UHB186X Plait and twist hair

嚜燃nit Specification

UHB186X 每 Plait and twist hair

Unit reference number: J/615/0835

Level: 2

Guided Learning (GL) hours: 40


This unit will enable learners to be able to plait and twist hair using a variety of techniques. Learners

will learn how to work safely and hygienically whilst preparing for plaiting and twisting hair. Learners

will also develop their manual dexterity skill to a salon standard and be able to provide aftercare

advice on the maintenance of plaiting and twisting hair.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit, learners will:

LO1 Know the salon requirements for plaiting and twisting hair

LO2 Understand the factors that influence plaiting and twisting hair

LO3 Understand the tools, products and techniques for plaiting and twisting hair

LO4 Be able to prepare for plaiting and twisting hair

LO5 Be able to provide services for plaiting and twisting hair

Version 7

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Unit content

LO1 Know the salon requirements for plaiting and twisting hair

Explain the personal responsibilities for health and safety when providing services in

plaiting and twisting hair:

Taught content


Personal presentation is important in creating an overall good impression and promotes client

satisfaction, repeat/new business and reputation for the stylist/salon. Learners must:

- Maintain a positive image and attitude throughout the service

- Ensure uniform requirements are adhered to. Each salon will have different

requirements and expect learners to dress appropriately. As a general rule closed-in

low-heel shoes should be worn. Where tights/stockings/socks are worn, these should

be clean and free from ladders or holes. Smart non-restrictive clothes for ease of

movement with sleeves or jewellery that does not touch the client whilst service is

provided. Other examples may include a set uniform or T-shirt with or without salon


- Present good, personal hygiene including clean clothes, clean teeth and fresh breath

- Avoid strong smells, for example, tobacco, heavy perfume or aftershave

- Maintain good posture throughout the service with body weight evenly balanced

Describe how to effectively implement health and safety procedures when preparing

the work area:

Taught content


It is the responsibility of all staff to maintain health and safety procedures whilst working in a


- Present a clean and hygienic working area

- Contribute to safe practices

- Knowledge of all health and safety legislation

Describe the risks that may cause hazards when providing plaiting and twisting services:

Taught content






Salon safety is of paramount importance and learners must know how to recognise potential

harm or injury that may occur

Hazard 每 anything that has the potential to cause harm, for example, hair straightener lead

left plugged in and trailing around client*s chair

Risk 每 a chance, high or low that a hazard may cause harm

Learners must ensure they work safely throughout the plaiting and twisting service, ensuring

maintenance of electrical equipment is monitored and what legislation is required including

P.A.T. Learners must carry out visual checks on electrical equipment for safe use and ensure

their client is comfortable and free from harm

Dispose of waste appropriately to minimise risk of cross-infection

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Explain the different types of working methods that promote environmental and

sustainable working practices:

Taught content



Sustainable environment and sustainable working practices requires the co-operation of all

staff, these may include:

- Reducing waste and managing waste (recycle, reuse, safe disposal), for example,

measure products where applicable and do not use excess amounts


Reducing energy usage (energy efficient hairdryers, low energy lighting, utilising solar



Reducing water usage and other resources, for example, turn tap off whilst

shampooing prior to plaiting and twisting hair


Preventing pollution, for example, aerosol products used sparingly


Using reusable items (easy-dry towels)


Using recycled, eco-friendly furniture


Using low-chemical paint


Using organic and allergy-free hair products


Using environmentally-friendly product packaging


Choosing responsibly sourced domestic products (Fairtrade tea and coffee)

Explain the importance of engaging in and documenting Continuous Professional

Development to include information, policies, procedures and best practice

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LO2 Understand the factors that influence plaiting and twisting hair

Describe the hair classifications and how this will influence a plaiting and twisting


