Indiana State University

Infant March News Room 106010160Large Motor /Outdoor playDuring outdoor play time the children get to pull up to structures on the playground. They get to push toys around and throw balls. They also get to explore nature by feeling the grass and leaves.00Large Motor /Outdoor playDuring outdoor play time the children get to pull up to structures on the playground. They get to push toys around and throw balls. They also get to explore nature by feeling the grass and leaves.594360010160Sensory PlayThe children are given lots of experiences with messy, sensory play. They play with whip cream as shown by the picture on the left. In our sensory table we explore water with bubbles, different types of paper, rice cereal and colored spaghetti. We also explore cloud playdoh at the table or in the high chairs. Younger infants explore bubble wrap, felt and different types of fabric.00Sensory PlayThe children are given lots of experiences with messy, sensory play. They play with whip cream as shown by the picture on the left. In our sensory table we explore water with bubbles, different types of paper, rice cereal and colored spaghetti. We also explore cloud playdoh at the table or in the high chairs. Younger infants explore bubble wrap, felt and different types of fabric.25336506496685Small Motor activitiesThe older infants and toddlers get to scribble with crayons, markers, paint with brushes, sponges and paint dobbers. They also paint with animals, little people and also ice cube painting on a stick. The younger infants enjoy painting with their fingers.400000Small Motor activitiesThe older infants and toddlers get to scribble with crayons, markers, paint with brushes, sponges and paint dobbers. They also paint with animals, little people and also ice cube painting on a stick. The younger infants enjoy painting with their fingers.-2381256496686Story time/Language DevelopmentWe have been utilizing our felt board and doing nursery rhymes with the children. This allows the children to see a picture representation of the object that we are talking about. We do 5 red apples in an apple tree, five green and speckled frogs, itsy bitsy spider and 5 little ducks. See attached page for words to the nursery rhymes so you can sing them at home with your child.00Story time/Language DevelopmentWe have been utilizing our felt board and doing nursery rhymes with the children. This allows the children to see a picture representation of the object that we are talking about. We do 5 red apples in an apple tree, five green and speckled frogs, itsy bitsy spider and 5 little ducks. See attached page for words to the nursery rhymes so you can sing them at home with your child. 31146755838825Parent RemindersPlease sign in/out your child each day at arrival and departure times.Please remove your shoes before entering our room so we can keep the floor as clean as possible for each child.Please check your child’s clothes to see if they have enough and still fit.Please make sure that your child has shoes that fit for outside play.We strive to provide the best care possible for each child. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to care for your child. Also, if there is a topic you need more information on, please let us know and if we can research it for you.00Parent RemindersPlease sign in/out your child each day at arrival and departure times.Please remove your shoes before entering our room so we can keep the floor as clean as possible for each child.Please check your child’s clothes to see if they have enough and still fit.Please make sure that your child has shoes that fit for outside play.We strive to provide the best care possible for each child. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to care for your child. Also, if there is a topic you need more information on, please let us know and if we can research it for you. ................

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