Tuesday - calhoun.k12.al.us

The NounObjective 1.1 To identify nouns and proper nouns in a sentence; to distinguish between proper and common nouns; to capitalize proper nouns; to distinguish between concrete and abstract nouns.A noun is a word that names a person, place or thing or idea.Activity AWrite ten nouns on your paper to go with each group of nouns listed below. Two examples are given in parentheses. 1. Time (day, second). 5. Events (concert, party)2. Places (garage, city). 6. Persons (student, man)3. Things (book, coat). 7. Actions (race, trip)4. Amounts (size, liter). 8. Qualities. (honesty, trust)Common nouns are the name of a general type of person, place, thing, or idea.Proper noun is the name of a particular person, place or thing, or idea. A common noun is capitalized only if it is the first word of a sentence or part of a title. A proper noun is always capitalized.Activity BWrite these nouns on your paper. Write a proper noun beside each common noun. Write a common nun beside each proper noun.1. Teacher 2. City3. Holidays4. Atlantic Ocean 5. River 6. Ireland's7. Team8. Newspaper9. Neighbor10. SingerActivity C. Write these nouns on your paper. Capitalize the proper nouns. A proper noun names a particular person, place, thing or idea.1. school2. actor3. florida4. ocean5. michael j. fox6. brazil7. lake 8. july9. mars10. englandActivity D Write these sentences on your paper. Capitalize the proper nouns. Every Sentence will have at least one proper noun.1. Jessica mailed a package to houston, texas.2. His friend lives at 602 river drive, apartment 119.3. Last year juan went to a new high school.4. He liked northview senior high very much.5. Colton and logan went swimming in the lake.6. The lake was at the end of south shore drive.7. I met jesse at the corner of white plains road and highway 9..8. Our plane was supposed to land in atlanta, georgia. 9. Because of the storm, the pilot announced that we would land in memphis, tennessee. 10. Mayor johnson invited the band from the james middle school to march in the parade. An abbreviation is a short form of a word. If the whole word is a PROPER NOUN, the abbreviation is capitalized.ExamplesProper NounAbbreviationAlabamaALDoctor SmithDr. SmithWhite Plains RoadWhite Plains Rd.Activity E.Most of the words in an address are proper nouns. Write these addresses on your paper. Capitalize all of the proper nouns. Abbreviate the names of streets and states when possible. mr. colton reidroute 2, box 206anniston, al. 36207mr. logan price911 iron city motorwayanniston, al. 36207mr. colton edwards6743 alabama highway 9anniston, al. 36207mr. jesse helms102 macon drivejacksonville, al. 36265 mr.damian munson2030 rainbow driveanniston, al. 36207mr. juan ruedas23 lewis driveoxford, al. 36203Parts of the country are PROPER NOUNS. Directions are COMMON NOUNS.Activity FWrite these sentences on your paper. Capitalize the proper nouns. NOT every sentence will have a proper noun.When logan graduated from high school, he took a trip to the south.On the first day, he drove 300 miles southwest.On the second day, logan drove west to visit his friend colton in tennessee.The next day logan headed southeast to florida.I’ve never been west of the Mississippi river.Next year, logan and colton plan to take a trip to the west.We’ll fly to california and then rent a car.After we visit the sights, we will drive north to san francisco.My cousins from the northern part of alabama will join us on a tour of the southwest.I met colton’s uncle who lives in monroe, louisiana.The name of language and a particular course are proper nouns. The name of a subject is a common noun.ExamplesProper NounsCommon NounsEnglish, SpanishlanguageHistory 101social studiesIntro to Biology scienceActivity G: Write the word or words that should appear in each sentence to make it correct. Damian got an A in (English, English).Next year Juan is taking (math and social studies, Math and Social Studies).Jessica signed up for (math 1, Math 1).Logan enjoys (physical education, Physical Education).Jesse is going on a field trip in (earth science, Earth Science).Who teachers your (science, Science) class this year?Did you do better in (geography or history, Geography or History)?Colton speaks 9 (Japanese, Chinese and French; Japanese, Chinese and French).Haliegh had to choose between (american history 1 or world history II; American History 1 of World History II).Our (Italian, Italian) teacher does not let us speak (English, English) during class.BellringersMondayParts of Speech - NounsA noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing. It also one of the eight parts of speech. Examples: man, city, book, and courage. Nouns often follow words like a, an, and the.Instructions: Pick out all the nouns in these sentences.1. The teacher told the student that a person should always be loyal.2. People with perseverance will be successful in life.3. I bought a new pen at the drugstore across the street.4. The man said to the policeman that he had not seen the accident.TuesdayLesson 17Parts of Speech - NounsNouns can be singular or be plural in form. Plural means two or more. Plurals are formed by adding s, es, changing y to i and adding es, and with changes in spelling as in man becoming men. Examples: car, cars; fox, foxes; baby, babies; man, men.Instructions: Find the nouns in the following sentences. Some are plurals and some are not.1. Computers are making work easier for secretaries.2. Children always require great energies from parents.3. Labors on farms take great effort by workers.4. Alaina doesn't like puzzles or mathematics.--For answers scroll down.WednesdayLesson 18Parts of Speech - NounsNouns are classified into two general classifications, proper and common. Proper nouns name a special person, place or thing and begin with capital letters. All other nouns begin with small letters and are common nouns.Examples of common nouns include: city, man, boat, and radio. These could be changed into proper noun forms by naming specifics: Salt Lake City, Mr. Jones, Santa Maria, and Motorola.Instructions: Pick out the nouns in these sentences and tell if they are common or proper.1. Becky went with her sisters to Disneyland on Friday.2. My youngest son is in Brazil until September.3. Mr. Smith works with his wife in American Fork.4. Love could bring marriage to Mark and Terri.Thursday Lesson 19Parts of Speech - NounsNouns can also be classified in specific ways. Concrete nouns, abstract nouns, and compound nouns are three such ways. Concrete nouns name things that exist physically as sidewalk, bird, toy, hair, and rain. Abstract nouns name ideas, characteristics, or qualities as courage, pride, goodness, and success. Compound nouns are made up of more than one word as dining room, Bill of Rights, Jeff Hansen, and home run.Instructions: In the following sentences find the nouns and classify them as concrete, abstract, or compound.1. People like to see a home run hit over the wall.2. My daughter works for the post office in Salt Lake City.3. Rhode Island is a success although smaller than Texas.4. Respect must be earned, but honesty should always be our policy.Friday Lesson 20Parts of Speech - NounsThree other specific classifications for nouns are collective nouns, count nouns, and mass nouns. Collective nouns name groups, such as team, class, and choir. Count nouns can be counted. You can use a, an, many, or a number before count nouns. Examples include: one boy, six sheep, and many days. Mass nouns are not countable and include words like gasoline, water, and dirt.Instructions: Find the nouns in these sentences and classify them as collective nouns, count nouns, or mass nouns.1. Get some gasoline, or the class will be late arriving.2. The alien group should come by bus soon.3. The orchestra will be playing in the arena in the evening.4. The water at the beach was covered with oil.Quiz for Lessons 16-20Parts of Speech - NounsInstructions: Pick out the nouns in the following sentences and tell whether they are common or proper.1. Mrs. Mills told the officer at the post office to weigh the package.2. The principal at the school held Eric after the bell.3. Sheep and horses eat grass shorter than cattle.4. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are important to Americans.5. War is a terrible thing that all nations should work to stop.. ................

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