Phrase vs

Independent & Dependent / Subordinate Clauses

Clause = a word group that contains a ______________ and a ____________, and is used as a sentence OR as part of a sentence.

o However, not all clauses express ____________________________________

o ______________________ Clauses = express complete thoughts

o Dependent / Subordinate Clauses = _______ ________ express complete thoughts

▪ Independent Clauses

o Expresses a complete thought and can stand ____ _____________ as a sentence!

▪ Gertie practices soccer every day.

S V (subject, verb, complete sentence, complete thought)

o It is a _____________ sentence, but it is called an _______________ clause when it is joined with another clause.

▪ He worked on the jigsaw puzzle. (sentence)

▪ After Kevin had fed the cats, he worked on the jigsaw puzzle. (independent clause)

▪ Dependent / Subordinate Clauses

o _____ _______ express a complete thought and _____ ________ stand by itself as a complete sentence.

▪ if you finish on time

S V (dependent clause, incomplete thought)

o MUST be ___________________ with at least one independent in order to make a ____________________ and express a complete thought.

▪ that dad cooked for us (dependent clause, incomplete thought)

▪ We all enjoyed the dinner that dad cooked for us. (dependent + independent clause)

o Dependent Clauses usually start with one of these ________________________:

After, although, as, as if, as though, because, before, however, if, since, so that, than, that, though, unless, until, when, whenever, where, whenever, whether, which, while, who, whom, whose.


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