Taught content


Learners must know the different hair classifications and how they will influence products,

tools and equipment used when plaiting and twisting, for example, a client with a hair

classification of 1c 每 coarse, straight, difficult hair, has hair that may be hard to control due to

the density and will influence methods used to create a plait or twist

Hair classifications table

Type 1: Straight hair

Type 2: Wavy hair

Type 3: Curly hair

Type 4: Very curly hair

1a Fine/thin

1b Medium

1c Coarse


Straight with volume

Straight difficult hair

2a Fine/thin

2b Medium

2c Coarse

&S* pattern

Frizzy &S* pattern

Very frizzy &S* pattern

3a Fine/thin

3b Medium

3c Coarse

Soft curl

Loose curl

Tight curl

4a Fine/thin

4b Medium

4c Coarse

Tight coiled curl pattern

&Z* pattern and spring curl Tight &Z* pattern

Explain how hair characteristics influence plaiting and twisting techniques services:

Taught content


Analysis of both the hair classification and characteristics during a client consultation will

influence the plaiting and twisting hair service, learner must know:

- Density 每 this is defined as the number of hairs on the scalp and will affect the size of

sections used when creating plaiting and twisting services and choice of products

used. Very fine density hair should be treated with caution and less tension used to

avoid causing damage to the hair


Texture 每 the circumference of an individual strand of hair. Hair can be fine, medium

or coarse. Coarse hair has the largest circumference, and fine hair the smallest.

Texture may affect the porosity of the hair


Porosity 每 this relates to the condition of the cuticle. Porosity levels are caused by

both chemical and physical damage. Cuticles which are raised and feel rough, and may

tangle when plaiting and twisting hair, are known as porous and will absorb water and

products more easily and unevenly when applying finishing products. Suitable

treatment products will be required if hair is porous


Elasticity 每 this relates to the condition of the cortex layer of the hair. Elasticity levels

are affected by how the hair is treated and the condition it is in. Hair should stretch

and return to its normal size, this indicates the hair is in good condition with no

damage to the cortex. If hair stretches and snaps or does not return to its original

length this indicates internal damage to the cortex. When plaiting and twisting the

hair, damage may be more acute towards the ends of the hair, therefore care must be

taken when handling the hair

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Growth patterns 每 this relates to the direction the hair grows from the scalp and may

influence the desired finish. A difficult growth pattern may influence how a plait and

twist is created, for example, when plaiting and twisting over a double or strong

crown area more tension and careful sectioning should be used


Head and face shape and size 每 this relates to the overall shape and size of the client*s

head and includes any specific features. When plaiting and twisting hair, it is

important to ensure that the client has a style which suits their overall appearance,

for example, a client with a high forehead may require a style where the front or

fringe is left loose and the plait or twist is not pulled too tightly, to avoid accentuating

the high forehead


Hair length 每 this will affect the outcome of the plait or twist and general condition of

the hair. Hair that is layered may be harder to plait or twist due to the shorter lengths

in the hair


Desired look 每 the client*s wishes must be considered when creating plaiting and

twisting techniques and advice offered on how to create the finish look, for example,

a client may request a scalp plait where the hair needs to be of a thicker density,

learners must be able to advise correctly


Scalp condition 每 caution must be taken with a client who has a sore or sensitive

scalp, this may contra-indicate the service in extreme cases or require adjustments,

for example, if a client required a tight scalp plait, a looser version could be offered to

avoid causing discomfort to the scalp

Describe factors that can prevent or restrict plaiting and twisting hair services:

Taught content



There is a range of factors which might contribute to preventing or restricting a plaiting and

twisting hair service, for example, a client with an open wound or with recent scar tissue on

the head may not be able to have a plait or twist at all or adjustments made by ensuring the

hair being held has not too much tension

Non-contagious 每 may prevent or restrict services due to severity of condition

- Sebaceous cyst 每 lump on top or under scalp


Psoriasis 每 dry silvery scales of skin


Contact dermatitis 每 dry, red, sore, itchy, may possibly be weeping


Scalp sensitivity 每 an inflamed, sore and red scalp may prevent the use of combs being

used close to the scalp or hair held with tension


Recent scar/tissue injury may be tender when using combs


Hair loss (alopecia), possible after hair extension removal, medication, stress or

trauma 每 use tools and equipment carefully to adapt style to cover hair loss


Traction alopecia 每 loss of hair at the point of tension; excess plaiting or twisting may

cause this

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