Leaway - Microsoft


Sports &

Social Club


Minutes of the Leaway Annual General General Meeting

The meeting was held on Wednesday 7th March 2012 at 12.00pm in Balaclava Meeting Rooms in Ramillies Building.

Apologies were received from Claire Brighton and Nicky Moore.

Present: Vice-Chair Sharri-Ann Sedman

Secretary Beryl Vickers

Treasurer Steve Hart

Membership Secretary Chris Holman

Committee members Reia Jones

Anne Walter

Vasen Moodley

Suzie Noel-Cephise

Ordinary members Robert Kemp, Rosina Bellis,

Judith Simpson, Connie Patrickson

Patricia Sinclair, Josephine Buithe

Eileen Henry, Julie Norman, Steve Moffatt

Lindsey Ingram, Steve Winstone,

Gloria Sleeman-Hisurk, Mel Chappell

Chris Harrison.

Sharri-Ann Sedman opened the meeting by giving Claire Brighton’s (The Chair) apologies as she unable to attend due to illness.

Chair’s Report:

However, Claire had sent her report as follows:

“I am pleased to report that the Club has gone from strength to strength tis year and I am confident that we are well placed to look forward to a successful future.

Leaway was formed over 30 years ago and has enjoyed great success throughout its history and this is due in no small part to the enthusiasm and vitality of its membership and more particularly to the willing voluntaries, who make the numerous trips and events so enjoyable. And I would like to add my thanks to all of the committee and organisers for their efforts.

This year saw the start of a new era for the Club as Land Forces, having recently arrived in Andover, began to hear about the Club and started to join and go on their first trips. The committee has also had to adjust to what type of trips people enjoy going on as this has changed with such a large change of members.

This year, we also made some changes to the constitution, particularly concerning membership. These changes were driven both by the introduction of linked membership by the CSSC and changes happening within L.F., such as the early release scheme. The net effect is that this has given more people the opportunity to join, as I’m sure will be covered in more detail in the Membership Secretary’s report.

During 2011, the club activities included:-

Trips to London including a first trip during the school holidays with the option of visiting the wedding dress display at Buckingham Palace and a trip which included a tour of the BBC studios and Wembley.

Several theatre trips including Legally Blonde, Wicked and Warhorse.

A London theatre break.

A trip to Bologne.

A weekend in Paris.

Bluewater shopping trips.

Christmas trips to Birmingham and Prague Christmas Markets.

Organising Zumba Classes in the Sports Hall on site.

Organising Pilates and Yoga classes at Andover Leisure Centre.

We have also provided subsidies for individuals to attend events, which I will leave the Treasurer to report on.

So far in 2012, we have

Organised a London trip (to co-inside with the January sales)

Put on a Children’s New Year Party at Jungle Jungle.

Continued to run Zumba classes.

Organised further Pilates and Yoga classes at Andover Leisure Centre.

We have also planned:

Further trips to London including two more family trips in the school holidays

Theatre trips to see Dreamboats & Petticoats and We Will Rock You.

A tour of the Battlefields of France and Flanders.

A visit to the National Memorial Arboretum.

29 people are booked on our ambitious venture to China

We are also hoping to get a website and Facebook page up and running to help us advertise events more widely. We are fortunate enough to have been invited to start advertising our events in the Marlborough Lines Manual.

Things that need to be done:

The Committee must have its executive posts of Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Membership Secretary filled.

The DSRA grant for 2011 needs to be applied for, by submitting the minutes of this meeting, a full set of accounts and a business plan of our forthcoming events.

The accounts need to be independently audited within the next 6 months and certainly again before the next AGM.

We need our members to come forward with ideas of activities and events that they wish the club to be involved.

Finally, I am aware that there is a great deal of work to do, but I am more than confident that the club will thrive well into the future and our members will benefit immensely as a result.

Treasurer’s Report for Financial Year Jan – Dec 2011

It is always good to open with some good news and I am pleased to report that just recently the DSRA wrote to inform me that it has been agreed that the club would be getting an increased share grant this year of an additional £20.00 per head for ev new member recruited to the club during 2011. This amounts to an estimated unplanned additional income of £1,240 that the club can expect to receive in the near future.

This is particularly good news in that it is not only a welcome boost to club funds, it is also an acknowledgement that the DSRA recognises that LEAWAY is a well-run, well supported club with an active membership. Especially, when you consider that nationally, quite a few clubs are struggling.

First and foremost, I am pleased to report that the club remains in a healthy financial state and is set to remain so for the future.

The closing Bank Balances , as at the 31st December 2011 were:

Community Account £8,084.84

Business Saver Account £12,762.37

Total net Cash assets of £20,827.21

During the year LEAWAY ran a full and wide selection of trips and events including:

Theatre trips to see Lion King, Legally Blonde, Wicked and War Horse.

Shopping trips to London (Feb and Sept), Bluewater and Birmingham Xmas Markets.

In July, the club ran a combined trip to Westfield Shopping Centre, with the option of a tour of the BBC Studios or a tour of the Wembley Stadium.

In August, the club organised a trip to Buckingham Palace.

In October, the club went on a weekend 4 star theatre break with members having a choice of a variety of shows to go to.

Three overseas trips were ran in 2011, including a long weekend to Paris, a day trip to Bologne and in December, a long weekend to the Prague Christmas Markets.

Exercise courses of Pilates, Yoga and Zumba were well attended and arrangements are in place for further courses to be run throughout the year on a regular basis.

