendance and participation.

D = designed, but not proposed a realistic, original research project; minimal development towards research goals; average completion of most assignments by the deadlines; irregular class attendance and minimal class participation.

F = the student has failed to design a realistic, original research project; has not completed all assignments and those completed were of below average quality; has missed numerous classes.

General Points Breakdown:

Assignments, Participation, Progress = 30%

Advisor Reports = 10%

Proposal and Associated Documents = 30%

Presentations (midterm and final) = 30%

Multi-tasking: Although multi-tasking may increase your productivity, please refrain from multi-tasking during IST 490. During IST 490 presentations by the instructor, fellow students or visiting speakers, it is inconsiderate to be using the computer located at your seat for ANY reason. Additionally, independent work time during the IST 490 class should be used ONLY to further your project (i.e. not for completing work for other classes, ebay, gaming, or other uses). Students engaged in these activities will be considered to be not actively participating in class and will lose points.

Plagiarism: ALL assignments (written and oral) MUST be the student’s own original work. The ideas of others MUST be properly acknowledged. Submitting a plagiarized assignment will result in a severe grade penalty and may result in more serious sanction including an ‘F’ for the course and possible expulsion from Marshall University. If you are ever unsure about how to properly credit a source, please consult the instructor or faculty advisor prior to submitting the assignment.


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