Grammar - UBC Blogs

centercenterTanya Winshipteacher candidate – ubc | bothwell elementaryGrammarlanguage arts connection8820090900Tanya Winshipteacher candidate – ubc | bothwell elementaryGrammarlanguage arts connectionTable of ContentsUnit Rationale2Assessment2Curriculum Connections3Unit Timeline4Unit Overview5Extensions and Adaptations11Appendices 12GrammarGrade Level: 4/5 Timeline: 10 weeks (2 x 20 mins/week)Unit RationaleThis is an on-going unit aimed at addressing issues of students’ writing. It may seem like a lot of content, but the goal is to simply review material; the content of this continuous practice is not new curricular content, but rather an attempt to review the basics and prepare students for future learning, specifically a creative writing unit which will follow. Through reviewing basics and building on prior knowledge, students will be comfortable in exploring their own knowledge and writing. This unit will largely consist of grammar exercises in a worksheet format. In this way, I can tailor the material to the individual needs of the students.AssessmentThere will not be a formal assessment or test for this unit. The assessment piece for this unit will be taken from the completion of worksheets and participation of activities. Where possible, I will link the grammar work to work being done in other subject areas and assess it as contextual for those grades. Curriculum ConnectionsLanguage ArtsPrescribed Learning OutcomesIt is expected that students will…C7 select and use strategies after writing and representing to improve their work, including– checking their work against established criteria– revising to enhance writing traits (e.g., ideas, sentence fluency, word choice, voice, organization)– editing for conventions (e.g., grammar and usage, capitalization, punctuation, spelling)C11 use the features and conventions of language to express meaning in their writing and representing, including – complete simple and compound sentences – paragraphs to show the beginning of new ideas– correct noun-pronoun agreement– past, present, and future tenses– capitalization to designate organizations and to indicate beginning of quotations– commas after introductory words in sentences and when citing addresses– capitalization and punctuation (e.g., commas, apostrophes, begin to use quotation marks and commas in dialogue) MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYApril 3rd – Lesson 1: Introduction to GrammarApril 8th – Lesson 2: Nouns & VerbsApril 10th – Lesson 3: Adjectives & AdverbsApril 15th – Lesson 4: Articles & ConjunctionsApril 17th – Lesson 5: Prepositions & InterjectionsApril 22nd – Lesson 6: Parts of Speech ReviewApril 24th – Lesson 7: Compound WordsApril 29th – Lesson 8: Sentence BuildingMay 1st – Lesson 9: Verb Tenses May 6th – Lesson 10: Subjects & PredicatesMay 8th – Lesson 11: Punctuation (? ! .)May 13th – Lesson 12: Punctuation (, : ;)May 15th – Lesson 13: CapitalizationMay 20th – Lesson 14: Apostrophe May 22nd – Lesson 15: Quotation MarksMay 27th – Lesson 16: HomophonesMay 29th – Lesson 17: Responding to QuestionsJune 3rd – Lesson 18: EditingJune 5th – Lesson 19: Paragraph BuildingUnit TimelineUnit OverviewTopicLearning Outcomes(SWBAT)ActivitiesMaterials1Introduction to Grammar- define grammar and provide examples of what grammar includes- assess strengths and weaknesses in their own writingDefine grammar by giving students each a poorly written sentence or paragraph. Ask students if they can identify what is wrong with the text. Why does it matter?Brainstorm what is considered grammar. Students will do a self-assessment sheet which asks students to identify strengths and weaknesses.Students will also be asked to write a journal entry on a topic of their choice (provide examples if needed). Collect journals in order to assess students’ writing and compare to their self-assessment. SMARTBoardSelf-assessmentJournals2Parts of Speech: Nouns, Proper nouns & Verbs- define a noun, proper noun, and verb and identify in a sentenceIntroduce nouns, proper nouns, and verbs. Give definition and provide examples.Have students complete related worksheets. SMARTBoardWorkbook3Parts of Speech: Adjectives, Adverbs, & Pronouns- define an adjective, adverb, and pronoun and identify in a sentenceIntroduce adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns. Give definition and provide examples. Have students complete related worksheets. SMARTBoardWorkbook4Parts of Speech: Articles & Conjunctions- define articles and conjunctions and add to sentencesIntroduce articles and conjunctions. Give definition and provide examples.Have students complete related worksheets. SMARTBoardWorkbook5Parts of Speech: Prepositions & Interjections- define prepositions and interjections aand identify in sentenceIntroduce prepositions and interjections. Give definition and provide examples.Have students complete related worksheets. SMARTBoardWorkbook6Parts of Speech: Overview- identify and define all major parts of speechComplete any missed worksheets. Use