Clicker Sentences - SEA Instructions

[Pages:13]Clicker Sentences - SEA Instructions

(Instructions as per App Version as of January 2014 and prior to the release of iOS 7)

With Clicker Sentences, you can quickly build a sentence for numerous numbers of activities or reasons. With easy editing the difficulty level on composing the model sentence is easily modified to meet the student's needs. Clicker Sentences is an App that requires setup prior to the student using it. In order to get the full benefit of the Clicker Sentences becoming familiar with the App and its features of the App will require spending time on it. To get started there are about 10 example sentences that can be used. As well there is the Learning Grids Online Resource with access to another 70 pre-made grids.

SEA RCCDSB ? Jan 19/14


Table of Contents

Getting to Know the App ........ p.3

Quick Starts ..................... From Example ....................... From "LearningGrids".......... From Scratch .......................

p.4-6 p.4 p.5 p.6

"LearningGrids" Online ..... Creating Online Account ......................... Browse, Download and Run .................................

p.11 p.11 p.12

Buttons, Bells and Whistles .... p.7

The Menu Bar .................... File Manager ......................... Favourites ............................. New Document ..................... Title ....................................... Settings ................................ o Appearance .............. o Reading Speed ........ o Accessibility ...........

p.8-9 p.8 p.8 p.8 p.8 p.9 p.9 p.9 p.9

Managing Files ............. Editing ......................... Renaming ..................... Deleting ...................... Creating Folder ......... Copy and Move Files .

p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13 p.13

Sentence Grid Creator/Editor .. p.9 Accessing Creator/Editor . p.9 About Creator/Editor ........ p.9

Sentence Grid Editor ............ New Sentence ...................... Model Sentence ................... Word Order .......................... Duplicate Words .................. Created Grid Example 1 ..... Created Grid Example 2 .... Adding Pictures ................... Edit Sentence Sets ............ Re-order Sentences ........... Delete Sentence ................. Apply to All ..........................

p.9-10 p.9 p.9 p.9 p.10 p.10 p.10 p.10 p.10 p.10 p.10 p.10


SEA RCCDSB ? Jan 19/14

Getting to Know the App

Locate and open App.

This is the file manager / home screen showing. The files and folders for iPad is selected and showing.

If this is not showing tap on the "Folder" in the upper left hand corner on all other screens. Open "Quick Start" file. The "White" upper portion of the screen is where the words (from the grid) will appear. This is the Document or Sentence Set. The lower portion, "Sentence Grid," is the words needed to form the sentences (max 12 words). Tap on the words to form a sentence. Then swipe through the 11 sentence grids for explanations of the buttons.

SEA RCCDSB ? Jan 19/14


Quick Starts Before starting, it is recommended looking through the Quick Start file. As well, familiarize yourself with the "Buttons, Bells and Whistles" section of this manual. From Examples Locate and open App.

Navigate to File Manager and open Examples folder.

Choose one of the 10 files listed.

The file opens and is ready for the student to use.

Tap on the grid editor, top right hand corner, to edit file. Tap on Go, top right hand corner, to return back to composing mode for student.

SEA RCCDSB ? Jan 19/14


From "LearningGrids" Online Account needs to be set up prior to accessing online grids (see page 11). Locate and open App. Navigate to File Manager and select "LearningGrids" from left hand pane. Browse for file and select Run Now. File opens into grid editor. Edit if desired. Tap "Go" from upper right hand corner to enter student composing mode.

You are now in composing mode for the student to build the sentence. These dots indicate the number of grids or sentences in this file.

SEA RCCDSB ? Jan 19/14


From Scratch Creating a sentence set from scratch does require knowledge of the App and the features and functions. Without getting to know the App by looking through the Quick Start file and Buttons, Bells and Whistles this quick start method will be difficult to complete. Locate and open App. Navigate to file manager. From bottom of screen select Add.

Select Sentence Set.

Rename set if desired and select done.

Tap on new set to open into grid editor.

Add sentences and choose model, word and picture options. Select Go to go to student composing mode.

SEA RCCDSB ? Jan 19/14


Buttons, Bells and Whistles... Sentence Set, Grid and Tools Document / Sentence Set. Grid Tools. Sentence Grid or QWERTY Keyboard.

One finger swipe left moves to next Sentence Grid. Number of sentecne grids is indicated by the dots bottom centre of screen (11 on this example, max 30ish).

This diagram shows the "arrows" to change the grid (option under settings).

Delete Word ? "Backspace" on any keyboard New Line ? "Enter" on any keyboard Sound Shift ? Tap to "pop up" to listen to words. Then tap on the word to hear it. Tap twice (on word) to hear sentence, 3 times to hear full document. Show Grid Keyboard or Keyboard ? Switch from Sentence Grid to QWERTY Keyboard (shown below).

End of Sentence Punctuation ? Sentence from that grid is read.

SEA RCCDSB ? Jan 19/14


The Menu Bar

Access to File Manager

Add or Open Favourites

Title of Document


File Manager ? Contains sentence sets and grids on the iPad.

Favourites ? Used to mark an unfinished document or a frequently used sentence set.

Deleting is a quick swipe and tap on delete.

Recently used files can also be opened.

New Document ? Create and name a document. Emailing and Printing is not setup on the student's iPad. Title ? Once created document or sentence set can only be renamed from the file manager.

Select edit (top right) and the file to be renamed. Tap and hold on the desired file until cursor appears.

Create New Document

Sentence Grid Creator and Editor


SEA RCCDSB ? Jan 19/14


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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