Main Objective:

Specific Objective:

|Main Learning Objective |Experiences |Activities |Assessments |

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| | | | |

|Teacher Lead Activities |

|Circle Time |language Development |Literacy & Writing |Math and Manipulatives |Science And Discovery |

|~ Greetings |“Por Un Estornudo” “Because of a Sneeze” : |Arrival Time: children will practice writing | | |

|~ Job Chart |Cause and Effect and Predictability |their own name |~ Making Leaves pattern |~ Exterior Molds: clay |

|~ Calendar | |~ Letter Ff: Practice writing the letter and |~ Sorting pumpkin seeds by their size |impressions of dinosaurs to create |

|~ Days of the Week Song |Helpful Olivia is cleaning the furniture |awareness of its sound. |~ Rubber Ducks: students will roll a dice then|fossils |

|~ Read a Letter Ww book |while little mouse watches from its hole |~Creating a letter Ff word list |count the dots and place the corresponding |~ Chemical Reaction: Mentos and Diet Coke|

|~ Create Ww word list(Tues) |under the table. But what happens to all |~ Journal Writing: My silly pumpkin face |number of ducks in the “pond” | |

|~ Sing “Where Do You |the dust? It goes into Olivia’s nose making| |~ Stimate game: How many leaves in the plate? | |

|Start Your Letters?” |her sneeze! What will happen now? | |We will graph student’s answers | |

|~ Identify Rectangles around the | | | | |

|classroom | | | | |

|Art |Music /Movement |Outdoor Activities |Vocabulary |

|~ Mr. Pumpkin Head: Children will fill|We will dance “Las Cinco Calabazas” with |~ Sidewalk Chalk |Las Estaciones, el otoño, hojas, frio, calor, naranja, café, sueter, botas, bufanda |

|a paper pumpkin with orange mosaics |colorful scarves |~ Dress Ups |Rectangulo |

|~ Painting Leaves: Students will pick | |~ Hula Hoops | |

|a real leave to decorate it with | | | |

|various materials. | | | |

| | | | |

|~Tracing Stencils | | | |

|Value |

|Children will make thank you notes to their parents for all the love, caring, toys, food they receive from them. Children will make suggestions to add to the thank you note. |

|Enrichment Activities & Special Projects |Spanish Workshop |

|Thursdays: Technology Workshop – “Robo-Machines with LEGO” => students build simple machines such as a |List vocabulary, phrases and songs …… |

|seesaw, rolling vehicle, spinning top and many more. By playing with and manipulating the models, children| |

|experience pulleys, levers, gears and other. | |

|Tuesdays: Chiquitos – Spanish Workshop | |

|Mondays & Wednesdays: Garden | |

| | |

|Classroom Environment – centers - |

|Sensory Development: Hang new pictures, eye level. Collect smooth and rough stones or rocks. Post posters of Senses talk about seeing touching and tasting real food. |

|Science and Discovery: Rough and smooth rocks with magnify glass |

|Manipulatives: blocks, puzzles |

|Art: magazines, greetings cards, leaves, |

|Sensory Table: Oatmeal with various items: bugs, containers, tongs, scoopers |

|Large group activity: Pumpkin face art |

|Dramatic Play: Setup pretend Juice bar. Baskets of pretend food. Laminated pictures of kitchen scenes, café, restaurants, cooking appliances. |

|Outside: Hoola Hoops, Balls different sizes |

|Language/Literature: List of Books |


Letter(s): M, N Value: Gratitude

Color: Orange Story: Mi Casa es especial

Shape: Triangle

Number(s): 1, 2

Class: Early Pre School

Week: November 10 – 14

Monthly Theme: Our Community

Weekly Focus: My Neighborhood


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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