time to cover any other parts of speech and answer questions.Students who have completed their work may work on flip chart. WorkbookFlipbooks (pre-cut, folded, and stapled)Copied info sheets7Compound Words - identify and define compound wordsIntroduce compound words. Provide definition and give examples. Play matching game (students must find their “match” to complete the word, i.e. four + teen). Students need to find 5 matches and record each one in their workbook. SMARTBoardCompound Cards8Sentence Building- identify the basic structures of sentences- expand on simple sentences to make them more interesting Compete sentence building activity. Possible ideas: flipbook with possible word choices, worksheets, group activity. TBD9Tenses- choose proper verb tenses for sentencesExplain how tenses change verbs. Provide plete related worksheets. SMARTBoardWorkbook10Subjects & Predicates- identify subjects and predicates in sentencesExplain subjects and predicates. Give definitions and provide examples. Complete related worksheets.SMARTBoardWorkbook11Punctuation: Periods, Question Marks, and Exclamation Points- use periods, question marks, and exclamation points correctly- identify the type of a particular sentence and choose appropriate punctuationIllustrate proper usage of periods, question marks, and exclamation points. Give examples. Describe the different “types” of sentences (declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory).Completed related worksheets. SMARTBoardWorkbook12Punctuation: Commas, Colons, Semi-colons- define the use of commas, colons, and semi-colons- use commas, colons, and semi-colons correctlyIllustrate proper use of commas, colons, and semi-colons. Give plete related worksheets.Time permitting, create “punctuation kills” posters.SMARTBoardWorkbook“Punctuation Kills” examplesConstruction paperColouring tools13Capitalization- identify situations in which capital letters must be usedExplain when and why you use capital letters. Give plete related worksheets.SMARTBoardWorkbook14Apostrophe: Possession and Contraction- identify apostrophes as either used to show possession of contraction- demonstrate knowledge of basic contractionsExplain why and when you use an apostrophe. Give examples of possessive uses and contractions. Complete related worksheets. SMARTBoardWorkbook15Quotation Marks- use quotation marks correctly in conjunction with other punctuationIllustrate the proper use of quotation marks. Give examples. Completed related worksheets. SMARTBoardWorkbook16Homophones (Your, You’re; They’re, There, Their)- identify the correct use for common homophones- distinguish when to use your or you’re- distinguish when to use there, their, or they’re Explain what homophones are and provide some basic examples.Then explain the difference between the most common and incorrectly used homophones (your and you’re; they’re, there, and their).Complete related worksheets. SMARTBoardWorkbook17Responding to Questions- demonstrate basic model for responding to questionsIllustrate how to frame answers so that they relate to the questions. Matching game (One student has a question, the other student has the beginning of an answer, i.e. “What is your favourite colour?” “My favourite colour is…”)SMARTBoardQ&A Cards18Editing- effectively use editing skills to improve writingDiscuss the editing process (should link to creative writing lesson). Show students how to edit their piece without rewriting it or erasing everything. (insert, underline, circle, etc.)Give students a paragraph to edit for grammatical errors. SMARTBoardWorkbook with paragraphs to edit19Paragraph Building- understand the basic structure of a paragraph- explain when a new paragraph is neededTime permitting, introduce the basic structure of a paragraph. Illustrate when to start a new paragraph (link to creative writing). Have students practice creating paragraphs with sentence strips (pre-made). SMARTBoardSentence StripsExtensions and AdaptationsThis unit is a whirlwind of materials and concepts. Some lessons may have to be taken out in order to complete the unit. As there is no “formal assessment” for this unit, it will be easier to adapt as needed without affecting the overall outcome of this unit. The primary purpose of the unit was to improve students’ writing and this may be approached in a different way. Work booklets will be created for each student; student with IEPs or who need specific adaptations will receive a modified booklet with lessons removed as appropriate. The intent is to extend these lessons by, where possible, incorporating them into other subject areas. If this is possible, the work for that lesson may be accomplished in cross-curricular connections. The plan itself is for 10 weeks, but will be modified and adapted as needed. Should this unit be re-created, it would be my suggestion to reinforce these ideas and concepts earlier in the year and maintain them throughout. 00Appendices00Appendices ................

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