As Treasurer of the Club, it is my responsibility to ensure that the membership funds are well managed and for the most part, I am content that this has been achieved. However, it is incumbent on me to report those instances where the financial control was not as satisfactory as it should have been. During 2011, there were two instances in this respect. Firstly, the trip to see Legally Blonde on the 4th of May was not well managed in that of the 40 tickets bought, only 26 were used, leaving 14 tickets unsold ( at a loss of £490 to thr club). The reason for this was a mistake on my part, as I failed to check with the organiser, on just how many members had expressed an interest in going, before I purchased the tickets. Suffice to say, that I can only offer my assurances that I will ensure this is not repeated during my term of office. Secondly, the trip to see War Horse was costed on the assumption that the club would be running one coach to see the show. But, the theatre would not issue the club with 40 tickets on one evening, so the club had to run the trip on two separate evenings and hence having to hire two coaches rather than one. These additional costs were absorbed by the club and not passed onto the members who attended.

Apart from these two minor mishaps, I am able to report that the club finances are healthy and the members can lok forward to enjoying the levels of subsidy that make club membership an attractive and worthwhile proposition.

It should be noted that the club’s 2011 contribution to the PRI is still outstanding, as the DSRA grant was not received until January of this year. The payment will be made in the near future and 2012 contribution will subsequently be paid upon receipt of this grant.

Audit Report – Steve Durrans conducted an audit of the Club’s accounts and I fully support that his recommendations should be adopted.

Finally, on behalf of the members, I would like to extend a big thank you to all of the organisers and committee members whose voluntary efforts are the life blood of the club. Each year, i marvel at the host of activities that our members have enjoyed throughout the year.


I did a mini audit of the Leaway Sports and Social Club books on the 28th Feb. 2012 with the Treasurer, Steve Hart. This was a very light touch audit and concentrated on checking what financial transactions had occurred during the year from Jan 2011 to Dec 2011. (Opening balance to closing balance).


All transactions of payments received and invoices paid had supporting evidence.

The events I checked (three) had all relevant details, income and expenditure, and what subsidy the club had given.

There were clear audit trails for the events.

The books balanced as at Dec 2011.


I think it would be beneficial if there was more information as to how events are subsidised. What is the rationale for subsidies? How is it calculated? And with what supporting paperwork (folio numbers) and also for expenditure.

A quarterly/six month audit would be advisable, to keep the workload down. I am happy to do this, if required.

For the China trip, there is a lot of money being paid at the last minurw, is this a good idea? If historically, everyone has paid, this may not be an issue.


We have had an increase in membership this year and the numbers are as follows:

Full Membership: 559

Associate Membership: 31

Retained 35

Linked Membership: 15

Retired Membership: 89

Honorary: 7

TOTAL: 736

Election of New Committee:

All posts were unopposed. The following were elected:

Chair: Sharri-Ann Sedman .

Proposed by Chris Holman

Vice Chair: Emma Jones

Proposed by Vasen Moodley and Seconded by Andy Manders.

Secretary: Beryl Vickers

Proposed by Donna Webb and Seconded by Gemma Gumm

Treasurer: Steve Hart

Proposed by Trish Sinclair and Seconded by Guy Thompson

Vice Treasurer: To be kept vaccant

Membership Secretary: Christine Holman

Proposed by June Jackson and Seconded by Reia Jones

General Committee: Suzie Noel-Cephise

Reia Jones

Vasen Moodley

Nicky Moore

Anne Walter

Trish Sinclair

Claire Brighton

Jane Tait

PRI Contribution: Our contribution to the PRI fund had historically been based on our membership levels. Robert Kemp expressed concerns that since Land Forces had arrived in Andover, the financial situation of the PRI fund had improved and in fact there was £30,000 in the fund. Previously, Leaway’s contribution had kept it afloat. The military have to pay into the PRI fund and this is taken from their pay at source. Recently, Barry had approached the CO for funds to purchase new equipment and he had been refused. He wanted to get a monthly fitness magazine which would cost £79.00 per annum. The magazine provided details of the latest research into exercise, nutrition etc.. This would have been useful for both the military and civilians who use the gym. Robert proposed that we should reduce our contribution and that a letter should be sent to the CO to the effect that as Leaway makes a contribution to the PRI Fund, our monies should be used to provide whatever was required for the Gym. The PRI fund is not audited. At least, these have not been available to us. We need to have a discussion with the CO on these matters.

A lively discussion ensued and the purchase of the magazine was proposed. This was accepted and Barry will order it.

Robert Kemp then proposed that our PRI contribution for 2012 should be reduced to £1.00 per member. This was passed.

It was agreed that we need more transparency re the usage of our contribution to the PRI fund. It should be used for items of equipment etc for the gym and not go into the general fund.

Any Other Business:

New President for Leaway: According to the LEAWAY Constitution, it is the prerogative of the General Committee of the Club to invite someone to be the President of the Club. Such invitation is extended only to individuals who hold senior civilian appointments at MoD Andover. Sharri-Ann Sedman in her capacity of the new Chair, will ask Daren Gregg if he would accept this position. She will report back at the next Committee meeting.

Both Vasen Moodley , Steve Hart and Jane Tait on the committee of North Hants Area Association. Leaway is the most active of all the clubs within this group. Steve said that subsidies were available for any event that our members attended – up to 6 per year. But, it was up to the individual to apply for them, with the production of the relevant ticket. Send them to Tony Brazier at the following address:

Tony Brazier, 29 Warwick Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG23 8DX, quoting your Leaway membership number.

Barry asked for an updated electronic listing of all Leaway members. This is to ensure that only our paid up members used the gym facilities. Barry and Robert to do a random check of everyone using the gym.

Steve Hart said that it was now possible for members to make payments for events/trips via on-line banking. Please check with him for further details.

Date of next AGM: March 2013 TBC


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